Hard To Balance: Trials & Tri...

By ohfogawd

163K 1.2K 436

We all want what we cannot have. . . . Or can we? Alpha Cyrus Rowan is the newly-appointed Alpha. He is the... More

Hard To Balance : Trials and Tribulations #1 | boyxboy |


1.2K 66 162
By ohfogawd

So, I wanted to make this little author's note before I begin the chapter to explain where I've been the past four weeks and what's been going on. The past month you might as well say, I've been traveling for work. As some of you may not have realized, mostly because it's not something I discuss openly, but I'm a Licensed Practical Nurse and I work in long-term care facilities with a passion for becoming a Registered Nurse someday when COVID-19 is over and done with and just a memory that we'd all rather just drink away.

I don't really want to get into irrelevant details, but I just want to say that all the chapters that I have been meaning to post have been done and sitting in my Google Docs account, unedited, ready to post. I have to drive over one-hundred-miles a day back-and-forth to work and I usually don't get home until after 1 a.m. and I get off of work at 11, so you can imagine that drive and the toll it takes on someone mentally.

I'm going to start getting out chapters sometime in the next day or two, but please be patient and don't think that I've forgotten about you, because I haven't.

Now, onto the actual thing that you're waiting for, which is Cyrus' part-of-view and I hope that you enjoy it.

Cya. ^.^

"Did you tell anyone?"

I growl as I grab a rock off the ground and throw it with all my strength. It goes quite a fair bit of distance before knocking into a tree. As the tree shakes from the power of my strength, snow falls from its bare branches.

"Of course I didn't tell anyone," I grumble, shoving my hands into my pockets. "The only person I can tell is Mom and I don't want to worry her."

"But what if that kid talks and it gets back to the pack?" Levi asks.

"He won't."

Though I speak with confidence, I have no idea. Other than his name, I know nothing about this kid. I can use his scent to track him, but wouldn't that make me even more suspicious in his eyes? I don't want to give him a reason to look for me. I can't give him a reason to look for me.

I glare at Levi. "I'll get into trouble if I'm found out, so you better not tell anyone, either."

Levi takes a weary step back and raises his hands defensively. "You know I would never do that."

"I know you wouldn't. I'm just saying."

Levi has been with me for a long time. From when we were young, I knew he would be my Beta the moment I took over the pack as Alpha. I trust him, but he might not see telling my Mom as a problem.

I want to be the one to tell her. She'll be disappointed, wouldn't she? That I unintentionally broke a rule, even though I am the alpha.

"So, what are you going to do? Want me to keep an eye on him for you?"

"No need."

I would just have to trust that Owen wouldn't say anything. Some of our pack members attend the local schools. I'm not sure which one he attended. If I wasn't just so afraid of raising suspicion in the pack, I'd threaten some of the teens in the pack to keep an eye on him.

"It should almost be time for breakfast. Should we head back?"

While there are those in the pack who have private meals, it was pack tradition for a bunch of wolves to get together to eat. Several people contributed, and everyone who'd be present gathered in the hall to eat.

It was going to be noisy for a while.

"Nah, you go ahead. I'll go for a run then head back."

"Want me to come with?"

"I can go by myself," I say impatiently. "Head back. If Mom asks about me, let her know I'll be back soon."


He turns to leave, and I wait until he is gone to start walking. I need to clear my head.

The forest, at this time of year, is covered in snow. Lower down the mountain, all the snow melted when summer came, for a brief period, but it only left mud behind.

Since I got back home yesterday, I haven't been able to stop thinking about Owen. Besides the shit with him seeing my eyes change, there was the mystery of his scent.

My wolf has been restless since I left him yesterday, or I wouldn't have woken up so early to take a walk in the woods. Levi was up and ended up following me, but it wasn't usual for me to be up and about at sunrise. I was usually one of the late arrivers at breakfast, usually, so I could eat with Mom in a quieter, more private setting.

She hasn't gotten used to crowds just yet.

It hasn't taken me long to find the restless energy in my body. I want--need to shift and run, and I want to track down Owen's scent.

But I know I shouldn't, for a number of reasons. My wolf gets a little too enthusiastic about him, I don't need any more accidents happening.

A growl escapes and I take off. If I want to run in shifted form, I had to find someplace to leave my clothes, but they'd just get damp from all the snow. So I run on two feet.

Cold wind whips against my face, stinging my skin. It's bearable, though. I'm dressed lightly in black jeans, a baby blue t-shirt, and a thin jean jacket, but my body has always run a little warm. I can run around naked and I wouldn't freeze to death. Amazing what being a wolf is like, right?

I have no destination in mind. I just chose a direction in mind, so why did I end up by the main road?

As soon as I catch sight of it, I stop a distance away. I have good eyesight, even with the trees in the way, I notice it from several yards away. I should immediately turn back, but I hesitate.

I can't bring myself to leave, so I find a tree and lean against it. Only for a bit, I'd wait and then go back.

Sounds faded until all I could hear was my breathing and heartbeat as I try to center myself. I could not lose control. It can ruin everything.

Right now, everyone follows me. When I give orders, no one disobeyed me. A few brave souls talked back, but if I was firm, they buckled down. No one would think to challenge me. Not now, not ever.

But they were brave enough to challenge your Father, that voice in the back of my head says. Closing my eyelids, I relax my head against the tree bark and force it down. It had been following me since the news of my Father's passing.

Opening my eyes, reality seeps back in. The situation at-hand could change very quickly. Challenges were one-on-one, but if a group ever chooses to ambush me because they saw weakness, it would split up the pack.

It would cause a bloodbath.

So I had to fucking get myself under control.

It takes me a few minutes, but I push myself away from the tree. Before I can turn to leave, a familiar scent catches my attention.

My canines elongate as I look to where the scent is coming from.


The trees are in the way, so I can't see him, but I could definitely see his truck. It isn't moving.

Why would he park there? Considering the time, he must have been on his way to school, or something.

I move forward a bit, trying to see beyond the trees, hesitating to just go over there. Wouldn't it be weird if I just jumped out of the woods when he was right there?

But the more I watch, the more I feel something is wrong.

His car wasn't just parked, the door is open and there was no one inside. No wonder his scent is so strong, if he'd just been passing by with his window closed, I might not have caught it so strongly. Considering the time, he must have been on his way to school.

Did something happen to him?

I panic. Without pausing to think, I run.

I'll only check on him, I think to myself. I'll see that he's fine, and wait for him to leave.

But the moment I catch a glimpse of him, I know that there is no way I will be leaving him.

Owen is kneeling by the roadside, in the dirt, dry heaving. He doesn't look okay, but I hesitate for a moment to go towards him.

I just want to wait until he's okay, then we'd both leave.

But that didn't happen. Of course, it didn't happen.

I wait anxiously, my body wound so tightly because I wanted to go to him, but knowing I couldn't. After a long moment, he seemed to calm down. Owen starts to stand up and takes a few shaky steps back.

His complexion doesn't look good. His skin looked a little too pale, eyes unfocused like mentally he was staring at something that wasn't there. And then he was falling.

I just barely managed to catch him before he could hit the ground and he was passed out cold.


I don't know what to do. Why did he faint? Was he sick? Other than the acidic smell of vomit, nothing on him scented strange. It doesn't even occur to me to question why I'm panicking so badly.

Do I take him to the hospital? Looking up and down the road, I don't see any other cars, and even then it wasn't like I could just leave him to a stranger.

He needs a doctor. And instead of putting him in his car and taking him to the hospital, I made a quick decision to take him back to the pack.

I crouch down so I could hold him in my lap. Shrugging off my coat, I wrapped him in it, keeping him warm. I don't want anyone questioning why I brought some human onto pack grounds, so this will hopefully hide his scent.

Before I could run off, I remember his truck. I kick the door closed and hoped it wouldn't go anywhere before I came back to deal with it. Then I turned and ran back up the mountain.

I could hear the others before the buildings came into view. I sneak around to avoid prying eyes, feeling ridiculous, yet protective of the young teen in my arms. I arrive at the back of the main house without anyone seeing me, now I only needed to get in.

Members of the pack would be having their meal in the main hall. If I went in through the back door, someone would see me before I made it to the stairs.

I take a few steps back from the building and looked up. There's a balcony on the second floor. Not just anyone could go to the higher floors, so it was my best bet. I look down at Owen, hesitating only a little bit, before deciding to risk the jump. If I was alone, I could do it on instinct, but it would be the first time doing it while holding someone so fragile.

But I was in a hurry, so I chose not to wait long before making the jump. It could have been that my body ran too hot, but I thought the body in my arms was too cold. I needed to get him into an empty room, then drag the doc over to look at him and see if he was okay.

I make sure I have a good distance before taking the jump. Owen's weight doesn't deter me at all, for such a tall kid, he felt too light. Though he swayed a bit, he didn't get harmed.

To open the balcony doors, I need my hands. But I don't want to put him down on the icy floor, so I carefully release his legs and hold him, even tighter against my chest, if it's even possible. I like the sensation of holding him against me a little too much and so does something else, but none of that matters. All that matters is making sure that he's okay.

Though the balcony was attached to an occupied room, there is no one inside at the moment, which I was grateful for. I managed to get Owen and I inside and I take him straight to my room, where I leave him on top of the bed. I take off his shoes, but otherwise, I leave him alone.

Hoping he'd be fine by himself for a bit, I leave to talk to the doc. The clinic usually opens a bit later in the morning, so I go directly to his house. After giving him directions, I run back to the road so I can deal with the truck.

Owen had left the keys in the ignition. I don't want to drive it all the way to the pack grounds, but I still moved it higher up the mountain road so it isn't visible from the main road. After making sure the doors are locked, I hurry back to check on Owen and the doctor.

The doctor is there, as I'd instructed him to be, but so was Mom. I froze the moment I saw her, and she turns to me in open curiosity.

"Cyrus, who is this?"

Fuck. How am I supposed to explain this to Mom?


What's your opinion on Cyrus' and Owen's fondness of one another?

What do you think will happen with Cyrus' Mom?

What are your thoughts on Owen?

What are your thoughts on Cyrus?

Do you have any hopes for this book and how it will go?

What are your plans for this weekend?

Let me know down below. I'm nosey.


The chapters are currently all written, so however the plot flows and wherever these characters go are simply how it is going to be and nothing will change that fact of the matter.

I will update early IF this chapter gets : 150 comments : 150 votes

Good luck.

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