Tales of Old (Choose Their Ad...

Oleh emiliaburnharp

113 4 19

Grand adventures, epic quests, and spoils. This group is soon to gain or lose it all. Join the party on their... Lebih Banyak

The Tavern

Princess of the Nagas

33 1 5
Oleh emiliaburnharp

Crossview Village

Middle of the Street

11:07 PM

The woman leaned forward, the hood of her cloak falling back, revealing her face. The entirety of the left side of her face was a mixture of scars and earthy scales, the other half looking human. Her hair fell in many braids past her shoulders, warm brown hair framing hazelnut eyes. Her next words were soft, tone cautious, "A quest of importance.." She hissed, tongue flicking as she spoke, "Tomorrow-at dawn-a carriage will be riding in. You seem adept at causing mischief-" The snake-like woman paused before continuing. "Stall them but do not kill." Her face seemed pained at the 'kill' part as if she'd rather have said the opposite.

The Orcess steps forward, taking more of a dignitary role, "How long will lat need?" Dressed in a mixture of feathers and furs, crudely strung together into a dress, thick tights paired together beneath it, completing her look. The way she dressed, her stance, all screamed tribal, especially if the white paint dotting her cheeks were anything to take into account. The Barbarian took a protective stance behind his friend, thick arms crossing in an intimidating move, "Yes, as Akumi asked." His chin jutted down, a hairs width away from touching her head, both tall in stature. Akumi, as her name was told, briefly glanced behind her a frown on her face, tusks jutting down with the effort.

Explanations were made, though the woman was vague, giving them the absolute minimum of details possible. Something was off and it wasn't the fact that she had the qualities of a snake. She seemed jittery, eyes darting back and forth, constantly searching for something. Oddly enough, it was the excitable Dwarven woman, the name you'd come to learn her by Reibo, asking all the questions, "What ar' ya?" Xeroutii, the snake-like woman's eyes seemed to finally pause in their perusal, going still as a statue at the question. Deeming it unnecessary to answer, she didn't, going silent for long minutes, before Reibo finally decided to move on. Details were discussed and a plan was made.

Despite Reibo seemingly giving up, she trusted this woman about as far as she can throw her and considering she can't throw her, so not at all. When they parted ways, she flagged down a few from the group, nearly silent as she explained what she thought. "This snak' ain't trustworthy, no' one bit." Agreements were made, deciding before they embarked on this quest, they'd find out information first.

Dair, the small thief, turned out to be a very young Halfling. Barely topping four feet, he was considered big for his race. He volunteered to follow Xeroutti, in return for some coin. Dair had no plans of going hungry if he could help it, gleefully pocketing the copper he was given. Scurrying off, he went on his miniature quest, feet silent on the streets he knew so well.

Unbeknownst to him, he was followed. Silent feet and glowing eyes, taloned hands snatched the boy up, before he could see where Xeroutti went. He struggled, small legs kicking into their knee, before a calming effect swept over them knocking them out cold.

Now, Akumi followed him, not trusting the boy. She half expected him to run off with the money given, rather then handle the task. The tall, feathered and leathery creature came from nowhere, taking the boy but seemingly didn't notice her. In the next instant, the duo faded into the darkness, her heart beating double time. What did they get themselves into?

Her spear was clutched tightly, a family heirloom always kept on her, as she rushed forward. Akumis senses expanded, searching for any clue as to where they went. When nothing was clear, a guttural shout was heard, the spear thrown and impaling into the wall.

Hankae, the Barbarian, never far behind her appeared, looking disturbed. "The boy was taken." Voice gruff, he stated the obvious, face turning dark. His brows sloped down in anger, a vein pulsing in his neck. "Think it's past time to question that Snake!"

The door to Xerouttis room bust down, surely a sight to behold. An Orc, a Barbarian and.. what looked to be a woman in the throes of transforming. Her cloak was discarded, back arching with a crack, muscles seeming to move beneath her skin. Said skin was shedded, rapidly growing lilac scales. The entirety of her bottom half was a serpent's tail.

Blue and red markings coated her skin, along her stomach and arms, dictating her tribe. Vulnerable in her state of transformation, she can't do anything but stare helplessly at the duo that barged in. A broadsword is held to her throat, pointed gruffly by Hankae. "You.. really are a Snake." His voice was incredulous, disbelieving.

Her head shook, seeming she wanted to say something but the transformation held her captive. Movement slid under her stomach, small scales appearing here and there, before finally settling. "Yes-" Xeroutti hissed, slithering close, chest pressed against the blade. "An Naga, to be exact."

Akumi steps closer, spear in hand, bottom slamming against the ground. "What is after lat? The boy was taken!" Her guttural Orcish accent came through, anger in her tone, staring down the woman who'd she like nothing better then to impale. Serpent soup was a delicacy back where she came from.

You have a choice.

A) Continue to threaten this Naga.

B) Focus your attention on saving the boy.

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