Violentine One-shots

By PyreFlie

92.3K 3.4K 12.2K

Violentine one-shots, what else is there to say? More

Valentine's Day | AU
Redbox | AU
SciFi Convention | AU
Laundry Day
Stronger For You
One Year Anniversary
Witchcraft and Walkers | AU
Moms part 1 | AU
Moms part 2 | AU
Moms part 3 | AU
All Grown Up
Violet's Secret
Phantom Limb
The Gym | AU
The Gym (Part 2) | AU
Bell Tower
Bell Tower (Part 2)
Acapella | AU
Saving Clementine
Bruised Knuckles | AU
The Nightmare
The Greatest Leap | AU
Valentine's Day REDO | AU
TWDG Season 1 | AU
Solo | AU
Oasis of Ice | AU
Princess of Ice | AU
Wave to my Heart | AU
Parent-Teacher Conference | AU
Skates | AU
Please Don't Go | AU
Ten Year Anniversary | AU
Coach | AU
Coach (Part 2) | AU
The End of War | AU
Amusement Park | AU
Stumped (Part 2)
Drummer Girl | AU
Drummer Girl (Part 2) | AU
Drummer Girl (Part 3) | AU
Drummer Girl (Part 4) | AU
polygraph eyes | AU
No Self-Esteem
Laundromat | AU
Physical Therapy | AU
Physical Therapy (Part 2) | AU
Hospital for Souls | AU
Moms- the end | AU
If I... | AU
friendship isn't for the weak of heart
you catch more flies with honey | AU
that was then, this is now
What's on the Inside
Ball's in Your Court | AU
Expectations | AU
In Your Eyes | AU
legends and lore and a little bit of gore | AU
Trick or Treat Through Time | AU
The Stars Shine Brightest When You're Here
My Mama Told Me There Be Girls Like You | AU
My Mama Told Me There Be Girls Like You (Part 2) |AU
My Mama Told Me There Be Girls Like You (Part 3) |AU
My Mama Told Me There Be Girls Like You (Final..?) | AU
the lady in white | AU
It's Unreal... Almost
"...that one time on Louis's piano bench-"
A Not So Warm Welcome
Moms- the later years | AU
the Worm has a Knife | AU
Haircut Day
Make a Choice


1.4K 53 160
By PyreFlie

A/N: This is written for The_Howling_Wolf_01 who gave me the idea.

Violet was pacing the courtyard. It had been a couple hours since she and Clementine had gone their separate ways at the bridge. She should be back by now, but she wasn't. Violet was kicking herself for jumping that fence and running off without them. Kicking herself for allowing the panic to take control. Kicking herself for not noticing how Clementine had been limping but now it was all that she could think about. She had been limping right? Or maybe she was just tired and winded? Violet tried to recall the events in her mind but all she could remember was holding Tenn as he choked on his own blood... leaving him alone to get eaten by walkers... he deserved so much better...

Determined, she ran back into the school, making her way to the kitchen she jerked open drawer after drawer. Rifling through each one at a frantic pace, not stopping until she found a large, sharp knife. Single-minded in her goal she strode purposefully toward the school gate. She was going to find Clementine and AJ, dead or alive she couldn't live in the limbo anymore. She would find them, one way or another.

Louis climbed down the lookout tower as Violet approached it. Getting between her and the gate he held out his arms to stop her.

"They're out there Louis. I can't just stand around and wait any more. I'm going to find them." Violet tried to push Louis out of the way but he grabbed her by her upper arm and pointed frantically through the gate.

Violet looked where he was pointing, something was coming through the trees. It was wobbly and unstable and loud. Every walker in the area was perking up at the noise. Louis opened the gate and Violet ran out, clearing the front of the school of walkers. Stabbing them in the head and kicking them away as she was finally able to make out the shape of AJ, pushing a wheel barrow with a very squeaky wheel. Violet was forced to look away as more walkers approached, keeping them at bay until AJ wheeled his load into the safety of the walls. He was breathing heavily from his efforts, hands on his knees he struggled to regain his breath. It was clear that he had come to the school as quickly as he was able, what was he carrying and where was Clementine?

Finally the area was clear enough for Violet to run back through the gate, closing and locking the door behind her. "Louis, what's going on-" Violet started, turning around to see Louis, hands over his mouth, shaking his head from side to side, fear in his eyes as he stared at the wheel barrow. The smell hit Violet first, the smell of burning flesh was a stench that she would never forget. Near the beginning they had attempted to burn their dead, but it never fully worked and they were left having to dispose of the charred remains anyway. A chore that no one readily volunteered for.

Violet put a hand to her nose, stifling the smell as her eyes landed on the wheel barrow. Clementine. Her heart sank at the sight. She was covered in gore, Violet couldn't tell how much was from her and how much was from walkers. Violet's green eyes scanned over her body, landing on the source of the stink, Clementine's leg was missing just below the knee and the sight of her mostly charred stump sent Violet's stomach churning. Violet's eyes darted back up the brunette, where her ringlets framed her nearly lifeless face. Dark circles surrounded her eyes and she looked gruesomely pale. If not for the slight rise and fall of her chest Violet would have sworn she was already dead.

"Save. her." AJ managed between gulps of air.

"R-ruby!" Violet yelled in shock, not sure what else to do or how to help, "Ruby!!" she cried with increasing urgency, "RUBY!"

Ruby came running from the dorm building, rubbing at her eyes, looking like she had been trying to get some rest after their long sleepless night at the Delta ship.

"What's goin' on?!" Ruby yelled as she made her way towards the group, scared of what their answer might be.

"Clem's back, she needs help." Violet said, watching as Ruby recoiled slightly, covering her nose and mouth with her hand as she approached Clementine before pushing her horror aside and going into doctor mode.

"Louis, get her up to her room, now." Ruby said with such authority that Louis jumped into action, scooping Clementine into his arms and carrying her into the dorms. "Violet, go get my supplies from the admin building and bring them to Clem's room." Violet stood frozen, staring after Louis when Ruby hollered, "Now!" snapping her out of her thoughts. She ran as fast as she could grabbing Ruby's medical bag from the couch that AJ had laid on weeks ago after he was shot. Violet looked around, shoving random supplies that were on the nearby table inside. She ran with it to the dorm building, her legs had never moved so fast in her life.

As Violet approached the dorm she could hear voices talking hectically to one another. She pushed her way in, hitting Aasim with the door. He didn't say anything, just quietly rubbed his elbow as Violet entered the room, handing the bag to Ruby.

"I need to clean the wound, someone put somethin' in her mouth." Ruby waved at all the people standing around, "A stick or a belt or somethin'!" Louis rummaged through the closest, finding a belt and folding it in half as he stuck it in between the brunette's teeth, holding it there as she was still unconscious. He nodded at Ruby who sat poised at the end of Clementine's bed with a bottle of vodka. Violet watched as Ruby poured the liquid over Clementine's wound, her eyes immediately shot open. A muffled scream escaping her throat as her teeth bore down on the leather belt. A sob escaped Violet as she watched in helpless agony as Clementine's eyes rolled back up into her head, once again losing consciousness.

The room was deathly silent. Everyone standing around, unsure of what to do. Ruby's shaky voice, bringing everyone out of their thoughts. "This'll need to dry and then I'll wrap it up. We'll need to take shifts watching her, in case she... in case it's..." Ruby couldn't bare to say the words but everyone knew what she was inferring.

"No need..." Violet said, choking back her tears, "I'm not leaving her. Not again, never again."

"But Vi, we're all tired don't you think-" Ruby started.

"I said I'm not leaving her." Violet's face hardened as she pulled out a desk chair and sat near Clementine's head. Folding her arms as she slumped in the chair.

"Alright sug..." Ruby relented. "Let's all give them some space." Ruby ushered everyone out of the room. "I'll be back to bandage her up in about an hour." with that, Ruby left the room, shutting the door behind her.

Violet looked around, AJ was curled up on his bed, staring at his guardian, his protector, the most important person in his life and he hoped. Hoped that he wasn't too late. Hoped that she hadn't lost too much blood. Hoped that she would wake up in the morning as a human and not a walker. Violet wasn't sure what to say to the boy, still mad that he had taken such a sweet life from the earth, taken a boy that was like a little brother to her. She tried to swallow her anger for the time being, she knew that AJ was suffering as much if not more than she was at Clementine's predicament.

"You did good AJ. Clem's strong. She'll fight through this too." Violet focused her eyes on the boy who wasn't crying. He had been raised in this world of sorrows. Had to make hard choices and see terrible things since the day he was born but Violet could see in his eyes that it was killing him to watch Clementine suffer. "Get some sleep. I'll watch her, I promise."

AJ stared at her, uncertain for a moment before he nodded. Allowing his heavy eye lids to finally close. Violet took Clementine's limp hand in her own, it was cold. The blonde clung too it, wrapping both her hands around it, desperate to give some of her warmth, some of her life, to girl on the bed. Violet's eyes filled with tears as she looked her over, still covered in walker guts. Violet would have to do something about that, but today she would let her rest.

Ruby came in after a while to wrap loose bandages around Clementine's stump. "Hey, be careful!" Violet snapped a little to fiercely as she noticed Clementine's face contort in pain.

"I'm gonna be nice because I know you're hurtin' right now, but I assure you that I am bein' as careful as I can." Ruby huffed.

"Yeah... I know... I'm sorry..." Violet frowned, looking back at her girlfriend.

Ruby stood uncomfortably by the door, biting her lip at what she needed to say but not wanting to say it, "...We should tie her arm up... just for the night..."

"No." Violet growled, Ruby looked down at her feet as she backed out of the room.

"We'll bring supper up to you when it's finished." Ruby said as she closed the door behind her.

Violet pressed her lips to Clementine's forehead, it was cold and clammy. No sign of a fever which was a huge relief. Hopefully that meant that AJ had cut the bite off in time.

Violet dozed on and off that night, waking to eat before falling back asleep. She tried to stay awake in case Clementine needed her but she had hardly slept since the Delta attacked them and none the night before. Sleep came whether she wanted it or not.

The next morning Violet awoke to the sun streaming in the window, she stretched, regretting sleeping in the horrible wooden chair as her back screamed in pain and her neck ached. AJ was awake now too. Sitting in a chair beside her, just staring at Clementine.

Ruby walked in holding two bowls of 'breakfast stew' as Omar called it. Violet couldn't tell the difference between breakfast stew and dinner stew but she ate it all the same. "Thanks Ruby." Violet said, voice hoarse from sleep and crying. She finished her stew and set it on the desk.

Ruby hovered by the door. "AJ, let's go down to the creak and wash up. Clean you up and wash your clothes too."

"I don't want to leave Clem..." He pouted as he wiped the stew from his chin, staring at the gore on his jacket, feeling it, dry and crusted on his face.

"Vi's gonna stay with her, she'll be fine for an hour and besides, I need your help bringing up some water so we can clean Clem up too." Ruby said, AJ nodded reluctantly.

"For Clem." He said as she followed Ruby out of the room, he stopped at the door, looking back at Violet, "Take good care of her."

"I will. I promise." Violet nodded seriously as they left the room, looking back down at Clementine, noticing a slight amount of color return to her face and the darkening around her eyes lessened.

Violet reached up and stroked her hair, even pale and covered in blood she looked beautiful to her. As Violet touched Clementine's cheek, the brunette's head turned towards her, a pained expression crossed her face as she leaned into Violet's hand.

"Clem?" Violet said softly, hesitantly.

Clementine blinked her eyes, "Vi?" she closed her eyes, taking slow deep breaths, she reached out blindly. Violet grabbed her hand, interlocking their fingers and leaning in to whisper.

"It's me Clem. I'm here." Violet said, tears began to stream through Clementine's closed eyelids. "Are you in pain? I-I'll find you some medicine. Ruby went out but I can find you something." Violet stood to leave but Clementine weakly tugged on her hand.

"No. Don't go." Clementine breathed out through clenched teeth. Violet collapsed on her knees at her side, still clinging to her hand. "It hurts but... Violet..." Clementine opened her eyes, they were watery and bloodshot as they stared into Violet's, "I thought I would never see you again... never get to say goodbye..."

Violet climbed onto the bed next to Clementine, careful to avoid her injury as the blonde wrapped her arms around her tight. "Shhhhh Clem, it's okay, you're here, I'm here. Everything's going to be fine." Clementine and Violet both cried softly as they held onto one another, eventually falling asleep as they clung to the person that they feared they would never see again.

Ruby opened the door with a creak, carrying in a bucket full of water. Violet and Clementine's eyes slowly opened as she came, boots thumping loudly on the wooden floor.

"Clem's awake." Violet grinned at Ruby as she walked in. Ruby let out a relieved breath.

"Thank heavens. AJ and I boiled you some water so that you can get cleaned up Clem. I thought Violet could help you?" Ruby asked, uncertain. "I know it'll be uncomfortable but it needs to be done. You'll feel much better after and we can better assess you for injuries." Violet looked at Clementine for permission and she nodded. Violet smiled slightly at the act of trust as Violet rolled out of the bed, taking the bucket from Ruby. "It should be nice and warm but not too hot. If you can help Clem get undressed and hand me her clothes, me and AJ can wash them, I'll wait outside the door." Ruby left, closing the door a crack, leaving Violet standing awkwardly in the middle of the room.

"Is this okay? Would you rather Ruby do this?" Violet asked warily, setting the bucket down beside the bed, noticing a large sponge inside of it.

"No, I want you to help... if you don't mind..." Clementine looked imploringly into Violet's eyes.

"I want to help." Violet insisted, "Now, let's get you undressed." Violet shook her head at her words, quickly back peddling, "So I can clean you up, I didn't mean... I just wanted..."

"It's fine Violet," Clementine smiled through her discomfort. Wincing as she shakily tried to raise herself up on her elbows. She took a deep calming breath, pushing down the pain, controlling it before it could control her. Just as she had practiced so many times before. Violet watched as Clementine sat frozen in place, eyes shut tightly. She put her arms around the injured girl, helping her to sit up, noticing as Clementine stared at her bandaged stump with a frown.

Clementine looked away, almost ashamed as she held an arm out for Violet, "Can you pull this off?" Violet nodded, pulling at the sleeve of her jacket, removing it before moving on to her hoodie, taking that off as well. Hesitating as she reached for her shirt, Clementine nodding her consent and raising her arms the best she could with the bunk bed above her head. Violet pulled at the hem of her shirt, fingers grazing Clementine's skin as she lifted it over her head. Clementine laid back down once it was removed, groaning as if the act of just sitting for those few minutes had required great strength.

"I'm...  uh... going to take your pants off now..." Violet said awkwardly, unable to stop the red from rising up her face. Clementine gave a slight nod, she was taking deep steadying breaths, her forearm rested over her eyes and Violet could see that she was shaking slightly from the pain. Violet removed Clementine's one boot as well as a sock that had seen better days, it was thin and had several holes. Then Violet reached up and unbuckled her belt that was on it's tightest setting, the last few holes looked like they had been stabbed in with a knife. The road had not been kind to Clementine, Violet was oddly grateful for the car accident that brought them together. Who knows if they would have found each other without it.

Trying to be as careful with her wounded stump as possible, Violet removed Clementine's pants, then covered the mostly undressed girl in a blanket as she handed the clothing to Ruby who was waiting at the door.

"Thanks sug." She said as she carried them off to be washed.

Violet went back to Clementine, sitting next to her on the bed she reached into the bucket of now tepid water, taking the sponge into her hand she wrung out the excess and began to rub away the blood and dirt from Clementine's face. Clementine dropped her weary arms to her side and allowed Violet to work her way over her body.

Violet frowned at all the bruises and cuts that were revealed a she cleaned. Ghastly purple and blue bruises adorned the girls neck, the stab wound left by Minerva, more bruises on her arms and ribs. Tears began to slide from Violet's eyes. Clementine reached up and wiped them away.

"Don't cry Vi, I'm okay." Clementine fought through her physical misery to smile at Violet.

Violet shook her head, "I knew about your leg, but Clem, you're absolutely covered in bruises..." Violet continued to rinse out her sponge and cleaned off Clementine's body, trying to do it even more gently, never knowing what she was going to uncover once the grim was gone. "All of this because of us... because of me... Maybe you would have been better off if you never met us... never got involved in all this."

Clementine rested her hand on Violet's, halting her work. "I would be dead if it wasn't for you and the other kids at this school. I'll take some bruises and... and a missing foot if it means you're alive and not captured by those... those..." Clementine released a stream of swear words that made Violet chuckle.

"Can you roll onto your side? So I can get your back?" Violet asked shyly, Clementine nodded, struggling to push herself over, Violet helped her as she saw her struggling. She furrowed her brow as she noticed her back adorned with even more bruises. Once she finished that she helped Clementine roll onto her back once more.

"Do you think I could wash your hair? Can you lean your head over the bed a little?" Clementine scrunched her face, unsure as she attempted to angle her head off the bed while moving her injured leg as little as possible.

"Is this enough?" Clementine asked, head dangling half way over the edge.

"Yeah." Violet smiled as she reached out and loosened Clementine's hair tie.

"It's getting long... Can you cut it for me, when I can sit up better?" Clementine asked timidly.

"Of course." Violet said, moving the bucket underneath Clementine's head and grabbing an empty water cup from the desk. She sat in the desk chair in front of the girl and filled the cup with the warm water and poured it over Clementine's head. Clementine closed her eyes as the warm water ran over her scalp, sighing lightly at the pleasant feeling. Violet continued to pour water through her hair until the brown locks looked black from saturation. Violet gently rubbed at the chunks of dirt and other stuff she didn't want to think about that was stuck in Clementine's hair, removing all the debris before tenderly massaging her scalp with her fingers. Clementine 'Mmm'd' her appreciation of Violet's soft touch as Violet  continued to rinse and squeeze out her brunette hair.

Clementine pouted when Violet got up, grabbing a towel that Ruby had left for them. Gently she toweled off Clementine's skin before wrapping it around her hair, ruffling it gingerly to remove as much water as possible. Keeping the towel beneath her head as she helped Clementine shift back fully onto the bed.

"Thank you Vi." Clementine's eyes began to drift closed as Violet pulled the blankets up around her. 

"You're welcome Clem, get some rest." Violet smiled as she set the now murky bucket of water by the door.

As Clementine rested, Violet kept visitors at bay. Making sure no one stomped too loudly through the halls, telling people to keep their voices down when they approached. She allowed AJ in to visit when Clementine was awake but made sure the boy left her to rest when she noticed her getting tired.


Clementine awoke to the sound of footsteps. As her eyes flitted open, Violet was sitting by her bed with a bowl of stew. "Omar made you a special batch of 'feel better stew'." She said with a grin.

"How does it taste?" Clementine asked, a small smile playing on her lips.

"The same as breakfast stew and supper stew if I'm being honest." Violet laughed, causing the brunette to chuckle as well, whimpering as she held onto her side in pain, but unable to stop the laugh from coming out all the same. Violet's eyes widened, guilt flooding in, "I'm sorry Clem."

Clementine shook her head as the the final laugh came out as a whine. "No... no, it's fine, it hurts but it's nice."

"Hungry?" Violet asked, holding up the stew.

"So hungry." Clementine stared at the bowl longingly, raising weak shaky arms to accept it, only to have Violet set the bowl down out of reach. "What are you doing?" Clementine asked, frustration shining through as Violet shuffled around the room, coming back with pillows. She helped Clementine sit up, propped against the pillows. The brunette reached out for the bowl, hands making grabbing motions in the air but Violet shook her head in denial, holding the bowl still out of reach while bringing the spoon towards Clementine's lips.

Clementine raised an eyebrow at Violet. "Don't make me make train sounds." Violet threatened, Clementine continued to glare at the girl, mouth closed. "Here comes the train, choo choo." Violet zoomed the spoon through the air, only splashing a little liquid on the blankets as she did, Clementine rolled her eyes and opened her mouth for Violet to stick the spoon in.

"I can feed myself Vi... this is embarrassing..." Clementine said, clutching her sheets as Violet brought another spoonful to her lips.

"Clem, your arms are literally shaking they're so weak from injury and blood loss and probably from the walker bite too. Let me help you." Violet said sternly.

"Fine, but no more train sounds..." Clementine half smiled.

"Airplane sounds?" Violet asked with a mock serious face, giving Clementine another spoonful.

"Uuuggggghhhh," Clementine groaned, smile still on her face.

"Fine, no sounds." Violet agreed, continuing to feed Clementine until every bite was gone. The brunette leaned heavily into her pillows, smiling gratefully at Violet.

"Thank you... for everything..." Clementine said, gazing at Violet as she set the bowl down and gazed back.

"You don't have to keep thanking me. What are girlfriend's for?" Violet leaned in, kissing Clementine softly on the lips. Clementine frowned as she pulled away.

"I don't know..." the brunette answered, "I've never had one before."

"This is what they're for, taking care of each other, being there when you need me." Violet leaned in for one more quick kiss before helping shift the pillows so that Clementine could lay down once more.

Not much later Ruby came in with a fresh bandage. "Time to change your bandage Clem. I need to check for blisters or infection, clean it again if necessary."

"Okay..." Clementine looked shyly down as Ruby shifted the blankets to reveal her bandaged stump, "Um, Vi, you can leave, you don't need to stay for this."

"Why would I leave?" Violet asked curiously as Ruby began to unwrap the wound. Violet's head turned towards Ruby only to have Clementine's hand turn Violet's face to to her own.

"I don't want you to look at it..." Clementine found it hard to meet Violet's eyes as they bore into her.

"Clem..." Violet said, moving to look towards Ruby, but Clementine grabbed her face with both hands, trembling.

"Please Violet. Don't." Tears were in the girls eyes as Violet knelt beside her, taking her hands and holding them warmly within her own.

"Clementine. It's okay..." Violet whispered so that Ruby couldn't hear, "You could walk through a burning building and be covered in scars and I would still be here. You could be missing both your legs and your arms and I would still be here. Your missing foot doesn't disgust me, it doesn't scare me, it doesn't bother me."

"R-really?" Clementine asked anxiously.

"Really," Violet leaned in, her cheek brushing against the brunette's, "Clementine, you continue to amaze me every day. You're beautiful inside and out. Your stump only exemplifies what a selfless, amazing person you are. It's a badge of courage. Don't be ashamed of it..."

"All done!" Ruby spoke up, "It looks really good Clem, I didn't even need to clean it. I'll check on it again tomorrow."

"Can you show me how to change the bandage?" Violet sat up as she asked.

"Of course Vi." Ruby smiled as she gathered her things and left.

"Are you sure? I don't want you looking at me differently... I mean, it makes my stomach hurt when I look at it and it's my own leg." Clementine admitted.

"I'm sure." Violet reassured, Clementine scooted over in the bed, wincing slightly as she did.

"I spy with my little eye, someone I want to cuddle with." Clementine said, reciting a game that she had played with AJ countless times.

Violet looked around the room dramatically, "I don't know, I'm stumped."

Clementine's mouth opened in shock at the poor joke, "Violet!"

"Too soon?" She chuckled as she crawled into the bed on top of the covers as Clementine's clothes were still hung out to dry. Clementine slapped her lightly before snuggling into her side.

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