Brahms Heelshire ("The boy" f...

By Darkstars4

70.6K 1.7K 522

What if Greta decided to spare Brahms Heelshire? What if she stayed? In this alternate ending of the movie "... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter Seven (part one)
Chapter seven (Part two)
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Epilogue ~ The Final Chapter
Author's Note
Author's Q&A

Chapter One

9.2K 150 50
By Darkstars4

If you haven't watched the 2016 horror movie "The Boy", I suggest doing so before you read this because if you don't, it probably won't make much sense.
I watched in horror, as a tall, lanky man emerged from the black hole in the once perfect wall. Cole was scrambling on the floor. My heart was beating a mile a minute, as he called my name. Malcom reacted fast "Greta get up, come on"! He whispered practically pulling my arm out of its socket. I remained still, my eyes fixed on the figure coming out of the wall. "Jesus what is that"? I whispered to myself.

"It's Brahms" Malcom answered equally shocked.

I shook my head "he can't be". Shock and horror filled my mind as all the clues and red flags came together. It wasn't the doll doing all of this, it was him. He was alive. Brahms cocked his head to the side and shifted his eyes from Malcom and I, to Cole. "No"! I immediately said hoping to distract him, I knew what was coming. Brahms lunged for Cole in an instant.

Malcom tried to step in front "no"! He yelled, but it was no use, Brahms hit him over the head with the attic hook, and continued To attack Cole. I tried my best to grab Brahms, but it was no help, he only shoved me off of him like I was nothing. I backed away watching in horror as Brahms straddled Cole and began to choke him. Cole's arms flailed about desperate to grab anything to help him in the struggle, but they found nothing. Brahms reached out his hand and grabbed a piece of the broken face off of the doll that Cole had broken just moments before and lodged it into his neck. It all happened so quickly, I didn't get a chance to move or react before Brahms was on his way to me.

"No"! I screamed again, he wrapped his arms around me and began to drag me out of the room to a place only he knew. Malcom suddenly appeared, and hit him with the attic hook. Brahms dropped his arms, and fell to the ground. Malcom quickly pulled me up and we ran towards the main entrance. Brahms however beat us there, which caused us to run up the long flights of stairs. He knew this place better than anyone, which gave him an advantage. We'd be lucky to make it much farther. We ran into my room, and I quickly locked the door. Malcom rushed to the windows, as I tried the phone.

"It's dead"! My heart sank as I watched Malcom fail to open the window. The door knob began to rattle and the door began to shake. For a second I was sure that Brahms would break down the door, but when the shaking subsided, I realized that he had other ways in. "The closet"! I screamed as loud creaks and groans from the walls broke the silence. He was coming in through the closet. Just as Brahms' porcelain mask came into view, I slammed shut the closet door. There was no way to keep the door from opening other than holding it. A hand smashed through the closet door, and began to grab me. Malcom rushed and got the phone just in time as Brahms opened the door, he clocked him with it. As Brahms fell to the ground, we rushed out of the door and into Brahms' bedroom. The key that could lock the door was missing.

"The key, find the key" Malcom said as he held the door knob in place. The room was pitch black.

"I can't see anything"! I snapped "oh God"! I rushed around the room looking for anything to help. My eyes fell on the trap door in the closet. "Malcom"! I whispered, "we can get out this way"! He nodded and quickly rushed over to the door.

"let's go"! He said. After we made it through the hole, we realized that the little tunnels in the walls were how Brahms was getting around. We immediately started climbing the steps in the tunnel "it only goes up", I exclaimed. "Which way"? I asked hoping the way we chose would get us out of here.

"Dead end". Malcom muttered. I pushed open a flap on the wall and gasped "Jesus Christ" Malcom exclaimed behind me. It was a whole other room, full of furniture, and living items.

"Oh my God what is this"? I asked putting my hand over my mouth. This was his living space.

"He's got everything he could need", Malcom said disgusted. We looked around in panic.

"He's been living in here hasn't he"? I asked even though I knew the answer. Malcom ignored my question.

"We need to find a way out"! My eyes caught on the life size doll on his bed.

"It's me" I said aloud "that's my dress, my necklace, and my hair". Malcom interrupted,

"Greta, I've found a way down"! I couldn't think, I was too shocked to do anything.

"He's been watching me this whole time"! I said in horror.

Malcom sighed shakily "okay, come on, this way come on"! I picked up the letter on his bedside table when I saw it addressed from his parents, and read aloud it's contents.

"We will not be back, the girl is yours, she is yours to love and care for"- my eyes widened "they were never coming back", I said in sick realization.

"Come on Greta, come on"! Malcom yelled.

"They knew that he would do this, they knew"- I screamed in utter panic.

"Get in Greta please", Malcom said shoving me down the ladder. We walked slowly and silently down the long tunnels and dark hallways. The only light peeking in, were the holes from the walls that led to the rooms on the outside. We stopped as we heard Brahms pass. He knew where we were. Just as quickly as taking a breath, Brahms has crashed into the wall, and was now on top of Malcom. Luckily Malcom was able to kick him off and shove me in front of him towards the gate showing the way out.

"It's the outside"! I exclaimed excited that we had found a way. I quickly rushed over to it and began to push. It wasn't budging. "It's locked"! "Shit"! I yelled.

"Come on Greta, open it"! Malcom said worriedly, we could hear Brahms' yells getting closer. I banged and shoved on the door as hard as I could. It was starting to budge. Malcom began to walk away slowly.

"Malcom where are you going"?! I asked worried.

"He is coming"! Malcom answered. He wanted me to leave him. I would not.

"I'm not leaving without you, I dont want you to die"-
"just go"! Malcom screamed.
"No"! I yelled back,
"Go"! Malcom said again. Just then Brahms appeared at the end of the tunnel growling and panting. "Come on! Come on"! Malcom yelled. Brahms let out another growl before tackling Malcom to the ground. I watched in panic as Brahms beat and choked Malcom. Using the attic hook, he began to beat Malcom until he was unconscious. Flashback photos of Brahms as a child filled my mind. How could such an innocent child become like this? Malcom stopped moving.

"No"! I screamed but immediately placed my hand over my mouth. Brahms lifted his head up slowly to look at me

"Greta"? He asked breathing heavy, his voice high pitched and raspy. I continued to bang on the gate, "come back, I'll be good I will"! Brahms panted. I shook my head and whimpered shoving the door even harder, he inched closer "get back here". He growled his voice drastically lower than before. I finally shoved the gate open and began to crawl out "don't leave me! Get back here"! He yelled "if you leave I'll kill him, I'll kill him just like the others"! I sprinted out of sight as his cries got quieter and quieter. I stopped to catch my breath

"No"! I told myself "Malcom"! He risked his life for me. I turned back towards the house. I had to get Malcom.
I slowly opened the front doors. I rushed over to a small desk and opened a drawer. I remembered what Mr. Heelshire had said before he and Mrs. Heelshire left. If I was good to him he wouldn't hurt me. I found a screw driver and placed it in my pocket, if I needed to protect myself, I would but I wasn't going to kill him if I didn't need to, I had a better idea. He liked structure and rules, so that's what I would give to him. Like I expected, Brahms had found me in no time and was waiting for me in the shadow of the dark foyer. I desperately wanted to run and hide, but I had to be brave for Malcom and for myself. "I came back for you Brahms". I said sharply. "I told you I wouldn't leave you and I didn't did I"? He walked over to me slowly and began to sniff my hair "I told you I wouldn't"- I was cut off by his loud inhales. Impatient and disgusted I interrupted "Brahms"! Startled, Brahms backed up, and stared down at me. His eyes were blood shot and dark. I couldn't find any emotion in them. "It's time for bed now". I snapped. He didn't move, only cocked his head to one side. "Brahms I said it's time for bed", I exclaimed authoritatively, "let's go"! He finally slowly began to walk up the stairs. Once we entered his room, I remained sharp "put that down now Brahms", I said motioning to the attic hook he still had. He laid it on the chest reluctantly and stood still. "Are you ready for bed"? I asked. He nodded slightly. I pulled back the blankets on his bed and waited for him to settle down underneath them, "under the covers" I said. He complied and I easily tucked him in. His eyes followed my every move. I forced a fake smile "now be a good boy and go straight to sleep", I said. His eyes widened.

"kiss" he muttered. I shook my head.

"No kiss tonight Brahms it's your punishment I'm sorry". I turned to leave but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to the bedside.

"Kiss" he said again. Even though I didn't want to kiss him, it was one of the rules and the only way to get him to sleep was to kiss him. Suppressing a gag, I leaned into him slowly as he grabbed my arms. He pressed his mask into my face and held me down. It felt like forever, but I pulled away and stood back up.

"Now go to sleep Brahms, and I'll see you in the morning". He closed his eyes and let out a sigh. I walked out of the room slowly and shut the door quickly and quietly. I never wanted to do that again. I waited at least fifteen minutes outside of the door to make sure he was asleep before I ran back into the walls to search for Malcom. There wasn't much time and I was sure he at least had some sort of brain trauma. My eyes devoured the tunnels and hallways in the walls, but I couldn't find Malcom. Had Brahms moved him before I came back? Did he kill him? The questions in my mind blurred my vision. Was I trapped? I heard a growl from behind me, I already knew it was Brahms before I turned around. the fact that he knew exactly what I would do was impressive. I braved myself for a slap or some type of assault but it never came. He instead placed his hand over my mouth and pinned my arms down to my side. He began to half carry me and half drag me through the walls. Where was he taking me? My eyesight blurred again and went completely black.
DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN "THE BOY" nor do I own any of the character's names. This is all purely for fun and I have no intention to gain anything from this. All rights are reserved and any recognition goes to the film production companies and script writers!!!!
I am a fan of the 2016 film and in honor of it's sequel that is coming out this summer, I decided to write an alternate ending where Brahms is given a second chance. I know I'm already working on a book right now, but it's going slow and I figured this could be a "vacation" book to go to when I'm stressed. This chapter was really easy to write because 99% of it was the movie ending written in Greta's POV and I've seen the movie probably about fifty times (that's not creepy at all). I'm not sure how frequently I'll be updating, I'll try my best lol! Please feel free to CONSTRUCTIVE criticize my writing, I could use advice or ideas on the story! Thank you so much

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