Escape Route (Decode Sequel)

By kixrsty

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Lennon's dad, Axel is out of the grave and walking the Earth, willing and able to destroy anything that comes... More

Escape Route. (Decode Sequel)
Chapter One - Surprise.
Chapter Two - Sleeping Alone.
Chapter Three - Conspicuous.
Chapter Four - Time-Bomb.
Chapter Five - Sleeping Alone II.
Chapter Six - Déjà vu.
Chapter Seven - Orange Juice and Vodka.
Chapter Eight - Bed Ridden.
Chapter Nine - Cotton Candy Mafia Mess.
Chapter Ten - Whipped Like Cream.
Chapter Eleven - Losing It.
Chapter Twelve - Zennon.
Chapter Thirteen - Hennon.
Chapter Fourteen - Nightmare on Mafia Street.
Chapter Fifteen - Daddy Styles.
Chapter Sixteen - Dream Of Me To Keep You Safe.
Chapter Seventeen - Just Girly Things.
Chapter Eighteen - Voulez-vous Coucher Avec Moi?
Chapter Nineteen - Testing, Testing, 1..2..3..
Chapter Twenty - Close As Strangers.
Chapter Twenty One - Devil's Got A New Disguise.
Chapter Twenty Two - If You Love Me Let Me Go.
Chapter Twenty Three - Horan Holmes.
Chapter Twenty Four - Cherry Bomb.
Chapter Twenty Five - Okay? Okay.
Chapter Twenty Six - Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart?
Chapter Twenty Seven - The Mighty Fall.
Chapter Twenty Eight - Escape Route.
Chapter Twenty Nine - Suck My Kiss.
Chapter Thirty - Dirty Thirty.
Chapter Thirty Two - Bitter Sweet See You Laters.
Chapter Thirty Three - Tiny Feet.
Chapter Thirty Four - I'm A Mess.
Chapter Thirty Five - Night Changes.
Chapter Thirty Six - Love Only Leaves You Lonely
Chapter Thirsty Seven - No Control.
Chapter Thirty Eight - A Love Like War.
Chapter Thirty Nine - Harry Almighty.
The End - At Last...

Chapter Thirty One - You'll Be Seeing Stars Tonight...

111K 4.3K 4.2K
By kixrsty

*graphic content warning - don't say I didn't warn you.*


“Are you going to help?” Harry asked, frowning from his hunched over position on the floor. I sat up on the bed, using my elbows for support. I tilted my head as if to say I had to think deeply for an answer. Harry hadn’t wasted any time in arranging a trip to Brighton. It had only been two days since he had brought up the idea and here he was now packing an overnight bag. 

“I quite like watching you do all the work, I feel empowered.” I joked, a wide grin formed on my face. He snarled and turned his back away from me again. 

“I won’t pack you any clear underwear then.” He shot back.

“I’ll just have to go commando then.” I laughed again watching his back muscles tense. “Might even wear a dress too, better hope it’s not windy. That wouldn’t be a great first impression on our potential new neighbours.” 

“Are you trying to wind me up?” He sighed, standing up and running his hand through his matted curls.

“Is it working?” I asked, watching him stalk over towards the bed.

“If I say yes will you stop?” His face was inches away from mine as he leant over my body. His eyebrows were scrunched across his forehead and his lips were pressed in a tight line.

“No,” I whispered. 

“I’m starting to think you don’t want to go.” He replied honestly.

“Oh I do,” I said. “But this is a lot of fun.” 

His lips caught mine in a lazy kiss. I expected his lips on mine the second he began waltzing across the room. My bottom lip was caught in between his. A soft sigh emitted from his mouth when my hand trailed a ghost like path along the nape of his neck. He shivered under my soft touch. I smiled into the kiss, his tongue colliding with mine idly. His forehead rested against mine as he took a deep breath. The tip of his nose brushed mine as he caught his breath. I reached up and pressed my lips tenderly against his again. I could tell it took a lot of willpower for him to pull away. 

“This isn’t getting the packing done.”

“I’m not complaining.” I chuckled.

“We’ll finish this later.” He replied in a firm voice, his eyes locking with mine. I nodded and smiled effortlessly at him.

I propped myself back up on my elbows and pulled out my notebook which had slithered under my torso. I flicked open the first page, the first pieces I ever wrote we were some what hilarious. Hilariously bad. There was no sense of direction in anything I wrote, it was just words on a page with no meaning. Looking at the latest entry I scrawled out the night before at three in the morning when my mind was rushing with ideas, it was a completely different concept. Though it was only a one page love story, it had a storyline, meaning, depth and I actually liked it. 

I read back through more older stuff to occupy myself as Harry continued to decide what spare shoes he should take. Black boots or brown boots? Not like it mattered, he’d probably wear the same ones he was wearing now. I found the snippet I wrote about the lady in the cafe, I wondered how she was now. I should have asked her about her day, or how she was just out of politeness. But I didn’t want to be rude or intrude and it was too late now. I’d passed the cafe recently several times at different times throughout the day and not once had I seen her. 

As excited as I was to explore a new town, the worrying prospect of having a one road future wouldn’t stop filling my head. Harry would always have a source of income helping the South in anyway he could. But I didn’t have a job or one even lined up. I wasn’t going to university or any sort of classes. I was sort of just living day to day doing the odd chore here and there. There was only so much of doing nothing I could take before I was just utterly bored. When I worked at the bakery I would have killed for a day off, but at the present I would have done anything to go back to work as crazy as that sounds. 

“I think the worse of rush hour should be over now, you ready?”

I whipped my head up and looked at Harry who was stood, duffle bag slung over his shoulder. “Yep.” I jumped off the bed and led the way out of the room.

“Is anyone else even awake?” He asked as he walked down the stairs.

“There’s tea cups strewn all over the kitchen counter, so unless everyone had a midnight tea party then I reckon someones awake.”

“I haven’t heard any movement from anyone.” He said. “Though it is only half nine. I guess we’ll just leave a note.”

“Or you could send a group message?” I offered thoughtfully.

“I’d be willing to bet half these buggers haven’t even got their phones charged up let alone switched on.”

“Good point.” I replied. “Did you want me to make some breakfast before we leave?”

“I thought we could grab something on the way at a service station. There’s one just before the motorway that has a great coffee shop, do the best croissants too.”

“Better than mine?” I quipped, raising an eyebrow.

“Course not babe.” He grinned, resting his hand on the small of my back as he gave my forehead a quick peck. I hmmed but dropped the matter, croissants weren’t worth fighting over - yet. I’d let the argument rest until I tried these so called croissants myself.

Harry threw the duffle in the car and ran around the side of the car, opening the door for me catching me by surprise me. I stumbled back until he nudged me inside the car.

“What are you up to?”

“Can’t take care of my girlfriend without my motives being questioned?”

“So I should get used to this?” He didn’t reply and jogged around the car again, hopping into the drivers seat. I reached over to flick the radio on but his hand caught mine midway to the console.

“Driver controls the radio.”

“Since when?” I cried.

“Since now.” 

I rolled my eyes at him and slumped back in my seat. Thankfully he put a radio station we mutually agreed on, on.

The journey would have taken half the time if we had gone on the train. But Harry thought the prospect of sitting in a hot, metal carriage with cold ridden passengers was hell like. I was going to lecture him on the way he spoke about ordinary people, but he confessed he just wanted to spend some time alone as well. My heart warmed at his confession and I couldn’t be irked at him for long.

His pleasant mood didn’t last long after we picked up breakfast from the coffee shop he was so smitten with. I had to the admit the coffee was on par, it tickled my taste buds in all the right ways but the croissants were a different story. Croissants are supposed to be light and flaky but these were polar opposite. I wasn’t a food snob but these weren’t great. 

“I swear they’re normally great.”

Mm.” I replied. “How many times have you been there?”


“Once and you give them the title of the best croissants ever?”

“That was before I tried yours.”

“I just don’t understand how someone managed to make rock cakes out of pastry.” I mused, banging the rock hard pastry against the dashboard in Harry’s car.

Heeeey.” He whined, pushing my hand away. “You might dent my car.” I laughed with him before tossing one of them at his head. “Ow!” He cried, rubbing the sore spot. “I’m trying to drive here.”

“Trying and failing.”

“Are you purposely trying to be a pain in my arse today?”

“And yet you still want to live with me.”

“I can quite easily turn the car back around.”

“What a waste of petrol that’ll be.” I smirked, watching his face scrunch up as he bit back a snarky reply.

“I’m gonna throw you in the sea when we get there.”

“I hope there's a fit life guard on duty then, might have to fake being unconscious so I can have some mouth to mouth action.” Watching Harry getting riled up was one of my favourite things to do. His muscles along his arms tensed as his fists turned white, gripping the steering overly tight. I decided to leave the jokes aside for a while whilst I let him regain a normal composure and skin complexion. 

The only time I had even been house hunting before was when I was looking for a flat to live in after my mother was taken into care. And even there all I did was a find an ad in the newspaper and rang up the landlord. The rent was somewhat cheaper than any other place in London and the ceilings didn’t have too much damp. It was close to the old bakery and I didn’t hesitate in closing the deal after one phone call.

This time however was a lot different. We had to discuss mortgages, what bills are included in each house and all the other mind numbing stuff. Harry wasn’t interested in any of it either. He had insisted we didn’t need a mortgage and he’d be able to pay upfront if we chose a house. The estate agent seemed unsure about Harry’s proposal, clearly not expecting him to be the type to be able to fork out a load of money just like that. But the man clearly into his late fifties with his receding hair line and crevice like wrinkles, needed to learn to not judge a book by his cover. 

We must have looked at about eight different houses, all of them very different in appearance, character and location. But my mind wouldn’t let go of the first house we stepped into. I was a firm non believer in love at first sight, until I walked through the front door.  It was right on the sea front, a little away from the all the hustle and bustle of the pier and what not. But the sea was still on the door step, the neighbourhood was quaint but secure, it also seemed very welcoming, unlike London as a city.

“Do you want to order  takeaway or something?” Harry asked, peering up from the menu in his hand. I had crashed out onto the mound of pillows on the bed. I could hear the sea crashing against the rocks outside the window. Thoughtfully he had rented us a picturesque bungalow for the night to crash in rather than a run down B&B or shoddy hotel. 

“Mm,” I let out a soft sigh. “Sure.”

“What do you want?”

“I’m up for anything.”

“Pizza or Chinese then?”


“That wasn’t an option.”

“You have a menu for the local Indian in your hand.” I laughed, watching him frown at the paper in his hand. “Quite fancy a Jalfrezi, do you want to share?”

“You do realise they’re quite spicy.”

“Not a fan of spice?” I quirked an eyebrow.

“No, I’m just worried you won’t be able to handle it.”

“I can handle my hot food how I handle my hot men.” 

“Is that so?” He smirked, his eyes peering over the menu again. I nodded subtly. “I'm hot then am I?” 

I tapped my fingers against my chin. “You’d know what make you even hotter?”


“Calling up the takeaway and ordering my tea.” 

“Such a tease.”

There were many ways to reply, physically or just vocally but I didn’t. I let Harry order the food in peace and because I was actually really hungry. We didn’t eat lunch, we just had enough time to stop for afternoon tea. The estate agent was on a 'strict' schedule. The cakes we had for a snack were a million times better than breakfast. The pot of tea even put Louis’ regular cuppa to shame. I’d never tell him that, he barely liked me as it was. 

Harry hung up the phone and flopped down on the bed next to me, his limbs sprawling out at every angle. His legs draped over mine, our ankles knocked against each other. “They said it’ll be at least forty five minutes, busy night.”

“Must mean it’s good then.”

“I like it here.” He mused.

“Yeah,” I agreed. “Me too.”

“It’s so different than what I’m used to. Before I met you the thought of leaving the city had never crossed my mind.”

“Have you spoken to your mum?”

“Not yet, I will do this week.” He replied thoughtfully. “I was also thinking maybe we should visit your mum at some point if you wanted to?”

“Yeah, I’d like that. Thank you.”

“No need to thank me, I’d do anything for you.”

“I know but I don’t understand why-“ He cut me off, silencing my lips with his finger. 

“I could write a novel about all the reasons why I’d do anything for you, but we only have this place rented for the night so I’ll keep it simple. I’ve never felt the way I do around you, with you before. No matter how many times I wake up with you by my side, I still have butterflies just thinking about you. When you’re sleeping body curls around mine, my heart feels full. Of love and everything more. I feel alive with you, being in love with you. I’ve never felt like this, I thought I had my life sorted but that was before I met you. You never changed me, you just showed me another side of life. You showed me the real reason to live. The reason I’d do anything for you is honestly because I love you so much I can’t even get my head around it.”

“I love you too Harry, more than words can fathom."

“Can I have a proper kiss now? I haven’t had one all day.” He rested his body weight on his elbows as he half sat up.

“You had one this morning.” I replied, rolling towards him.

“And I do recall we were going to finish what we started.” He grinned already shrugging his jacket off. Once his coat hit the floor his hands were flush against my sides and pulled me on top of him effortlessly. 

“Cheeky.” I smiled just as enthusiastically as him. 

One of his hands tugged gently at my neck, bringing our bodies closer together. Our lips met in unison, melting under each others touch. The kiss was lazy and sloppy, it was slow but tender. His hand let go of my neck, allowing him to roam up and down both sides of my body. His fingers slipped under my t-shirt, which was actually his. “I want this back by the way,” he mumbled against my lips, he pinched the material on the hem hinting at the shirt. I hadn’t listened to The Rolling Stones since my latter years at school, wearing the shirt felt sentimental. And it was really comfy. 

His fingers tickled the skin under my bra. A small giggle escaped my lips before I could stop it. The heat rose to my cheeks faster than I could imagine. “Did you just giggle?” Harry pulled back and let out his own low laugh. I shut him up by kissing him firmly. His touch moved down to my hip bones, lightly tracing circles with his thumbs over them. It tickled but I managed to keep enough composure to carry on kissing him. 

We pulled apart momentarily to catch our breaths. I took the opportunity to take my jacket off I still had on, and pulled at Harry’s shirt - the one he was wearing, signalling I wanted him to take it off. I would never get over the beauty of his bare torso. Though I didn’t understand all of his tattoo’s, I still admired them with a subtle smile on my face. I didn’t want to take Harry’s band shirt off quite yet but I did slip my bra out from underneath, he flashed a perplexed expression but I grabbed his shoulders, smiling, and kissed him needily again. 

He suddenly flipped us over, his body loomed over mine. His lips were barely on mine before they left a trail of wet kisses down my exposed chest where the shirt wasn’t covering. He pulled the material up to the point only my breasts weren’t on show. His kisses carried on down my body. As he brushed over my stomach, it filled up with butterflies and anticipation. His thumb hooked around the belt loop on my jeans, he tried to tug them down but with the button and zipper still done up tightly he wasn’t haven’t much luck. When he realised the problem he wasted no time in getting me out of the tight trousers. 

Harry was my first and though we were frequent with our activities, there were some things we hadn’t done before. So when he continued his trail of kisses down my hips and bare thighs I squirmed under his touch. His eyes locked with mine and I visibly gulped. 

“I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do.” He spoke softly, his words hitting my inner thigh with a hot breath. I nodded but I didn’t stop him from progressing. He hooked a finger around my underwear and slowly pulled them down my legs, if it wasn’t for the shirt I was wearing I would have felt completely exposed. 

A shudder ran through my body as he coaxed my legs open with his hands, he shuffled into a more comfortable position, a smile brooding against his face. I tilted my head back, staring at the ceiling but not taking in the hideous pattern adorned on it. My mind was racing, my stomach flooded with nerves. My body trembled slightly when the familiar feeling of his soft lips pressed against my skin again and again, gradually getting closer to my centre. He released a hot breath before kissing the part of me his lips had never explored.

Instantly, my hips bucked slightly. I let out a soft moan, a curse word falling from my lips. My eyes rolled back and closed. His tongue was slow at first, gliding up and down my core. The intense pleasure soared through my body, I felt like I was on fire. The anticipation in my stomach had vanished and was filled with indescribable feelings. He continued to kiss me, his lips soon rested against my bud caressing it lightly. As he did his hand slid between my legs, stroking me as my body quaked with the new feelings I was experiencing.

Another string of moans fell from my mouth as he gently slid a finger inside. His name fled my mouth several times, more so when he added another digit. His lips were still sucking and kissing, driving me over the edge. The faster his tongue worked, the hot breath hitting me only increased the erupting sensation begging to be released.

“Let go.” I barely heard him speak over my heavy breathing. My hips bucked, my knees grew closer together but not so much he was trapped when I reached the edge. One last kiss against my core and I had gone over the edge and beyond. 

Fuck.” I cried, my breathing was staggered. My body was shaking and I felt the need to swear several more times. Harry pulled away from my legs and hovered over me, eyes wide with questions.

“You okay?” He asked before a grin took over his face.

“More than okay.” I managed to speak, still feeling out of breath.

He quickly pressed his lips against my neck, sucking hard enough on the surface to leave a mark. He hadn’t given me any chance to recover from before, he really wasn’t wasting any time. I wanted to stop shivering at his touch, but my body was still a mess. I couldn’t even process thoughts. 

I pulled away, resting my head against the pillows. I took a deep breath - one I had needed to take for several minutes now. In the time I caught my breath back, he slipped out of jeans and grabbed a small, metallic packet from his duffle. He had ripped a small tear in the packet before I stopped him. He let out a quiet oh, thinking I wanted to stop when I tossed it onto the pillows. 

I pulled myself up so I was kneeling on the bed, in almost the same position as Harry. He furrowed his brows, intrigued by my moves. I pulled him close and kissed him deeply. My lips worked fiercely against his, our tongues clashing with one another. I gently bit his bottom lip, pulling away before re-attaching our mouths together again. I shuffled around, taking the lead. I pushed him back against the pillows, his legs stretched out in front of me. I moved out the way before moving back and straddling his lap. He moaned against my lips as I rocked my hips back and forth against his. The way my name fell from his mouth only ignited the fire in my core again. 

Just as he did, I kissed away at his exposed skin. From the corner of his mouth, down his neck, along his jawline and down his chest. I kissed the swallows on his chest, breathing over them cautiously. They had always been my favourite tattoo of his. I knew they weren’t uncommon, but the way they looked on him made them seem unique. 

My fingers twiddled with the waist band of his boxer briefs before I ran my palm against him. His hand grasped around my wrist stopping me from moving it any further. I could feel him growing harder underneath my touch even when I wasn’t moving.

“You don’t have to.” He gasped out, he looked at me briefly before he closed his eyes and took a shallow breath.

“It’s okay, I want to.”

“Don’t feel like you have to.”

“I know.” I replied, and I didn’t feel like I had to. I wanted to. I wanted to make him feel as good as he made me.

I’d seen him naked too many times to recall, but nerves filled my insides as he helped me pull of his last remaining item of clothing. I cautiously looked at him, he offered a warming smile and a brief nod. He understood I was nervous. 

Slowly, my hand reached towards his member. My fingers gently wrapped around him, he sighed heavily and gently rocked his hips initially. I ran my fingers against him, up and down a few times. My thumb caressed the head, driving him somewhat wild. My name erupted from his lips almost as a plea for help. I moved my hand up and down, increasing speed for a small while longer. As I repositioned myself comfortably, I took a second to admire him. He had his eyes squeezed shut, one hand tousled in his hair, the other holding my free hand tightly. 

Not being an expert I wasn’t sure how or where to start. Following my instincts, I settled a small kiss against the tip before slowing guiding my tongue across the skin. I still had a gentle hold with my hand as I closed my eyes and wrapped my lips around the head and further. I pulled back and then moved forward again, my hand began pumping more continuously. I knew I couldn’t take all of him, I tried to take as much of him in my mouth as I could but I didn’t have the best gag reflex. When the tip hit the back of my mouth I knew I couldn’t do that again, it would make my eyes water.

Knowing what I could and couldn’t achieve, I continued to do what felt comfortable. I took a breather, running my tongue down his member, all the way to the base and back again. I felt like I had so much control as he quaked under my delicate touch. 

Lennon,” he groaned when I took him again. 

I didn’t reply and continued what I was doing. Just as I got back into a rhythm, he pulled my face away. I thought I had done something wrong but his deep breathing and sweat covered forehead said otherwise. I didn’t ask questions, he took the lead role again and flipped us over. He pulled the shirt over my head in two seconds flat. His breathing was still staggered as he snatched the square packet up from the pillows. He ripped it open fully this time and discarded the packet carelessly on the floor. He didn’t give me a chance to help him put it on, he was already parting my legs with his knees. 

“I don’t know how long-“ He paused, his body shaking as he rested his forehead against mine. I knew what he was trying to say. He had saved himself from tipping over the edge before, he was close and it wouldn’t take much for him to lose himself. 

“It’s okay.” 

He kissed me quickly, slowly deepening it as his mouth opened wider. I positioned myself until I felt comfortable when he slowly pushed inside me. The uncomfortable feeling disappeared almost instantly as he began to slowly rock his hips back and forth. I pulled away from the kiss, sighing with content. I closed my eyes tightly. My hips rocked towards his barely letting a gap form between us. 

His hands didn’t know where to rest. They started at the base of my neck, one move towards my hair until it rested on the pillow as he held himself up. The other hand was left free to roam, trailing down my sides before reaching back up for my breasts. His thumbs ran over my nipple, the sensation let a ripple of pleasure soar through my body.

I moved his hand away, gripping his fingers tightly in mine as I brought our chests closer and closer. He barely had to move his hips until he was fully pressed into me. We moved together in time. Even our breaths were synced, releasing moans and sighs simultaneously. He had already pulled me over the edge, I didn’t expect it to happen twice but I could feel the heat rise in my lower region, up through my stomach taking over my whole body.

Harry,” I moaned loudly. I couldn’t contain it anymore. I open my eyes briefly, he had his eyes closed but his lazy like movements and urgent thrusts told me he was close too.

Lennon, I’m gonna..” He trailed off, unable to form a full sentence.

“Me too.” I cried, rocking my hips to meet his once more before I reached my climax. My body trembled all over again, though more intense this time. I held onto Harry’s shoulders, I felt if I didn’t I wouldn’t be able to control myself at all. I was still coming to terms with everything when my name rang out loudly from his lips. He pushed inside one more time until he was gone, coming undone all at once.

 We were both breathing heavily a minute after we had both let go. He pecked my lips before rolling off and discarding the condom. I pulled the t-shirt I was previously wearing back over my naked body. 

“I really do love you, you know that?” He mumbled, nuzzling his face into my neck, draping the covers over us.

“I’ve never done that before.” I admitted.

“You were fine, more than fine. Fuck, you were amazing.” He smiled wildly up at me. “That was just-“ He paused. “Perfect, just perfect.” 

I went to reply with something just as sentimental when the doorbell rang throughout the bungalow. “Curry must be here.” I went to hop out off bed but Harry quickly pushed my back under the covers.

“You’re not answering the door like that and I don’t fancy you putting more clothes on.”

“Just get the food Harry.” I laughed, watching him leave the bedroom attempting to put clothes on as he went. Something about Brighton had stolen my heart already.

A/N Okay you know by now I hate writing these scenes but I hope it's what you wanted or something... :-)

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