Confessions of an Eleanor Cal...

By eleanorjanecalder

194K 2.7K 318

One simple prank on the boys has a massive waterfall of side effects... More

Confessions of a Eleanor Calder Look Alike
I'm just Eleanor Calder
Identical Strangers
Lost in Total Chaos
Huston We Have a Problem
Just Calling it Providence
Playing the Game
When Life Gives You Lemons
Karma...Nuff Said
Twist of Fate
Figuring it All Out
What the Nandos did I Just See??
Lunch Date
Going through Hell
A Battlefield
Train Wrecks Happen When You Mess
And who Might You Be?
Come Wake Me Up
Getting to Her
Run you a hot bath and fill it up with Bubbles
I Need You
The beginning of the End


6.6K 229 48
By eleanorjanecalder


Hazel's POV

I laughed as my friend Shanna held Lily away from her body awkwardly.

"She is crying. Do something supermom!" Shanna handed her to me.

I took my two month old from my friend and started humming. Lily started making humming noises.

"She is definitely going to be a singer when she grows up." Shanna shook her head in disbelief.

"Maybe." I shrugged. We entered into the school grounds.

I had entered into Cambridge University for their management major. Shanna also went there and worked at the ice rink where I taught. I got many stares from the students for bringing Lily with me to classes but my professors didn't mind as long as she fuss or whine. Most of the time she was an easy baby, and Shanna was sure to take notes if I was unable to sit in class with her. For the past two months it was working fine. I figured if I was able to go to school pregnant then I could manage this. I knew it would be harder once she was older but I didn't have the heart to put her in daycare.

It was almost impossible to not know the latest on the boy band. They were everywhere I turned. The Freshmen at the universities, the television, the magazines and newspapers. From what I had scanned and read, Harry was back together with some model, emma, or Emily? Liam was still going strong with Danielle, Zayn and Perrie had taken a break but recently got back together. Louis and Eleanor had not gotten together again. I still felt bad. The boys were currently in some foreign country and it was nice to not worry about running into them.

Why did I not go far away from them? One might ask.

When people run away they don't really ever go far. Instead I had moved 20 minutes away. The boys wouldn't look twenty minutes away when they figured I had gone back to New York. My skating career was officially over. Between the busted leg and then the pregnancy, there was no way I would ever compete professionally again. Instead I went into coaching. I had four students and one partner pair. I was doing alright although I missed those crazy boys.

It had been 9 1/2 months since I had walked away from One Direction. It had been 2 months since Louis had found and contacted me.

The other boys had no idea and I preferred not to get involved with them. However, Louis had insisted so, through texting and picture messages, I was able to share little bits of his daughter with him.

"So Louis wants to come and see Lily?" Shanna asked.

Shanna was my only friend who knew about the whole situation with the boys. Everyone else I met, I would deny knowing them. But Shanna was also my roommate. You can't hide things from your flat-mate. Especially when she was your best friend.

"Yeah I don't know though. He was one of the reasons I left ya know? I just thought I could leave it all behind." I shrugged as I got my pens out and put them on the desk, Lily was now asleep in the crook of my other hand.

"Well you realize he is part of a boy band, AKA the Beatles reincarnated....and you had his baby." She chuckled. "It's not surprising thst he had the resources to track you down."

"Keep your voice down!" I whispered to her. "Besides, there were four Beatles everyone knows that."

"No one is even in the classroom yet." She rolled her eyes. "So what are you going to do?"

"I don't know. I wanted to burry any feelings I had toward either of them. Louis is making it VERY hard." I shook my head. "I had just hoped he didn't have feelings for me."

"But you two were close?" She nodded asking.

"Yeah I guess. We got on really well but I don't know. With Harry I felt energized, loved, wanted, happy. With Louis I felt loved, safe, wanted, cheerful. Similar but different I don't know how to explain it. It was complicated. I barely got to know them before...."

"Yeah. I get it. It's perfectly possible to like two people at the same time. It happens to everyone. Especially if they are both attractive and nice blah blah blah." She shrugged. "But you never answered my question. What are you going to do?"

What was I going to do?

"I don't know. I guess I will find out when he is back in the country." I sighed and looked down at the spitting image of Louis.

Lily was the perfect mix of our genes. She had our dark hair, bright blue green eyes, and Louis jaw line. She had my curls and long eye lashes. But she had Louis nose and eyebrows. Looking at her, there was no mistaking who her father was. I sighed again and got ready for the History lecture.

What was I going to do?

"You know, maybe I will ju-" my sentence was cut short when I heard a voice.

"Excuse me miss have you seen a Hazel Clark?" The voice was Louis' I would recognize it anywhere. It was one of the voices that haunted my dreams late at night.

"Everyone knows who Hazel is. She's the one who we call supermom. She is right there with Shanna and her little baby, Lily." The girl's voice I recognized as Kayla, one of my many classmates.

I heard Louis footsteps coming closer and closer up behind me. I saw Shanna give me a look and I put my head down as if I was consumed with looking after Lily. My heart was beating out of my chest.

"Hazel is that you?" I feel him put a hand on my shoulder and I look up at his grey blue eyes.

"Hi Lou." I whispered after a few seconds.


Book Two IS UP!

It's called: I Should Have Kissed You Hazel Clark.

F anyone can make a cover for the next book i would appriciate it. Also i fan back and looooovee reading fan fics so give me some of yours and simply ask for a fan back. If you have writers block or anything then shoot me a message and i will try to help.

This was deticated to @Katniss_luvs_1D for listening to my writer problems. go read her storys she is amazing :)

Thank you for reading i love you all :)



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