Catch Me If I Fall

By Kate_L19

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Teenage life should be pretty simple, no dramas and no complications. Adelaide thought that, but turns out li... More

New Beginnings
The Grip
Defense system
A new friend
The more you know
We hate coffee
Alaya's predicament
An unhappy household
Don't let go
The kiss
Brodie's plan
The girl's pact
The Ski Trip: Part 2
The Ski Trip: Part 3
Kellie's decision
I need you
So this is goodbye
Every night
New beginnings

The Ski Trip: Part 1

21 3 0
By Kate_L19

One week later;

Adelaide alarm filled the room. She jolted up, accidentally pushing her phone off the bed. It was 6 am. The day of the ski trip.

The light from the sunrise shone into the room, providing Adelaide with light to finish her very last minute packing. Adelaide grabbed her ski goggles, toothbrush, hairbrush and Rolling Stones t-shirt and stuffed them into her suitcase. She threw on her oversized jacket and grabbed an apple as she prepared to leave the house and walk over to Bayview. Her dad stopped her just as she was about to leave.
"I'll be moving into that apartment the day you get back from the ski trip, I wanted to let you know incase you didn't expect it."
Adelaide's heart sank, she hugged her dad and tried to forget about it as she left. "The ski trip is going to be fun" she thought.

All of the students from Adelaide's geography class piled into their base classroom and waited for the bus to arrive. Adelaide was the first one there out of her friend group. She waited patiently until Brodie walked in. They smiled at each other and he sat down beside her.
"Hey, are you excited!?" He exclaimed.
"So excited" she said sarcastically.
"It'll be fun! I also have something to ask you?"
"Yeh?" she said in a inquisitive tone.
"Yep, um..." he paused, cursing himself under his breath.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" Adelaide laughed which sent Brodie into a panic but she grasped his arm calming him down.
"Yeh of course I will" she said with a wide smile.

Alaya dramatically entered the classroom, flinging her arms up into the air.
"Hello, LOVEBIRDS!" She sang.
Both of them put their head down embarrassed.
"Are you excited for the trip?" Adelaide asked her.
"Yeh I'm excited!" She said vaguely. Brodie chimed in.
"Are you excited about specific people going on the trip?" He implied.
"What are you implying Brodie?"
"Well Mr Harris is coming on the trip!" Adelaide smirked, but felt slightly uncomfortable.
"Ok, you both supporting this whole thing is weird now. But, yes I'm excited for him to come on the trip" she squealed.
Oscar and Kellie came in at the same time, they were arguing about "which marvel movie is better."
"Obviously ENDGAME!" Kellie shrieked.
"Ok whatever Kellie" Oscar said.

The class got onto the bus and prepared for their four hour journey up into the snowy mountains. They all looked forward to skiing but weren't looking forward to the trip. Brodie sat down beside Alaya and Kellie sat beside Adelaide, leaving Oscar on his own in front. Mr Harris arrived and sat at the front of the bus, making strong eye contact with Alaya. Lachlan got on last, with Dave. There were only two seats left on the bus. One beside Oscar and one at the top beside the driver. Lachlan sat beside Oscar. Oscar spun around to make eye contact with Adelaide, rolling his eyes at the fact he was sitting so close. Adelaide whispered "ignore him."
Oscar gave her a look as if to say I won't have a problem with that.

Two hours into their journey, Kellie and Adelaide had fallen asleep. Adelaide was listening to music through her earphones to drown out the noise of chatting all around her. Oscar was drawing in his copy while listening to "Satisfaction." Brodie turned to Alaya.
"So, you and Mr Harris" he said awkwardly.
Alaya turned to him, not expecting him to bring up this conversation.
"What about us?" She asked defensively.
"Well, are you guys boyfriend and girlfriend?" She nodded her head.
"How long have you been going out?"
"Around three months" she informed.
"Cool cool cool" he answered weirdly. Alaya looked at him raising an eyebrow.
"I know you probably don't want to talk about it, but you can with me. I won't judge!" He reassured her.
"It not that I don't want to talk about it, it's just. I know how 'unusual' it is to date a teacher" she smirked.
"I don't want him to get in trouble if someone overheard, or if Kellie said something" she looked back to Kellie, double checking she was asleep.
"Adelaide was really worried about you. I guess she just didn't expect to see you guys out, kissing and stuff." Alaya laughed.
"Yeh I get that, I guess if I didn't know she was dating someone and I saw them out I'd be pretty annoyed. But attacking him was a bit far!"
"Yeh, she was just going through a lot. I know that's no excuse but she thought he was using you" Brodie tried to explain.
"I get that, but.."
"I'm not telling you off! I just, I know how much Adelaide was worried about you, she was worried about losing you as a friend."
"She wasn't losing me" Alaya said sincerely. "She'll always be my friend, it's the same for Kellie and Oscar."
Brodie smiled sweetly at her.
"And you! Now that your Adelaide's boyfriend!?!?" She joked.
"I appreciate that" he laughed.
"Thanks Brodie, for being honest."
"I mean it! I'm always here to talk."

The bus halted to a stop. They had finally arrived. They all shuffled off the bus, gasping at the freezing cold air. Ms Murphy and Mr Harris explained that they had rented out log cabins higher up in the mountains for each group to stay in. The class trudged up the mountain through the heavy snow. It was all worth it once they reached their accommodation.

Adelaide was in awe of the cozy log cabin that stood infront of her. It had a porch with a swing chair sitting neatly in the corner. It was covered in a blanket of snow. Mr Harris began calling out the list.
"Cabin 2A, Alaya, Adelaide and Kellie." The girls squealed as they grabbed their bags and waited outside the front door to see who got the connecting log cabin to theirs.
"Cabin 2B, Oscar and Brodie."
They all piled into the cabins. The first thing Adelaide noticed was the blast of hot air that hit her as she walked in, the fire was on. On the floor lay a patterned red carpet and in the living room brown leather sofas filled each corner of the square room. Their kitchen was wide, containing everything they needed in the cabinets. In a corridor right off the hall, on the left was a door. Curious Kellie went to open it. Just as her hand went to grab the handle the door swung wide open, frightening the life out of the girls. It was Oscar and Brodie.
"Yes we can sneak in and steal their marshmallows!" Oscar exclaimed. Alaya ran to the kitchen to hide the big jar of marshmallows sitting on the kitchen counter.
"They're all mine, anyone who tries to take them will suffer the consequences!"

Kellie went to check out the boys cabin which was much smaller than theirs. Adelaide walked upstairs, checking out the bedrooms. On the landing, lay a massive bean bag that could've fitted 5 people on it. She walked into the front room, on the door was a sign that said Adelaide. She opened the door to reveal a cozy, medium sized room. It had a double bed pressed up beside a large window pane which was concealed by curtains. On the bed lay two throw blankets that were a burnt orange and light brown color. Both crocheted. There was a small wooden wardrobe on the other side of the room and a burnt orange carpet covered the wooden floor. The room was dark but had cute fairy lights strung across the walls. Adelaide crawled across the bed over to the window. She pulled back the white curtains and attempted to open the window, which opened out into the room. Wooden shutters were infront of the window, blocking out the cold. Adelaide pushed them out, revealing the beautiful snowy landscape infront of her. Adelaide smiled at how serene the whole environment was. She looked down. The log cabins that their teachers had rented were placed in a small semicircle, one big log cabin lay smack bang in the middle. That was the meeting room, where they could hang out and get dinner.

Adelaide ran back downstairs to tell Alaya about how beautiful everything was.
"Oh my god, I love it here!" She exclaimed. Alaya laughed.
"Our first skiing lesson is in a hour, for now we can just unpack."
The girls spent the hour, unpacking their things into their rooms and bathroom. They hung out on the sofas, leaving the doors open for the boys to walk in and join them. Adelaide couldn't wait to spend her week here. Nothing could bring down her mood.

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