Stripper💸Ethan Dolan

By eteeweeteexo8

42.4K 481 79

"I'm in love with a stripper" SHORT STORY More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 1

7.9K 56 4
By eteeweeteexo8

Trust me it's gets better!!💜💜

"Bro come on it's your bachelor party your soon to be wife allowed you to go to a strip club"my twin brother Grayson said as he stood at the open car door with many of my other best men

"I don't know gray, I'm just looking at a whole bunch of girls who don't have enough clothes on"I said and he shook his head

"Let's go, at least let me have some fun"he said grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the car

I groaned as he pulled me from out of the car and next to him shutting the door

He dragged me to the door to a line which wasn't so long

Once we got to the front we showed the security our ID and went in

We walked in and immediately heard the loud music being played and the girls dancing on different stages with the poles in the middle

We went over to a large red leather booth and sat down looking around

"Boys we have made it to Paradise"Grayson said raising his arms up speaking loud to be heard over the music

Delilah's P.O.V

I just walked into my job going over to my vanity surrounded by girls staring into the mirror fixing their makeup or wigs

Where do I work? Oh yea a strip club

I'm a stripper yes

I had a bright future ahead of me but then things took a turn so my future turned to shit but I make good money just by dancing on stage so I guess it's ok

"Rocky we need you on in 20"my boss said into the room and I nodded

Rocky is my stage name, it's like an identity for the strippers so when someone thinks they recognize us out of the club we would deny

I take off my big coat revealing my outfit (above)
Then my red curly wig

"Girl you gonna have a good show today"Lola said looking at me through the mirror

"Yea, guys love red"I said moving pieces around then putting on lip gloss

I backed up looking at myself one last time then walked out the door of the dressing room and up the stairs to the main floors

I peeked through the curtain and saw the crowd, tons of people out there

I smiled to myself knowing a lot of ones was gonna be thrown my way

The girl who was out there finished her dance and started walking towards me and through the curtain and smiled at me with the amount of money that was in her top, bottoms and hands

I smiled back and breathed in then walked out from behind the curtains slowly

Here goes nothing

Ethan's P.O.V
She walked out on stage with her bright red hair and her sparkling outfit

God damn she was beautiful

Everyone started laughing at me

I looked at them all with an confused expression

"What's so funny"I asked them and Alex busted out laughing again

"Your face whenever you saw her, it was like love at first sight type look"Dashaun said and I smiled looking down

"Dude you're getting married"Alex said in a serious tone

"I don't like her I think she's hot"I said bluntly

"Hey if anything happens I won't tell"Trent said and I shook my head

"Nothings gonna happen"I said crossing my arms and turning my attention back towards the girl that was now on all fours letting a guy put money in her top

She smiled then looked behind the man to me and smiled sending a wink

I looked down then back up at her seeing her smirking at me

She finished her act and picked up the tons of money that was on the ground strutting off behind the curtain

"Alright how about some drinks"Grayson said and stood up

"Alex come with me"he said and I furrowed my eyebrows

He stood up following Grayson as the rest of the guys sat and talked watching some of the other girls

Grayson's P.O.V
"I know what you're doing and I like it"Alex said and he walked beside me to one of the guys that worked here

"Hey is there anyway that we can get one of the girls to come over to our booth and give my brother a lap dance"I asked the guy and he nodded

"Sure a random one or a specific one"he asked me

"A specific one, the girl with the red hair and sparkly outfit"I said and he nodded and walked away

We walked to the bar and got the drinks to make it look less suspicious and went back to the booth and waited for her to come over

Third person

She walked over with her boss to the booth that sat at least ten men

She wasn't nervous she's been doing this ever since she was 18

She made it over to the booth and she locked eyes with the boy she made with earlier on stage

His breath was taken away

She was the most beautiful girl he's ever came across with, he knew it was wrong but he didn't care

Graysons P.O.V

Her boss started talking
"Don't get to handsy with her and don't assault her or we will use force"he said then walked away

Ethan was shocked that she was here

"So who's the special guy who's getting married"she said and her voice was amazing, everything about her was Ethan's type even though she was a stripper

"That one right there"I spoke up pointing at Ethan and his face turned red from embarrassment

I know he's never gotten a lap dance before and I was so ready to see this

She got closer to Ethan lifting her leg over his legs sitting on his lap

"Relax let rocky take care of you"

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