LionHeart | OC Baratheon/Lann...

By nsvblack

217K 6.2K 721

It only took one night to change the course of history. Cersei Lannister went into labor for the second time... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
- act two.
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen

chapter three

12K 356 13
By nsvblack

The hunt was supposed to leave at dawn but his father was still talking to Lord Stark so Declan had busied himself preparing his horse. Surprisingly, his father was not drunk and Declan could see a glimpse of the man people told him Robert once wa, he was happier here in the north than Declan ever saw at King's Landing.

Once he was done taking his father shouted "Come on lads, I intend to have a wild boar at the feast tonight" His father's words were strong, echoing in the quiet morning.

Declan got on his horse watching amused as Joffrey rode by his father's side, Joffrey was not a good hunter because he simply did not care, he was used to their mother doing his wishes and that had made him lazy, one can not achieve anything without working for it and Declan knew that sooner or later his brother would learn that lesson in the hard way.

"I find myself excited for the simple fact that I will have the pleasure of seeing the crown prince hunting skills"

Robb had decided that it was his job to accompany him on the hunt and to make him feel welcomed in his home, it was not necessary but Declan appreciated the feeling anyway

"Prepare yourself to be impressed" Declan said not able to control the smile on his face, they both shared a laugh before heading out of the yard.

They both decided that they would have a better chance of catching something if they were away from all the noise that his father and some of the soldiers were making, so they took a different path letting the hunting party disappear in the woods. They hadn't managed to catch anything before they heard the sound of horses running towards their direction, Declan caught the hilt of his swords, his heart started to beat faster waiting for the battle that could come.

"What were you thinking? running away without telling everyone, we have been losing time looking for you both!" Declan was shocked at how angry Lord Stark seemed to be.

"What happened?" It seemed Robb had also caught how out of the character his father was acting.

Stark's face fell before saying "Bran fell from a tower"

Robb's eye widened before hurrying to his horse, they all rode to Winterfell in a hurry without exchanging words, the fear of Bran's fate making the air tense. When they got there both Starks ran after Bran leaving they all behind apprehensive.

His father turned to him narrowing his eyes "You had to make the boy go away from the hunting party, didnt you?"

Declan frowed looking at him "What are you talking about?"

"You damn Lannisters always making everything more difficult, we could have been here sooner had you not been away"

"How was I expect to catch something with you talking loud like that? You were the one that suggested the damn hunt in the first place, if someone is to blame for them not being here is not me"

The strength of his hand was enough to make Declan's face turn, it was a statement of how their relationship was that being hit did not surprise him.

"Watch that tongue, boy. I'm still your father and you owe me respect"

"You should act like one then"

Declan had to take a deep breath as he watched his father going away, muttering under his breath damn lannisters, not bothering to give Declan an answer. The pain on his cheek was nothing compared to the shame he was feeling right now, his father had not just hit him, he had treated him like a child in front of the Lannister and Stark soldiers.

Declan stormed out of the yard hitting Joffrey on the shoulder with his on as he passed, taking away the little smirked he had on his face. He needed some time alone otherwise he would end up snapping on someone.

It wasn't until he was in his room that he realized that his father had called him a Lannister, it seemed he was one of the Lannister that were always around that Robert hated so much.

                  ✧ ————— ✧ ————— ✧

He already could see his family having breakfast when he entered the dining room and immediately all eyes lend on him, it was understandable, Declan had retreated to his room not answering anyone's when they tried to reach him.

He took a set beside his uncle Tyrion, not looking anyone in the eye as he greeted them "Good morning" He then dared to look at his mother, he saw her lips pursed looking sharply at his now purple cheek, no doubt everyone knew of his father's little outburst in the yard yesterday by now.

"Is Bran going to die?" Myrcella's words made Declan's words die in his tongue and he turned to his uncle, who the question was directed to.

"Apparently not" Tyrion said with a piece of bread in his mouth making Myrcella break into a smile and Declan to leave a relieved sigh, he had been so angry at his father that he had forgotten Bran had fallen.

"What do you mean?" His mother inquired in a tone that made Declan frown.

"Maister says the boy may live" The silence that followed that was awkward and Declan could not understand why his mother was looking so tense.

"Is no mercy letting a child linger in such pain" His mother said looking directly at Tyrion.

Declan slammed his cup on the table with force making everyone stop to look at him "I was a sick child, would you be happier if the gods had relieved my pain by giving me a quick death?"

His mother's eyes widened as she looked at him "Of course not, the situation is entirely different"

"Only the Gods know for certain, all the rest of us can do is pray" He said quietly, interrupting their little argument. He then reached for a sausage in the table "Charms of the north seem entirely lost on you"

"I can't still believe you're going, it's ridiculous even for you" She said referring to his uncle's trip to the wall and trying to change the subject. Declan didn't have any interest in visiting somewhere colder than Winterfell but could not fault his uncle's desire to get away from them all.

"Where's your sense of wonder? the greatest structure ever built, the men of the Night's Watch, the wintry abode of the White Walkers" Declan smiled seeing his uncle tickling Tommen and making the boy laugh.

"Tell me you're not thinking of taking the black" Jamie said mocking.

"And go celibate? The whores would go begging from Dorne to Casterly Rock"

Declan laugh loud at that, it was good to take his mind out of his problems, being in the north so far away from his home, his real home, made him feel sick inside and he wished nothing more than to see his family but his uncle Tyrion always made things lighter.

"No, I just want to stand on the top of the wall and piss off on the edge of the world" He continued, making the children and Jamie laugh with Declan.

"Children don't need to hear your filth" She said already standing "Come"

Declan decided to go with his mother, even though she said something that angered him she was still his mother and he tried not to be in bad terms with her. She was waiting for him outside the doors, the children nowhere to see.

"I did not mean any harm with my words" She said brushing her finger slowly on his bruised cheek.

Declan sighed "It was rude of me to act so harshly"

"You're so tense since we came north"

"Father and Joffrey are not behaving, so I have to be the one that makes sure the Starks won't hate us. Sansa will be Joffrey's wife and Lord Stark will bring some of his children to King's Landing with him, I only wish to not add more problems to the list" He decided not to comment that he felt tense since he left Casterly Rock, it would make her sad and not solve his problems.

She purses her lips at the mention of Joffrey's name, dropping her hand from his face "You have to be more patient with your brother"

It was not a new argument between them, his mother always tried to make him see the Joffrey that she saw, the problem was that she was the only one to see Joffrey with good eyes.

"You know that I tried, mother" He said quietly not wanting to cause another scene with her in front of the servants "But Joffrey and I don't see each other eye to eye" It was a kind way to say that they hated each other.

Declan could not overlook the way Joffrey acted with their siblings, one thing was being cruel to others but to his own family? Unacceptable. The most important thing that his grandfather had taught him was the value of family.

"Please, try harder" She was looking at him as she was trying to make him understand something that only she could.

Declan only nodded not trusting the words that would come out of his mouth as she kissed his bruised cheek, leaving him with a small smile on her lips.

                 ✧ ————— ✧ ————— ✧

Declan stopped in front of the closed door contemplating if it was the right time to talk with Lady Stark. After taking a deep breath he knocked on the door waiting patiently.

"Come" Her voice was weak and she sounded like she was on the verge of tears.

Declan opened the door slowly taking on the sign in front of him. Bran looked like he was asleep but his mother on the other hand was pale with puffy eyes, Declan had a second to think if his mother would look like that if it was him instead of Bran stuck on a bed before dismissing the thought.

"Lady Stark, I came to say that I'm sorry about what happened to Bran. I will pray for the Gods to wake him soon"

She smiled weakly at him not looking away from Bran "Thank you, my Prince"

He knew that she was only being polite and probably wished to be left alone but Declan was too stubborn and felt like he needed to bring her some sort of peace. He walked slowly to her chair and kneeled by her side, taking her hand to make sure she would look at him.

"Bran is lucky to have you by his side, my Lady. When he wakes up people will look at him with pity because he cannot walk but not you, you will give him the strength he needs to carry on his life, knight or not your son will be extraordinary"

Her smile was still weak but looked more genuine this time, she patted his cheek before speaking "Thank you, my Prince. You are very kind, I have no doubt you will become a good man"

Declan smiled at her while standing "Thank you" He then kissed her hand excusing himself to give her time with her son.

When he closed the door he saw Lord Stark standing near te door looking at him like he was a puzzle he wanted to solve.

"Would you accompany me? I wish to speak with you privately" He said tilting his head, still studying him.

Declan nodded already following him, when they entered his study room Lord Stark closed the door and set on his chair.

"I do not know what to make of you" He simply said.

"I'm not sure I understand, my Lord"

"Your words towards me on the feast where harsh, something that your father warned me about yet my son enjoys your company" He then pursed his lips "even my bastard, Jon told me that you were polite to him and gave him advice about joining the Night's Watch"

"I sorry if I spoke out of order, my Lord" Declan was not going to point that all he said to Jon Snow was something that Stark could have said to his son, who was he to judge? Lord Stark treated his bastard better than any other lord Declan knew.

"There is no need, I thank you for treating him well and for the kind words you spoke to my wife"

Declan waved his hand dismissing it "I only spoke the truth"

"She is not content about me leaving with Sansa and Arya to the Capital, you were the only one that came closer to bring a real smile to her face" His words came softly but his face was hard, the weight of his decision now that Bran was stuck in a bed were heavier.

Declan did not know what to tell him, he already had told him what he taught of him leaving the north and would not lie to sooth the man. When Declan did not answer he continued.

"I'm worried about my daughters at the Capital, Arya has a wild soul and Sansa still believes fairy tales can become real"

He was expecting Declan to look after them, that's why he called him here, Declan groaned internally, he did not need more on his shoulders. "I'm not sure how I can be any help, my Lord"

The man raised an eyebrow at him "You were raised by Tywin Lannister, I doubt there is anyone better for this task" He then signed "But I will understand if I'm asking too much of you"

Declan pinched his noise already feeling a headache forming, he would regret this later but the image of Bran lying in his bed looking so young with death leaning so close was still too fresh on his mind "I cannot promise you that I will be able to shield them from everything and I'm still not sure when I will be going back to Casterly Rock, but I will do what I can to make sure they will be away from harm"

Lord Stark smiled at him like he already knew what his answer would be "That's all I can ask of you, thank you"

He then stood up, making his way to the door and opening it to Declan pass, when he passed through it Stark called him.

"Yes?" Declan only turned his head, looking at Lord Stark with interested, what more would the man ask of him for gods' sake.

His smile was thin and he looked pained, making Declan worry about what the man would say "You are a good man, Declan. I'm happy you are not like Robert" He then closed the door softly leaving a stunned Declan dead in his tracks.

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