Law and Love

By YenaGeo

3.2K 185 103

You'll figure it out sooner or later. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 5

258 17 1
By YenaGeo

I think this was a draft. It looks to be already completed so I thought it's be nice to publish. I'll be republishing the other books next.This was written by Yenessy before she stopped.  -Naya

* 2 Month Time skip

Lately,things had been great for Terrence and Taraji. Their relationship was blossoming,Majesty was adapting to her new baby sitter,Which was really Taraji's Grandma who wanted to help out after hearing everything. Taraji was doing well on her new job and she was actually starting to like it.

Things were just finally falling into place.

Feeling a certain urge Taraji pulled herself up from the bed. Looking to her left she saw Majesty and Terrence sound asleep. Looking to her right she saw the clock, it read 5:39 am. This was her usual schedule. Get up, have to pee and come back and snuggle with Terrence until it was time to get up and get ready for work.  

Doing what she had to do, she came back into the bedroom that she and Terrence had been sharing for about 2 weeks. They weren't dating, they just had an understanding. They were just going with the flow.

She crawled back into the bed, lifting up his arm to get under it. Moving Majesty, she moved closer to him. They laid like this and just talked. That was how they started their morning.

He was taking less hours at the precinct so he had a lot of free time. Most of it went to meeting with lawyers about Isaiah. The small ounces of hope he had was slowly leaving. He tried  his best to remain positive for Taraji but he knew that Isaiah was going to end up serving his time plus more. Jaron and the rest of the crew flipped most of the small crimes onto his case and those charges added up. So now he was working overtime with the lawyer to get his files cleared.

Jaron's lawyer had been paid to come up with bogus evidence to lower his sentence so he got off with 2 years in prison and 3 years on probation.

They had a system in place to make everything flow. Having August every other weekend. There was a sense of normalcy.

Getting up to shut off the blaring sound coming from the alarm clock. Terrence walked out to start some coffee. Taraji let Majesty stay in bed until she was ready to get her up.

Going straight to the shower,she started her morning. They both had their own lanes yet they did things for the other in the midst of their own schedule.

Coming out of the shower, she got dressed in her uniform and went to the other bathroom where Terrence and Majesty were brushing their teeth and everything.

She grabbed Majesty from off of the countertop and set her on her hip.

"I got her, go get dressed." She said.

They carried on with their mornings and made their way to the kitchen. Taraji was dressed and ready.

"We need to go the grocery store...badly." She said throwing him his water.

"We can go uhh tomorrow. You off tomorrow?" He asked doing the last few buttons on his uniform.

"Nope I'm not off until this weekend." She said

"Well what about Thursday Evening?"

"Nope, I don't get off until 7pm then I have to be at home for this online session. It's live this week." She said talking about her online schooling.

"You know what, how about I just go by myself tomorrow, then I go back for whatever I forget the next day. Our schedules have never been this hectic." He said drinking some of her coffee.

"Well, We have to do something because your birthday is coming up. I don't want us to be working all day and not celebrate babe. I want you to enjoy your birthday." She said fixing his clothes to her standard. He let her do whatever she wanted to do.

"I'm not worried about my birthday. I never really do anything for my birthday. My mom would  do stuff but she's not here anymore. I'll probably just watch the game and relax. Don't stress over it." He said walking out the kitchen.

"But I'm just saying, it's your birthday and you're important to me. I want to celebrate you. Even if it's nothing huge and extravagant, You deserve it. Birthdays are meant to be celebrated and I just think it's-"

"Look would you drop it? I don't want to do anything. It's not important to me. So forget about it." He Yelled cutting her off

She kind of shrunk back at his tone and demeanor. Images of Jaron flooded her head. She knew what this was leading to is she gave it up

"Look I gotta go before I'm late." He said grabbing his bag and jacket.

"I'll call you when I'm on my Lun-" She tried to get out before the door closed

"Lunch, I'll call you on my lunch." She said to the empty room.

Going to get her stuff and Majesty. She made her way out of the door too. No need to sit around sad by yourself.

She dropped Majesty off with her grandma and made her way to her job.
Checking all her files and Clocking in, she started her day, not necessarily a good note but it was just a day for her at the moment. Hopefully it didn't get any worse.

*5 hours later

"Hey, I'm an hour behind on lunch. You said I could take my lunch when you came back.There's nobody out there to cover me though." Taraji said to her boss

"Well if there's nobody to cover you then you can't take a lunch."

"Well you can find somebody to cover me, I haven't eaten or anything. Joan you clearly said I could go take my lunch when you came back from your appointment. I can't just sit here all day on an empty stomach." She argued

Her boss was a bitch when she actually was here. Most of the Time she was 6 floors above them getting her guts re-arranged by the VP, while her husband was 3 floors above them banging his secretary. So Taraji was mostly by herself unless they had appointments or visitors.

"Taraji look, Ashley didn't come in today so it's just you. You're still somewhat new around here but this is how things work. You've got to pull your own weight around here. Have somebody bring you lunch, go get something from the lounge. But whatever you do make it quick and be back in ten minutes." She said

She rolled her eyes and walked back to her desk. She would've called Terrence any other day because at this time he was usually doing patrol work or something. He was never really at the precinct. But they did have that incident earlier so she didn't know if he was still mad at her for Pressing the Birthday Issue so hard. It wasn't her intention to put salt in any wounds he might've had. She just thought any regular person would want to celebrate their birthday.

"Just call him. You never know unless you try." She spoke to herself

Dialing his number on her work phone, she waited until he Answered.

"Can I call you back babe? I'm in the middle of something." He said

"Oh yeah, I'll wait."

"Thanks, I'll call you when I'm done."

Before she could answer he had already ended the call.

Usually he would just keep her on the phone until he was done but today he hung up. Why did he hang up today?
That question racked her brain until he did call back.

"Sorry about that, what's up?" He said

"I was calling to see if you could do me a favor. I can't take my lunch because I'm the only one here today. That also means i probably will have to work overtime until closing. So I need Lunch and for you to pick up Majesty when you get off. If you can't that's fine." She rushed out doing paperwork

"I got it. I'll be there soon. Call the Lawyer and reschedule the meeting too. I traded shifts with somebody. I can't go." He said

"Okay, thanks.Bye see you in a minute." She said


Maybe he wasn't Mad anymore or maybe he was so mad that he just didn't want to talk about it.

She decided to stop overthinking and wait until they could talk.

*After her shift

She walked into the house and set her bag down.

She was exhausted for no apparent reason.She wanted to cuddle with her baby and go to sleep.

"Hi, mamas. I missed you all day." She said walking into the living room and picking up Majesty. "Aww, that's mommy's baby." She said hugging  and kissing her. Majesty gave her a wet slobbery kiss. "You hungry?" She asked her daughter She nodded.
"Use your words." She said
"Yes." Majesty cheesed showing her teeth
"Alright." She said giving her daughter a high five.

They went into the bedroom to see Terrence asleep. He looked like he was in the middle of doing something and just fell asleep. Taraji sat Majesty on the bed, and changed out of her work clothes into something more comfortable.

"How about some pasta tonight?" She said looking at majesty through the mirror.

"Ghettis." Majesty responded
"You want spaghetti? Why so you can make a mess?" She laughed looking at the excitement on Majesty's face at the mention of food

"Okay spaghetti it is." She said walking out. She left majesty in there because she knew she would be fine. She'd just mess with Terrence but he wouldn't wake up because he slept so hard. So she was fine in there with him.

Taraji started to cook and clean up the living room as her pasta boiled. Spaghetti wasn't an extravagant meal so she was done in no time. Fixing majesty a small serving and fixing her own.

She was sure Terrence was still asleep. So he could fix his when he was ready to eat.

Eating with her laptop set up next to her to do some of her work. She enjoyed the silence.

"I smell food." Terrence said coming into the room

"On the stove." She said typing her report out.

He started to fix his plate and she went back to her work. When he came and sat down next to her, she looked at him as he slurped up some pasta.

"Look about the whole birthday thing, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings about it. I was just hoping you wouldn't bring up celebrating. I used to celebrate but now I don't, ever since my mom passed... I just had nobody to really celebrate with me.I just didn't want to pay a lot of attention to it. I'm thankful to still be here but I don't want any extravagance because there's nobody here to celebrate with me. I mean of course you but we've got other things to worry about. All that stuff about my birthday will just get in the way." he explained

"But why do you think I wouldn't want to celebrate with you? You know me, I'm always trying to make you feel special. You are worth the celebration. Let's just do something small, a dinner here. Me, you,majesty and August. It doesn't have to be big to be heartfelt. I just don't want to pass up this opportunity to show you how much you mean to me and how thankful I am. You've done so much for me and the kids and it's just important to me that I show my gratitude." She said rubbing his head.

He looked over at her and realized how important this was to her, he understood how she felt.

"Look I get it, if you want to have a dinner. I'm all for it. Just try not to make a big deal out of it. A simple dinner is all I want." He said making her face light up in a smile. She showered kisses his cheek in joy. He laughed at her response.

"So what do you want me to make you? I'll make you anything, you name it. I'll make it." She said looking at him in anticipation.

"Anything is fine. I'm not picky and you know that. Anything from you will brighten up my day." He said

Majesty came down the hallway with a pout on her face. The small blanket dragging behind her. Rounding the couch she stopped in front of them.

"What's happening puff?" Terrence said Rubbing Taraji's legs that were just placed on his lap. She groaned and climbed in her mom's lap. Laying her head down on her chest and getting comfortable. She didn't like to be left alone when she was sleep. Taraji offered her the small bowl with her food and she declined it wanting to sleep.

The little family sat there comfortable until they felt it was time to go to bed.

Terrence took Majesty to get her ready for bed and Taraji went to clean up the Kitchen. Finding Terrence in Majesty's room. She waited for them to see her.
He spoke to her so gentle like she was his own. Majesty relaxing against the soft rumbles of his chest from her bedtime story. He moved slowly,walking around the room lulling her to sleep. Taraji's heart swelled looking at the scene, that's the type of man she wanted. A gentle soul with nothing but pure love to offer. After being with someone who was the complete opposite for so long, she felt like her dream had finally came true with Terrence.

She walked away from the room letting them have their time. She could finally say she trusted her man. Even though they weren't official, she trusted Terrence. Going into the master bedroom she did what she had to do to get ready for bed. Ready to crawl into the bed, she jetted for the soft mattress. The comforter engulfing her completely, she let her eyes fall closed. Eventually Terrence came in, wrapping his arm around her waist and joining her. The night ended with them together without a care in the world.

A few days later...

Terrence's birthday came rather quickly and Taraji did exactly what he told her not to do. Make a big deal out of it.

When he woke up to her and majesty dancing to Stevie Wonder's Happy Birthday song, he knew today would be eventful. Here he sat at the table being served with Majesty in his lap. Taraji In the kitchen making too much food that could possibly be eaten by the two of them. He told her he didn't want anything out of the ordinary, he wanted to act like this was just another day. She on the other hand wanted to go all out.

"Terrence I know you said you just wanted to relax at home and I get that. You work hard out there and I thought you could benefit from a day on the town with your two favorite girls.We could do whatever you want. My treat. But I did plan something for the two of us later on tonight that I'm sure you'll love. So what do you say?" Taraji said setting a plate on the table and coming behind him.She wrapped her arms around his neck as she spoke.

"Baby I told you, if I'm here with you two that's enough of a celebration for me. I know you want to show your appreciation and I love that you care this much about little old me. Trust me, I feel appreciated with this huge breakfast. You do enough on a daily basis for me to feel the appreciation. Anything more would be entirely too much. Let's just stay in and chill together. When's the last time we just kicked back? It's been a while." He said kissing her hand.

"Ugh,You're so boring baby. Here I am trying to show you how much I love and appreciate you and you just want to sit in the house all day." She said letting something heavy slip out.

"How much you love me..." he said catching that fly out her mouth. He had been wanting to say that for weeks but he felt it was too much since they weren't really together. She didn't even notice what she had said.

She took a shaky breath and came around to face him. Majesty had hopped down from his lap to go watch her Shows by this point.

"Yes, how much I love you." She repeated looking him in the eyes. Her heart jumped
In anticipation, was he going to say it back?

"You love me?" He asked gaining a nod
"Can I tell you something?" He asked getting another.

"I've loved you since I was 14 years old. No matter where I was or who I was with. You, were always my only true love. I know I should've said something about it before but I was afraid to make you uncomfortable. I'll say this right here and right now, I love you with all of my heart T. I really do." He said

She lunged at him with a hug full of joy. Kissing him deeply, it felt different than any other kissed they had shared in the past. It had meaning, it wasn't full of lust. She loved a man who loved her back. It was real this time.

Later That Day...

After getting dressed and going out to the shopping plaza. The little family basked in the love that surround them. Not letting anything or anybody tear them down.
Majesty clung onto Terrence like Velcro for most of the day. They had an invisible bond now. Taraji walked along side them just as happy as can be.

She pulled Terrence into a store begging him to pick something out. She wanted to spoil him like he did to her. She just wanted him to feel special like a king.
He finally let her talk him into getting something. Once he did, they battled about who would pay for it.

"It's your birthday." She said trying to give the cashier her card.

" I know that,you can pay me back tonight when we get home.Save your money baby." He said taking her card from her outstretched Hand and putting it back in her wallet. He paid for it and kissed her forehead as she pouted beside him. He snickered at her look of defeat and They walked out the store and carried on with their day.

Leaving the plaza they drove to Taraji's grandma's house, dropping majesty off for the night so they could have some alone time. Taraji planned to surprise him with a date and then dinner tonight.

She argued him down to let her drive after dropping majesty off, claiming she had a surprise for him which she did. When they pulled up to the surprise, he couldn't fight his grin.  She got them tickets to the  hockey game. He loved hockey and she could never figure out why. She'd do this for him though.

"You're joking...right?" He said looking at her

"Not at all. I said you wouldn't guess where I was taking you." She said feeling accomplished. She smiled at the astonished face he had.

She didn't find the game too interesting but he was a diehard fan and had been for years.

"TJ, baby you're not serious. You can't be." He said getting out of the car.

"I am. Now let's go inside the arena so we can find our seats before the game starts." She said getting out the car and meeting him at the front of the hood. He picked her up and twirled her around spewing thank you's and I Love you's all around. She giggled and hugged him back. He kissed her and just couldn't stop smiling as they walked inside and got to their seats.

"Wow, I haven't been to a game in years." He said looking around and grabbing his beer from her outstretched hand.

"Well I'm glad you like your gift. Now you're gonna have to explain this shit to me because I have no idea what's going on. And if I still don't get it, I cheer when you cheer baby." She said sitting back and waiting for the game to begin.

Once it did, she slowly caught on to the game and found it to be simple. She and Terrence sat there with their hands intertwined. She ultimately just sat there and watched him get excited, it gave her excitement.

The game came to an end after a while, Terrence's team coming out on top. He spewed the details of the game to her in excitement as they walked to the car as if she wasn't there. She just smiled and let him ramble.

"Baby that was great. The best gift I've gotten in a while. I really loved it T. Thanks." He said getting in the car.

"You said thank you like a thousand times baby. I did this for you because I wanted you to feel like my King. You don't have to say thanks. You deserve this and more. You don't have to do half of the stuff you do for me and the kids but you do, this was the least I could do for you. It's your birthday and you need to be celebrated. You'd do the same for me." She said feeling him kiss her hand.

She started on the journey to their next destination. Feeling his eyes on her the entire time, she continued to drive.

"You know something T... I'd rather skip whatever you have planned next and just get you back to the house. I have a feeling I'm gonna need as much time as I can possibly get to show my gratitude." He said watching her, making her squirm.

"I was gonna take you out to dinner so we could eat something first." She said

"I got something else I'd much rather eat and it's not served at any restaurant I can think of. You know what I'm tryna do. It's my birthday and we got the house to ourselves. Stop playing games TJ." He said leaning over to her ear and leaving a hot trail of tingles everywhere he kissed on her neck.

He wanted to show her how a woman was supposed to be handled by a real man. Tonight was going to exceed sex for them, tonight they were gonna make love.


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