The Love Between Us[A Creek F...

By eqwuinox

155 17 31

Tweek Tweak and Craig Tucker have been best friends since they were little. But what will happen between the... More

Not An Update(Just a picture)
The Aftermath


69 7 15
By eqwuinox

Tweek's POV:

I sipped my coffee while sitting at the table, staring into space. My parents were out of town for the month to go visit my sick grandmother back in Denver. My mom, who was utterly worried for my safety, finally let me stay home by myself, for once. I didn't need some stupid babysitter to take care of me. I'm 17 for pete's sake, I can take care of myself. I sip more of my coffee before getting up to get my coat. Since my parents are out of town, I have to take care of the family business. My parents own a coffee shop, actually, the best coffee shop in all of South Park! And now that my parents were gone, I was the one in charge of the shop. My name is Tweek Tweak. Pretty dumb name, huh? I still don't know why my parents wanted to name me after our family's last name. I guess they were just too blunt and stupid at the time and didn't know what to name their son. And yes, I'm a boy in case you were wondering. I put my coat on and headed outside. As soon as I stepped outside, a wave of cold air washed through me, making me shiver. I walked down the sidewalk, hugging myself to keep myself warm. I spotted a car pulling up near me. W-Wha?!- I blinked in confusion and stared at the car. It was a black Mercedes. "Woah.." I mumbled. Someone was stepping out of the car. Who was this person, and what did they want from me? I didn't have any money on me, so what more could this person possibly want? "Hey Tweekers." the person said.

"Cr-Craig?.." I said bluntly. What was he doing here? Doesn't he need to be at work? Oh wait.. I completely forgot that Craig worked at Tweek Bros. I wonder what he wanted.

"Need a lift?" Craig winked at me. I felt my face turning red.

"S-Sure.." He took his hand in mine and made his way to his car. I didn't know Craig could even drive. I opened the car door and sat in the passengers seat. Craig sat down in the driver's seat and starting to pull up onto the road. I looked out the window, staring at all the blurred houses that we whizzed passed. A blue one..and green one..holy crap! A tangerine one!! Craig noticed me looking out the window in awe. "Have you never been in a car before?" he chuckled. I glared at him.

"O-Of course I-I've been in a-a ca-car before!!" I could feel my face burning up.

"Riigghhtt.." Craig rolled his eyes and laughed again. A few minutes later, we reached the cafe. I got out of the car, a gush of cold air rushed right through my body, making me shiver. I felt two arms wrap around me. "H-Huh!?" I jumped a bit at the sudden "hug" from Craig. 'Wh-What are you d-doing?!"

"Trying to keep you warm," he replied. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Trying." I peered at him. I laughed. I didn't really get a good glimpse, but I thought I had just saw Craig blush when I laughed. I was kind of surprised, so I blushed a little myself. Craig laughed at my blushing face. "Haha! Oh gosh Tweekers, you can really turn red when someone puts their mind to it," Craig was saying in between laughs.

"Wish I could say the same for you!" I laughed at Craig while pointing at his blushing face. Craig turned even more red and tried hiding his face from me, which obviously didn't work because with a head as big as Craig's, there' no hiding something like that! Craig looked up at me and whispered, "Shouldn't we be getting inside?" I stared at Craig for a while before realizing what he meant. "Oh! Oh yeah, I guess we should be getting inside," I said, looking up at Craig. Craig was tall for a 17 year-old. So tall, in fact, that I have to go on my tippy-toes in order to whisper something in his ear. And as best friends, we have lots of secrets to share with each other. I walked with Craig to the entrance of the cafe and swung open the doors. The place was empty, well, that is, except for the other employees that worked here. They all looked at me in confusion before getting back to work. I clapped my hands to get their attention once again. "Listen up guys!" I exclaimed at them. They all looked up at me in annoyance. I could see they just wanted to get back to work so they could get the daily payment and go home. "A-As you may kn-know.." I was slowly losing my words. Craig stepped in front of me and explained to the rest of the staff that my parents were out of town for the month and that I was in charge. I am SO thankful that Craig is my best friend and that he exists. 'Cause without Craig, I'd be one heck of an emotional mess. He's kind of like my personal therapist if you think about it. Craig's always there for me whenever I'm sick or something like that. Or whenever I have a mental breakdown. Which is basically every. Single. Day. The other employees nodded their heads while listening to Craig then got back to work knowing what was going to be new this month. Craig gave me a reassuring smile telling me that everything was gonna be "Aye-okay!" I just hoped that it was. Craig took off his sweater and put his apron on. I went into my dad's office to put on his "working suit". He said that, "it makes me look manly! And when you put it on, Tweek, you'll feel the manliness inside of you as well!" Obviously a lie. I found the suit and put my arms through the sleeves. It was kind of big on me, but I didn't seem to mind. I looked into my dad's mirror, which hung on the left wall of his office. I did look manly. Maybe my dad was right. Maybe with this suit on, I could be manly! My thoughts were disturbed all of a sudden when I heard a knock on my dad's office door. "Can I come in?" I could easily tell right away that the person outside the door was Craig. His deep-toned voice made it easy to tell it was him.

"Yeah, you can," I told him. Craig opened the door and looked at me in the eyes. I questioned myself on what he wanted before finally saying, "What's wrong, Craig?" Craig started tearing up, and that's when I knew something was wrong. I ran over to Craig and wrapped my arms around him. "Shh..." was what I whispered to the tearing boy in my arms. Craig cried more and more. I stroke him softly, repeating "Shh.." over and over again. Craig looked at me, tears streaming down his face with red, rosy cheeks. I sighed and asked once again, "Craig, what's wrong?" He sniffed, wiping his nose with the back of his sleeve.

"M-My mom.." he began, his voice trembling. I was so confused. I knew that Craig's mom was in hospital for abuse and Craig's, well, uhm, now "ex-father" is in jail for stabbing Craig's mother 3 times. It was a sad time, for me, Craig, and Craig's little sister Tricia. Tricia is only 9 years-old, so she doesn't know as much as me and Craig do. Craig cried even more. "S-She.." His voice sounded like it was breaking and falling apart. My heart was beating miles per hour. I needed to know what was wrong with Craig. I grabbed Craig's face and pulled him up to my eye level so I could see him.

"Craig, what the hell is going on." It wasn't a question. I needed to know. Craig sniffed before finally saying,

"My mom... she's dead."

Authors Note: 

So- Hi- I'm kind of new to this- 

I suck at this also, so please no hate. :v

Also, if something is wrong about any of the parts of this story, please let me know

uWU Goodbye all you lovely people-

(Also, please don't question Craig's mom being dead, I thought it'd add some spice to the story-)

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