A twist In My life *completed...

By MilaZenHarmony

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"You know, to think about all I just said. I'll reiterate some stuff. In the beginning, I wanted help. But th... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57 (last official chapter)

Chapter 37

49 2 0
By MilaZenHarmony

Bella's dad is officially old news. I gotta say, Dani, Shawn and I did a great job at making his last moments unbearable. I smiled as I remembered his expression in the grand finale. The expression left on the mutilated body would send a never-ending series of chills up the spine of whoever discovers it. He saw it coming though. I tried to warn him sooo many times. But he wanted to be ignorant. None of us has any sign of remorse for what happened. Maybe he did after all. But you know men that host such great egos as he, now he'll never see daylight again.
And no. I didn't feast on him. He's too old for my liking. And I don't like him.

I arrived home at 3:40 am and slowly trudged up the stairs of the sleeping household. I had a feeling that not everyone was asleep. The light in the main bathroom was on and the pipe was running. I tried to think of who would be taking a shower at this hour, but I didn't come up with a single person. Well. A single 'normal person'.
I tried the knob and as I opened the door, the pipe shut off. The young Latina sat on the toilet cover gripping her hand tightly. And was muttering.

'Maybe if I hold it long enough it will eventually close up.' She removed her hand and blood immediately started to trickle down.

"No. no no, no-no-no. Don't bleed. Please stop! I'm so fucking stupid, what did I do-"

She raised her head and gasped when she finally realized I was in the same room as her.

"I-I didn't relapse. I was practising and it opened. The fucking scar opened!"

I closed the bathroom door and knelt infront of her, scanning her arm. That scar really needed stitches to close back up when it was first created.

"Breathe. In, and out. Deeply." I guided and she followed. "Imagine it healing up without a scar." I watched intently as she seemed to concentrate hard. Just when it began to close she leaned a bit to the side. "Hey, what's going on?"

"My heart's gotten a bit stronger but this is too much." She seemed on the verge of tears and all.

I gestured to the half-healed wound and her eyes widened. She took another deep breath and closed her eyes. The main cut and a few other ones —that weren't as severe as the main one was— healed completely. The skin looked like it hadn't been damaged at all.
She groggily looked at me then her arm and marvelled at it.

"Good job. Now go to sleep-"

"I can't. I get nightmares... I'm just gonna watch videos until it's time to get ready." She slowly got up after I did but held the wall.

Without having to ask. I guided her down the steps and sat her on the couch. She wrapped her arms around her stomach, almost in a protective manner. I quirked an eyebrow but she just quickly reached out to pat my stomach in response.
You don't have to keep it if you don't need to. I walked into my room and prepared to fall asleep. But soon, I realized that I would be up for the next 24 hours.

Now it's 6:30 am. I'm downstairs helping my parents with breakfast. The girls got ready to head to Miami. Lauren was definitely excited to be in her home state. Camila? I dunno. All of them were preparing themselves mentally to face the media and lots of rehearsals. They'd only get a couple of days of rest then it was back on the road for tours. And I'd be going back to therapy sessions and lots of training and interviews. Whoopee.

Half an hour later everyone sat around the table ready to refuel before going. It was full of chatter and so lively that I forgot to check on my redhead. I closed my eyes for a few seconds and sighed when I figured she was still sleeping but was gonna wake up soon. I reopened them and caught a glimpse of Normani observing Camila's arm. She was probably confused about how it was so flawless but didn't ask questions. I just smirked and ate tiny pieces of my pancake. Trying to look as unbothered as I possibly could.

"Travel safely! It was a pleasure hosting you all!" mom exclaimed.

All of them gave us hugs and exited. The longest ones were from Dinah and Camila. but Dinah actually left me in shock. She whispered "thanks. And I know what's going on." Before patting my shoulder and heading out after Camila.
Ok, Honestly, How did I not predict that?
Bella descended the stairs in time to go wave as the vehicle took off. She looked quite cheery today as compared to yesterday. She was mostly tired.

Once the vehicle was out of sight she skipped to the kitchen to have her (already portioned out) breakfast. She grabbed a fork and chose what to drink before sitting down to have breakfast. I just watched in astonishment as she happily ate her breakfast.

"Ok, did I miss out on something? Is it your birthday or??" I sat beside her bewildered.

She just shook her head with a small grin. I just waited for her to be finished and continued probing. She just led us back up to my room and shut the room door.

"Ok, does it have something to do about that boy you like? Or therapy?"

"What? No! I forgot he even existed, in all honesty." She still hopped a bit as a slight smile was on her face. "I just wanna go out with you today." She fiddled with her thumbs as she now had an unsure look in her eyes.

"Oh! Yeah, of course!" Ok, now I was elated. I was beginning to wonder if I had reprogrammed her mind without knowing.

We planned out what we would be doing leading up to 9 pm. I knew I had people to meet up with, fittings and other stuff. And after 9, I know that I have to meet up with Shawn. We would either discuss certain stuff or start to train again. I believe that I don't need any training or not any more, but it's different every time we train. And Dani is going to be there... speaking of which, I wonder if they found Richie's body yet?

Eh. Probably gonna be aired tonight. I just want the satisfaction of them being frustrated and arresting people that weren't capable of doing murders to the extent that I- did. Shawn refuses to do the 'horrid' things I do and Dani just cast spells and found the right spots. Anywho, onto my day.

We left the house after I received my agenda of things to do. However, I had a chauffeur today. No matter how much I wanted to drive myself around. The typical black SUV they drove celebrities around in surely drew fans attention. They were in the first place I had to be at already, standing to the side.

I muttered in disbelief under my breath before I put on that "all jolly and prissy" façade. I did the routine, see a few, talk to a few, take a bit of pictures and apologized to everyone that I didn't get to see face to face before going into the building. The security didn't allow any gifts to be accepted but I accepted a few anyways. I loved to piss them off.

I met Bella upstairs in the meeting room—she had been escorted through the back—and sighed when I realized I still had to keep half of that façade up. That includes no cursing, and Hell, did I love to curse recently. Here come three hours of being in this room.

"And that's why I would- hey, are you cold?" The man nervously chuckled. The other people nodded as one of them put the a/c from 17°C to 23°C

Fifteen minutes later, I could still see Bella trying not to seem like she was still cold in the room. I looked at her and furrowed my brows at her slightly trembling body. I already knew the terms and conditions for what he was talking about so I wasn't very interested in that part of this meeting.

"Mi scussi. Do you have an extra jacket? Or anyone?"

A guy that's been watching Bella and I for a majority of the meeting nodded; I pointed to her and he immediately did the honours. At least she wasn't freezing to death now.
One hour left to go.

-meeting finished-

"Thanks for all the clarification on the contract. I look forward to working with you."

"Likewise, the one and only Zendaya will be representing us, what enlightenment is that!" He seemed so hyped and his assistant nodded in agreement. I smiled and turned to look at Bella who had just given back the jacket to the guy. He kissed her hand and she smiled a little. I clenched my hand and sharply exhaled when I remembered we should be going.

"Ok, see you soon! Let's go B." We escorted to the elevator by the security and started on the way down.

I couldn't drop this fake personality until I got into that car and oh, was I glad. Especially since we exited from the back.

"Where to, Miss Coleman?" The chauffeur looked at me through the rearview mirror.

"Any great restaurant that sells vegan food," I mumbled with the most realistic smile I could do.

"Are you ok?" She gently put her hand on my stomach, gently rubbing it.

"M'fine. I just didn't wanna go to so many meetings and fittings."

She ran a hand across my stomach and put her hand lower, and lower.

"If you wanna relieve yourself tonight, don't hesitate." She smirked then moved her hand.

My jaw fucking dropped. I looked at her and she shrugged with a smirk. Oh? Was that the motive from the start? This girl is.. bro. All of a sudden I wanna happily proceed with everything I have for today. I won't even complain, I swear to bloody Tammuz.

We arrived at the restaurant, Bella ordered food to go and went on with our day.

Two more meetings.

*one more.

Lastly. My fitting. I didn't even know what it was for until I recognized the team there. And of course, Law was there.
And it was the best fitting ever!

The people weren't demanding and negative critics. You have no idea how many times I have had people telling me that I need to gain weight, —and recently that I'm too young to have a kid— excuse me? Did I ASK for your opinion on MY personal life? No. This was relieving. So, there I was. Barbecue sauce on my titties; I'm sorry, I had to 😂💀.
My eyes scavenged the room for Bella and were about to walk away from the person adding temporary stitches to my dress when I remembered that she was in the other room.

"Who're you looking for?" The lady attending to the stitches briefly looked up.

"My G- Bella. My friend. I forgot she was in the other room." I began to look at the other dresses around the room.

Please don't start a conversation on when she means to me.

"Just your friend? It didn't look like that to me. She didn't wanna let you go when you suggested going to the other room." She pointed out with a smirk.

"Yeah, cause we're BFFs since the beginning of high school. We're really close."

"Really close." She smirked once again.

I looked at her while she stitched the dress.

" I hope you show her your affection a lot." What I have left of it. " She seems a bit fragile right now. But strong at the same time... and the love she shows. It was only left for you two to kiss to confirm that you both are going out."

I giggle escaped my throat. I cleared it and she looked up at me, continuing her dictation.

" Never let her feel like she's shit. Don't hurt her." Trust me, I won't. I'd have to be possessed by something else for that to occur. "Never give up on her. She looks like she's the one for you."

I gave a genuine smile as a response. Moments later the rest of the team reentered the room and approved the alterations on the dress. Finally!

" We'll be done with altering this dress in a couple of days, then we'll call you in to see how exactly it will be on you." The main tailor beamed.

I nodded and bid them before going to change in the changing room, then to Bella. We stopped to buy food for her then went on our way. My heart was actually palpitating before the chauffeur pulled into our driveway. ...bitch, I'm not ready. I need something to ups- no. Nvm. I'll just let whatever happen.

We greeted my parents in the kitchen and rushed upstairs to my room and locked the door.

"Wait, you sure you wanna do this?" I gently held her hands to her sides.

"Well, Yeah. We've done it before and you kinda need to get your hormones under control. Plus I wouldn't mind doing it every other night if it makes it better." She shrugged with a smile.

Who the fuck flipped the sexual switch in her? You literally just got over rape and childbirth! While I was still contemplating she came closer. She wrapped her hands around my waist then began kissing my neck. I won't lie, I'm surprised yet turned on. I wanna pounce soooo bad but I don't wanna advance or hurt her... yet here she is.
She guided me over to *our bed and I sat. She began to straddle me as the kisses now reached my lips.
You know what, just fuck it. I'm done holding back.
I finally let out that moan I was holding in for Hell knows how long. In no time these clothes will be coming off.

Word count: 2364

Just Imagine what happened after. Lmao.

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