Don't Leave Me, Again. (BTS X...

By aphroditeM_

205K 4.7K 955

PURE FICTION!!! ~When we've given a chance, don't lose me the second time around. Please love me endlessly, l... More

DLMA 1: When It All Ends...
DLMA 2: Meeting them (again)
DLMA 3: Awards Night
DLMA 4: Their Sides and SATI Award
DLMA 5: Fan Request
DLMA 10: Clueless
DLMA 11: Smiles
DLMA 12: What If?
DLMA 13: I Love You (Too)
DLMA 14: Laughes
DLMA 15: Boys around them
DLMA 16: Drunk
DLMA 17: Bed
DLMA 18: Can't Afford
DLMA 19: Appreciated
DLMA 20: Trouble in Pool
DLMA 21: A Mess
DLMA 22: Not Just a Dinner
DLMA 23: Next Time
DLMA 24: Blushed
DLMA 25: Grandma Sung
DLMA 27: Separated
DLMA 28: Trust Issues
DLMA 29: After a Month
DLMA 30: New CoLOVE?
DLMA 31: Vlive/Game Over
DLMA 32: Goodbye...
DLMA 33: I wanna make it MEMORABLE
DLMA 34: I don't want to be hurt, NOT AGAIN
DLMA 35: Im tired, Im S O R R Y.
DLMA 36: Im the OLDEST, I should be the STRONGEST.
DLMA 37: This is how the DESTINY play
DLMA 38: Priority
DLMA 39: Invited
DLMA 40: 'bout Rosé
DLMA 41: Idol Getaway 1.1
DLMA 42: Idol Getaway 1.2
DLMA 43: Idol Getaway 2.1
DLMA 44: Idol Getaway 2.2
DLMA 46: Always and in ALL WAYS
DLMA 47: Free
DLMA 48: Unnie...
DLMA 49: If its for you, its for you.
DLMA 51: Game of Fate
DLMA 52: Bad Time//Good Times
DLMA 53: Questions
DLMA 54: I Always ended up with you
DLMA 55: The other half
DLMA 56: Bride and Groom
DLMA 57: fixed
DLMA 58: We Don't Care
DLMA 59: Locked.
DLMA 60: Enough of what if's
DLMA 61: Its On Our Side
DLMA 62: Im Here
DLMA 63: Our Goblin Story
DLMA 64: Thank you, Universe!

DLMA 45: Im a MESS

2K 46 3
By aphroditeM_

Typographical error|Grammatical error ahead

Jennie's POV

Now were here, back in our own places.

Were here at the Airport and our van with our manager are already outside waiving at us.

"Bye unnies, bye girls!!! I really had fun!" I told them and hugged them one by one.

"Yeahhh, us too Jen, and I hope we can hang out sometimes, only us girls, no other idols." Jeongyeon said.

"Yeah, I like that idea too, so bye for now girls?" Seulgi unnie said.

"Bye for now." We all said and hugged each other.

"I'll miss you guys, see you soon." Rosé said while waving at them and walking to our van.

"Take care always, Rosé!!!" Nayeon said.

And Rosé just nodded to her.

I want to rest and sleep, Im tired, im empty, im useless right now.

When we are already in our dorm we run like a kid to our own rooms, and rest there.

"Unnie just wake me up laterrr!!!" I shouted and close my eyes.

"Okay Jennieyahhh!!!" Jisoo unnie shouted back.

"Girsl, we will just leave your luggages here in your living room, okay???" Our manager unnie shouted.

"NE!!!!" And then I peacefully sleep.

Finally, I can now sleep and rest.

"JENNIE!!!! WAKE UP!!!!" Jisoo unnie said while knocking my door hard.

"UNNIE PLEASEEEE!!! YOU NEED TO SEE THIS!!!" Lisa said while panicking.

Aishhhhhhh jinjaaa???

"Girls im tired...." I said.

"UNNIE IM GOING TO KICK YOUR DOOR IF YOURM'RE NOT GOING TO OPEN IT!!! " Rosé said that made me run to my door and open it.

"What is it???" I asked irritated.

"Aren't we supposed to be the one to ask that?" Jisoo unnie said.

I look at them confuse.

"Unnie... Mind to explain?" Lisa said and face me her phone.

"F*ck!" I utter.


"Since when Jennie? Since when?" Jisoo unnie asked.

"Unnieeee, I don't even know. Im with you all the time. And we don't even have a special contact or else. I am dreaming?" I asked.

"You are not unnie." Rosé said seriously.

So this is what he is saying? Damn you, Kai.

Before we leave Jeju Island, Kai chatted me to meet him at the park, so no one can see us. Its just going to take only thirthy minutes and we'll come back even befote everyone wake up.

He said he wants to tell me something important so I agreed on meeting him.

And I went to his rented car there.

When we got in the park I ask him about what's his going to say.

"So what is it?" I asked impatiently.

"Jennie..." He said.

"Just go straight to the point, Kai." I said seriously.

"Be mine." He said.

And it made me laughed.

"Jennie, Im serious." He said.

"Don't mess with me Kai. Find your girl. Im leaving." I said and look for a taxi.

"You'll see Kim Jennie. You'll be mine." He said smirking.

"Then go Kim Jongin, do it." I said before entering the taxi.

Kim Jennie of BLACKPINK and Kim Jongin of EXO are reportedly dating.

I tell the story to my friends.

"Unnie this can't be happen unless, YG..." Lisa said.

"Unless YG approved this issue to the media." Rosé finished.

"Look what's on BTS_TWT!!!" Jisoo unnie said.

So that's it? Were done? You didn't even give me a signal. -Kim Taehyung

Sh*tttt!!! What are you doing Kim Jennie!???

I run to my room, get my long padding, my phone and wallet. I go to our shoe rack and wear my shoes.

"Where are you going Jennie?" Jisoo unnie asked.

"Im going to his office right now." I said.

"You can't go there alone unnieee..." Lisa said worried.

"I can, let me fix this." I said and leave our dorm.

I waited for a taxi and told the driver to drive me to YG entertainment.

While I am at the taxi I checked my phone and saw CL unnie texted me.

Is it true, jennieyahhh?

She asked.

I let out a deep sigh, I don't know what's happening anymore. Its all a mess. Im a mess.

Once Im in the front of or company I pay the driver and I didn't wait for the change anymore and run to the elevator and press the 7th floor.

Once I went out of our elevator I rushly go to his office and open it angrily.

"WHAT IS THAT!???" I shouted.

He smirk at me.

"Calm down, Jennie..." He said.

"How much!???" I asked.

"What how much?" He asked.

"How much did they gave you!??? Are you really that desperate!? That you are willing to sell your idols!?" I said.

"I don't know what you are saying Jennie. You can leave now." He said with his poker face.

"Really?" I asked and smirked.

"Just date him Jennie. Its easy." He said.

I shook my head in disbelief.

"You know right? You know we are the group that gave this company a lot of money... You know right? Or you forgot???" I asked and still smirking at him. From poker face his face turn to be a blank face. "You still remember rigth? That Im... Your... Ace. Your YG PRINCESS." I said smirking and emphasizing the word 'Yg Princess'. "If you won't do an action to this sh*t. Im sorry. You'll going to lose your idol. You'll going to lose your money. You'll going to lose your company." I said give him a serious glare, a smirk and leave his office.

You messed up, Jennie.

I don't know where to go now. I don't know how to face people around me now. I don't know what to do now. Im a mess, and no one's here to help this mess.

Everyone left me, everyone around me is confused. How can I make them believe now? I don't know what's happening to my life anymore.

Even the man I expected to believe me, is now doubting me.

Im a mess.

I don't know where to go, I don't want to go to our dorm first. I need a time to breath first, and to think what I am going to do next.

They have me at my best, but no one's here when Im at my worst.

I feel sorry for you self. I pity you.

I made up to my mind. Im going to Seoul Tower, at Love locks. Its Friday night tho, no one can notice me at my worst.

I ride a taxi again and told the driver to drive me to the Seoul Tower.

I arrived after a few minutes.

I went to one of the chair, facing the love locks in front of me.

What if we lock our pad lock here last time? Are we experiencing this kind of situation?

What If I didn't left him here last time, are we now happy?

What if I didn't prioritize myself, and fight for him? What if I didn't got tired?

What if... what if...

And then I feel my tears falling down from my eyes.

Cry Jennie cry, cry now and smile later.

I feel someone seated beside me.

"Is it real...?" He asked.

I know him. How did he recognize me?

"F*ck Jennie!!!" He blurted.

"Im sorry...." I said.

"So its real?" He asked again.

I shook my head.

"Then why are you sorry?" He asked me again.

"I just feel obligated to say it..." I said.

"Jennie I trust you..." He said.

"So you're doubting me now???" I asked too.

"Im hurted and still hurt." He said and sniffed.

"Im hurted too..." I said.

"Jennie... I am not enough? I thought you're just going to take a rest cause you are tired but-"

"And I did it." I said.

"But you found someone while resting." He said.

"Believe me please... Believe me..." I said.

"Im getting tired now, Jennie... I want you to have the happiness you deserve, but seems like I can't give it to you. You deserve someone who can make you happy, and I think I can't give you that. Im sorry... Im letting you go..." He said and left me.

"Please believe me Tae... Please..." I said while seeing him walking away from me.

Now I already lose someone who is important to me.

The someone I thought that will fight for me just leave me out of a sudden.

The someone I used to believe that won't leave me, just gave up on me recently.

The someone I love got tired, because of me.

"Im sorry Kim Taehyung..." I said still crying and decided to leave the place that used to be one of our spot.

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