unknown love(BL)

By LololLand12

207 5 0

Alex was attacked by another pirate ship that mysteriously dissapeared into mid air,after hearing the legends... More

a neighbour
Sam's P.O.V
levi's P.O.V
john's P.O.V
the truth
the pleasure
mason's P.O.V
rin and ran's P.O.V
New year...

that man..

18 0 0
By LololLand12

As night falls down,they all went to sleep,Alex was asleep when he heard someone calling his name a bunch of times,

As he walked outside of his tent,he saw a guy shining in the moonlight as he stared at alex with a blushing expression on his face,

he wore a pirate suit with a necklace on his neck,his hair was long but Alex didnt realised that he was staring at him too much making him blush and then he said"m-my name is sam and im here to be with you~"blushing beet red sam covered his face after that but in the other hand,

Alex was confused as he echoed the guys word one last time'sam''with me'as he repeated that word untill he started to blush"a-arent you supposed to be dead"shocked for a moment Sam started to explain to him why he is here"I am a ghost but only you can touch me because i fell inlove with you in my dreams,it all started when i was dreaming about a guy calling my name and in that dream i started to call your name too,at first i thought it was just a dream but day after day i keep dreaming the same thing

at that moment i started to think on meeting you and realizing that the fact i fell in love with you,i wanted to hold you and touch you but that accident was not planned well and my soul wondered in search of you until now,so will you be mine"blushed at the same time Alex didnt know what to do.

"w-well im sorry its ju-"before alex could finish talking,his mouth was covered with sam's mouth as they kissed,"i wont let you leave me even if it means force!"Sam said with an angry face as he bit alex's neck showing bite marks all over,couldnt stand the feeling,Alex fainted

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