It's Called Magic

By turdckekskkskes

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Hermione Granger has finished Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy; she is now looking for a home to liv... More

Chapter One: Together
Chapter Two: A New Home
Chapter Three: Narcissa
Chapter Four: The Death of Pansy Parkinson
Chapter Five: Miss Me
Chapter Six: Sleepy Grove
Chapter Seven: Wedding Doves
Chapter Eight: The Big Day
Chapter Nine: Searching
Chapter Eleven: Neville, the Hero
Chapter Twelve: You Found Me
Chapter Thirteen: Happy Ever After

Chapter Ten: The Exchange

5.6K 190 78
By turdckekskkskes

"Where do you think Pansy's hiding?" Neville asked, a hint of nervousness peaking in his queasy voice. Luna hung onto his arm like a monkey, her long blone hair trailing behind her.

Draco stepped up to my side, muttering loudly, "And what is she up to?".

I shook my head, sighing quietly to myself. My father was pacing behind me, getting more and more impateint by every minute that we waist. Narcissa was still shaking from the news she received earlier about Pansy, and how she was now a murder who framed her own death. 

I took several spaces forward, spun on the edge of my heel, and narrowed my eyes at the group in front of me. "Now," I said firmly, deciding that I should take charge since nobody else seemed to want to. "Does anyone have any idea where Pansy could be hiding? Any where at all? No idea is stupid." My dad looked at me with widened eyes. "-Besides my father." I added quickly.

'Well," Narcissa piped up for the first time in a long while. "She could be-"

Before Narcissa could finish her sentance, a extremely loud noise urpted from our right, followed by the screams of a few women and the curse words of many men. 

My father cleared his throat loudly. "I-I think we found Pansy." 


We slowly and gingerly approached an old broken down cottage that seemed to have been abandoned for quite some time now. The paint was peeling off the rotten walls. The windows were smashed; the wind was making a weird whistling noise as it rushed through the cracks. The cottage was surrounded by sky-scraper-like trees that caused so much shade that it looked like it was night time.

As I made to step on the broken steps, Ginny grabbed my upper arm and pulled me back, saying quietly, "Don't." 

I looked at Ginny with an odd expression, but it flattened when I saw how scared Ginny looked. And to be completely honest, I was very frightened myself; I didn't know what was going to happen, no one did. Someone could get seriously hurt in a few minutes and I wouldn't be able to help them.

I took a deep breath and looked at Ginny once again. "I have to." I whispered unsurely. Ginny bit her lip, but let go of my arm nonetheless. 

With a warming look at Draco, an awkward smile at Narcissa, Neville, and Luna, and then an odd mutual stare at my father, I walked up the broken steps. The wood moaned under my feet. 

Before I could reach the doorknob, the wooden door swung open and there, standing in front of me, was Pansy. But she looked different; she had seemed to lose a lot of hair, and with the amount she had left, it was messy. Her eyes were unnaturally wide with dark bags hanging under them. Her mouth was lopsided, yet slightly open and her lips were extremely dry. All the clothes she was wearing was dirty and ripped.

"Welcome." Pansy said in an unearthy voice that sounded like leaves scrapping the ground. 

Everyone around me was in shock. I could see Draco out of the corner of my eye and he had a mixed expression of anger and amazment. 

After I caught my breath, I narrowed my eyes at Pansy. "Where is my mother?" I asked cooly, my fists by my side.

"Come in," Pansy said happily, not even noticing that I had spoken. Pansy grinned at us, twisted on the balls of her feet, and skipped back into the little cottage.

With everyone quietly agreeing, all of us slowly made our way into the cottage. Fleur was muttering to herself under her breath, "Zis iz crazy."

We all quietly walked through the dark and dirty cottage, listening for any strange sounds. The inside of the cottage was not better than the outside; the floor was noisey under all of our feet, the rooms were cold, and dirty splattered the floors and walls.

"In here!" Pansy called in a sing-song voice as the sound of struggling met my ears.

We slowly advanced, with all of our wands held out, except my father; who had his fist held, probably thinking it was just as good as one of our wands. I gingerly opened the door to a bedroom. Pansy was standing behind the door, with her wand held. 

My father let out a large and angry gasp; in the corner of the room was my mother, tied up in thick rope that I could only think Pansy created with her own magic. My mother looked sickly and weak. I could easily tell she was tired. 

Before any of us had the chance to even say the spell, Pansy already was holding all of our wands in her hands, a large grin on her face. With a simple flick of her own wand, the door we had just entered through slammed shut. Judging by the clicking noise that followed after the slam of the door, I could only guess that Pansy had also locked the door.

"Okay," I said stronger than I felt. "You have us exactly where you want us. You have my mother. What else do you want?" 

"Draco." Pansy said simply, not giving it a seconds thought. Like we had practiced this conversation before.

I glanced nervously at Draco, then returned my stare at Pansy. "What about Draco?" I asked, even thought I knew the answer; I was deeply dreading to hear it.

"You can have your mother back in one peace," Pansy said in a what-would-be normal voice. "In return for Draco."

The room suddenly went dead silence, like nothing exsisted. My heart fell to the pit of my stomach and my whole body went cold and numb; she wanted Draco in switch for my mother. The love of my life for my own mother, the woman who gave birth to me. It was at that moment that I honestly realized how evil Pansy actually was.

"Fine." Draco said. "If you give Mrs. Granger to us, you can have me. Just- Just don't hurt anyone." 

I looked at Draco like he was mad. I quickly walked back to him and grabbed his hand, hissing in his ear, "What are you saying."

"I have to." Draco said.

Tears built in my eyes quickly, blurring my vision. "You don't. Look, we can find a way to stop Pansy. You don't have to do this for us-" I began, but stopped when Draco put his finger over my lips.

"Hermione," Draco said in a voice I've never heard before. "I know what I'm doing. Trust me. Please."

I nodded. Draco pulled into a large head and kissed my forehead. 

"I love you." I sniffed, embracing Draco. I could hear Draco's heartbeat filling my ear. 

"I love you, too." Draco whispered.

We let go of each other and Draco walked until he was two feet away from Pansy. "Give Mrs. Granger back. You got me, that was the deal. Now." Draco said harshly to Pansy, who was grinning even larger.

Pansy lightly flicked her wand and my mother started to float over to the small group. My father caught my crying mother and held her close to him. 

Pansy threw our wands to us, but kept Draco's in her hand. "Nice doing buisness with you." Pansy called out. 

And what felt like a vaccum sucking us up, we suddenly appeared in a lonely field in the middle of nowhere. 

Ginny hugged me from behind while I cried into her arm. Draco, my lovely Draco, was gone. Stuck with the lunatic Pansy Parkinson. And I couldn't do anything to help. I just lost the one I love. 

My Draco was gone.

Pansy's POV

"I got him. He's mine. All mine. I finally did it." I laughed to myself, shaking my hands together.

I had finally won; I had finally gotten Draco Malfoy all to myself. I had finally got my revenge on Hermione Granger. I did it.

"What do you want with me Pansy?" Draco asked from behind me.

I whipped around and Draco jumped, but returned back to his angry face. Though he tried to look tough, I knew he was scared. He was frightened of me. 

"What do you want, Pansy?" Draco repeated, his eyes darting around the dirty room.

A million ideas that I had had for a long time filled my mind like water. It made me smile widly while Draco just stood in front of me.

"Oh, we're going to have lots of fun."

                                                                    ~ Author's Note ~

Sorry the updates take so long. But my internet no longer holds Wattpad so it does not load and when it does, I can't click on anything. So I have to wait to go somewhere for me to write chapters. And now you know why it takes so long to actually update. Trust me, I love writing this, but you know. 


Now, don't forget to vote, commet, and fan! It wall means so much to me! And maybe message me sometime? That'd be awesome! Love you guys x

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