AU sans x Reader Oneshots Boo...

By emerald535

173 7 12

ok the last book was a flop because i didn't even write an oneshot in there but I'mma try to write some good... More

Authors Note
i need some requests!
Underfell Sans x Shy! Reader [FLUFF]

Nightmare x Reader [ANGST]

81 5 10
By emerald535

(this oneshot contains about self-harm, language and blood)

(Also this was requested by @Dew_Tautropfen ! I hope ypu like it!)

One cut, two cuts, three cuts.

ever since your friends betrayed you, the started to bully you. Telling you insults like "what's an ugly slut doing here?" or "i wish you were dead!" and stuffs and thanks to them, you have gained depression. You have once a soul that was filled with (fav. soul trait) but since those couple of months, you slowly lost your original trait and it was soon replaced of Depression.

You didn't do anything wrong. You still can remember how exactly had started.


One day during school, you were walking towards your friends durig lunch. You asked them how their day was. Suddenly, they stood up and walked away from you, leaving you alone confused.

You shouted at them, telling them to wait up for you until someone made you trip and fell onto the paint bucket that was purposely sstanding there.


Everyone saw you and started to laugh at you. you couldn't help but to start crying and ran out from the school.

*Flashback ends*

Ever since then, your grades started to drop and the bullying gets even worse. Your parents noticed how "bad" you suddenly are at school and started to beat the shit outta you too. You couldn't help but to feel..nothing. Sadness. Numb pain.

Now you're sitting here in your room, cutting yourself up until your upper arms. "why..why is my life so cruel? I didn't do anything wrong!" You had shouted and fell on the floor. 'That's it' you thought and picked up your knife. 'nobody would ever miss me..'.

As you were about to stab yourself, you suddenly felt something..slimy on your wrist and making you let go of your pocket knife. You opened your eyes to see a black and slimy skeleton standing in front of you, looking directly into your red, puffy eyes.

"W-Who are-" As you were about to ask that mysterious skeleton, who he was, he swiftly takes a hold of your arms and started to heal them. A few moments later, the big cuts that you had created were now gone.

"H-How did you-"

"Listen. I know your life seems rough right now but uh...god i'm so bad at those positive thingies. Look, if there is anyone who's gonna hurt you or anything, call me. Got it?"

Now that surprised you. You never have heard about that offer since a few months ago. You couldn't help but hug the somehow nice skeleton. He tenses up but he slowly hugs you back, awkwardly patting your back.

"Now...what is your name?"



You were walking towards your school but this time with a smile! A few weeks have passed and you couldn't help but to think of your slimy skeleton boy. Out of nowhere, you were shoved against the locker,harshly.

"Oh would you look at that, the slut here is back but it seems like she had a good time being all by herself. Now, let's wash away your smile!!"

You squeaked and closed your eyes quickly, accepting your fate, only to hear your bully screaming in pain and you could also hear a thump a few meters away from you.

"You leave her alone or i promise all of you if anyone of you pathetic humans are trying to hurt my girl, i'm gonna hunt you in your fucking dreams."

That voice!

You quickly opened your eyes to see Nightmare standing in front of you. Protecting you from your bullies! The other allies from your bully ran away, leaving b/n behind. Nightmare picked b/n up by their throat and glares deathly at them. "Listen here you asshole. That girl didn't do anything to get bullied or getting hurt or anything else. I am gonna ask you this. Nicely. Leave my girl alone or I will make a terrible dream of you , feeling the same pain as y/n had to feel during these past months. I can't promise that you would get out alive . Now, hurt her or harrass her one more time and you're dead. G O T  I T ?" He then let go of b/n and seconds later, thy fleed.

You were looking at the floor as you were suddenly scooped up by strong, slimy arms. "Come on, let's take you to my house." After you have heard that, you couldn't help but blush. "B-But we can still go to my house-"  "And let you getting beat up by your pathetic abusive parents? No way. Dream wouldn't mind to see my girlfriend."

Wait, Girlfriend?

As you wanted to ask him why he called you girlfriend, Nightmare's teeth crashed onto yours, kissing you gently yet passionately. After a few seconds, he pulled away and smiles softly at you. 

"Nobody's gonna hurt you ever, my love~"

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