男孩: Boy

By PrisMinai

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Jimin becomes the young Jeon Jungkook's concubine upon his dad's demand. Like a precious flower, he's shipped... More

章节: 1 - Alone
章节: 2 - Many Meetings
章节: 3 - Bitter Tea, Sweeter Words
章节: 4 - The Garden
章节: 5 - Calm
章节: 6 - Hands
章节: 7 - Lust
章节: 9 - Share
章节: 10 - Utter Warmth in Breath and Breathlessness
章节: 11 - Regrets and the Signs of Selfishness
章节: 12 - Touch
章节: 13 - Him and Her
章节: 14 - Him, Him and Her

章节: 8 - Flowers

78 5 0
By PrisMinai

As they laid there peacefully, they were both sweaty and sticky from their play. Jimin didn't mind - it was proof of their fun. It was just that silk and semen and sweat didn't mix well together. It was this feeling of cold silk sticking to their hot skin that he disliked. He needed a shower.

Jimin pulled Jungkook to bathe with him. Now they had to dash again, quickly through the hallways of his master's palace so that other eyes couldn't see their nudity. They arrived swiftly and Jimin let out a deep breath from this exercise and the one before which he shared with Jungkook too. He allowed hot water to pour to the generous tub and added scent. Going through all the bathhouse to find Jungkook's signature one. "Is this the one?" He asked to ensure. Unfortunately, Jungkook's scent was quickly becoming a distant memory. The younger hummed in response. "You know me well?" And Jimin looked up at his master's handsome face, agreed proudly and stood on his toes to reach Jungkook's lips. He kissed the younger softly before leading him to the tub.

Jimin then followed and let himself be held by Jungkook. He took this position in the younger's arms greedily - even though, as a concubine he should be the one to clean his master - for he had missed the other. He lingered in the other's touch for a while, in complete silence, before the desire to speak grew in him too great.

"I missed you, Jungkook." He muttered cutely, pouting - if only Jungkook could see his act, but he couldn't, not when Jimin still laid on him, back to Jungkook's chest. Jimin realized this too, and turned. His pout remained as his hands found their way to rest on the other's beating chest. "Didn't you miss me? Why didn't you come see me?" He begged, face approaching the other's slowly. Jungkook wasn't answering, only studying the other's sad face wondrously. He didn't seem to be able to answer Jimin and something shattered in the older from the sheer loudness of the other's silence.

"I'm just your concubine." Jimin spoke to himself, realized his mistake too, as the younger remained silent. Jungkook's brows lifted at these words innocently, wanting to speak up but his nervousness had begun to grow again and he felt suffocating. "I forget that sometimes. I'm sorry..." Jimin muttered silently, resting his lips on the other's chest, instead of Jungkook's lips as he had intended. He had to hide his face then, or the immense embarrassment he felt from his own foolishness would have been too easy to notice. He shouldn't have forgotten the nature of their arrangement. I forgot so easily too, he thought to himself in his shame.

Jungkook wanted to speak too. Wanted to explain. But it was his nature to grow nervous under such situations those days. "Wait here." He ordered shakily. "Please." He had to add.

He drew a robe over himself and left the bathroom without looking at the smaller boy. And with great haste found his chambers again and the lingering evidence of their fun on his sheets, and the clothes that were haphazardly thrown all over his floor. He reached behind his bed and found the tall pipe, hands shaking as they held it in both excitement and dread. He both hated and loved the thing in his hands, but it seemed he loved it just a bit more, for he always kept returning to it even after he had chosen not to.

Time flew differently with the pipe in his hands. To him, it was mere moments, yet when he returned to Jimin, it seemed it had been a long while. The older was shivering a bit, the water had gone cold. The candles that Jimin had lit, had died, and only smoke lingered. Jimin turned his head towards the door that slowly swung open and looked both blankly and fully at Jungkook. He seemed cold, his body too yes, but his eyes and soul too - much akin to how he had looked at Jungkook when he had first arrived to his palace. Though, this time, there was a bitter edge of hurt lining his eyes wetly.

"What is it?" Jungkook asked warmly. He had just smoked, and couldn't conjure any worry to his voice. 

"It's cold." Jimin whispered hurtfully. Jungkook went to him immediately. He put his left hand on the older's back and the right one in the crook of his legs and lifted the boy from the cool water. He smelled like Jungkook as he had bathed in his scent yet it was Jungkook whose smell had already faded behind the veil of smoke from the poppy he had inhaled just mere moments ago.

Jungkook carried the cold boy quickly through his halls, covering him from the eyes of those who didn't deserve to see him naked, and took him to his room. He now felt more confident as the poppy had done its work well. He'd speak to Jimin, reveal his heart again as he so bravely had in the garden before. He was ashamed that his addiction had taken even his confidence with it and that he needed the smoke to speak as he once had been able to.

"The linens are clean?" Jimin asked, voice small from abandonment. "I asked them to be changed. You'll sleep by my side tonight, if that's alright?" Jungkook revealed with a bright smile and such an uncommonly loving look painting over his gaze that it struck the older violently. Jimin looked up at him helplessly, crudely caged in his hold. His strong arms wrapped around his smaller body, his handsome face glowing down for him as he looked at Jimin too. He struggled to understand how the younger affected him so much. Just moments ago he wanted to cry - now he wanted to hug the other's warm body tightly, to feel warmer, to feel Jungkook. Perhaps he still wanted to weep, but that desire was quickly fading as the other's deeply beating heart calmed him. He could feel it pumping warm blood ceaselessly as his shoulder rested on the taller's chest. Like everything else about his master, his heart seemed endlessly warm too, yet completely unreachable.

"Even a frozen flower melts quickly before the sun..." Jimin mumbled to himself and his shivering chest. Jungkook had brought the covers over him, intention being to warm him undoubtedly, but he wasn't cold from the water, not really. "Huh?" Jungkook asked loosely, as he too got under the covers and wrapped his arms around Jimin again. Pulled him closer to his warm chest and soon his restless hand found its way to the older's long hair.

"Why did you leave?" Jimin whispered, voice as little as his confidence.

"I needed something..." Jungkook revealed vaguely, clearly hesitating.

"To smoke? You needed to smoke right?" Jimin went on, his tone unsure too as he awaited an answer, but Jungkook only continued playing with Jimin's hair silently. Jimin took this silence as confirmation - it was clear that Jungkook felt uneasy about the topic, uneasy enough to hide it from Jimin all this time. "What is it? The smoke." Jimin mumbled curiously again, wanting to know more and not willing to let it go this time. He turned towards the younger then and took his bigger hands to his. His eyes went to Jungkook expectantly, waiting for an answer patiently.

"It's a flower. A very special flower, like you." He revealed after a while, yet his gaze was quickly averting from Jimin. "Makes me feel calm, confident." He muttered, voice raspy and small.

"I don't like it." Jimin whined poutingly. Truthfully, he'd like the flower to have never existed, but now that he understood the poppy to be more medicine than a mistress, he felt more confident. Less jealous. Enough to approach his master further.

"And why is that?" Jungkook chuckled, but it seemed rather strained. Jimin could only shrug in response as he shimmied closer into Jungkook's warmth. "It takes your scent," he revealed sadly, bringing his face to the other's neck, smelling him, kissing him there, where his skin was soft, "your shyness too." Jimin went on pouting. "It takes your time," Jimin hesitated then. "from me." He added quietly. He leaned closer to Jungkook, lips resting on the other's collarbones again. He made a discovery, Jungkook was warm again. After smoking the poppy. "It makes you warm too? That part I like." He admitted.

They were then in silence again, Jimin tracing patterns on the younger's chest and Jungkook massaging Jimin's scalp and playing with his long hair. "I don't like it either." Jungkook revealed hesitantly.

"Then stop?" Jimin mumbled, lips gracing over the other's skin when they moved as he was still too close. He wasn't willing to retreat just yet. This much he deserved for being left alone in the cold tub.

"I-, it isn't very easy to stop Jimin."

"I'll help you? I'll be by your side." Jimin offered, lips leaving kisses then up the other's neck, wanting to creep up to meet the thinner lips of his master. However, when he sensed Jungkook's stiff silence again he pulled back. He had to. "Was I too bold again?" His shivers returned. "You don't need to stop. Forget I ever mentioned it." He whispered hastily and hid his gaze away from Jungkook as he retreated back to his shame.

"No. Please don't be like that." Jungkook hurried to beg. He brought his hand from Jimin's hair to cup the smaller's chin, to bring Jimin's gaze to him. "I want to stop. I should stop."

"Then why don't you?"

"I'm afraid." He revealed in a whisper, not able to look at Jimin this time in turn.

Jimin went to kiss Jungkook. He knew very little about comforting, and perhaps it had been a mistake to offer help with something Jimin knew even less about, but he realized then, as he looked at the younger boy, at his shy eyes, his polite hands, his pretty pink blush that only arrived when he was high and the messy hair Jungkook seemed to care very little about, that he couldn't help but adore the boy. He didn't wish to help him because the scent bothered him - he quite liked it actually, or because he was jealous for the other flower that stole Jungkook from him too often, but because he wanted Jungkook to be happy. It was cunning, this flower - much like Jimin, as it surely made his master seem happy, yet from all words Jimin could hear, he understood that the poppy was a spoiled flower, unfit for a fresh master like Jungkook.

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