More than a Friend (A Newtina...

By ravenpower321

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This book has been written after CoG, so there are SPOILERS. After Grindelwald's attack, Newt and Tina have b... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Very Special A/N

Part 12

1.3K 41 9
By ravenpower321

"Newt! I need to tell you something." Tina called from the top of the stairs. She was just back from Grindelwald's rally and was debating how to tell Newt that she was going on a date with Achilles tomorrow. She decided to tell him about Grindelwald first. "I'll be right up, just give me a minute." Newt called back. He was just finishing making a tonic for his graphorns. He washed his hands and slipped on his burnt orange waistcoat, that was draped over a wooden stool. Then he climbed up the stairs, surveying his basement once more to make sure everything was in order. "What was it you wanted to tell me?" Newt asked. Tina turned around from a tall stack of papers that she was working on. She put her quill back in the inkwell by her papers. "We found Grindelwald. He was having a rally. I saw Queenie standing with the other acol-" Tina stopped, and turned her head to the ground, a sad expression on her face, replacing the excited one that had been on her face just seconds before. "You saw Queenie? Did you talk to her?" Newt said, gently. This must be hard for her, Newt thought. "No, not really. I called out to her, but she just turned away. She tried reading my mind, but I blocked my mind. She tried reading everyone else's minds, but they all blocked their minds too, except Isa. Grindelwald now has classified information, because Queenie is helping him." She ended her sentence with a touch of anger. "Is everyone on your team alright?" Newt asked. "Yes. Well, all of the American aurors were at a meeting, so they weren't with us, but I was excused. The British aurors are all fine, except Queenie and Rosier attacked Theseus, and they broke a bone. I repaired it with magic, so he's fine now. " Tina answered. "I'm glad my older brother is alright. Thank you for helping him. Is there something else you wanted to say? You look like you want to say something." Newt asked."I, um, I'm going on a date after work tomorrow, is that alright with you?" Tina asked, nervously."If it makes you happy, then of course! Nighttime feeding sessions might take a bit longer, but that's perfectly fine." Newt said. "I need to go back downstairs, to give the tonic to my graphorns." He walked back down the stairs. Tina sat down to finish her papers, glad that her date wouldn't inconvenience Newt too much. She felt a little bad, but she reminded herself of Newt's kind words, so she got over it. ---"Are you ready?" Achilles asked. He had gotten Theseus's permission to leave early and was with Tina in the Atrium of the Ministry. Tina was still in her work clothes, so she said,"No, I need to transfigure my clothes." With a swish of her wand, her simple blouse and trousers transformed into an elegant black dress. It went down to her knees and had lace detailing on the long sleeves. It was still too fancy for her taste, but she knew she didn't want Achilles to say she wasn't as ladylike as she should be. She didn't know why she wanted to please Achilles, because she didn't need to."Tina, why do you have to wear black? It's depressing." Achilles said. Tina inwardly groaned. "I'm trying the best that I can to look nice. Why does it matter?" Tina asked, and flicked her wand once more, magically pinning up her short bob into a simple hairstyle she hoped looked nice. She flicked it once more so her shoes turned into a pair of black flats. "It doesn't, I just don't want people to judge us." Achilles replied. Why does he care if other people judge us? They're probably not paying attention to us anyway, Tina thought. "We should go now. We have an hour before the dinner reservation, I was thinking we could walk in the park. How does that sound?" Achilles asked. "Sounds good." Tina said. Achilles took her hand, and they apparated away.They had just finished walking through Hyde Park. It had gotten dark quickly, the street lamps by the walkways reflecting light off everything covered in snow. It was cold, but they had their leather coats, and Achilles had a scarf and gloves. Tina had left her gloves at Newt's home and didn't own a scarf. They had apparated to a fancy No-Maj restaurant. It was full of people, chatting and placing orders. There were a couple of young children making a ruckus. Almost anything and everything was covered in red velvet, except for the tables. It was loud and bustling and made Tina feel a little claustrophobic, even though she knew it was irrational. It was hard to have a conversation since you could barely hear your own thoughts. After they ordered their drinks, Achilles said,"It's a shame they don't have firewhiskey, I really want one right now, for some reason." Tina almost scoffed. Achilles had chosen this No-Maj restaurant, so obviously they wouldn't have firewhiskey. Honestly, you would think he knows that, Tina thought. Tina started to look at the menu the waiter had provided. Everything on the menu was ridiculously expensive, and it was full of foods she wouldn't normally eat. She quickly decided on the pork roast and mashed potatoes, as it was one of the cheapest and simplest and food on the menu. She was never the one for elaborate meals. Achilles ordered some sort of soup, that night's speciality. While they were waiting, they tried to have some light conversation, but it ended up as Achilles talking loudly about himself, and Tina half listening, nodding here and there, and not paying much attention. The food came, and Tina dug in, glad for a distraction to stop the conversation. The meal was quite tasty. As much as she disliked the restaurant, she had to admit the food was good. The pork was warm and tender, not overcooked. It tasted smoky and had a hint of spice. The mashed potatoes were fluffy and buttery, though she still thought Queenie's potatoes were better. It had also come with carrots, which were caramelized and piping hot. She deduced that Achilles had ordered the lobster bisque, as the soup had pieces of lobster in it. She suppressed a small laugh when Achilles burned his tongue on the soup. Achilles gulped down his glass of water, wincing. Tina nonchalantly kept cutting her pork into smaller and smaller pieces, though inside she was frustrated. This isn't a very pleasant date, but I can't just leave, Tina thought. She finished her food neatly and quickly, and had to sit and watch Achilles finish his soup, which was rather off-putting. Once he finished, Tina briskly stood up and slipped on her coat. "Where are we going to see the show?" She asked."West End, it'll be an opera." Achilles answered, which wasn't that helpful. He just paid the bill, and they were walking outside to apparate away. Achilles gripped Tina's hand and swished his wand, and they apparated. They landed in front of an opulent theatre. The people streaming in were obviously wealthy. She could tell because of what they were wearing, with ladies wearing long flowing gowns and men wearing three-piece suits. She self-consciously lengthened her dress with her wand so it reached her ankles. Achilles suddenly took her arm to mimic the other couples, and she wrested it away from him, surprised. Her arms then rested at her side, with Achilles looking a bit offended. He started walking into the theatre, beckoning for Tina to follow. They sat in their seats, waiting for the opera to begin. Tina was never a fan of opera. Queenie loved opera, she thought it was so romantic, but Tina just found it boring. Also, they were always in other languages. The curtain was raised, and the opera began. She still wasn't sure what it was, because no one had told her. The main character was a young Asian woman, wearing a long trailing silk gown and a gold headdress. Tina assumed she was royalty. As the opera went on, Tina sort of understood what was happening. From what she picked up, the princess was being forced to marry a prince she did not want to marry because she and the servant were in love. Or something. Tina looked over to Achilles, who looked like he was half asleep. I would think he likes opera, he paid for this, thought Tina. I feel like he should have asked me what show I wanted to see beforehand. The opera had finished, and they were walking through a small park near the opera house, to the insistence of Achilles. Tina was incredibly tired. The day had felt long, and she just wanted to go to bed. The couple had walked to a deserted, quiet area of the park, the streetlamps were on, and it was very quiet. Tina turned to face Achilles, to say that she wanted to go home. But before she could utter a word, Achilles leaned forward to kiss her. It was a passionate one, and even though Tina kept telling herself to stop, her body did the exact opposite, and leaned forward, into the kiss. I've got no one else to love, Achilles is probably the only person who will love me, Tina thought. After a couple of seconds, she pulled away. "I'm tired, I should go now." Tina said."Tina, why won't you stay? We were having such a nice time." Achilles protested. He leaned back in for a kiss, and Tina stepped back."I'm tired, Achilles." Tina repeated. "Oh, come on." Achilles complained."Achilles, please stop. I'm tired and I want to go back home. How many times do I have to say this!" Tina said back. "Home? Since when do you call it home?" He asked, smirking. Somehow, that comment infuriated her even more."I want to go home. That's all." Tina said, with a finality in her tone."I'm tired! How do you not understand this!" She said, angrily. "Why don't you stay the night in my hotel room?" Achilles asked. "I have a big enough bed.""I already have a place to stay. I wouldn't want to trouble you. Also, I like my room at Newt's house, and all my belongings are there. Thank you for taking me to dinner and the opera." Tina sighed, and turned away, her leather coat flapping. She apparated away, leaving Achilles standing alone under the streetlight.

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