Collide | August Alsina | on...

By theeinterlude__

67.3K 3.2K 1.9K

It's true that opposites attract but that doesn't mean it will be easy. More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
On hold..
Hello Again..


2.4K 116 70
By theeinterlude__


August caressed Summers back in a slow motion as she laid asleep on his chest. Her hair was mostly pushed back behind her ears beside a few stray strands that laid on her face. She had a tight hold on his torso moving her head every once an a while.

Meanwhile August stared up at the ceiling trying his hardest to fall asleep but he couldn't. It seemed as if every time he closed his eyes he saw the body of Davonte laying on the hard and cold concrete floor and it agitated him. Davonte didn't deserve to go out like that and his mind wouldn't let it go.

With his insomnia getting the best of him he gently moved Summer to the other side of the bed before getting up. He rummaged through his nightstand drawer quietly and pulled out his journal and weed jar then headed out to the patio that was connected to the bedroom leaving the door open only slightly.

Taking a deep breath he grabbed his pack of rillos and dumped out the tobacco from each one. Once they were both empty he filled them up with his already ground up weed and took his time rolling each one up. He wasn't in any rush since he wasn't going to get much sleep anyway.

After he finally finished he lit the end of the first blunt taking a few quick puffs so it would start burning. When the smoke became a bit smoother he relaxed and sat back in his chair.  He smoked the entirety of the first blunt in complete silence and let the effects slowly take over his body, then opened up the journal he brought along with him. Once he started on the second blunt he began to write.

It had been a while since he'd done this due to everything going on the past few weeks so he was actually glad he could write in it again. The journal was a gift Melvin had gave him years and years ago. Ever since August was a young teen he had issues containing his anger, once something set him off that was it. He had a habit of letting things bottle in until he would just ultimately snap.

Mel knew his brother and so he knew August wasn't the talk about his feelings type. Which is why he got him a plain black moleskin notebook to write whatever he felt to give him an outlet to express his feelings privately.

August had learned quickly that it was easier for him to write in the form of poems or songs. So many of the pages were just filled with verses ranging from shorter to longer lengths.

"I don't always do what I should..but I do what I gotta do" He mumbled to himself before jotting it down. After thirty minutes of writing he was stuck so he read over the lines a few times.

I don't always do what I should
But I do what I gotta do
When you've been at the bottom, you see the hunger inside of you
Don't say what you won't do
Cus it can all change
When the going gets tough it'll drive you insane
See I done dodged a couple shots
Served a couple blocks
Hit a couple corners tryna shake a couple cops
I broke a couple rules
Didn't graduate from school
Cus I was busy hustling, man I thought that shit was cool..

Still not knowing what to write next he took another hit of his blunt and sighed.

"August?" He heard a small voice say from behind him, quickly shutting  the notepad he turned his head. Summer leaned against the glass patio door rubbing the sides of her arms. "It's cold out out here come inside."

"Watchu' doin up?" He asked dismissing her request.

"What are you doing up" She asked right back.

He took another pull from his blunt chucking "Touché"

Planting her bare feet on the patio floor she quickly walked over to August and sat on his lap. "Go inside you barely got any clothes on'"

"I'll go inside when you're ready" She said "Can I?" She looked over at the blunt that was about halfway through.

He nodded placing it in between her fingertips. The two sat in silence as Summer finished the small blunt off. She just wanted to get a small buzz so she could fall back asleep easy. August took the now roach from Summer and ashed it out on the ground then the two made their way back into the room.

August took his spot back on the bed feeling a lot more relaxed and got under the covers. Summer stopped at the bathroom to relieve herself, washed her hands and then put her hair into a low bun.  Once she was through she yawned tiredly and made her way back to the bed.

She slowly crawled on feeling the effects of the weed finally hit her system. "You straight?" August asked weirdly looking at Summer who was on her hands and knees in one spot.

"Oh shit" She sniffed "I got stuck"

"You silly man' you ain't een dat high"

"I knooow"She pouted.

He grabbed her by her waist and laid her body on top of his. She laid her head back on his chest and swung her leg over his torso. "Night" She yawned again, letting her fingers trace the tattoos on his chest while her eyes slowly closed.

"Night love" He lazily said before falling asleep himself.


The next morning Summer woke up in the bed alone she sat up and looked around before stretching her back and arms "August?" She called out, when she got no response she swung her legs over the bed planting her feet on the plush carpet before standing up.

She entered the bathroom to pee and take care of the rest of her standard hygiene. Now that she felt more awake she left his bedroom and looked in the living room and kitchen to see if he was there.

Not finding him she walked back into the bedroom to grab her phone. As soon as she unlocked it August's deep voice alarmed her.

"Whatchu doin?"He asked from behind her

She jumped and faced him feeling her heart race "Jesus! August don't do that!" She shouted shoving his chest.

"What I do?"He slightly frowned before beginning to laugh at her.

"You can't just walk up behind people like that I didn't even know you were here" She stressed pushing him away from her.

"Aight my bad come hea' " He chuckled opening up his arms to her. She shook her head no turning her attention back to her phone. August smacked his lips pulling her into him anyway.

"Mooooove" She pouted.

"I said sorry" He snickered "You was really dat scared bruh?"

"Yes!" She exclaimed hiding her face into his shirt "So stop laughing"

"Okay okay I'a stop"

"Where did you go anyways?"

"Went ta' the clinic so they could stitch up my head den grabbed us some donuts" He explained "Ian wanna wake you up so I went alone"

Summer looked up and sure enough he had four stitches on the side of his head. "Does it hurt?" She asked grazing one of her fingers over it.

"Nah it's straight just got a lah headache. Nun tylenol won't help"

"Are you ever gonna tell me what the fight was about anyway?" She tucked her bottom lip in awaiting his response.

He hesitated before then saying "Eventually..but for right na' youn have ta' worry bout it' just stay away from dat nigga'"


"Just trust me on dis Summer" He spoke before she could even say what she wanted to. She trusted August but she didn't feel comfortable being completely out of the loop of what was going on. However, she was going to stay away from him and pray whatever the problem was is handled soon.


"Coo' since we on da same page na' you wanna eat?"

"Ugh thought you would never ask I'm starving and those donuts are calling my name"

August chuckled "Yea yea save me da dramatics and march on down ta' the kitchen"


Following week


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUMMER!" Amber and Antonio both yelled as I made my way to my locker causing a few people to turn and look.

I covered my face both embarrassed and happy "Wow thank you guys..I didn't think y'all remembered"

Antonio gave Amber a knowing look before playfully rolling his eyes "Chile please dats all you've been talm bout this past week" Antonio scoffed "How could we forget"

"That and how August's face was all in ha' coochie"

My mouth opened agape as I hit her shoulder "Amber!"

"What? I'm not lying" She shrugged giving her a small smirk.

I smacked my lips opening my locker to get the two textbooks I would need for my first and second period "I know I shouldn't have told y'all"

"Girl Im just fuckin' witchu don't keep us in the dark" Amber whined. "I need the tea"

"Yeah whatever I'll think about it"

"I just find it funny how he went from beating ass ta' eatin pussy" Antonio mumbled to himself.

"That's it" I shook my head before turning around.

"Okay okay we done fa'real na" Antonio said in laughter grabbing my arm to pull me back.

"It's my birthday can I get a day off from yalls antics?"

"Our lips are sealed, swear" Amber said

Relieved I smiled as we began to walk down the hall. "Thank you"

"So how's ya morning been so far sis?"

"Well August surprised me with breakfast..we stopped at this really good place on the way here" I explained "I ate so much I don't think lunch is even a option"

"Aww dats sweet did he get you anything?" Amber asked.

I nodded "He did but he said he can't give it to me until after school so we'll see"

"Do you got any otha plans?" Antonio questioned

"No not really just going with the flow"

"Well in dat case we have sumn planned fa' you tonight all you have ta' do is get dressed up and be ready by nine okay?" Amber spoke.

I reluctantly nodded "I don't want to go to a party you guys"

"Girl just trust us, we got this" Amber said snapping her fingers.

"If you say so" I mumbled under my breath.

Finally getting through my last class I exited the school building and spotted August's car in its usual spot. I put a little pep in my step in hopes that he had my gift in the car. Just when I was about a few feet away he hopped out of his side meeting me at the passenger door.

"Wassup birthday girl" He slyly smiled licking over his lips as I approached him.

"Hey, I missed you" I pouted wrapping my arms around his neck. His hands fell onto my waist as he pecked my lips a few times.

"I saw you this mawnin' witcho clingy ass"

"Whatever you know you missed me too"

He coughed covering his mouth "Barely"

I pinched the back of his neck "Excuse me?"

"It was joke damn" He flinched removing one of his hands from my waist to rub his neck.

"Better have been"

"Yeen have to do allat dat shit hurt" He mumbled.

"Don't be a baby you're fine"

"Nah dats' you"

"Wha— Oh..why thank you" I blushed "Now on to more important things, did you bring my gift?"

He sucked his teeth "Spoiled"

"I'm noot I've just been thinking about it all day, you shouldn't have told me."

"Yeah I see dat now."

"Sooo is that a yes?"

"Yeah I got it, whatchu' gon do for it tho?" He asked leaning against the car.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked back softly biting on my lower lip.

He bit his slowly before speaking "Take a guess love"

I tilted my head up while standing on my tippy toes to reach his height and attached my lips on to his. Wasting no time he grabbed the back of my thighs and hoisted me up and around his waist.

I gasped feeling my skirt rise up and quickly reached back to pull it down while my other arm clung around his neck for support.

"August I'm still at school."

"Ion give a fuck" He mumbled against my lips before firmly gripping my ass.

Forgetting about my whereabouts I placed both hands on either side of his face matching his energy folding my tongue deeply with his. Before the kiss could continue I heard the loud and distinct voices of Amber and Antonio.

"YALL IS JUST NASTY!" They yelled from across the parking lot.

"N-A-S-T-Y!" Antonio added.

I quickly jumped down and dusted off my skirt "They're so embarrassing" I whined as August tried to refrain from laughing.

"Don't be trynna change my friends life she ain't ready fa' allat yet!" Amber shouted across the parking lot.

"Oh my god" I groaned "Get in the car" I rushed him.

He let out a small chuckle before opening my door and then heading over to his. I got comfortable and clicked on my seatbelt and August drove off.

"Yo choice of friends is interesting.."

"They're annoying I know"

"No not dat..they just a little outspoken and you mo' of the reserved type" He stayed "Now you do got a lah' mouth on you and dat shit be pissing me off but chu are reserved most of da time."

"You didn't have to add that last part but  I guess we just balance each other out."

A few more blocks down the road and I heard small noises coming from the backseat.

"Um what's that?" I asked while glancing at August.

"Oh shit' I forgot about that lil nigga" He pulled into a Walmart parking lot that was near by and parked the car. After undoing his seatbelt he reached in the back and grabbed the small box that had holes on the top before handing it to me.

"Happy birthday?" He smiled sheepishly.

I skeptically took the lid off the box and my eyes met with the cutest little thing "Oh my gosh August you got me a persian kitty"I cooed.

"Well you already have every damn thang so Ian kno' what else ta' get chu' ..the women at the store said you'd prolly like him"

"I do he's so perfect" She smiled holding the small kitten in one hand and using the other to softly pet it. The newborn cat was enjoying the attention and eventually fell asleep.

"I want him to stay like this forever"  She frowned while moving him to lay on her lap "He's just so cute and small"

"How bout you worry bout givin' him a name first?" He suggested.

"I'm horrible at names you pick."

He scratched his goatee like he was thinking then spoke  "Chino."

"Um Chino?"

August nodded softly scratching the top of the cats head "It was my old dogs name when I was a kid..he died when I was like eight tho'."

"Oh" Summer frowned "Chino it is then, thank you August I love him already"

She leaned over the dashboard and pecked him twice on the lips then the cheek. August then put the car back in drive and got back onto the road.

"We're gonna be the best of friends isn't that right Chi Chi?"

"Don't call em that' he a nigga"

Summer smacked her lips rolling her eyes "Anywaaaaays what are you doing today?"

"Back ta' work once I drop you off'"

Summer nodded focusing her attention back on Chino. Once they made it to Summers place they exchanged a few more kisses to say their goodbyes.

"Enjoy ya' birthday aight & stay outta trouble imma bring da cage and shit fa' him tomorrow."

"Okay" She said as she grabbed her backpack with one hand while holding Chino in the other.

Summer stepped out of the car and made her way up the walkway. August waited until she got unlocked the door and got inside before driving off.


"I can't believe you actually wore the fur coat & brought dat' lil ugly cat ta' dinner bitch you is so boujee" Antonio picked at Summer while Amber laughed.

The trio just got done having dinner at a nice restaurant on Amber and Antonio's dime and were now on the way to the next destination.

"I've been dying to wear it I had to" Summer defended herself as she responded to a text August had sent her. "And I'm too scared to leave him in my room alone he's just a baby" Chino softly meowed making himself comfortable her lap.

Aug🥰: What y'all finna do now?

Sent 10:43 pm

I'm not sure yet they still haven't told me, hows your night?

Delivered 10:44pm

Aug🥰:Boring ta' be honest..ended up not workin and chillin at home. Kinda wanna see you🥴

Sent 10:47pm

Aww you miss little ole me ☺️ I thought I was just oh so annoying a few weeks ago

Delivered 10:50pm

Aug🥰:Aye don't take the nice yung for granted aight.

Sent 10:51 pm

Ok no, I'm sorry 😩 but I'm probably going to be with them all night, they had me pack a bag.

Delivered 10:53 pm

Aug🥰:No me when you settled in for the night.

Sent 10:54 pm

Summer was about to respond when she felt her phone being snatched out of her hand.

"Hey!" She shouted seeing the phone in Ambers hand "Why'd you do that?" She asked holding out her hand for Amber to give it back but she put it in her purse instead.

"Because Antonio and I have been talkin' ta you fa' the past fifteen minutes and you ain't hea one thing" She smirked "I know August got yo panties in a twist and shit but damn"

"I thought we weren't talking about that anymore" She groaned.

"You're right sorry" She smiled turning back around.

Summer sighed and sat quietly for the rest of the ride and twenty minutes later the three arrived at the Hilton hotel. Antonio let Summer and Amber out at the front while he found somewhere to park. Summer followed Amber to the receptionist, who smiled as soon as she saw the two young ladies.

"Hello welcome to the Hilton how may I help you two today?"

"I booked a two bedroom suite unda' the last name Andrews" Amber said pulling out her ID and drivers license.

The woman nodded looking over both cards then typed the name into her computer "Yep here you are, let me go ahead and grab those keys for you"

"Okay thanks"

The receptionist got up and went to the back before coming back with two key cards "Alright you two enjoy your stay the front desk is open all night so call if anything, check out is at 11 am"

They both thanked her and then made their way to the elevator.

"You guys did not have to book a hotel for me" Summer spoke when the elevator started to move up. She was now very aware that the people around his weren't as fortunate as her. So she felt bad that Amber and Antonio paid for her dinner and had now booked a hotel room. "I would've been perfectly fine at my house or y'alls"

"Summer don't sweat it okay? We wanted ta' do this fa' you, it's your day enjoy it"

The elevator dinged then stopped and as soon as they stepped out they were met with their room. Antonio had texted Amber that he was on his way up so she waited for him so they could all walk in together.

Once he got there Amber smiled "You ready Summer?"

"Yes! You're making me nervous"

Amber smacked her lips and inserted the key card. As they all walked in Summer covered her mouth in shock "You guyyssss!" She cheered.

The hotel room was decorated with pink and black balloons with an array of gold streamers hanging around. Summer looked over at the small kitchen and there was a tower built of alcohol that caught her attention.

She then walked more towards the living room and spotted more alcohol, food, games, edibles and more.

"Y'all are so sweet" Summer sniffed trying not to cry she softly put Chino onto the ground and wiped her damp eyes.

"Sis don't cry! You need ta' take a picture wit yo cake so we can get fucked up! Then you can cry all you want to chile'" Antonio said.

"Okay okay let me just change real quick!"

Summer grabbed her suitcase and pulled out a black and white long sleeve sport dress and her pair of black ugg slides before making her way into the bathroom to change.

"Girl hurry up! I'm trynna get big wasted but we gotta get you drunk first" Amber screamed from the living room.

"Coming coming!" She made her way into the kitchen and licked her lips over the cake they had bought her. It was so simple but also cute, she hopped onto the counter holding it with both hands so Amber could take some pictures. She smiled in some and made silly faces in others

Once they wrapped that up Summer walked into the living room where Amber now looked to be setting up and array of shots "Ready for round one?" She smirked.

Summer took a deep breath pushing her short blonde cut behind her ears "I hope so"

"Alright nineteen shots..all yours"

"Well damn" Summer mumbled crouching down onto her knees so she was on the level of the small table.

Amber and Antonio both pulled out their phones to record. "On the count of!"

Summer wasted no time throwing the shots back, Amber and Antonio seemed to have spent so much time and money to make this birthday memorable so she was going to make the best of it. Amber hyped Summer up as she kept her momentum going throwing the small shot glasses back to back . Once she got to ten or eleven everything else became a blur.


I'm back hoes 😩

15+ comments for an update 😘

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