Sky Swan (Jasper love story)

By Gianna355

1.3M 21K 1.1K

This is a Jasper love story about the sister of Bella Swan lets see if her and Bella are ready for this unnat... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Author note

Part 29

17.7K 318 18
By Gianna355

"She thinks that Jasper won't love her no more because she's a dog and we will all hate her," Edward said as I put my head down and layed on the floor.

"We will never hate you," Rose said as she kissed my head.

"Darling no matter what you are I will always love you," Jasper said soon I looked him the eyes but I froze I started to see the life I was going to have with Jasper when we got married us running around by our spot.

"She imprinted on Jasper," Edward said smiling

"We need to talk to Sam and see what he can do for Sky," Carlisle said

"We can't leave Sky like this Edward we need to stay," Rose said

"No, it's too dangerous for Bella if we stay," Edward said I stood up and growled at Edward.

"What about Sky she important too," Rose said glaring at Edward.

"I know she important we can't take her with us Bella needs her If Sky loves her she will understand," Edward said. I jumped on Edward pushing him down

"You don't care about anyone except yourself," I yelled in my head knowing he heard it. Soon I hear a ringing noise I noticed it was my phone that Jasper had in his hand but it hung up quick. Left a message as Jasper played it.

"SKY answer the phone I can't fine Bella please tell me she is with you, give me a call back please," I heard Charlie's voice say through the phone. I growled at Edward as I ran off to go find Bella.

"Sky wait," Jasper said but I keep running if they going to leave let them leave I thought they loved me. Soon I ran and found Bella unconscious with a guy about to pick her up I growled at him as he put his hands up.

"Calm down, I'm not going to hurt her," ??? said. I growled as I walked closer.

"I'm Sam Urly," Sam said. Why does the name sound familiar I said tilting my head O, yeah Billy told me about him I met him like once or twice. I lower down to show him, Im, not going to hurt him.

"I guess you're new, do you know how to turn back," Sam said I gave a confused look well I tired with a wolf face as I shook my head.

"OK, I'm going to take Bella to Charlie, then help you," Sam said as he picked Bella up like she weighs nothing. He started walking towards the house as I was following behind him but he turned around

"You can't follow me," Sam said as I growled

"Your stubborn for a guy," Sam said but that made me growl more as Sam had a shocked look.

"Your not a guy," Sam asked. I shocked my head.

"Guys," Sam said soon two guys came out the forest with no shirts on as they walk close as I growled

"Calm down they are with me," Sam said

"Wow Sam she the same size as you, and a nice white color," a guy said but someone elbowed him the rib as I tilted my head.

"Well it seems like she the first ever female shapeshifter," the other guy said. Shapeshifter?? I wondered

"Well, you guys take her to the front of my house, while I drop Bella off don't lose her, this is Paul and Jared" Sam ordered as I growled.

"You can't growl at the Alpha," Jared said as I rolled my eyes as I got up walking away.

"Wait," Paul said with an attitude but I kept on walking soon it was a Gray wolf in front of me almost my size block the way while growling at me as I growled back but then Jared ran in between us.

"Chill Paul we suppose to take her to the house stop being hot-headed," Jared said wait Paul this gray wolf is Paul so he can change too.

Paul used his nose to push me a little, as he moves his head telling me to walk that way. I bend down for Jared to jump on my back so he can tell me which way to go soon Paul started to run as I run after him. Soon we arrived at this house.

It was a cute little cabin. I bend down as Jared jump off my back and ran into the house as Paul went behind a tree coming back in shorts with no shirt on as I pouted as Paul laugh as I glare at him. Soon Jared came back with a lady with scratches on her face but she still looks beautiful and a guy behind her as I soon realize is Embry. I jumped with happiness that I knew someone here as I run up to him knocking him down.

"What the" Emrby said as he struggle under me as I whined

"Embry you know her," Paul asked

"Her? No, I don't," Embry said. I whimpered as Embry looks into my eyes noticing there was something familiar.

"Wait Sky," Embry said I jumped up nodding my head

"Your Charlie Sky," Jared questioned as I nodded my head soon Sam came back.

"Why is she on Embry," Sam asked

"That's Sky," Embry said

" Billy told me so much about Sky," Sam said

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