By Darraneica

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Jersey Coleman has faced many hardships. From being raised in a brothel to becoming a dope-fiend. She finally... More



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By Darraneica

"OH SHIT..." Jersey cursed as she tried to sit up. It felt like she had been hit by a brick or something. Her eyes fluttered open and she closed them quickly. Right now, her head wasn't agreeing with her due to all the drinking she was doing last night.

"Man, I'm never gonna drink like that again." She vowed to herself as she eased off her air mattress. Jersey looked over at the hoodie that laid on the edge of her mattress and couldn't help but to think about what happened last night. Quinton had tried to rape her in the club and Malcolm saved her. She wasn't expecting for him to even come to her rescue. Still, it was shocking.

Jersey grabbed Malcolm's hoodie off the mattress and brought it up to her nose for a smell. She inhaled his fresh, crispy scent as she closed her eyes.

A knock on her door startled her and caused her to toss the hoodie on the bed. She opened her door and noticed Kelli with a glass filled with OJ, a piece of toast, and some scrambled, fluffy eggs.

"I heard you groaning so I decided to hook something up for you."

Jersey sighed and said, "Thank you." She took a sip of her juice and ate her food savagely. The toast was dry, but Jersey didn't care. She just wanted to cure her headache.

"So..." Kelli trailed off as she leaned on the archway of the door. "About last night."

"I'm never drinking that much alcohol again." Jersey commented.

"I'm not talking about that. I want to talk about what happened between you and Quintin."

Jersey scoffed while looking off. She looked back at Kelli and said, "He wanted to get back together. I told him no and he tried to rape me."

"What the hell is wrong with him? I mean-you've told him over thirty times that you didn't want to get back with him."

Jersey shrugged her shoulders as she replayed the scene in her head. "I can't believe I used to be in love with him...I'm such an idiot."

"No, you're not..." Kelli objected. "You were just super young, and he was your first. You know us females, we do crazy shit when we're in love."

"Yeah but it's not that much love in the world. I was really wilding out for this man. Like-I did drugs, Kelli. Three years ago, I looked horrible-thank God I don't look like that today-I mean you can't even tell that I did them."

Kelli just fidgeted with her fingers as she thought about Jersey and her past life. She'd remember trying to help her get her life right, but Jersey always relapsed. The rehab treatment didn't help her until she decided to go on her own.

"Well, let's not dwell in the past. You're doing better now and that's all that matters."

Jersey nodded her head as she plastered a fake smile on her face.

"I think you should get some rest-to sleep that headache off."

"I'm fine." Jersey replied as she raised up from the bed. "I need to go to my aunt's place anyway."

Kelli held a look of worry as she eyed her friend. She didn't want Jersey running into Quintin. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'll be fine." Jersey assured her as she pulled out some clothes. Kelli looked over and noticed the hoodie Malcolm gave Jersey from last night. A smirk appeared on her face as she thought about how hard he went on Quintin for her friend.


Jersey took the stairs up to her aunt's apartment and used the spare key she had. She twisted open the door and called out for her for her aunt. Lisa never answered back, and Jersey expected that since Lisa worked long hours at the hospital.

Jersey wasted no time darting towards the back. She went inside Rudy's old room and noticed how unfit it was. Rudy was a natural-born slob and Jersey was a witness to that. His bed was unkempt, clothes were sprawled out on the floor, and his room smelled like must.

Jersey rambled inside and searched parts of the room. She was a little scared to go any further since it was cluttered. Lisa kept mice inside her apartment, and she didn't want to run up on one.

Jersey checked the room and cursed when she didn't stumble on the money. She knew that Rudy was holding out, he had the cash. For some reason, he was trying to hide it. She blew out some air and started to head out the door. Suddenly, Jersey heard the door to the front open and dashed into her old room. She hid beside the dresser and watched out.

Rudy walked inside talking to himself. He called out for Lisa, but he never got an answer.

"Ma', you left the door open!" Rudy shouted while walking into his old room. Jersey's heart thumped as she tried her best to make out what her cousin was doing. A few minutes later she heard him leaving out the door. Jersey went inside Rudy's room for the second time and tried to see if he stashed anything.

Unfortunately, he didn't.


Jersey found herself waiting at the bus stop when this unmarked car pulled up on her. She couldn't make out who it was since the windows were tinted black. She furrowed her eyebrows while holding on to her bag tightly. Suddenly, the window rolled down and there was a man with a clean-shaven face. He had a beige-complexion with his greyish eyes and pink lips. The bald head he sported suited him well.

He pulled over and parked his car in the handicap parking lot since there wasn't any available parking space. The man hopped out of his car and walked towards Jersey. He stood there dressed casually in a shirt with some slacks. Jersey noticed the gun he had tucked away and assumed he was a police officer from his badge.

Please God, I don't want to deal with this mess about Quintin. Jersey said to herself.

"Good Evening ma'am, I'm Detective Newton." He held his hand out for Jersey to shake. She grasped his veiny hand lightly and told him that her name was Jersey.

"Jersey, I understand that you work at this place called Malcolm's Bar."

"I do." Jersey replied with a head nod.

"Right." Detective Newton trailed off while looking around for any ear hustlers. "Look, Malcolm Sullivan owns that bar and I'm quite sure he's not only selling alcohol out of there."

Jersey just sat there nonchalantly as she listened to the detective.

"I've had drug connections that involved him in the past, but it never stuck to the bastard." Newton informed Jersey as he leaned over a little. "That's why I need to know if you've seen or heard anything in that bar."

"I just started working there and I'm going to let you know honestly that I haven't heard or seen anything fishy."

Newton licked his lips and stood up straight. He was hoping Jersey could lookout for him. He knew that she was a new employee. He had been secretly scoping out Malcolm's Bar and watching every damn thing.

"Listen, if you see anything unusual...don't hesitate to call me." The detective replied while handing Jersey a business card. "If you help me, maybe I can help you."

She just nodded her head and watched as Newton hopped inside of his car. He zoomed off and that's when she took another look at the card. Detective Newton was a police detective for the New York Police Department-67th Precinct, and he was coming to her for help.

After getting off the bus, Jersey wasted no time walking in the bar. She noticed Dean in the back checking out the alcohol and food supply. He held a clipboard in his hand as he scribbled down some numbers. Dean slid her a curious glance and said, "I see you."

"Hey..." She trailed off calmly while looking around the backroom. "Is Malcolm here?"

Dean stopped what he was doing and narrowed his eyes at her. "Yeah, why?"

"I just wanted to give him his hoodie back. He let me borrow it last night."

"He let you borrow it last night? What-y'all seeing each other now?" Dean blurted out with a little attitude in his tone. He was feeling bitter about the situation since he liked Jersey first. He felt like his cousin was foul for jumping ahead of him.

"No, no, no. We somehow ended up at the same club and I ended up in this situation-"

"Save that shit, I don't want hear it." Dean broke in while storming out of the room.

Jersey frowned as she followed behind him. "I'm being honest with you Dean. Trust me, I'm not seeing Malcolm."

He scoffed and said, "That's why he wanted me to stay away from you. He wanted you for himself-selfish ass nigga."

"Wait, what?" Jersey questioned him as she fluttered her eyes. "You said we couldn't date because you were back with your ex."

"I am back with her but the shit I'm talking about happened when you first started working here."

"Wow..." Jersey commented under her breath. She couldn't believe that Malcolm was trying to keep people from dating her. In her opinion, it was weird.

"" Dean taunted. "But it's cool...I'mma be alright."

Instead of listening to Dean rant some more, Jersey decided to head to the back. She noticed the two doors-Left: Malcolm Right: Dock and knocked on the one towards the left. Malcolm gave her the approval to come in and she did. He was busy doing something instructive when he noticed Jersey ambling in. He eyed her sternly and noticed her appearance.

Jersey looked cute and simple in her work attire. She wore a black and white shirt, black jeans, and her work apron that had Malcolm's Bar written across it. Her short, curly hair was defined and moisturized. Her thick lips were coated with gloss and she sported her clear, dark brown skin.

Malcolm's honey-colored eyes pierced through her and caused her to turn her attention towards the hoodie. "I uh-here's your hoodie." Jersey stuttered.

"Just leave it right there." Malcolm replied, pointing to his couch.

Jersey placed his hoodie on the couch and turned around to look at him. "Thank you...for helping me last night. I really appreciate it."

"It's nothing..." Malcolm trailed off. "Who was that guy, anyway?"

Jersey sighed as she contemplated on telling Malcolm the truth or not. "An ex-boyfriend who can't handle rejection."

Malcolm only nodded his head; he didn't want to go into further detail. Jersey stood there with her eyes on him. He leaned his head to side as he sat in his chair looking devilishly handsome. Malcolm's coffee-colored skin was smooth and luminous. He had his hair in a low and wavy cut. Matter of fact, his hair was so wavy that it had Jersey in trance.

"You stare too much." Malcolm told Jersey bluntly. She looked away shyly and placed her eyes back on him.

"I'm sorry..."

"It's cool...I get it, I'm attractive." He stated arrogantly with a small smirk on his handsome face. She found it weird that he even smiled at her. She was so used to seeing him with a frown.

Jersey thought about the detective and started rummaging through her bag. She pulled out a card and slid it on Malcolm's desk. He looked at it first and furrowed his thick eyebrows before touching it.

Malcolm looked up at Jersey and said, "Why are you giving me this shit? You the law or something?"

"No, I was stopped by Detective Newton on my way over here."

He scoffed while sitting up straight to process everything. "He stopped you-what was the conversation about?"

"He wants me to give him information on your moves."

Malcolm just sat there with his jaw clenched. Anger thundered through him as he thought about Newton and his sketchy tricks. Honestly, he was tired of hearing the man's name. He had to come up with a solution that would keep the detective's mouth shut.

"He wants you to become an informant..."

Jersey nodded her head and said, "In exchange for a reward, but I'm not going to do that. I just wanted to let you know that he's watching your shop closely."


After Jersey returned Malcolm's hoodie, she clocked in and went to work. She was busy tending the bar when an elderly woman decided to build up a conversation with her.

"Why are all men such...assholes?"

Jersey shrugged her shoulders and said, "I'm not sure."

"I'll tell you why..." The old drunk trailed off as she held her shaky index finger up. "It's in their blood-fucking...fucking assholes."

Jersey darted her eyes over at Dean who was busy wiping out the glasses. Clearly, he was still upset with her. He made sure to snub her every chance he got.

"And I... sacrificed my whole life for my husband. I stopped working just to cater to his ass and what did he do? He cheated, he cheated, and he cheated."

Jersey was lost for words; she didn't know how to respond. "I'm sorry that happened to you."

"Don't be sorry, just...don't make the same mistake I did." The elder replied.

Jersey didn't reply at all since she had done the same thing. She ended up losing her scholarship because college was the least of her concerns after meeting Quintin.

Unbeknownst to Jersey, Jamar sat in the back of the bar. His eyes were trained on her as he watched her every move. He was going to Malcolm's Bar just to check things out since Marcus suggested they try to rob it. He had no idea that Jersey was working there. He pulled out his phone and sent Marcus a quick text, letting him know what was up.


Malcolm locked the doors to his Jag and swaggered up the steps. His mother, Frida, lived in a glamorous, detached, five-bedroom house. Not only did he hook her up with a beautiful home, but he made sure it was in a great neighborhood. The community was very diverse, and the crime rate was extremely low.

He knocked on the mahogany, wood door but got no response. Malcolm twisted the knob and noticed that the door was unlocked. He furrowed his eyebrows and walked in cautiously. A wave of commotion could be heard nearby and that's when Malcolm decided to follow the noise. He walked through the foyer and into the living room where his mom and little sister were arguing.

"So, we're just wasting money!" Frida bellowed while nursing a wine glass in her hand.

"Ma', you're not even listening to what I'm saying. I just want to take a gap year, to focus on my modeling."

"Modeling?" Frida reiterated with a scoff. "You call Instagram modeling now?"

Malcolm knocked on the wall as he listened to his mom and sister bicker. He stood there-way taller than them. "What's going on? The door was unlocked and everything."

Frida looked over at her son with a frown. "I know. I was about to check my mail." She replied in a snappy tone. "I'm trying to figure out why your sister wants to throw away college for some damn Instagram career!"

"I'm not throwing my education away, Malcolm."

"June..." Malcolm trailed off while looking at his baby sister sternly.

Junissa's gorgeous face and style gained her a lot of followers on Instagram. She was partnered with so many makeup, clothing, and hair companies. Because of that, her bank account was sitting pretty nice. Instead of attending her last year of college she wanted to take a gap year just to focus on social media. Frida felt like it was a stupid idea.

"Max, I'm just taking a gap year-That's all. I'm going back to school and I'm going to get my degree." June stated, while calling Malcolm by his childhood nickname.

Malcolm just shook his head; he had spent so much money on June. She was a currently a junior at NYU and majoring in Medicine. June had a dream of becoming a general practitioner, but that idea left quickly when she started getting recognition from the gram'.

"Once you stop going, that's it. You're going to get lazy and not go back." Malcolm replied sternly. "I can see that now."

"I told her the same thing!" Frida shouted. Naturally, she had a high-pitched voice and talked with loudness. "Now she wants to be on social media all day. Fuck that-you need to go to school. Because I'm not going to be issuing my money out to you once this social media thing is over."

"Don't worry, I'm setting myself up pretty nice. So, I don't have to depend on you or nobody else." June retorted back as she grabbed her purse. She looked over at Malcolm and said, "Can I stay at your place tonight? I need to get out of this house."

Malcolm just nodded his head.

"Yeah, get your ass out of here..." Frida trailed off as she watched her daughter storm in her room. When June was out of earshot, Malcolm started conversing with his mom.

"Do you have to be so hard on her?"

Frida jerked her head back to look at her son. "Hell yeah, me and you both paid too much money on that damn college. And besides, I want my daughter to have something to fall back on-a degree would be nice you know."

"It would..." Malcolm trailed off. "But it seems like she's not interested in college anymore."

"After three fucking years, come on now Malcolm."

"It happens ma'. Social media made her head big-we'll just have to wait and see if she'll go back after her gap year."

Frida blew out some air while setting her glass of wine down. She was such an eye-catching beauty. She was a little on the tall side, being 5'7. She had the smoothest, pecan-colored skin. Frida was only thirty-nine, but she looked like she was twenty. Not only did Frida look twenty but she carried herself like a twenty-year-old.

Malcolm sometimes hated his mom's young-minded behavior, but he had to remind himself that she was just a baby when she gave birth to him; She stood there wearing a sweatshirt with some leggings that showed off her thick body. Her straight hair was pulled into a low bun and she only wore lip gloss on her thick, brown lips.

"Yeah, well..." She trailed off while eyeing her son. He was no longer her baby anymore and that made her feel some kind of way. Frida could remember the days when Malcolm was just a toddler getting into everything, now he was a grown man making money moves. "I just want her to have a degree like you."

Malcolm was very intelligent, and he tried to put it to good use. Instead of attending a four-year-college, he decided to enroll in a community college. Within two years he got an associate degree in business.

He placed his arm around his mom and kissed her on the forehead, "We'll see...I'll talk to her in private."

"Please do that." Frida replied as she sighed and looked up at her baby boy. "I hope you're not getting into any trouble out there."

She knew about her son's bar and she knew about the illegal side business he had going on. Frida didn't agree with it, but she didn't try to stop Malcolm since she loved the money he was giving her.

"Oh, I'm good..." Malcolm trailed off while thinking about Detective Newton. He needed to talk to Tilly soon about her work partner.

"Be good...stay good." Frida encouraged him. "Control that temper of yours too. I don't want you ending up in jail."

Malcolm just nodded his head as his mom continued to talk.

"Dock told me about you and your alcohol. He says that you've been drinking heavy lately. What's up with that?"

"I'm alright, just because I'm having a drink or two doesn't mean I'm a heavy drinker."

Frida shook her head while eyeing her son. Malcolm was indeed an alcoholic. He had to have a drink every single day. He couldn't live without his liquor.

"Remember what happened six months ago? You ended up in that car wreck from drinking too much. I just don't want you to hurt yourself or nobody else. Do me a favor Max, limit your drinking. All that liquor and shit is not good for you."

Malcolm just eyed Frida who grabbed her glass of wine and gulped it down. He had gotten his drinking habit from her. So how could the pot call the kettle black?

"I'm ready." June announced as she carried her bag on the arm of her right shoulder. She stood there wearing some jeans that showed off her small-yet shapely figure. June wore this stripe, long-sleeve shirt that showed a little of her cleavage. Her curly hair was brushed and pinned down neatly. She favored her brother so much, which was normal since they had the same dad.

Malcolm grabbed his car keys out of his sweatpants and watched as Frida observed June with such wonder. She set her empty glass on the counter once again and scoffed.

"Don't come back here until you change your mind about school."

"Well, I won't be coming back at all." June retorted smartly as she marched right out of the house. Malcolm said his goodbyes to his mom and followed June right out of the door.

When Malcolm got inside his ride, he started his car without speaking to June. Part of him was upset with her for not taking her education seriously. It was just painful to watch her throw away her last year of college since she was so close to being done.

Malcolm just had plans for his baby sister. He wanted her to become a doctor and make something out of herself. He didn't want her to become another statistic at all; Being a black woman was already hard in America.

"So far...we paid your tuition off for the third year." Malcolm informed June. "Shit, that was almost sixty thousand dollars."

"And I appreciate that." June replied while running her pink, manicured fingers over her hair, trying to smooth it down. Two piercings sat on each side of her button-shaped nose. She looked at herself in the mirror as she rubbed her pouty lips together, trying to cover them in gloss.

"I think you should just finish college and go straight to medical school. June-if you don't go back, you're going to get lazy."

June blew out some air while shaking her head. She pushed the mirror up and said, "So, you're taking mama's side?"

"I'm not taking no sides. I'm just thinking about my bank account and your education. What happened to you wanting to become a doctor?"

"I still want to do that."

"Okay, so why are you trying to take a break then, if you still want to become a doctor?"

" is stressful. The clinical rotations, the essays, and everything. I just want a break." June stressed out. "It's driving me nuts. Instagram isn't stressful at all to me."

"You're twenty-one. You're a grown ass woman so I'm going to let you decide on what you want to do." Malcolm stated. "If you go back after your gap year-that's cool. If you don't, then that's you on."

June gave him a small smirk as she playfully punched him on the shoulder. "I'm going back."

Malcolm didn't believe that all. June was definitely done with school.


Morgan was showing Jersey how to use the cash register correctly since she was having a hard time. They stood there engaged in a deep tutorial when the door opened.

Malcolm ambled inside with his sister. The people inside the bar acted as if Malcolm was a celebrity or something. They managed to greet him as he passed by. Malcolm, being the cocky nigga, he was, just nodded his head as she stepped towards the bar.

Jersey looked over at Malcolm and then her eyes darted towards the girl who was with him. She knew that they had to be related because the girl favored Malcolm too much. They had the same nose and those honey-colored eyes. Malcolm was just a shade darker than the girl.

"Oh, you hired a new girl." June acknowledged Jersey as she quickly studied her.

"This is Jersey." Morgan replied while giving her cousin a look. Jersey never caught on since Morgan stood slightly behind her. June pursed her lips and that's when Jersey noticed a change in her energy towards her.

Morgan had told June all about what happened between Malcolm and Jersey. June had promised to give the girl a piece of her mind since she had tried to confront her brother about Rudy.

"You're the one who tried to confront my brother." June stated boldly. Malcolm just stood there causally as if he wasn't bothered.

Jersey darted her eyes towards him and then she landed them back on June and said, "I did. I'm sure you would have done the same thing if your cousin was in the hospital."

"Bitch you got some nerve..." June started but was cut off by Malcolm.

"Chill out." He told his sister. He noticed the mean expression Jersey held on her face. Her lips were drawn back into a snarl. Morgan stood by with a smirk on her face. She was enjoying the dramatic scenery.

"I don't like her." June stated honestly while traveling towards the back of the bar. People looked on and noticed how upset Jersey looked.

Malcolm followed his sister towards the back. He never once asked Jersey if she was okay. Honestly, she wasn't expecting him to. She knew what kind of man she was working for. Yes, he had saved her from being raped at the club, but Jersey was feeling other emotions.

In her opinion, she felt like Malcolm only saved her to keep his friend's club from the negative light. Rape and nightclub didn't go to well on the news; Maybe he did help her from the heart, but Jersey felt like he only did it to help his friend. If he cared so much about her, why was she still working at his bar? Malcolm was a cruel and cold-hearted man who only cared about his immediate family.

Jersey expression hardened as she thought about what just happened. Her heartbeat drummed viciously as she tried to listen to Morgan who held a smirk on her face. Part of her wanted to whoop Morgan's ass, but she thought against. She didn't want to end up hurt by Malcolm.

She was honestly sick and tired of him and his whole damn family. Dean, Morgan, and her new acquaintance, June were hard to deal with. She just wanted to find another way to pay Malcolm off because working at the bar was becoming stressful for her.

Later that night, June had been dropped off by Morgan since Malcolm had to deal with some paperwork. Dean sat at the bar scrolling through his phone while Jersey cleaned off the tables. The chairs had been flipped over and the televisions were off which meant they were in the process of closing.

"I'm sorry about my attitude." Dean apologized as he watched Jersey. She looked exhausted from being up and on her feet.

"Now you recognize me?" Jersey questioned him smartly. "I asked you if you could restock the napkins and you walked right by me as if I was invisible."

"I was tripping earlier and the other day...I apologize once again for my behavior." Dean apologized.

"It's cool. I'm used to people catching attitudes with me."

"I usually don't catch attitudes. It's just something about you that I really like. I got frustrated because I wanted to have a chance with you..."

Jersey stood up straight and said, "Don't you have a girlfriend, now? Your ex?"

Dean touched the back of his head and said, "I lied...only because I didn't know how to tell you about the situation." He said, referring to his cousin not wanting him to date Jersey.

"Oh wow..." Jersey commented. She wasn't angry about it at all. "Well, you shouldn't be frustrated at all because I'm not seeing your cousin. I ran into my ex at this club and he ripped the front of my clothes. Malcolm was there with his people and he gave me the hoodie he was wearing. That's all that happened-I didn't even know he was going to be there."

Dean believed Jersey; he could tell she was telling the truth. However, he knew his cousin well-very well. Malcolm had a thing for Jersey. There was no way in hell Malcolm would just take his hoodie off and give it away to any female-whether she worked for him or not. Dean wasn't stupid, he knew from the start that Malcolm had something for the girl.

Dean sighed while looking outside. It was dark outside since it was late. "It's cool Jersey. Let's walk to the diner and grab something to eat after we clock out. Just you and me-my treat."

Jersey looked at him and contemplated on if she should take his offer or not. She didn't want him getting in trouble with Malcolm since he made it clear that he didn't want them around each other. However, Jersey thought about herself and she shrugged it off. She was a hardheaded person who hated following the rules anyway.

"Yeah, that's cool." She replied while looking towards the back. "I just need to talk to Malcolm before I leave."

Dean eyed her suspiciously, but he eventually dropped it. He knew that he couldn't question her since they weren't dating.

After cleaning up, Jersey marched right to Malcolm's office and knocked. He gave her the approval and she opened the door. There he sat in his seat looking handsome as ever. On his desk was a bottle of Hennessy with a glass. He wore a look of tiredness and she could sense that he needed to get some sleep.

Jersey was supposed to tell Malcolm that she was going to quit working for him.

Unfortunately, she was lost for words. Every time she laid eyes on him; she would go mute. It was just something about his calm and quiet behavior. It scared the hell out of her. The way he looked into her soul with his eyes made her scream on the inside.

"I don't want to work here anymore." She blurted out. "What I did wasn't disrespectful since I was worried about my cousin; Anyway, I feel like I'm losing my self-respect here. You and your people are walking all over me and I just can't do this."

Malcolm kept the same posture but this time he managed to clasp his large hands together. He eyed her sternly as if he was trying to read her.

"What's your plan?" He questioned her calmly.

Jersey just stood there in silence because she didn't even know. She had no idea on how she was going to pay him back. Getting a loan was out of the question since she didn't have any income nor a bank account. She could boost all day long, but she wouldn't come up with twenty thousand dollars and her job salary wouldn't pay for it either.

"I'll let you go if you pay me by the end of this month. If you can't then you might as well stay here and work. Especially if you know what's best for you."

Jersey narrowed her eyes at him, but no words could come out of her mouth. She just stood there looking defeated. Malcolm managed to read and threaten her at the same time.

"You should keep this job. I know it's paying you well-my customers tip big." He assured her. "And here's a tip for you-stop being so weak-minded. My family and I don't care for weak bitches."

Jersey's nose flared as she glowered at him. "I'm not a weak bitch, so don't call me that. My mama didn't birth no weak-minded bitch."

Malcolm leaned back in his chair and eyed her with a smirk. He knew that Jersey was tough. It was just buried deep, down inside of her. You would have to really piss her off in order to bring her toughness out and that's exactly what Malcom wanted to do.

"You can let yourself out..." he dismissed her. "And I expect to see you behind the bar, working tomorrow."

Jersey wasted no time stomping out of the door. She bumped right into Dean who asked her if she was okay. She told him yes and they clocked out together and left the bar.


"Look, this is the only way you can pay Nieko back." Jamar told Marcus as he sat inside his car.

"Rudy's cousin is working there."

Marcus was loving that idea. He had thought of a plan to rob Malcolm again, but he just didn't know how he was going to do it. Now, he had a new idea that required Jersey.

When Marcus ran the idea to Rudy, he wasn't with it. He was way too stubborn to even talk to his cousin. He knew that he would have to apologize to Jersey in order to get her to help them rob Malcolm.

"Look, I'm sure that nigga Malcolm has a safe or something in his bar. Get that bitch to help us or I'mma put a fucking hole in your head, yo mammy's head, and that bitch Jersey."

Now since Rudy had turned against his mom for his brother and moved in with him, he was starting to see Marcus in a different light. Marcus was like a bad worm in his ear telling him all the wrong shit that he wanted to hear. Unfortunately, Rudy felled for it. Regret ran throughout his body as he thought about going back home to his mom.

Instead of disobeying Marcus, Rudy decided to find his cousin. He sent her a text asking if they could talk. Jersey wasted no time informing him on her whereabouts. He took the bus over and met with Jersey. She sat outside on the stoop eating some food that she'd purchased from the Caribbean restaurant; Rudy thought she was weird trying to eat in the cold.

The weather was cool, so she was wearing a hoodie with some sweats. Jersey watched as her cousin walked up with the same attire as her-she was just cleaner and smelled way better. He took a seat next to her and rubbed his hands together.

Rudy had a baby-face that was handsome. He was starting to grow out a little mustache and his hair was getting bigger day by day. He sported a thick afro that looked nice on him.

They looked at each other awkwardly. Jersey dropped her spoon and said, "Why are you here?"

"Shit..." Rudy trailed off while rubbing his hands together. "Look, I'm in some deep shit...Jersey." He looked over at her and said, "But you can help me."

Jersey narrowed her eyes as she tried to study her cousin. She knew that Rudy had to be in some kind of serious trouble. Fear was written all over his face. She was surprised since he always wore this stone look-as if nothing could bother him.

"What are you talking about?"

Rudy let out a harsh breath and said, "Marcus done lost his mind. He wants to rob Malcolm's bar-"

"What?" Jersey broke in, interrupting him. "But y'all failed the first time and I knew he had something to do with it. You kept calling me crazy though-like I didn't know what I was talking about."

"Yeah, he was the mastermind behind it." Rudy concurred. "But look-he wants you to help."

"Me? Why-for what?"

"You remember Jamar?"

Jersey shook her head no. She didn't know who the guy was.

"Yes, you do. The one who used to drop me off."

She narrowed her eyes and said, "The light skinned guy-he's kind of hefty?"

"Yeah." Rudy answered.

Jersey just nodded her head. She could remember Jamar now that Rudy reminded her. The other day, she'd served him beer after beer. Thinking he was just a regular customer when he was really a scout.

"Jamar was at the bar the other day watching you. He hit Marcus up, letting him know that you work there."

Jersey just sat there listening.

"Marcus says that Malcolm has a safe in his bar with fifty thousand dollars stashed in it." Rudy continued.

"How does Marcus know all of this shit?" Jersey questioned him. Rudy leaned his head to the side, not saying anything.

"Rudy, tell me. Now."

"The dude I robbed-Aaron. That nigga ain't nothing but a snake himself. He was running his mouth to Marcus-letting him know how Malcolm runs his operation and where he keeps his money at. Aaron planned on robbing Malcolm, but we ended up getting him first. That's why I got to watch my surroundings and shit." Rudy spilled as he looked around.

Jersey's mouth stayed gaped as she thought about what her cousin had laid on her. Shit was getting real and she wanted no parts in it at all. The street life was not meant for her.

"But like I was saying in order to get the safe, we need your help to set it up." Rudy continued.

"Set it up?" Jersey reiterated as she thought about the plan. She contemplated about the decision to help Marcus or not.


Jersey folded her arms and said, "Why is he trying to rob Malcolm again?"

"He owes his cousin money...twenty stacks." Rudy answered. "Look, it's going to be a lot of killing going on if you don't help us."

"You expect for me to help you and your crooked ass brother?"

"Hell yeah." Rudy answered honestly. "Jay he's going to kill us if we don't."

"Us?" Jersey scoffed and said, "Why are you playing with that boy? Your disrespectful ass got the money. You might as well just give it to Marcus." Jersey suggested. "Because I'm not going to get killed over your foolishness. It's bad enough I'm stuck at that bar."

Rudy sighed and said, "I don't have no money, so stop saying that shit. So, are you with us or what?"

The thought of robbing Malcolm sounded sweet, but Jersey didn't want to go along with it. She knew that there would consequences behind that action. Malcolm wasn't no ordinary person from the block. This man had connections and the power to overrule any and everything.

"Do you really want to do this, Rudy?"

It took Rudy a while to say anything, so Jersey questioned him again. This time he answered, "Not really...I don't want to be around Marcus anymore. I just want to go back home."

Jersey noticed the pain in her cousin eyes as he spoke. He looked like he was tired and hungry. She offered him the rest of her food and he grabbed the plate without thinking about it.

"Marcus is a bad influence and I feel like he's no good if he plans on killing you. What kind of brother threatens to kill his own flesh and blood?" Jersey commented as she watched her cousin eat. He was literally scarfing the food down.

"I have a solution." She continued. "I'm going to talk to Malcolm about helping you."

"Nah." Rudy objected while shaking his head.

"Look, this is serious Ru. We have to let Malcolm know what your brother and his friends are up to. We cannot let this slide. If we do, they'll end killing us and still robbing Malcolm-maybe even killing him. So, we need Malcolm to help us."

Rudy was hesitant at first, but he eventually ended up giving in. He trusted Jersey and knew that she wouldn't do anything to hurt him.

"But what if he doesn't want to help me? I robbed his worker and shit; he might not care."

"Oh, he's going to help." Jersey assured him. She was going to let Malcolm know about his worker, Aaron.

Rudy looked over at his cousin and nudged her shoulder. "Aye, I just want to apologize to you."

Jersey smirked a little, that was Rudy. He always kept shit short since being emotional wasn't really his thing. She could sense why he apologized. The guilt was eating him up and plus he was scared for his life.

"I forgive you. Just act normal when you go back to his house. Make sure you lie to him about me so we can override their plan."

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