Not What It Seems

By Haimster222

65.4K 1.6K 701

In which a girl and a boy take on the world with their undying love. #Eloda More

Chapter 1 || Not Your Average Girl
Chapter 2 || "Friends? I just met you!"
Chapter 3 || Revelation
Chapter 4 || "You know girlie you dig okay."
Chapter 5 || When Conflict Comes Knockin'
Chapter 6 || "That's a long trip up..."
Chapter 7 || The Father Strikes
Chapter 8 || "I've never been more sure of anything in my entire life."
Chapter 9 || Cherishable
Chapter 10 || "Well looks like we got ourselves a couple dates."
Chapter 11 || 100%
Chapter 12 || "Yes Soda! Yes!"
Chapter 13 || Switchmania
Chapter 14 || "How's the baby?"
Chapter 16 || "Because I don't lie."
Chapter 17 || Encountered
Chapter 18 || "A soundproof att-"
Chapter 19 || Six In The Morning
Chapter 20 || "Am I gonna be an uncle?"
Chapter 21 || Elevation
Chapter 22 || "Ditto."
Chapter 23 || The Tension Is Real
Chapter 24 || "And that's all I can remember."
Chapter 25 || Burning the House Down
Chapter 26 || "I'm not telling you everything..."

Chapter 15 || Cuffed & Cooped

1.5K 47 14
By Haimster222

{Soda's POV}

"Fuck. Why did I run away? Where am I? It doesn't matter anyway. I don't even know who I am anymore. But Elizabeth. Ponyboy & Darry. Everyone. I just left them! FUCK! I have to go back!"

"I can't! The police are probably on my tail! That fucking Soc had it coming though. He knew he would die one day. What the fuck is wrong with me?!"

I punched the brick wall that I was leaning on. "Dammit, Sodapop!"

I could feel tears run down my face as I slid down the wall to sit down. I was a mess. I knew I had to go back, but when? Now? Tomorrow? Life is full if these fucking questions!

I got up shakily and brushed off the dirt that was on my blue jeans. "I'll go."

I started towards town in hopes that I would be back home soon. It's been four days already. Darry is probably freaking out. Hah! I'll be freaking out when I come home to what he is gonna say!

{Two Hours Later}

I did end up getting back home, but instead of going inside, I decided to head to the hospital. Maybe Elizabeth is still checked in from when I dropped her off. She is most likely pissed to the max!

I entered the hospital's East entrance and started up towards the receptionist. She was a hard looking ticket. She was short with a hunch and had corse, graying hair along with dark eyes. I bet they've seen a lot.

I approached the desk. "Hey, what room is Elizabeth Cole in?" I asked trying to avoid eye contact.

The gray haired woman looked up at me from her papers. Her face was grim. It reminded me of something Darry had pulled from the drain hole in the bathroom sink.

"She is in room 1122. Please make no sounds." She whispered, looking back at her papers. "Or else."

"Pardon?" I asked surprised.

She scowled. "Go to her room or get the hell out! You can't just pussy-foot around here like you own the damn establishment!"

Christ almighty.

My eyes widened in surprise. "Yes ma'am!" I yelled, twirling around, heading for 1122.

I approached the staircase and noted how many steps were to go. 396 steps till the top floor. Aw man!

I began to run up the stairs when I noticed a couple heads looking up and down the hallways. I crept up the stairs and realized who they were.

The damn cops are here.

They must know that me and Elizabeth are a thing, but why would they track me down at the hospital she's staying at? Somebody must've hollered at them that I was still around town... But who?

I continued to climb the stairs, narrowly escaping the dreaded cops. I finally reached my destination. I walked to the door and knocked. All was silent.

I opened up the door and peered inside. Elizabeth was laying there wiping her face with her hand. She heard the door click open and spun her head around.

"Soda!" She softly yelled. "You gotta get outta here!"

I started over towards her when I noticed her hand cuffed to the bed. I heard footsteps approach me.

"End if the line, hood." Said a groggy voice.


I spun around and looked at the three large cops that blocked my way. As one came closer, I could hear Elizabeth hyperventilate in the background.

"You don't understand!" I yelled, moving away. Unfortunately, I tripped as I backed up, hitting my head.

"Guess you didn't think this all through when you committed the crime." Said another cop.

The tallest, bulkiest man stepped forward, cuffs in hand, and knelt down beside me.

"Don't do the crime if you can't do the time, fucker." He whispered, cuffing me at last.

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