The Dark Templar of Remnant

By Al1enF0x

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Y/N L/N a boy who was a orphan but left into the forests to see what he could find. never did he imagine that... More

Crash landing Prolouge
Beacon Academy, Here we come
Thoughts in Chaos

Who and what are you? A Dark Templar?

515 10 2
By Al1enF0x

Yep first Chapter in this book. so let's get it on.


I got from my bed in the middle of the night to drink water but a light outside caught my attention. i looked outside to see a meteor heading for the forest. though many don't see it i think... it has an odd...shape. i grabbed the sharpened stick from under my bed and made my way outside. once outside i saw the smoke coming from the forest.

I began walking into the forest where the Meteor crashed and noticed a few Grimm walking towards it from all directions. "well this won't be cakewalk" i said to myself as i ventured deeper into the forest.

Zhakul POV

I was bleeding and gathering as much energy i could to be still breathing and alive but outside the wreck i heard scraping. must be some aggressive animal. then a dent. another. then the hull busted open and i saw a Black creature with red eyes and white bone like carapace. 'might be some kind of Zerg' i thought and stood up and ignited my gauntlet. used a shadow blink and cut off it's head. as soon i killed it, it turned to dust. black dust.

"what sorcery is this?" i asked myself but the pain from the wounds made me kneel. i pulled myself together and went deeper into the shipwreck to the remains of the armory.

small timeskip

i arrived in the armory and immediately went to the stasis pot to see the Ghost from the Dominion a young one at that in there. i remember now. he volunteered to accompany me but since we were going to be several years in space he closed him. i went over to a console and began typing in the commands to release him. the Pot began to blink red and then the Young ghost was released. he fell over face first into the ground then a groan. "ughh why?" he whined through his mask.

"well it seems you're still in good condition" i made an attempt at a Human Joke "oh Har har Zhakul very fun-what the hell happened to you?!" he exclaimed after interrupting his previous sentence "we were shot down by Feral Zerg i managed to escape through a warp jump but now we are on a Planet human Civilization. also if you want to go outside i wouldn't recommend it. Creatures black as night and have resemblance to the animals you have on earth." "you mean wolfs and such?" i nodded but then groaned and collapsed onto my knees. "my gosh you took a bad hit didn't you?" he said coming over to trying to treat my wounds "it is futile you Kravski... my time is nearing but there will be a successor. a young boy not to far away from the ship nearing us. bring him here." "i see. very well anything else about Amon?" "one of his servants is here. her name is Salem. she is controlling the Black creatures." "alright i get this boy. just gather your strength for what you're about to do when i'm back." with that he grabbed his equipment and rifle and left.


I think i'm nearing the crash site and i can see...Blue flames and mechanical parts i have never seen before? what ever came crashing down it was definitely alien. suddenly a Beowolf appeared and tried to take me down but i dodged and threw my stick right into it's right eye killing it. i walked over as it turned to dust about to pick my stick when suddenly i heard a voice

"Not bad kiddo. not bad. killing one of these things with a stick. i'm impressed" "who are you, show yourself?!" i yelled circling myself to see where this person is hiding. "over here!" i looked over and saw a what i think is a man with a suit and sniper rifle i have never seen before. he appeared from thin air with energy hexagons... is it a cloaking device? "is that a cloaking suit?" "yep" "nice so who are you? a Hunter?" "what's a Hunter on this Planet?" i then took a step back and asked in shock "wait are you an Alien?" "yes and no. well first the no. i am a Human like you but the yes i am from a different Planet" "ohh... THAT'S SO FRAKING COOOLL!!!" i yelled and ran over to him and looked like the little kid i was at his rifle. "interested in Rifles kiddo?" he asked seldom so nodding.

"it's my best friend you can say and i shot many things between the eyes. but now come with me it is really important. my friend wants to speak with you and he is not gonna survive any longer so we gotta hurry" i looked at him worryingly for his friend but nodded and he began running with me as good as i can running after him without loosing sight of him. it was difficult but i managed and we arrived at the Huge Ship it was definetly not from him built cause i can see tech and stuff that are not on him "if you're thinking that isn't mine then yes it belongs to my friend come on" i followed him to a hole in the ship but suddenly a gunshot and something dropping. i looked inside to see him holding his rifle while the gun was smoking and a few meters away a dead ursa with a hole through it's head.

"wow" "impressive right? now come on my friend is in the armory" "no need young Kravski i'm here" i looked over to the i guess cockpit? but what i saw shocked me. he was definitely alien. glowing green eyes dark grey skin purple wrappings and golden shoulder plates iwth purple gems in them. his legs were also strange two toes with long nails that resembled i guess small spikes? his arms were large and his hands only had four fingers. also i could see no mouth so how is he speaking? "what's your name young one?" he said and his voice echoed. does he speak through the tele-mind-thing?

"my name is Y/N L/N and how can you speak? i mean you have no mouth" "well i'm using my psionic energy for that. but please come here. my time is nearly up." i nodded and went over to him kneeling to his level. he then placed his hand on my face with a tight grip but suddenly i saw my vision began to distord then blackness. then light i saw it everything. stars these strange creatures. more of this aliens race and other humans in suits and mechs. suddenly i knew all names of them the Zerg. the Terrans and The Protoss. and his Zhakul... he is a dark templar? then i got back to reality and saw him just laying there lifeless. then suddenly he turned to dust but i catched his mask. and his armor and wrappings fell along with the gauntlet.

i know everything from his memories. " Meeks?" "so he did it? i'm gonna be honest i will miss him but now we have to repair his ship." "you're right then we should head for a place called beacon academy. there is a Man known as Ozpin. he can help us defeat salem." "alright also how old are you?" " 7 you?" "close to you 10" "nice now let's get to work"

Third POV

Y/N Zhakul L/ an Honor for him he carries his name with him now. he and Kravski managed to gather all the parts and repaired the ship in a year. both having no idea how the ship worked until the memory of Zhakul helped them repairing the ship. right now? the Twilight of Shakuras is on an island hovering over the ground while Meeks and Y/N are gathering Dust Crytsals from the hole they burned with the Primary weapon of the ship. both of them became great friends over 2 years and they both appreciated the other. thought Y/N can't really handle the jokes from Meeks, Meeks couldn't really understand why Y/N finds History and the quiet nice. both have their pros and cons but they pull through. after they gathered the last dust crystals they see a bullhead approaching the Twilight of Shakuras. they both looked at each other and nodded. Y/N readied a Feedback and Meeks an EMP. but the bullhead headed over them and landed on the other side of the small island.

then three persons exited it and calmly walked towards them. the dou were still wary of them but put their weapons and abilities away. the trio were two mans and a woman. the woman wearing a white blouse with a small hole over her breasts and a black skirt along with a purple cloak and... holding a riding crop in her hand? blonde hair tied to a bun and green eyes with glasses. the man next to her was in a Black suit with a few stripes of green and a green scarf silver hair and his eyes were hidden behind his glasses and he also carries a cane and a coffee mug. the last man had short black hair and a white suit to his left hip a revolver and his left hand in glove.

"so" the man in the middle began "you're the one Zhakul chose to become his successor?" Meeks immediately pulled his rifle out and aimed at Ozpins head. "no meeks it's okay he's Ozpin" and he lowered his rifle. now both the woman and the other man were alarmed and aimed at them. "hold it. they are allies." "Ozpin are you sure?" "yes i am Ironwood. these boys are here to help although i hoped Zhakul would have been alive" "yes he sadly passed away but left his knowledge with me. so what now?" after a moment of silence "i would like to recruit you both into beacon academy but first you need to reach that age." "meeks?" Y/N asked and Meeks looked back and nodded "we're in" he said looking back at Ozpin "but like you said we need to get older. so before we depart could you tell us the coordinates?" "well it's easy really go to Vale and look for a huge Castle at the Cliff." "okay?" and with that they parted ways.

Now another few year have passed and Modified they're armory to suit dust. Meeks energy for his suit is now a mix out of lighting energy and gravity dust and this can keep him five times longer in cloak mode than his original energy. Y/N Blade can use different Dusts for different effects. either burn them freeze them paralyze them or just one hit them. right now the Twilight of the Shakuras is cloaked hovering over a dust shop called from dust till dawn Meeks was piloting while Y/N went inside to the back to see a Girl with Red cloak. he tapped her shoulder and he thinks he scared her cause she yelped at his appearance. For Ruby however she couldn't believe her eyes the so Called Dark Templar a legend a myth among the people of Vale was standing infront of her. she researched about him but only a little info was found. he was only seen in bad pictures with another person sometimes too. "uhh hello still there?" "oh uhhh what?" she said nervous "i asked you a question" he said calm "ohh alright what was it?" "can you help me find Gravity dust? i've been running low on it for a while" "oh it's in that aisle over there" she said pointing towards the aisle

"thank you" he said about to walk away when a question came from her "are you the Famous dark Templar?" he stopped and turned around and asked "how do you know?" "there were rumors for a few years around vale. a man in Purple cloak wrappings and golden like armor pads. his eyes shining like amethysts. are you him?" "*sigh* yes i am him but-" he was cut off when he heard a voice yell "Put your hands in the air!" they both looked over to said voice to see a man in black suite with a red sword pointed at them "are you robbing us?" Ruby asked "yes"

Both: "oooohhhh"

and with that Ruby and Y/N kicked the man back with Ruby giving a little 'hyah' a man in white suit nodded another henchman over to them "freeze"


The girl and i kicked the guy out of the Window and we landed outside and the girls headphones were still on giving some really good music. she then unfolded a huge scythe while i just got my 'staff' out. we then mades some impressive moves and she stuck her scythe into the ground while i activated my warp scythe. "okay get them"

small timeskip to the bullhead about to escape

'dammit they're getting away' "Meeks now might be a good time to take action!" i yelled into my com on my wrist while the Girl and Glynda looked at me confused till a sound of a larger engine was heard and we looked behind us to see the Twilight of the shakuras beginning to uncloak. The Girls Jaw hit the floor and the Woman in the Bullhead looked shocked. "on it Zhakul" Meeks said through the coms and used the smaller turrets on the sides to fire 3 plasma bolt at it. the bullhead took some serious damage but still managed to flee thanks to the woman using her flames to burn through the shields and disabling the turret. "great more to fix again" i groaned and Meeks groaned too "should i come down?" "yes you better" i said and he cloaked it again and made it on standby. he then opened a hatch and jumped down to us.

"soo i saw all of the Action and to say it wasn't awesome...i would lie to myself" i sighed and looked over to the girl who was still in shock. i then waved a hand infront of her and she snapped back "I'm not dreaming am i?" she whispered though i heard and chuckled "no this is all real" "also Glynda are you gonna take us with you?" and with that we were in bubbles. "ohh great another lecture" Meeks groaned.


what you did was reckless you could have put others into great danger" "they started it!" i chuckled this was my first reaction too from stopping a crime when she made us go with her "hah! same words aye?" Meeks said while pointing at me and i laughed "yep i remember it as it was just yesterday i used the same words" "enough!" Glynda yelled and used the riding crop to slap the table the girl recoiled and hugged my arm. i blushed under my facecloth and Meeks somehow noticed. she then realized what she was doing and let go blushing also Meeks then said "oohhoh already some one falling for you Y/N" i looked over to him with a glare as i gave him a small feedback. "oww do you have to do that?" "yes" "you're no fun" "now Ruby Rose... where did you learn to do this?"

"umm signal academy" "they taught you how to use one of the most dangerous weapons ever designed?" "well one teacher in particular" "i see" Ozpin then placed the cookies infront of her and i watched her devour them like nothing. "Meeks is that you when you eat jerky?" i said while pointing at her "yep definitely me" "well now both me and Ozpin know only one who can wield a scythe like that... a Dusty old Qrow" Ozpin chuckled while Ruby answered with her mouth full "uh thwths mwy uncwle"she said looking at me then back at ozpin as she then swallowed and coughed a bit "sorry that's my uncle Qrow he is a teacher at signal. i was complete garbarge before he took me in and now i'm like whoooo watchaa!" she said while doing karate poses causing me and Ozpin to chuckle again then i asked "and what is a cute girl like you doing at a school to train warriors?" she blushed a bit at me mentioning that she's cute but still answered

"Well... I want to be a Huntress" "you want to slay monsters?" Oz asked "yes you see. i still have two more years at signal before i'm joining beacon. see my sister is going there this year and she's trying to become a Huntress and i'm trying to become a Huntress 'cause i want to help people. my parents always taught us to help others so i thought 'hey why not make a career out of it' i mean the police are alright but Huntsman and Huntresses are so much more Romantic and exciting and really cool. Gosh you know!" me and Meeks just laughed a bit when she finished "yep sounds a lot like me. but you too Zhakul" "oh shut up!" i said and laughed. Ruby looked at us confused "well whenever i find something new and interesting and also a new dust type or whatever in that direction. i get as excited as you are." "well then we have something in common i guess." she answered and gave a small smile "do you know who we are?" "you are Professor Ozpin Headmaster of Beacon. *turns to me* you are the Famous dark templar *turns to Meeks* and you are?" i just laughed and Meeks groaned in annoyance which made Ozpin and Glynda Chuckle "Not Fair! how come you get famous and not me?" "well you always shy away with your cloaking device" "screw you! anyways the Names Meeks Kravski! master in assassination from afar and the Sharpest eye around. plus legendary ally of Zhakul aka Y/N" he said and i just laughed "i doubt you're legendary" came from Ruby which made me fall over in Laughter. "so do want to join my school?" "more than anything" he looks at me and meeks and we both nod and then at Glynda who just rolls her eyes "well okay" Ruby's face lit up in happiness.

Timeskip Ruby POV

After i relieved the memories from nearly a week ago Yang came over and Crushed me after she let go i said "really sis it was nothing" "what do you mean? it was incredible everyone gonna think you're the Bees knees." "okay i don't wanna be the bees knees, i don't want to be anyones knees, i'm just a normal girl with normal knees" "what's with you aren't you excited?" "of course i'm excited it's just. i got moved ahead two years. i don't want people to think i'm special or anything" she then one side hugged me "but you are special." then a news report of the White fang came and then it got interrupted by the blonde from a week ago "hello and welcome to Beacon" "who's that?" "my name is Glynda Goodwitch" "oh" she then continued on how she and others were going to teach us how to become Hunters and Huntresses. but thinking about it made me remember something "oh yeah Yang i forgot" "what is it?" "remember about the rumors of the dark templar?" "oh come on Rubes you know he isn't real" and in that moment "hey there is something in the clouds" a random dude said and we all looked outside the window.

it was some sort of distorted air "what is that?" Yang asked. i was thinking for an answer before the thing began to sparkle with blue energy and the ship from that night revealed itself 'Woah' and 'Wow' were heard. then the ship came closer to us so it was just a few meters away from the window. then a hatch opened up and out came Meeks i waved at him and he waved back before getting pulled in and out came Y/N. i waved again and he just nodded and he went back inside "who were those two?" Yang asked me "well the last one is The dark Templar" "what?!" were heard all over the bullhead. oops eavesdroppers. "and the first one was Meeks. i'll introduce you to them later" and after i said that the ship cloaked again and we lost sight of it.

well i hope i will get to see his weapons again. they were so cool! and those Amethyst eyes...wait what?... what was that?

Blake POV

i can't believe it. those Rumors were true! i blinked a couple times to see if i was just hallucinating but no it was real. the Master of stealth just appeared out of nowhere and disappeared again. hopefully i can find him in the near future. who knows maybe he is heading to beacon too? only time will tell.

A/N and that's the wrap first chapter of the Dark Templar. hope you enjoyed.

Al1enF0x signing out

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