anko's little sunshine

By AaronHansell

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things play out differently for naruto uzumaki early in his life when he's adopted by anko mitarashi. how wil... More

chapter 1:a fateful encounter and a new family
chapter 2: naruto's New adopted sister and mother.
chapter 3:the council and the snake mistress
chapter 4: naruto shows his true self
chapter 5: naruto's training and hidden truths.
chapter 6:is blood thicker than water???
chapter 7: what could have been and could still be
chapter 8: naruto's first day at the academy.
chapter 9: naruto's growing reputation
chapter 10: time Skip-team assignments
chapter 11: naruto's trademark tattoo
chapter 12: curing the hokage
chapter 13: The wave mission.
chapter 14: Gato's torture session
chapter 15: chuunin exams first round
chapter 16: chuunin exams second round. a game of cat and mouse.
chapter 17: orochimaru's brutal torture and mind games.
chapter 19: tag teams and unlikely partners. the first match of the finals.
chapter 20: Rock Lee and Gaara vs neji hyuga and Sasuke Uchiha.

chapter 18: a visit from the jostar family.

3.2K 68 6
By AaronHansell

Half way across the world in London a family known as the jostars chojuro and Jonathan jostar were reading The news papers for any sign that Dio had been recruiting stand users when Mr jostar. AKA Jonathan jostar said." Hey get a load of this chojuro. Have you read this report???. Apparently someone who's called the BLOODY FOX from a hidden village know as konoha in Japan. Has been putting fear into The hearts and minds of his own people!!!. He's even killed other people to!!!. His last victim being one of their most wanted criminals!!!." And chojuro said." Woah slow down old man. Are you trying to say that this person's able to make people fear him!!??. With a single look??!!. And you think he's using a stand like that!!?? not worrying about being his next victim??!!. You can't be serious about testing this guy!!!." And Mr jostar said." I'm deadly serious about this chojuro. IF we can get this person to help us defeat Dio. Then more innocent blood could be spared." And chojuro said." So. Who is this BLOODY FOX and how do we go about finding this konoha village if it's hidden???." Little did they know that they were being watched. In the shadows stood a modern day Samurai. So when he heard that these people were looking for the BLOODY FOX of konoha he approached them and said." Meet me outside The bar in the back alley." An hour after paying for their drinks They met with The samurai who said." My name is nobunaga. I'm a samurai under cover for the fire daimio. And a word of advice. Don't go looking for the BLOODY FOX of konoha. Otherwise. He'll find you instead." And chojuro said." Is this some kind of Threat!!!. We're not scared of someone who takes pleasure in making people fear him!!!." And nobunaga said." If you want to keep what sanity you have left. Your going to take it as a warning." And so with that warning left in their heads. They decided to go to Japan and find The BLOODY FOX of konoha knowing that caution was The Best approach.

Meanwhile back in konoha The final round of The chuunin exams was about to begin when suddenly an anbu from danzo's root organization came up to naruto and said." Naruto Sama. A message from The daimio's samurai nobunaga." Naruto then Read The message and said." Thank you Torune. Your dismissed. tell the council not to worry about these... Intruders. Shinigami and I will handle them personally."  Torune then left too deliver naruto's message to the council and danzo. Naruto then said." shino Hinata. We're about to have some foreign guest's from another country called England. And They wanted to meet with the BLOODY FOX. Well then. I'm going to give them a greeting they'll never forget." And shino said." Logically speaking. Whatever these foreign visitors want with you. It's probably best if you take Kushina and kakashi Sensei with you. As back up of course." And naruto said." Don't worry I intended to do that from The start. Mom kakashi Sensei. Let's move!!!." Kakashi and Kushina said." Right behind you naruto!!!."

Meanwhile at the Tokyo Japan airport chojuro and Jonathan jostar had recently arrived and little did they know. They were once again being watched. Only this time it was something if not someone very VERY powerful. With a stand that could kill even Dio himself!!!. Naruto then walked up to the jostars and said with his killing intent blazing like a roman candle." Do you know who I am???." And chojuro said." Your The BLOODY FOX of konoha aren't you???. Well then you have saved us The trouble of looking for your village. We need your help. And we think your stand...the shinigami is it??? can help." And naruto said." I have no idea what a stand is. But Yes. I'm The embodiment of death itself. Now then since your our guests. I'm going to say this one time... leave and never return. Unless you actually WANT to know why I am called The BLOODY FOX of konoha???." And chojuro said." Your able to parilyze your enemies with fear and panic. Giving them a sense of hopelessness. Then you play on their emotions before killing them don't you???." And naruto said." Well... your only half correct. Yes.. I can make my enemies feel nothing but fear and hopelessness but I can also physically torture someone to The point they panic and give me The answers I want. I'm a torture and interrogation information gathering specialist. You may want to check with your Star platinum and tell me I'm not wrong." Activating his stand chojuro looks at Star platinum Who nods as if telling him to be very careful with the way he approaches naruto. Getting a feel for the level of control naruto has over his "stand"  The shinigami chojuro said." Let go old man. Star platinum says that this kid is way beyond anything we can handle if a fight breaks out. A single touch and our stands would be Dead in seconds." Kushina and kakashi were waiting patiently to see what would happen when suddenly a tall muscular man approached naruto and said." So.. you are the one who is known as the BLOODY FOX of konoha???....hmm. you don't really look like that much of a threat to me." Chojuro said." Kid look out!!!!. That's Dio!!!. He's an immortal. RUN AWAY!!!." Dio Then said." The world!!!." And in that moment. Time stopped and naruto said as he yawned." Is that the best thing you can do is parlor tricks???. Manipulate time???. All your doing is slowing down time your not actually stopping it. Now then. Let me show you a true master of time is. Shinigami. Time jump. Fast forward." Dio was shocked!!!. This kid's stand just reversed his stand's time freezing abilities. Everything and everyone else around them Then went back to normal and Dio said with fear in his eyes." How. How did you reverse my stands abilities!!!. It's not possible!!!!. NO!!!. STAY BACK!!!. I AM DIO THE IMMORTAL!!!." And naruto said." Maybe. But your not a TRUE immortal are you???. You see... I've dealt with another person like you before...and his torture was anything but painful. Would you like to meet my stand The shinigami???." Chojuro and and Jonathan jostar couldn't believe what they were seeing. Dio the very Man who wasn't afraid of anyone was now afraid of this kid!!!!. What The hell were They thinking trying to recruit this kid!!!??. Chojuro said." Hey old man. Still want to recruit This guy???. You see what he's doing to Dio right now. Imagine if that were us... it's no wonder he's so feared. He's litteraly The embodiment of death itself. Even I'm afraid to stop him from killing Dio. When staring down death in the face itself."

Back with naruto and Dio
Naruto had pulled out his wazashi blade and lined it with fire and lightning chakra and said as he stood there." Now shall I torture you???. Physically... mentally... OR... emotionally???. Screw it... I'll just do All 3." And Dio said." Please. You think you could kill me???. I'm immortal!!!." And chojuro said." He's got a point kid. If we couldn't kill him then neither can you. you have no idea what he's..." Naruto just gave chojuro a glare that kakashi knew All too well and said." If you want to live.... you won't question the BLOODY FOX and his torture methods. Lest he chooses to use them on you instead." Naruto then stabbed Dio in The stomach and watched as his entire body writhed in pain and Dio said." HAHAHA!!!. You think that silly blade can kill me???." And naruto said." I'm not killing you...yet." and chojuro said." You should kill him now while the chance presents itself kid." And naruto said." Sorry.. but I'd like to know how he became immortal. SHINIGAMI!!!. Souls of despair!!!." Just then. Spiritual figures began swirling around Dio as they looked at him hungry for his soul and Dio said." NO!!!. GET OFF ME!!!. ALRIGHT!!!. ONE OF THE SEVEN STONE MASKS!!!. IT'S HOW I BECAME IMMORTAL!!!" And naruto said." Where are these stone masks and how do you destroy them???.TALK!!!." Naruto Then cut off Dio's arms" AHHHH!!!.MY ARMS!!!." Naruto then said." I WANT ANSWERS!!!!. NOW!!!." (SLICE!!!) Naruto had now cut of Dio's legs and chojuro said." Hey old Man. I'm going to be sick soon." And Kushina said." Now you do you know why everyone fears my son???. It's Because fear is his greatest weapon."  Jonathan and chojuro looked at naruto with widened eyes and mr.jostar said." Lady. If that kid is your son... Then you have brought a true mons..." Kushina imediatly covered mr.jostar's mouth before he finished that last word and chojuro said." What's the matter lady???. You act as though calling your own kid a monster is a bad thing. What is so bad about a harmless name like that???." And kakashi said." SHIT!!!. Now your in for it!!!. He hates that word!!!." 

Back with Dio and naruto.
Naruto had just cut off Dio's head after getting the information needed for The jostars and furious that one of them called him a monster said." Alright!!!. Who is the person that called me a monster!!!. And don't make me ask again." Chojuro then said." I'm sorry. It's my fault I didn't know that a stupid work like that would set you off." And naruto said." SHINIGAMI TRANSFORMATION!!!." Naruto and his "stand" merged together as one and chojuro said." What are you!!??. Really!!!." And shinigami/naruto said." I am your worst nightmares made real. I am your greatest fears come to life. I. AM. Death incarnate!!!."and kakashi said." RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!. IT'S The blonde devil!!!." And mr.jostar asked." What's The blonde devil???. I thought he was The BLOODY FOX of konoha???." Shinigami/naruto then said in an ominous dark voice." I am The blonde devil. Now who's the one that called me a monster???. Don't try running away either. I'll find you no matter what." Chojuro then stepped up and said." Star platinum!!!. I got a question for you kid. How are you able to merge with your stand like that???. It's impossible. A stand is a manifestation of The users spirit so how is it you can do this???." And naruto said." Because shinigami is no ordinary stand. He's a God!!!. And God's can do just about anything. Including merge with their host. So. in essence. The shinigami is me. And I Am him."  Now this was new to Kushina and kakashi. Since they had no idea that naruto could turn into the death god. That what they had seen him do was a fraction of the powers he's showing now!!!. Chojuro then said." Let's go old man. Dio is dead. Our mission here is done. Thanks for the help kid. A shame really. With a stand like yours... All our enemies would be dead by now. If your interested in working with us. Here's our business card." Chojuro then handed naruto a card that said

Speed wagon foundation
Protecting the world from evil and dangerous evil artifacts.

Naruto gave it some thought and said." Thanks we'll keep in touch if we need anything. Now then. LEAVE. And never return to these parts of Japan ever again." Chojuro and Jonathan jostar Then got back on to the plane and went back to England and chojuro said." Didn't I tell you that The kid was dangerous old man???. You never listen to me. You just had to test The kid's skills and in exchange nearly get us both killed. But still. It's The first time I've ever seen a person who is able to merge with their stand and fight as one being before." And mr.jostar said." Chojuro. That's no ordinary kid we met. I've read up on The shinigami and other beings. The kids what is known as a jinchuriki. A power of human sacrifice. Their basically hosts that contain demons or other dark and powerful entity. Had we fought against the kid. We'd be ending up just like Dio right now. Dead and in a body bag." Chojuro gulped now knowing what or rather Who they were messing with back there and said." The kids got strength and guts to torture and kill someone like Dio that's for sure. But we got the information we needed none The less. And to be honest I don't think Star platinum and I could beat him as strong as we are. The kids far more powerful than we think."

Naruto Kushina and kakashi made it back to the village of konoha chuunin exams stadium and naruto said." It looks like we made it back before the matches even started good. Because there's a big surprise in store for The competitors. A big surprise indeed." And shino asked." And what kind of surprises would that be naruto???." And naruto said." I rigged the entire stadium with lethal traps and explosive seals. In other words. They must avoid The traps while they fight their opponent at The same time HAHAHA!!!." And kakashi said." That's cruel naruto. Even for you." And naruto said." Hey... you didn't think I was going to go easy on the competitors now did you???. Gotta uphold The second Hokage's creation. And make it just as challenging as he would." And Hiruzen said as he came up to kakashi and said." He's not wrong you know. Tobirama Sensei created the chuunin exams as a way to help nurture and train future generations of chuunin candidate shinobi. By making it as challenging as possible for them and keep them on their toes. So to speak."

NEXT TIME: the chuunin exams finals. Round one. Kiba and Gaara vs sasuke uchiha and temari. An unlikely tags team.

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