and I'm home (fifth harmony k...

By OhMsTruce

12.7K 491 148

"the thing about love, all shapes and forms, is that it always comes back to you. No matter how long, no matt... More

intro; camila
intro to lauren
intro to dinah
to love, to be loved
to be alone, to feel alone
to give, to be given
to lose faith, to have faith
to be pretty, to see pretty
to be accepted, to feel accepted
To lose hope, to find hope

to be happy, to feel happy

1K 42 14
By OhMsTruce

After weeks of leaving y'all dehydrated I fed you another chapter. Hope you all are quenched.



Age 8-10

Dinah is sure she has never felt more happiness in her entire life before she screamed with delight and threw her arms around her now official adoptive parents. She was theirs, forever and always theirs. Now the sound of forever was comforting, because she has a sister and parents who could never love her more.

“I am always yours.” eight year old Dinah Jane Wood squeals. The loving couple kisses their daughters’ heads. Chris lifts Rebecca, who is older than her sister by just a few months and hugs her tightly. The arms around her make her feel warm and safe. Like nothing bad could ever touch her. Melissa ruffles her daughter’s head. Dinah’s ear is just above her heart and the little girl is sure she’s never heard a more beautiful sound in her entire life.

After a few pictures, the four piece family leaves the building and head to the car. The girls are excitedly holding hands and running down the concrete steps to the minivan. Their parents trail behind in content, knowing they’ve got their kids and it’s finally complete. They had mutually agreed to close their fostering license because they know their little family is just amazing. They could have never asked for better kid and they’re absolutely positive they’ve never met kids more grateful than their two little girls.

They eat dinner at a local diner and they spend first ten minutes arguing whether the girls can order adult meals because being eight obviously means they’re old enough. Melissa agrees but as soon as the waitress she orders kid meals and laughs at the way her daughters (and damn it feels good to say that knowing it’s official) give her looks. And then by the end they don’t even finish their kid meals which makes her laugh even more, because of course they wouldn’t.


Melissa takes her youngest’s hand and helps her out of the van. Dinah looks up to her mom in curiosity as the woman leads her down the dirt path.

“Mom, why are we here?” Dinah asks worriedly. Melissa gives her soft smile and squeezes her hand, but doesn't say much. They continue walking and not saying anything, just listening to birds chirping. Dinah gazes at the headstones and thinks about them. Do people still visit them? Are they lonely? Thoughts buzz as they walk until Melissa stops walking.

They're standing in front of a gravestone. Dinah peers at it and it clicks. She's not sure how to react, so she just walks forward a little and allows a little sad frown to slip onto her face. She crouches down a little and tilts her head as she reads off the words.

“Milika and Gordan Hansen. Mama, are those my real parents?” Dinah asks slowly. Melissa nods and gives the little girl a bittersweet smile. She kneels next to her daughter and rubs her back for support. She hands Dinah the flowers she had previously picked out at the store. Dinah turns the flowers around in her hands before kissing the soft petals and sets them down on the grass. She rests her hands on the stone and closes her eyes for a minute.

Melissa reads off the little poem engraving on it as Dinah stays silent.

“those special memories of you,
Will always bring a smile
If only I could have you back
Even just for a while
You always meant so very much
And always will do too,
The fact that you're no longer here
Will always cause me pain
But you're forever in my heart
Until we meet again.”

Dinah stays calm. She opens her now glossy eyes. She looks to her mom and Melissa kisses her head lovingly.

“Mom can I sit here by myself?” Dinah asks. Melissa nods and gives her a supportive smile. She walks back to the car where her husband puts his arm around her shoulder as she let's a few tears slip.

Dinah sits criss cross on the grass and plays with her necklace as she sighs. She holds a pink petal in her palm as she begins to talk.

“Hi mommy and daddy. Its Dinah. I have new -wait no another mommy and daddy. They love me a lot and mommy says she's grateful for you bringing me here. I don't really remember you, except for a really blurry memory of the time you took me to the park and I fell off the swings,” dinah smiles and giggles a little,”but that's all. Mom and dad told me you died in a car crash, do I don't really like cars, but they told me it's okay to be scared, but that I shouldn't let that stop me. I also have a sister named Rebecca and she's my best friend. Sometimes I sneak into her room at night to have sleepovers. Even though I don't remember you, I miss you a lot. Sometimes when I can't sleep I look at the pictures I have of us. It makes me feel safe. I'm glad I found my forever home, but you're always going to be my forever home too. Anyways mommy and daddy, I think i have to go. I love you and maybe mommy will take me here again.” Dinah looks at the names engraved and she stands, brushing her legs off and walking to her parents.

Chris picks her up and hugs her, “everything okay honey?” He asks gently. She nods hugs his neck. He smiles and takes her to the car while Melissa quickly crouches by the grave.

“Thank you so much for giving us that amazing little girl. I bet you're so proud of her. We are. She's so beautiful and I have no doubts in my mind she takes after you guys. I promise to love her until we part ways and I promise to protect her. You did so amazing her first three years and I will never stop thanking you.” melissa finishes with a sniffle. She gives her best smile and stands.

She joins her husband by the car, who wraps his arms around her and kisses her. She smiles a little as their lips meet.

“We have really awesome kids.” She states. He grins.

“One hundred percent.”


“Dinah wake up! DJ!”

The girl turns in her bed and groans. She pushes her sister away and hugs her blankets tighter. Becky huffs and sits on top of her Dinah. The little polynesian whines and trashes slightly until Becky rolls off.

“Come on DJ, Mommy and Daddy are waiting! They made birthday pancakes!” She says excitedly, jumping on her toes. Dinah sits up and a pout flashes over her face. She looks at her purple dinosaur alarm clock and makes a face. She looks to her sister with what only could be described as a look of pure tiredness and annoyance.

“Tell them I'll be down when it's not seven thirty.” the little girl responds, flopping back onto her sheets. She tugs the blanket over her body again and the movement from her sister stops. Until a minute later when she begins to shake her again.

“It seven thirty-one now,” Rebecca states, “so now you have to get up.” She points out. Dinah finally sighs tiredly and slips off the bed. She takes he sister's hand and the older one drags her downstairs where the two adults are patiently waiting. Dinah greets the two with a weak hug and sloppy kiss on their cheeks.

“Morning Dinah Jane, are you excited to be nine on this lovely morning?” Melissa asks. Dinah shrugs and yawns, leaning into the pair of arms around her.

“I'm too tired to be excited.” Dinah responds in a raspy voice. Melissa smiles at the girl and shuffles her to the table. Dinah sits at her place and blinks slowly when a plate of pancakes and bacon is set on the table. She smiles weakly at the scatter of rainbow sprinkles. Chris sticks a candle in the pancake and lights it. They all join into a quiet chorus of happy birthday. The energy in the girl slowly comes out and she smiles as she blows out the candle, laughing when her family claps.

Her cheeks turn a gentle red as she picks up her fork and begins to eat. Dinah stops for a moment, her mind gazing at the way her dad playfully argues with her sister about something and the way her mom slowly sips on her coffee as she daydreams. She looks around and smiles. She swallows the food in her mouth before speaking.  

“I love you.” She blurts. The three look at her back and respond with the same loving look. When Dinah hops into a conversation about her favorite type of butterflies, she knows she's truly home.

Truly and forever home.


Later that day, the family of four wounds the day at the beach. Chris has his arms around his gleefully screaming child before he tosses her back into the water. Rebecca resurfaces with a slight cough, but still a beaming look. She's just about splash her father when her sister tackles her back into the water. The girls screech as salty water floods their mouths and noses.  

Rebecca pouts when she lift her head up from the water. Dinah gives her a cheeky, guilty look. Rebecca huffs at her before swimming out of the water and running the short distance to the blanket and chairs, where her mother is resting. Dinah watches with one eyebrow cocked. She turns to her dad who shrugs, soon attacking his second daughter and tossing her into the water.

And just as Dinah comes up, the back of her head is squirted. She gasps and turns around to find her sister smiling menacingly at her with a water gun. Dinah swims frantically to her father, taking shelter behind him. Chris drags his second daughter from behind him and shoves a water gun into her arms. He grabs her shoulders and looks into her eyes, acting as if it were truly war.

“Don't let your big sister take you down.” He says seriously, ignoring the way his lips want to get into a smile. Dinah rolls her eyes as she feels another squirt to her head.

“She's only-”

“Never mind that DJ, take her down. I can't help you with this.” dinah glares down at the toy.

“You're dumb.” She deadpans. Chris lets out a laugh before patting her ahead and diving underneath the water. Dinah turns to her sister and to end up with water dripping down her face. That sets off a war between the sisters that ends up in shrieks and giggles.

After a while, the two look to their parents in similar curiosity.

“Should know.” Rebecca trails off. The two notice the way they're laying down. Dinah smirks and nods, her eyes focused on her father.

“But we need to be quiet.” She says, quietly paddling through the little waves to the shore. Rebecca presses her hand to her mouth to suppress laughs. The sister's creep up to the mother and father. Rebecca looks to Dinah before letting out what could only be described as a battle cry before spraying the two with water.

With super soakers in hand, the girls run away giggling after their parents sit up gasping from the cold. Melissa grunt and swipes water from her face while her husband lies on the now wet towel laughing. She glares at her man-child, not taking another moment to chase after her children.

She catches up to Dinah who happens to be less faster than her sister. Dinah screams as the water gun is taken from her hands and soon she's the one who's being soaked again with water.  Becky laughs from in a distance, wrapping her arms around herself as she tries to catch her breath.

"I surrender!" Dinah shrieks one last time. Melissa taunts her daughter and tosses the play toy aside and tickles her sides.  

"Come on dork, let's get going. We need to go get some food, I'm hungry," Melissa finally gives up, pulling her daughter up from her armpits. Dinah sticks her tongue out at her mother and bolts in the direction of her father to attack him, Rebecca having the same idea.

Hearing another round of playful and dramatic screaming, Melissa rolls her eyes and feels her heart warm at the thought of her family.


Dinah's eyes go wide in amazement when the slice of cake in set in front of her. The waitresses gather and sing a quick happy birthday song and Dinah smiles widely at the chorus of cheering and singing. She closes her eyes and blows out the candle, opening them when the restaurant workers disperse from the booth. Rebecca grabs her fork and immediately tries to swipe a bite, but Dinah blocks her away.

"What did you wish for DJ?" Chris asks his nine year old. Dinah shrugs and takes a bite of the chocolate cake.


Rebecca gasps as if Dinah had just called her an ungodly name.

"Nothing! Seriously you wasted a birthday wish? For shame!" She dramatically proclaims. Dinah rolls her eyes and meets her mother and father's eyes with a shy smile.

"I already have everything I need."


"I CANNOT believe this absolute monstrosity!"

Melissa's break from her daughters is interrupted when her youngest stomps through the door of the three bedroom home. The furious ten year old tosses her dance bag onto the ground and crosses her arms, standing in the middle of the kitchen with a pout. Melissa taps her wine glass before letting out an obvious loud sigh. Dinah groans before stomping over to pick up her duffle bag, dispersing from the kitchen, and returning again this time just in her tank top and shorts with her dance studio logo on the side.

"Okay, shoot miss sudden big girl words," Melissa says. Dinah makes a frustrated noise, using one hand to tie back her messy hair.

"I worked so hard for a solo at competitions or even to be lead in the group yet someone else got it. My coach kept telling me over and over I was doing so well and my leadership skills were so good. Every extra lesson was pointless." Dinah sighs. Melissa swallows the last of her whine, figuring she's going to need it, before sitting next to her daughter at the table. She thinks for a moment.

"Okay then, so then DJ, have your skills improved. You said your turns sucked, do they still?" She asks. Dinah shrugs and shakes her head.

"No, not anymore. I'm a lot more good."

"See. Extra lessons weren't pointless. Also they're expensive so they better not have been pointless." Melissa responds.

"But that's not the point. If I'm that much better how come I'm still in the same place I was a few months ago?" Dinah whines.

"Well, Dinah, you're going to get disappointed. And competitions are really important, and s coach knows their kids. If she knew you were truly ready she'd give you a lead or solo. You have tried your hardest, keep doing that and you'll get your desired results."

"Mom, am I a bad dancer?" Dinah asks her with a quivering lip. Melissa sighs and wraps her daughter into a hug.

"Of course not Dinah Jane. You're an amazing dancer. I have seen your growth this past year and half.  I'm so proud of you." Melissa comforts.

"Really?" Dinah asks softly. Melissa nods and smiles, kissing her head.

"Really. And speaking of an amazing girl, your sister has a soccer game tonight. Run up and get ready, it starts in almost an hour." She says, allowing for her daughter go run up the stairs.

Melissa watches her daughter proudly.

She would never trade them for the world.


G'nite. I'm tired. I'm going to bed. Love you all and hope you have a great day.

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