Mayan Of Anarchy

By AmariannaRose

9K 222 8

**Book 2 of Mayans Don't Fear The Reaper** Abel has been kidnapped by Cameron Jax is dealing with the loss of... More

😭Feeling The Loss😢
Every Chucky Has A Precious Red Headed Rattlesnake👩‍🦰🐍
Buried Deep In The Hole🕳️
New Patches
In Need Of a T.O.
Finding You In Ireland🍀
I Never Thought I'd See You Again 🙈👀
The Bonds Of Family👨‍👩‍👧
Child's Play🚸
Dangerous Daddy☠️👨‍👧‍👦
The House Of The Setting Son🌄
If It Isn't Real Then It Won't Feel Right.... It Has To Feel Right!
🐎🐴How Charlie Got His Horse🏇🏽🎠
Romeo and His Juliet
🙍🏽‍♂️😿I'm Sorry😭🙇🏽‍♂️
Dondo Georgie
Teller Family Drama🎭
Losing Her While Losing Myself
Too Much To Lose Not Enough To Gain
Hook Line And Sink 'Em🎣
For From It You Were Taken For You Are Dust And To Dust You Shall Return
Free Opie
Goddess Venus
There's Hope For Us Yet
👰🏻🤵🏽A Marriage By Paper And A Promise 🤞🏽
One Last Visit
A Kid His Age Shouldn't Have So Many Demons 👹
Choices Have Consequences
💪Not So Macho💪
I Scream You Scream We All Scream For ICE CREAM 😱🍦
👶🏽🤱🏽Baby Born To Ride👼🏽🏍️
How Open Is Your Relationship!?!
A Families Betrayal👨‍👩‍👦‍👦
Like Lambs 🐑To The Slaughter🔪🥩
You Learn A Lot About The Things You Hate
Silencing The Voices🔊🔉🔈🔇
The Day The Music Died🎼🥀
New Rule If I Can't Be Happy Then No One Can Be Happy😁👿
A Hello And A Goodbye

The Club Needs A New Way To Deal With Shit!💩

234 6 1
By AmariannaRose

A few weeks later Jax is now living in Marcus' garage because Unser had Althea put out an APB on him for assault after Jax had "talked" to him about Gemma and what she did to Tara "I'm sorry!"  Jax says to Muerte softly when she walks into the garage to work on the car Jax stole to get to the garage "I'm not the one you need to apologize to Jackson!"  Muerte replies "yeah!"  he says quietly "and if you think about it you know where your mom went she went back to the only member of her family that may still love her.... if she can get him to remember her!"  she says no longer feeling up to working in the garage with his presence still there Muerte walks back out just as Marcus walks in with a few Reapers tailing behind him Muerte gives Marcus, Chibs, Tig, Happy and Juice a kiss on the cheek and pats Ratboy on the shoulder as she passes them by Marcus, Happy and Juice look at her with a worried expression on their face then continue on their way inside.... Muerte went with Marcus and the guys to the meeting with Conner and just like when she was a kid she ended up sleeping on Marcus' lap Marcus' hand would every now and again slide over her stomach and he would feel his grandbabies try to kick it off which would make him smile he felt Muerte jump every now and again when Conner raised his voice and when the Irish man saw her jump he'd lower his voice a few octaves but keep the anger within it Conner was shocked to find out that the white girl was the Mexican's daughter but he never asked any questions about it.... when the meeting was over Happy carried the still sleeping Muerte to her car and gently laid her down in the back seat once again sending Juice home with her.... someone had to drive the car after all.... Juice followed Marcus to her home then carried her into their room and laid her down in their bed but this time he didn't stay he went straight back to work keeping the pups at her side just in case anything happened.... when the guys come back to Red Woody they find Muerte pole dancing in her usual sexy seductive way near the bar area with Vida at her side dancing along with her and Quinn and Ratboy watching while Quinn held his daughter in his arms Juice and Happy watch the women with a shocked expression on their face "I didn't know she could do that!!"  Juice whispers with a surprised tone Happy chuckles and replies with a smile "neither did I bro!!"  then they both chorus softly "damn!!"  they burst out laughing hearing them laugh Muerte waves them over in an alluring way while hanging upside down on the pole they look at Jax who chuckles and says "go watch your woman!"  then they rush over to where the women were to watch them as they continue to dance.... when Jax came out of the meeting Muerte was leaning up against both Juice and Happy as they stood side by side leaning up against the white post in front of the bar she moves to one of the chairs and sits down as soon as Jax and the others come out....

"Why did you help Opie and not me!?!"  Jax asks Muerte the day after he gets back from killing his mother "are you seriously asking me that!?!"  she asks appalled by his question then she sighs and says "you ruined your own life the CLUB ruined his!.... took him from his wife and kids and when he came back you all just kept on taking!! whereas you had PLENTY of times to not only work on you relationship with the club but keep the one you USED to have with your wife and kids strong there ARE ways to make it work my father is proof of that!! no matter what happened in his club Marcus never lost me or Esai you lost everyone! he kept us close you kept pushing them away! everything that happened to your family is your fault!! the only difference is that you shared the blame with Tara when she was alive cause she was no better than you are! I loved Otto but I got lucky living in the home I lived in all my life Diana and Marcus are NOTHING like you!! they cherish what they have you simply throw it away and PRETEND you care!! I understand why you're like this.... you didn't exactly grow up with the best role models when it came to parenting I just hope to HELL that I am BETTER than you when it comes to raising my own!! but seeing that I had better role models than you did I know that I will be Marcus and Diana will make sure of it as will Chibs, Happy, Venus, Tig, Quinn, Vida and Juice you have SO many people who LOVE you and you ABUSED that love!! you should consider yourself lucky that they stuck with you this whole time cause you'd be even worse off without them!.... I have to go.... I will not allow the stress you bring into my life ruin the chance to be able to raise what has yet to be born.... goodbye Jackson Nathaniel Teller!!"  Jax chuckles softly as she turns around and walks away "defiant to the end!"  Jax whispers to himself shaking his head he had no idea why he blamed her he had no right to do so but he needed someone to blame and he knew she could take it after all they had been "enemies" ever since they were born even though she was biologically born into his family she was raised by his long term on and off enemy.... the next month was a busy one Jax went to Opie's house to say goodbye to his best friend and then he and the rest of the club took care of what was left of the business at hand.... Muerte walks into Red Woody and sees the big bootied porn star wave her booty cheeks in some poor porn star victims face "oh!.... excuse me!"  she says and she rushes over to a nearby garbage can "I don't think the girls like that one Ly.... sorry!"  she teases making Lyla chuckle then they hear Ratboy call out "Taddarius come on in"  and TO reply "unless I came out of your goddamn womb, or are that woman over there with a serious case of morning sickness that left a gift for the poor unsuspecting tiny garbage can don't ever call me that you dig.... little indie biker boy?"  then they hear the guys laugh Happy quickly gets up out of his seat opens the blinds, looks out of the window in the chapel and sees a smiling Muerte waving at him as Lyla pretends to clean her lips off with a handkerchief and he chuckles as Muerte rolls her eyes at him "why does she get to call you that then!?!"  Ratboy asks "cause she's terrifying and pregnant which makes her even more frightening!"  TO replies making the guys laugh even harder as Ratboy nods his head from side to side while saying softly "this is true!"  which causes more uproarious laughter to fill the room.... when the Irish guys come for a meeting with Jax Muerte who surprisingly stayed even after throwing up her lunch just watching porn walks over to Lyla as she was talking to Tig and hears Lyla ask "hey, what-what's going on? what happened to that guy?"  and Tig reply "who knows? he's Irish they're born beaten up"  Muerte chuckles softly as Tig continues "you should call it a day, sweetheart"  and Lyla replies "well, I still have a few more hours of work"  Tig barks "tomorrow"  Lyla replies softly "yeah, okay"  then she sees Muerte rub her stomach in an odd way and asks with a soft concerned gentle tone "you ok honey!?!"  Muerte replies "I think I need to go to the hospital!"  Tig's eyes widen and Lyla says "yeah!.... sure!.... ok I'll take you!"  Muerte replies "this isn't some ploy to....!"  Lyla assures her "I know!.... come on!"  Lyla gently escorts Muerte towards the door rubbing her back as they walk Tig gets on his phone and calls Marcus letting him know he just might be becoming a grandfather....

"I'm fine dad just dealing with a Braxton-Hicks bastard who thought it would be funny to trick my body into thinking they were ready!.... this is my first full term.... I wasn't used to the pain.... I might just stay here for the next week or so though.... less stress which is better for me right now!"  Muerte says into the phone when Marcus calls her worried that he'd miss the birth of his granddaughters because he's helping Jax out with Conner Marcus chuckles then says "alright hija as long as you're sure!"  she replies "like I'd let Oso make the deal without you supervising!.... that would just be horrible!"  he laughs "come by when you're done if you have the chance too and we'll see just how ready these girls are to rub the genies lamp!"  she teases he laughs then says "my hair isn't that long anymore hija!"  she replies "at least you have hair!"  Marcus looks at Happy then at Juice and says "this is true!"  she laughs Juice and Happy look at him oddly as Muerte says "beside you still have the mustache goatee.... that'll do well enough!"  Marcus chuckles then says "you get some rest.... we'll see you and maybe the little ones as well in about an hour or so"  she replies "sure thing dad!.... I love you!"  he says "I love you too hija!"  then they hang up and she falls asleep.... "hey.... you, dad and Juice better hightail it over here or you'll all miss the show!"  Muerte teases playfully when she calls Happy to let him know that he and Juice are about to become fathers and Marcus a grandfather seeing the excitement in Happy's facial expression Juice and Marcus knew it was time as Jax was saying goodbye to his sons both Juice and Happy were saying hello to their daughters sitting in the delivery room watching Muerte as she pushed out a 6lb 8oz pearl white girl and 7lb 9oz Puerto Rican colored white girl the pearl white girl became Nicotiana Ortiz and the Puerto Rican white girl became Xiomara Lowman (Superfecundation) they both got the chance to cut the umbilical cord Happy and Juice were astounded at what they just witnessed and very excited Juice held her hand and Happy watched the entire birth from the doctors prospective by standing behind her while still in full view with a smile on his face which the doctor found amusing.... Chibs, Tig, T.O. and Jax all got pictures of the girls a few minutes after they were born both Happy and Juice were reluctant to leave but Muerte talked them into it "go!.... they need you!.... we'll be alright!.... though.... you two are changing the first diaper when we're able to go home!"  Muerte says softly ending with  tease Happy and Juice chuckle with a smile then give her a kiss "ok.... we love you!"  Juice replies "and we love you!"  she says with a smile they chuckle then kiss their daughters foreheads and walk out of the room knowing that they were going from a happy occasion to a sad one the knew because even though she should be happy she felt sad they just didn't know the full extent of it like she did "you too dad!.... call mom and have her come up if you're worried about us being alone but you got shit of your own to take care of!.... don't leave the black man alone with Oso for too long who knows what could happen!"  Muerte teases Marcus who stands in the doorway with a smile on his face he chuckles then walks over and gives the three girls a kiss then calls his wife on his way out of the room

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