The Otherside

By sweetasimay

8 0 0

One-shot More

The End

The Beginning

6 0 0
By sweetasimay

Yura hated working the night shift at the bar, she changed to the black skimpy tank top and booty shorts the new management wanted the waitresses to wear to attract more clientele.
She looked at herself in the mirror and hoped for the best, because after 11 pm the white collar creeps began to trickle in and began to make advances towards her and the other waitresses.
But she had promised Sojin that she would cover her shift so she could have her date night with her boyfriend Leo.
She was currently taking care of a party of three and was getting more and more annoyed at the little smart remarks one of the guys was making towards her and the amount of alcohol he was consuming wasn't helping at all.
She pouted as she waited for Jungkook make another round of long islands for that rowdy group.
Jungkook handed her two of the glasses and she reluctantly placed them on her tray.
Jungkook smiled at her "Don't look too excited sweetheart" he teased her and placed the third drinks on her tray for her
Yura rolled her eyes at him "I won't kookie~" she smiled at him sweetly
Jungkook wiped down the excess water from the bar as he shook his head with an amused smile plastered on his face.
"Remember babe, Namjoon wouldn't mind kicking some ass for you" he winked at her
Yura laughed and took the tray making her way back to the table she was stuck with.
And like always the same guy that was ogling her didn't miss a beat and looked right at her as if he was undressing her with his eyes.
In all reality Yura was used to be looked at like a piece of meat, she hated it but she knew that she was good looking and had good proportions but that still did not make it okay for men to try and get a fuck out of her.
This is why she never had a boyfriend, they all just wanted to bed her and she wasn't going to just let any man take her virtue.
Bom would always tease her for being a prude but she always said she loved her for her values.
Yura tried to smile as she put her tray under her arm after placing the drinks on their table and ignore the looks from the creepy man
"Would you like anything else?" she asked politely
"Oh yes, YOU baby" the man said licking his lips smirking at her
Yura lost her smile and turned around walking away before he said anything inappropriate again
"What happened prince charming, still no luck?" Yura heard someone say but she didn't turn to look at who at the table had made that remark.
Yura contemplated asking security to escort the gentlemen out but she thought she was overreacting so she let it go and went back to the bar area.
"You okay my Yura?" Namjoon asked as she took a seat on the stool
She smiled at him as he handed her a water "All is fine my Joonie just the same old same ol'" she took a long drink through her straw and looked around making sure Hyeri and Minah didn't need any help.
But it looked like they were doing just fine, Minah walked up to the bar and handed Namjoon the order for her table
"Hi Yura-unnie! I missed you!" the young girl said excitedly and gave her a back hug
"I missed you too" Yura told her as she held Minah's arm.
"Are you here to cover Sojin-unnie?" Minah let go and placed her tray for Namjoon to place the glasses
"Yeah, I'll be here till Bom shows up at 1 am" Yura told her
"Okay unnie!" Minah gave her smile as she took her tray and went back to the floor.
Hyeri was busy but she too stopped by to tell her hello, she was serving a party of 6 who were very handsome and gentlemen Hyeri had added.
Yura made another round to the table she was taking care of and waited to go to the three perverted businessmen.
She walked up to the bar where Hyeri was now sitting massaging her foot with one hand and had her phone in the other.
She was frowning at her screen and she groaned angry "Unnie I need a HUGE favor" she turned to Yura
"Of course what is it?" she asked her concerned
"I need to go look for my stupid brother Haneul. My mom is worried blowing up my phone. Can you take over the table I have?" she pouted cutely and Yura stifled a giggle
"Yes, I'll take care of your table hun go already" Yura told her and she turned to look at the shy bartender Yura was sure she was crushing on
"Taehyung oppa think you can give me ride?" she asked him and he visibly turned a dark shade of red
"Yy-yeah" he stuttered and both Jungkook and Namjoon laughed at him
"Thank you! I'll go change really fast" Hyeri said ignoring what the other two men were doing and ran towards the locker room.
Yura went to the table that Hyeri was helping to introduce herself and let them know she would be helping them for the remainder of the night.
Yura noticed right away how handsome the group was it was no wonder Hyeri had done so well she almost laughed.
Hyeri was bubbly just like Minah and unlike herself. Yura was polite and she looked good which she knew helped but her managers had told her if she acted more bubbly and cutesy like the rest of the girls she would be dynamite.
Yura just never felt to be like that and nonetheless pave a way for guys to be extra perverted and gross to her.
She just hoped the group would not mind the sudden switch.
"Hi, My name is Yura. Your Hyeri waitress left for the night and I'll be taking care of you" Yura said in her trained polite tone
They all examined her not in the way a predator does but more as if try and figure if she was someone they wanted close or not, if that made any sense.
She felt a little self conscious under their scrutinizing glares but finally the red headed elf looking of the bunch cleared his throat.
"Thank you Yura. Could you please bring us a round of tequila shots" he ordered and Yura wrote it down quickly.
She scolded herself for liking the way his deep voice sounded she almost asked him to say her name again.
She nodded her head smiling at them and quickly turned heading towards the bar when her party of three bagan to wave her down
"Oi! Pretty lady come here!" the creep from earlier said and she took a deep breath and headed his way
"My name is Yura sir. Not pretty lady" Yura said with her fake customer service voice to which her guest smirked at
"Ok yeah baby whatever, could you please bring me a whiskey on the rocks?" he slightly slurred and Yura like a pro she is, bit her tongue, jot it down and quickly walked away before her guest said anything dumb to her.
She walked back to the bar where Namjoon watched her cautiously
"Everything still okay Yura?" He asked her and she handed him her orders
"Yes, I promise I'll tell you when it's not okay Joonie" Yura reassured him with a smile.
Yura began to place the shots on her tray alongside with the lime, she placed the salt shaker inside her apron pocket and she carried the glass of whiskey with her free hand to make the stop at that table as quickly as possible since the weird guy looked like the drinks were hitting him hard now.
She walked up and placed the drink in front of the man that was again staring her down
"Thank you baby" he said quietly making her skin crawl in disgust she simply nodded her head and walked to her new guests table "Sorry about the wait" Yura apologized and placed the shots on the round table along with the lime and pulled out the salt shaker she carried in her apron.
"Enjoy" she said smiling at them and before she could walk away someone grabbed her arm making her yelp in surprise.
She turned and saw that it was her red headed guest making her heart race "Thank you Yura ah" he said to her and she lost her voice for a moment, her mouth felt dry so she simply smiled and bowed to which he simply let her go without another word.
Yura was stunned that she felt so flustered, she had never felt that way which she didn't know what to do besides ignore the feelings that stranger was stirring inside her.

Yura spent the rest of shift looking at the clock, she was grateful that by 12:30 pm the three creeps she had been stuck with for a couple of hours were gone.
She took a 10 minute break and chatted with Minah who had confessed that she was seeing Jimin.
Yura was rather shocked because Jimin was known for being super cold and had a horrible temper while Minah was bubbly and super optimistic.
Yura guessed opposites attract, and they were a prime example.
Yura went up to her 6 guest table to let them know she was leaving soon but before she was able to say anything the redhead spoke first
"Miss. Yura could you please close our tab?" he asked her and she smiled at him
"Of course, I will be right back" She said and walked back to the bar
"Kookie could you close the tab for table 20 please" she told him and he nodded as he wiped his hand and looked for the card and closed the tab
"Here you go love" he handed her the receipts and cards
Yura peeked at the card and read the name 'Chanyeol Park' she wondered if it was the redhead's name.
It looked to be that way especially seeing that he looked to be the leader of that group since the rest never spoke, not in ear shot at least.
She walked back and handed him the receipts and card.
She saw how he placed the card inside of his breast pocket, she smiled at how she had been right.
She caught herself and composed herself quickly, "Have a good night" they all bowed at her and they all walked around her.
Yura began to clean up their table and saw that they left her tip she put it in her apron and decided to count it once she was off.
She walked back to the bar and placed the glasses on the basin to be washed and she clocked out
"If you wait for me love, I'll walk you out" Namjoon suggest and Yura pulled her tips out
"Its okay babe, I'm a big girl" Yura smiled at him and counted the tip she was left from her last gustes and was floored to count a thousand two hundred dollars.
"Wow! my little Yura did well tonight" Jungkook laughed Namjoon joined him
"I'll split it with Hyeri" Yura said and split her tip and put Hyeri's money in a jar they all hid in a drawer for when things like this happened.
Yura went to the lockers where she found Bom changing
"Oh my little prude princess!" Bom exclaimed making Yura laugh and they hugged
"It's been so long since I've seen you love, how are you?" Bom asked after breaking their hug and going back to changing
"I have been good doing work and school" She said taking off her clothes and changing to her jeans and red flannel she loved
"That's good to hear hun" Bom kissed her cheeks
"Don't be a stranger remember us every now and then okay" she said sweetly
"I will Bom-unnie" Yura smiled at her
"Okay let the night begin" Bom laughed and they walked out together
Yura waved goodbye to Jungkook and Namjoon.
The streets were rather dark and Yura hated that, she kinda contemplated going back as she saw a group of men hanging out by a rather darker part of the street blocking her path.

She turned and hoped to have been unnoticed when suddenly she was grabbed from behind she let out a scream
Yura lost her footing and the man took advantage turning her to face him and he fell on top of her, Yura let out a pained cry that shot in her back and struggled to breathe.
He was a lot stronger than she was so he held her down as she tried to fight him.

"Oh what a pleasant supsrissee" the man slurred out of breath and Yura recognized him right away
It was the creep that had harassed her at her job earlier.
He reeked of alcohol and Yura tried with all her might to push him off, the creep took a sick satisfaction on the way she failed to fight him off thats when she began to scream.
She knew someone was bound to hear her scream although her attacker mocked her for her attempts.
"Oh come on sweetheart! I can make you feel good" he laughed but she let out a shriek as she felt him trying to cop a feel.
Yura hated how he smiled at her knowing he was winning this fight
Suddenly as he straddled her he sat up and ripped her flannel open and covered her mouth with his dirty hand.
"Hush baby" he whispered and Yura's vision blurred with unshed tears
He laughed as her tears escaped and suddenly the sound of a gun being cocked echoed around them and the creep stilled.
"Didn't know you were this type of a monster Chun" Yura heard someone say and the man in question slowly got off her and stood up with his hands up to his chest.
Yura cried quietly but she too stood up and covering herself and leaned on the wall nearby to hold her up steady.
"Oh Chanyeol, hello" The Chun guy greeted the man that held a 9mm gun to Chun's chest and Yura recognized him too from earlier.
"Come here" The red head said to Yura and she obliged without question as tears ran down her face.
He wrapped his free arm around her holding her close.
Yura didn't mind that stranger was holding her rather close, she just wanted to forget what had almost happened to her just a few moments ago.
"She's one of your girls?" Chun asked almost laughing
"Something like that, it doesn't matter. I don't appreciate to what I had to intervene too. You're so lucky I don't fucking kill you right now." Chanyeol said through gritted teeth
"I-I'm sorry I didn't know she was yours I would've never-" "Damn right this wouldn't have happened and we wouldn't be having this conversation. Let it be the last fucking time I see you around these streets. I'll make sure to tell Jaejoong as well" Chanyeol cut off the guy Chun.
Yura didn't like that she was talked about like some sort of piece of property but she just wanted a way out and Chanyeol had provided that.
Chanyeol put his gun away and guided her out the alley way
She kind of didn't want to follow his lead but he nudged her his way
"Come with me or else..." he whispered in her ear
His tone made her feel goosebumps all over.
Yura wasn't feeling so great but she thanked the heavens when she spotted a sports car nearby and Chanyeol unlocked it.
He walked her to the passenger side and opened the door for her.
As she sat down on the cold leather seat she felt more than a little faint now and on top of that she felt like she was going to be sick.
She closed her eyes and heard Chanyeol close his door and start the car.
"You okay?" he asked her
Yura managed to nod her head and slowly opened her eyes
"Please take me home" she managed to say as her vision blurred and knew that she would faint.
"Where is tha-" Yura passed out before her unlikely savior finished his sentence

Yura woke up in a dark room, she sat up and realized she has been changed into only a large black t-shirt.
Her pants were gone but the comforter felt nice and soft on her bare legs.
Yura's eyes were adjusting when she felt something move next to her making her jump.
Yura couldn't see in the dark but she saw a figure that it might be Chanyeol laying next to her, so she then laid back down slowly
"How do you feel?" He asked and Yura recognized his voice.
She could see him more clearly now that her eyes had adjusted and he looked handsome even though it was clear he had just woken up.
He wasn't wearing a shirt either and she suddenly felt a little self conscious
"A lot better thank you" she muttered shyly
She looked up around the bed and realized they were in a canopy, she sat up again and saw that they were in a room painted black and white it was nice but definitely felt cold and impersonal at the same time.
Yura saw in the moonlit room that there was more than one gun around them clearly he was some sort of gangster guy which Yura had figured out before but he had not regarded her in any manner for her to fear for her life.
Especially when he had practically saved her from being raped in an alley.
"Sorry for not trying to wake you up sooner, I called in my doctor said you were okay just maybe shocked at the events of the night. And I couldn't find anything with your address so I brought you to my home" he explained
She laid back down and faced him this time "Who changed me?" she asked and she saw how he smirked at her question
"I did, I don't have any maids today so I tried to make you comfortable" he said Yura could hear he was teasing her a little and Yura blushed a deep shade of red
"If you don't mind I can take you home a little later. I would like to sleep in a little" Chanyeol said to her as he drifted to sleep again
"Sure" she agreed and her eyelids felt a little heavy and she fell asleep again.

They slept in till a little after noon, that was the first time Chanyeol had a dreamless night and felt more than well rested.
Yura was wrapped around him her arm draped over his stomach and her face in the crook of his neck.
It felt nice and very very dangerous, he slowly got off the bed trying not to wake her.
He stepped out of his room not feeling like his usual self.
That girl was stirring weird feelings he had kept well hidden within himself and he didn't like that all, or maybe he did, and that alone just felt foreign and oh so wrong.
Chanyeol had always wished to have a domestic relationship but the lifestyle he lived never allowed for that.
Chanyeol began to feel the pangs of regret having brought the girl to his actual home, he had contemplated bringing her to a hotel that would've been less personal, but he hadn't, he made a conscious decision to bring her to his home to whom he never brought anyone too, not even his brothers had stayed more than a few hours there and he had slept with her in bed after one encounter.
Kai would have a field day if he found out about what he had done but thankfully his brothers were all doing a job in Busan so they were due to be back in Seoul later on that night.
Suddenly someone slammed his front door
'Chanyeol! Wake the fuck up!' Chanyeol recognized D.O.'s voice and scrambled out of bed.
Yura moaned her disapproval having him not beside her but stayed asleep and he wasn't sure if that was a good thing
He quickly picked up his discarded black tee putting it on quickly and he all but ran out of his room locking the door and hoping Yura wouldn't venture out.

He honestly wasn't expecting anyone at his house "Yah! Why do you come in yelling?" Chanyeol said kind of ticked off
"Well well, didn't think you had it in you to be a lazy fuck" D.O. snickered and shoved a cup of iced coffee to his chest
"Here, to wake you up" D.O. smirked at Chanyeol and made his way to the kitchen area
Chanyeol looked back towards his room and prayed Yura would stay put if she woke up.
"Where are the others?" Chanyeol asked him as he went his kitchen island to look for something to snack on
"Busan still, they will be here later I think" D.O. explained and began to eat a banana from the fruit bowl that was on the island.
"Why are you here then?" Chanyeol was a little cranky now
"Because princess I had some shit to deal with someone" he explained vaguely
"Who?" Chanyeol frowned and opened his protein bar
"None of your business"
"Perhaps it was pretty little Ji Yeon-" D.O. shoved toast into Chanyeol's mouth making him choke
"I said none of your business!" D.O. said menacingly
Chanyeol spat out the toast
"Any way, how 'bout we talk about this deal with the Yang family, I think I'll have them begging for our help" D.O. successfully changed the subject
"Do go on" Chanyeol went along with the subject change a smirk spreading on his face realizing business would be booming soon.

Yura woke up feeling a little cold, she sat up and rubbed her eyes in hopes she would be able to feel less tired.
She looked for her bedmate hoping to see him but she found herself in an empty bedroom instead.
Yura rolled of the bed and began to feel sticky and gross, she looked around for a towel and hoped that Chanyeol wouldn't mind her taking a quick shower.
She went into the bathroom and gasped loudly as she saw how vast and elegant it was.
It took her a moment before figuring the showers temperatures but once she did she quickly undressed and let the warm water hit her back and help loosen her muscles.
She looked around and found some soap, it smelled fresh something she imagines a forest would smell like.
She really liked it she lathered her hair and really hoped that her savior wouldn't be bothered at her technically invading his space and using his stuff without asking.

D.O. was explaining some plans that he had with a Chinese dealer when they both heard his shower turn on.
Chanyeol cursed under his breath realizing D.O. clearly heard it too and smirked at him as they heard a faint humming through the walls as well.
"Who's here?" he asked as he threw away his banana peel
"None of your business" Chanyeol said using D.O's owns words against him and walked towards his room.
Chanyeol went to turn the doorknob only to remember he had locked the door
D.O. had followed him and he hated the smug smirk he wore "Why don't you want me to know who you brought home?" Chanyeol took a deep breath trying to control his anger because D.O.'s tone of voice irked him.
"Because I dont want you too" he answered through gritted teeth and shoved D.O. out of his way to grab his keys to unlock his door.
As Chanyeol walked back a scream rang out, he ran back towards his room and found the door was now open
He met eyes with a wide eyed amused D.O. and then a horrified towel-clad Yura
"Well damn Chanyeol" D.O. said amused and a mocking laugh escaped him
Chanyeol pinched the bridge of his nose trying to calm his emotions, which were different than usual and he supresseed the urge to venture what he was feeling at the moment.
"D.O. get the fuck out!" Chanyeol said loudly as he grabbed him by his collar and pushed him out the door slamming the door on D.O.'s face.
Chanyeol quickly went to his armour pulled out some old gym shorts and one of his small T-Shirts and threw them on the bed
"Change, I'll be back to take you home in 5" he said without looking at her and left her alone hoping D.O. hadn't done anything stupid yet.

Yura stepped out the shower and wrapped the white fluffy towel around herself, she picked up her clothes and stepped back into the room and saw that the doorknob was turning she quickly tried to run back to the bathroom but failed dropping her stuff and the door swung open.
A stranger stood at the threshold, he looked at her from head to toe and she screamed as a smirk touched his lips.
She held the towel tightly around her and hoped that Chanyeol would come to her rescue.
The man stood stunned and tried to say something when Chanyeol appeared beside him.
She relaxed slightly when she saw him and their eyes met making her heart race
"Well damn Chanyeol" the stranger laughed mocking him and Chanyeol frowned, he looked like he was trying to stay calm.
"D.O. get the fuck out!" Chanyeol suddenly yelled to the stranger making her jump and he proceeded to push the man out and closed the door loudly.
Chanyeol went straight to his closet area and pulled some clothes out and threw them on the bed.
"Change, I'll be back to take you home in 5" he said without looking at her once and slammed the door as he left her alone to change.
Yura took a deep breath and put on the clothing as fast as she could, Chanyeol didn't look like he wasn't a man of his word that was forsure.

D.O. was laughing as he looked at his phone standing in the living room area and Chanyeol almost punched him for it.
"You're pushing it Kyungsoo" Chanyeol said angry and not wanting to give that bastard any type of explanation
"Since when does the heartless Chanyeol fuck bitches at home rather than a cheap hotel?" D.O. teased
"Shut the hell up, it's not like that" Chanyeol wasn't in the mood in indulging D.O. in his petty game.
"I am going to tell everyone-" "Don't! It's nothing like what you think it is you dimwit" Chanyeol said through gritted teeth and ripped D.O.'s phone out of his hand
"Hey! Give it back!" D.O. said angry now as he tried to take his phone back
"You better keep this between us, Only us" Chanyeol said as he put the phone over his head and D.O. jumped up trying to get it
"Fuck! Okay, okay!" D.O. said resigned
Chanyeol threw his phone towards the couches "Bitch!" D.O. gritted out and ran to get his phone and checked it for any damages.
Chanyeol smirked triumphantly and walked back to his room knowing he gave Yura more than enough time to change.

Yura changed and waited she was too afraid to step out the room.
Instead she looked around the room.
She didn't touch anything but she saw some perfect drawing pencils and paper which she picked up.
She once again hoped that he wouldn't mind she drew a cute little angel caricature she liked to draw, she put cute little hearts around her little angel and then decided to write a note along with it which it read 'Thank you for last night-Y'
She set it on the desk area and put the things back where she had found them and she sat at the edge of the bed.
Suddenly the door swung open again
"Come, it's time to go" Chanyeol told her rather coldly
Yura gathered her stuff quickly and followed him out.
An Audi was already waiting for them outside and Yura wondered where the other man was briefly.
Yura let herself in the car seeing Chanyeol got in a hurry and slammed his door.
She stayed quiet as he revved the engine
"Where do you live?" he asked her suddenly making her jump slightly as his tone was still cold and sounded a little angry.
"I live in Itaewon" she mumbled
Chanyeol simply nodded as they left his residence and sped towards the freeway.
Yura held her stuff closely to her chest trying to hide the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra
"You don't have to hide anything, I am pretty sure I've seen enough of you" Chanyeol teased her and Yura frowned at him but kept her mouth shut pouting slightly.
He chuckled catching her off guard she hid her smile but the scenery around them looked slightly prettier now.

Chanyeol hated how things had turned out but figured it was better to be cold and angry towards her rather than give any type of hope that he was a good man.
He noticed that she held her stuff tightly against her chest and wanted to know why but didn't ask her.
He instead opted in sneaking glances at her and realized she was hiding her chest area, she had showered at his home where he obviously didn't have anything for a female to wear and suppressed the urge to laugh.
"You don't have to hide anything, I am pretty sure I've seen enough of you" Chanyeol said almost without thinking her reaction made it that much more amusing.
From the corner of his eye he saw the way she frowned at him but didn't say anything to him. And once she faced away from him he couldn't suppress his chuckle as he saw her pouting over his comment.

Once he arrived in Itaewon she directed him to her apartment building and he grew concerned seeing that she was in the not so nice area.
"It's here" she pointed at a tall building, thankfully that looked like you needed an access code to go inside at least.
"Thank you" she said quietly and she reached to open her door
"Wait!" he reached out and grabbed her arm
"Do you work night shifts all the time?" he asked her and bit the inside of the cheek realizing he liked how warm she was under his cold grip
"Not all the time, I go to school so I work midday to evenings" she replied
"Oh" he let her go and regretted it instantly but he pulled his card out, the one he used to throw off cops and private investigators.
It had his work number on it which he felt was better than his personal number.
"Here, call me and tell me when you do have to work night shifts" he instructed
"Oo-okay" she stuttered and opened the door.
She stepped out and closed her door carefully, he watched her go up to her building door and open the door.
She waved goodbye to him as she closed the door.
He dumbly waved back but realized that his heavily tinted window would prevent her to see him.
He took a breath and laughed at how he wasn't making such great decisions.
"So much for not getting emotionally involved Chanyeol" he reprimanded himself out loud.
Suddenly his notification tone went off and he saw that D.O. had sent an attachment to the group chat
He thought it was some something about business but instead it was a picture of a rather pretty sketch Chanyeol cursed under his breath he didnt read the note that was written on it
'Soooooo, our dear Chanie has a girlfriend~~' the text attached read
"Fucking traitor" Chanyeol said through gritted teeth and put his phone on do not disturb as he saw that Kai was the first to respond and he didn't want to end up breaking another phone.
He headed towards his office and hoped that he would be left alone but knew that his brothers would be there more than likely ready to bombard him with questions about the mystery girl he had taken home.

Yura went back to her routine without effort, she worked the same shifts, and went to school just like she had before she had met the beautiful stranger.
He lingered in her mind and she kept his card in her wallet and felt silly hoping he would on his own contact her even though she never gave him any of her contact information.
She knew deep down he was involved in the underground world she had steer cleared from.
She didn't like to date, she had a type and Chanyeol fit almost everything she like in a man but she was both fascinated and scared of him as well.
One particular night Hyeri called her asking if she could cover her shift because she had a date.
Yura was happy her little Hyeri was finally living a little. She was so young and her family's breadwinner and that is a lot when you're barely making ends meet and had to put college on hold to make sure her mother and brother have everything they needed.
Never really taking care of herself.
She really admired that girl for never complaining about her hardships and Yura didn't hesitate to tell her yes.
She pulled out her phone as she headed towards work and contemplated calling Chanyeol, her heart was racing just at the thought so she put her phone away.
She made it to work and once she was in the locker room she changed quickly and looked at her phone again.
She pulled her wallet and took out the card with Chanyeol's number taking a deep breath she dialed the number
It rang once and went straight to voicemail she nervously let out a sigh "Hey, it's Yura. I am working a night shift hope to see you" she said hoping to sound normal
Yura hit the '5' to delete the voicemail and took a deep breath.
The tone rang "Hey, I work tonight" she said this time hoping to sound calm and she hung up before she regretted calling at all and stuffed her phone in her locker.
She stepped out and spotted Namjoon drying cups at the bar.
"Hey" she smiled at him as she took a seat realizing that they were slow
"Hey, baby girl" Namjoon greeted her and walked towards her
"No crazies yet?" she asked as he dried his hands
"Not yet, but the night is young" he chuckled
"Want some water?" he asked as he grabbed a cup
"Yes please"
He put the cup in front of her and handed a straw winking at her
The night was slow up until 12 am by then Minah arrived and helped her as large parties came in back to back.
They talked in between getting drinks for their tables, which was nice it made the night feel like it was going by fast.
They got a little break and Minah came and sat next to her "How's school unnie?" Minah asked her with her signature smile on her face
"It is good, a little overwhelming right now because finals are approaching but nothing too crazy. And what's new with you? How are you and Jimin?" she asked Minah
"We are doing great! He's opening up to me little by little which is nice" Minah confessed
"That's good to hear hun" Yura told Minah who then went on a little tangent about the dates Jimin was taking her lately.

The night went on and people left and new guests arrived they weren't so bad and Yura decided to send Minah home with Jimin.
She handled the guests she had but her shift was done by 1 am, Namjoon closed with her they mopped and put all the glasses away.
"I am going to go change" Yura told Namjoon
"Okay love" he responded as she she made her way to the locker rooms.
She went straight to the locker and found that it was unlocked, she opened it and saw her clothes were missing and a note was left in its place
'Sorry unnie! I forgot to bring my pants and Jimin is taking me for bulgogi. I promise to make it up to you!-Minah'
Yura sighed loudly annoyed and slammed her locker shut, she walked back out
"Namjoon do you have a sweater I can borrow?" she asked him
"Yeah, what's wrong?" he asked her as he handed her his sweater
"Minah took my clothes again"
Namjoon laughed and Yura hit his shoulder "Yah! Don't laugh, I hate wearing this uniform as is" she said annoyed again
"I now baby girl but hey I can take you home, so you won't go and get snatched up" he said playfully and poked her cheek making her giggle and moved away
"Okay" she said
"I am all done just need to put the money in the safe"
Yura nodded her head and waited by the door he walked back to her
He put his hand on the small of her back and guided her out
A gust of wind made her catch the chills and hated her legs were so exposed
Namjoon locked up the bar and Yura waited by the sidewalk
"Fuck" Namjoon cursed under his breath and began to unlock again
"Come here babe, I forgot to turn on the alarm" Namjoon said and Yura obliged and stood next to him
He unlocked quickly "I'll be right back okay" he said to her quickly as he all but ran inside the building again
Yura stood outside her back facing the street
"You know-" someone said in her ear making her jump and gasp at the same time
"It's not a good idea to not face potential danger looking the way you do" Yura's skin scrawled not in fear but something she didn't want to acknowledge as she turned and met eyes with a handsome Chanyeol
Namjoon stepped out and protectively put Yura behind him "What do you want here buddy?" Namjoon asked like an angry boyfriend
"I'm here for the girl" Chanyeol pointed with his chin a little too cocky but Namjoon looked her way to see if the perfect stranger was saying the truth
"He is here for me" Yura whispered to Namjoon who simply nodded and let Yura walk up to Chanyeol
"Stop smirking like that" Yura reprimanded him
Catching him off guard but he gave her a sexy side smile
"Okay" he said seductively and extended his arm for her to grab unto which she did
"Bye Joonie~" Yura said cutely turning back to Namjoon who smiled and winked at her.

Namjoon walked the opposite direction towards the back of the building where more than likely his car was parked.
Yura kept up with Chanyeol who walked a little fast but she didn't complain.
He opened the door to a new car, the smell of leather hit her senses and Yura liked it.
Chanyeol closed the door and walked over to the driverside letting himself in
Yura was looking for the seatbelt when Chanyeol reached over to help her.
Yura froze they were almost nose to nose, she could feel his breath on her face.
Yura thought her heart was going to jump off her chest she then turned her head slightly to the left to face the window and not be under his gaze.
He found the seatbelt with ease and clipped it for her, she didn't face him after that she was blushing uncontrollably.
They rode in silence, she intended to try and make small talk but she was still a little flabbergasted at their close contact.
Besides she was wearing an oversized jacket hiding her very much revealing uniform, she was thankful he turned on the heater, her legs had gotten a little numb when they had walked up in the cold.
"Where's your clothes?" He asked her catching her off guard making her jump
Yuras mouth was dry she couldn't form the words she meant and she turned to look at Chanyeol who was frowning
"I didn't know the bar you worked at was sometimes like a brothel or something" he said sounding angry and that threw her off
"It's not" she scoffed offended he thought she was a working girl
"My co-worker took my change of clothes" she muttered still unhappy and looked out the window she wasn't sure why she added that last part but she felt a need to change the subject but she felt her anger bubble in her chest.
She was irritated now and wanted to go home, change and sleep.
"I'm sorry. I really didn't mean that" he said to her again catching her off guard again
Yura ignored him not wanting to deepen her headache she fidgeted with her fingers on her lap
"How was your night?" Chanyeol asked her and this time she looked his way
"It was okay, yours?" she asked him shyly and he looked back at her as he eased to a stop as the stop light turned red
"Better now" he said giving her a sly smile she blushed again, and she looked away and prayed for the light to turn green soon.
The gods were on her side and the light turned green but Yura catched his chuckle before the engine road and he sped up.
He remembered how to get to her house she realized as he exited not needing any directions from her and fastly approached her apartment building.
He pulled in front of the building dramatically she almost rolled her eyes, he sure knew how to put on a show
She was going to just open her door and say thanks when she was out the car but suddenly she was pulled back in and she faced Chanyeol their noses touched and she was overwhelmed again and wide eyed as they met eyes
"A thank you would be nice little duck" he whispered
"Thank you" she said a little breathlessly
Yura saw as he leaned in closer she knew then their lips were bound to meet and in panic she pulled back
"Good night!" she said loudly as she rushed out the car and closed the door loudly behind her.
She hadn't expected him to be so forward with her but she quickly punched in the code to get in her building, she briefly looked back at the car that hadn't moved.
She thought about waving goodbye but she quickly chased that away and went up to her apartment not wanting to deal with her very nosy neighbor.
She all but ran to her door and unlocked it quickly she closed her door and leaned on it.
She took a moment to reflect on what almost happened
She was very much attracted to Chanyeol he was cunning and very handsome.
He was the bad boy type she knew she liked but never dared to indulge in and now she wished she hadn't stopped his advances.
Yura absentmindedly touched her lips and fantasized on how his lips would've felt like.
She caught herself and shook her head in an attempt to shake away those thoughts.
She took her shoes off at the entry and she headed towards her bathroom, were she ran a cold shower.
She undressed and let the cold water hit her back
"Oh god I am going crazy, over a stranger" she said to herself and laughed indrescously out loud.

Chanyeol felt angry that Yura had pulled away from him.
Her smell lingered in his car and he had really wondered if she tasted as sweet as she smelled.
He had hoped to figure that out but before he could've she ran out his car and hadn't even bothered to look back at him.
He had watched her and lingered hoping that someway, somehow she would come back and kiss him. It had been a long shot but he had hoped.
But unfortunately the universe had other plans and she ran away like if he had the plague.
He chuckled as he remembered her deer in headlights look, she was really cute and Chanyeol could no longer deny he liked her.
He pulled from the curve and sped away, as he was driving back home he couldn't help wonder why the hell she had to wear that uniform.
It was skimpy and as good as she looked he had hated that she wore another mans sweater to cover up.
She didn't even bother to give the man back his stuff but he caught himself as his thoughts shifted to something he didn't even know he was capable of; jealousy.
Chanyeol barely knew the girl and he wasn't liking all the feelings she made his cold heart go through.
Chanyeol stomped on his break as he didnt make it to the stop light on green and laughed out loud "We'll meet again little duck" he said out loud the light turned green and he stepped on his accelerated and sped away through the night without a care in the world.

Yura fell back to her normal everyday routine, go to work then school then go back home and repeat again.
She hadn't taken any night shifts as the girls hadn't needed her to cover any and she was low key disappointed.
But her luck changed as Bom asked to cover her as she was going to go on a date with a soccer player she had met at the bar.
He had been nice and Bom really looked smitten so Yura happily agreed even though deep down she had her own motive.
Once 11 pm hit she went to the locker rooms to change and she took out her phone and contemplated calling Chanyeol.
Suddenly she felt a little panicky, he was overwhelming her with lovey dovey emotions even though she just knew his name.
She decided not to call him, besides he had no obligation to be her keeper.
Yura changed quickly to start her shift, thankfully Namjoon was working again, he had taken some time off and Jimin wasn't the greatest she had heard at bartending for the night shift.
"Hey baby girl! I've missed you" He told her as she walked up to the bar
"I've missed you too" she told him sweetly and he gave her one of her favorite smiles
"How's the night looking?" she asked him as she scanned the room and see if Minah or Sojin needed any help
"Slow, Sojin is thinking about sending Minah home" Namjoon told her as he washed plastic cups and glasses
"Fair enough I guess I'll have more time to chat with you" Yura said flirtatiously to Namjoon
"Oh you~" Namjoon said playfully and blew her a kiss
They catched up and the night started to pick up, Sojin still sent Minah home who happily did so seeing that Jimin was waiting for her outside.
Sojin and Yura talked briefly but they had a lot of guests in large groups that constantly asked for refill on their drinks.

By 1 am the large groups began to leave and Sojin called it a night by then.
Yura only had one table and they were a couple named Jessica and Taeyeon and they were beyond adorable.

Yura walked up to Namjoon "Joonie I'll need another two long islands" she ordered
"Coming right up" he said to her and started on the order
Yura was almost counting the time now, she couldn't wait to go home and sleep.
Her two last guests were chatty and they slurred all their words, Yura helped them order an Uber through one of their phones and helped them in the car once it had arrived.
"Thank you so mush Yura sshi!" slurred Jessica loudly as they closed the door to the car and she waved as the car went about their way.
Yura walked back inside and helped Namjoon put up the stools
"Are you going to need a ride?" he asked as he grabbed the broom
"Yes, let me go change, I'll help mop" she told him setting down trays by the bar
"No, it's ok baby girl. Go change I'm gonna have Tae mop in the morning" he told her
She smiled her agreement and went into the locker room
Yura opened her locker and was horrified to find that again Minah had taken her coat and her shirt leaving behind a tube top that she knew was barely going to fit her
'I owe you one unnie ^^' a note read
"Ugh Minah you have some nerve" Yura muttered but nonetheless she changed into her jeans and the tube crop top.
She looked ridiculously and she let out a sigh of frustration "Ugh I have to get a fucking lock" she said to herself
"Hey Joonie do you think I can borrow your-" Yura's voice died down as she met eyes with Chanyeol who looked at her just as surprised and gave her sly smirk
"Hey babe, its the man from the other day" Namjoon said in his fake nice voice she noticed
They men shared a hostile glare to one another but once Namjoon turned and saw her top he let out a guffaw of laughs
"Minah sshi for the win!" he said and Yura shot him an unamused look
"Stop joonie is not funny" she said in her bratty tone
"It's a little funny sweetheart" he told her as he pouted cute at her mimicking her
Chanyeol cleared his throat loudly reminded them of his presence
"Ready to go?" he asked her ignoring Namjoon's eyes
"Sure" Yura said nervously and she made an attempt to hide her chest in the much to small shirt by crossing her arms
Chanyeol then took off his leather jacket "Here" he extended his hand and she took it
"Thanks" Namjoon squinted his eyes at her but said nothing
Chanyeol put his hand on the small of her back and guided her towards the exit
"~Bye Joonie" Yura said cutely and he gave her a small wave with a smile
"Text me" he mouth silently and Yura nodded her head
Once outside he intertwined their arms which felt nice.
His car was parked close by, this time he had a Black SUV she would bet it was an all black leather interior.
And sure enough as he opened the door for her it came into view, and took a seat in the cold seat.
He closed her door and he went into the drivers side, he started the car silently not sparing her a look and Yura wondered what he was thinking.
"I'm wondering why you didn't tell me you worked a night shift" he said as if he had read her
"I realized my co-worker could take me home" she lied, that thought never occurred to her not until she was forced to wear a crop top at least.
She was a big girl and although she had a bad experience that creep had not came back to the bar and besides she could have called a taxi if she felt unsafe and didn't want to burden Namjoon for a ride home.
Chanyeol scoffed "Okay sure, I call bullshit" he said and Yura looked at him
"Why do you say that?" She asked frowning at his tone
"Because I know when your lying" he said and met her eyes
Yura was stunned to silence, what was she supposed to say to that?
"You dont know me" she shot back in a futile attempt to get herself back on track
Yura looked back at the road and realized that he wasn't heading towards her apartment
"Where are you taking me?" she asked angry she wasn't up to play games
"My place, I am tired and I feel my eyes closing unless you want to sleep on the side of the road, but I heard it isn't that safe" he said to her and Yura's anger rises realizing he more than likely mocking her
"Why didn't you say anything? I would've had taken a taxi home or something!" Yura said loudly and pulled her phone out
"Wait!" he said suddenly ripping her phone away from her hands
"Please just this once trust me" he said to her seriously and his tone gave her goosebumps
"Why should I? I don't even know what type of person you are" Yura said trying to sound angry again but she knew that she was failing miserably
"I am the type you want close babe, and I have you here now therefore we are going to my place. Or what? Are you afraid I will take advantage of you?" he mocked in a sultry tone making her blush
"Stop it! Ugh fine, we can go to your place but with one condition" she said looking at him
"We sleep in separate beds" she said and he laughed
"Sorry little duck I only have the one bed, that we have already shared by the way, so that's a no" he said still amused
"Whatever" she huffed not wanting him to see she was blushing all over again
Yura was afraid to sleep with this man again, he was dangerous to her being and the more time she spent with him the more she realized she wanted him around even though she knew nothing about him.
They arrived at his place and this time Yura saw just how beautiful the surrounding houses were.
He definitely had money, the houses did not look unkept or cheap.
He pulled up to some gates and punched in a code, the gates opened to the same place she had woken up at from the encounter she had with the creep from the bar.
He got out the car first and he quickly went to open her door.
She grabbed her belonging and held the leather jacket shut not trying to expose herself to him as she stepped out.
He must've noticed and heard him chuckle
He opened his door "Welcome again" he said as he cleared the path for her to go in first
Yura admired the prettiness of the place and then she noticed her drawing was hanging on a far wall by the living room space
She didn't say anything and instead followed him to the room
Chanyeol walked into his closet and Yura put her belonging down at a chair that was nearby
Chanyeol reappeared with clothes on his arm "Here little duck change into this" he said handing her the clothes
"And if you want your more than welcome to sleep on the couch if it makes you uncomfortable to sleep in the bed with me" he said pointing with his chin towards a small love seat in the room
Yura squinted her eyes at him "No, thanks I don't want to wake up with a sore neck" she muttered taking off the jacket shoving it to his chest and she ripped the clothes off his arm and walked to the bathroom to change
Again she heard him chuckle and it irked her.

Chanyeol was a little more than angry when he heard that his little Yura went to work a night shift from his P.I.
He hadn't heard from her for months and he had hired someone just to keep an eye on her and keep her away from harm's way but he had expected a phone call when he had been told she had gone to work a night shift.
He knew her shift would be over at 2 am and he waited, his day had finished early having had sent half his men to China to make sure a load would make it in safely and be distributed accordingly.
Baekhyun had stayed behind but he hardly ever interacted with Chanyeol which was okay with him as long as the job got done.
He had already given up the act that he didn't like Yura, he had accepted that the girl stirred feelings from his cold being and he wanted something with her.
He had gotten treased to no ends when his men found out about his infatuation but they had supported it. And even admired that she was rather pretty and not a whore like they had initially thought she might be.
Yura was a simple girl and he wondered why when clearly she liked him she didn't pursue on those feelings.
He pondered on all the possibilities that might get in the way of him pursuing her when his alarm rang letting him know it was 1:50 am.
He stepped out his SUV and headed towards the bar, the door was open so he let himself in
"Oh sorry we are currently closed" The man from the other time he had seen her said to Chanyeol and he could already tell he did not like him.
"Im here for Yura" Chanyeol stated right away without greeting him
"And who might you be?" the man asked walking up to him as he set a broom behind the bar counter
"I guess you can say a friend" He said trying to reel in his jealousy
"Really? Since when? I know all of my Yura's friends" the man said and it made his blood boil the way he said 'his' Yura
"A distant one" Chanyeol said almost through gritted teeth
The man did not looked amused and he frowned at Chanyeol
"I think you have to go buddy" the man had the nerve to say but Chanyeol scoffed at that
"Trust me, she wants me here" Chanyeol said with a smirk on his face and was proud as he saw the man get filled with anger as well but before the man could say anything Yura stepped out of the back area
"Hey Joonie do you think I can borrow your-" her voice cut off as they met eyes
Chanyeol couldn't hold his surprised expression as he saw her in a very small crop tube top that showed off her soft flat stomach and porcelain like skin.
She was a fine that forsure.
Suddenly the man she had called Joonie burst into laughter catching him by surprise
"Minah sshi for the win!" he said still laughing
"Stop Joonie is not funny" Yura said and he caught on it wasnt in her normal tone of voice it was more child like and he liked it.
"It's a little funny sweetheart" the Joonie fool said making Chanyeol almost swing at him for using the endearment.
Chanyeol cleared his throat to bring the attention back to him
Yura looked back at him and Chanyeol could feel the glare of the fool.
"Ready to go?" he stated more rather than ask and he knew that she caught on to that
"Sure" she said simply and he saw as she tried to hide her chest in a futile attempt by crossing her arms
Chanyeol took off his Leather jacket and as she got closer to him she handed to her
"Here" he said sounding a little cold
"Thanks" she said taking it and putting it on
Chanyeol then took the opportunity to place his hand on the small of her back and take her towards the exit
"~Bye Joonie" Yura said her good bye and he almost nudged her forward feeling jealous again at the way she spoke to him.
Chanyeol saw the way she had nodded his head towards the man before facing the way out and wondered what he might have signaled to her.
He took her to the SUV and opened the door for her.
They had rode in silence but he could feel her staring at him studying him more than likely wondering how he had known that she worked the night shift.
"I'm wondering why you didn't tell me you worked a night shift" he said letting her know that he knew what she was thinking.
"I realized my co-worker could take me home" she clearly was lying he knew if she hadn't been wearing that top she would've taken a bus home or a taxi worse came to worse.
He had read enough about her to know that she kept to herself and never had any type of boyfriend.
That man that was more likely the co-worker she was talking about was the closest she let a guy get, and even though they had a flirtatious friendship she didn't let him get his hopes up about them being together and he appreciated that.
Chanyeol scoffed "Okay sure, I call bullshit" He saw from the corner of his eye that she looked his way slightly frowning and slightly in shocked at what he had said.
"You dont know me" she shot trying to sound maybe angry at him but her tone didn't match her face that was forsure.
Chanyeol chuckled to himself and focused on getting on the right ramp on the freeway.
"Where are you taking me?" she asked and again he was amused by her tone of voice
"My place, I am tired and I feel my eyes closing unless you want to sleep on the side of the road but I heard it isn't that safe" he lied and he could tell she was getting angry
"Why didn't you say anything? I would've taken a taxi home or something!" she sounded angry but Chanyeol felt a little relieved that her go to was a taxi not a ride from that fool.
It was the small things that suddenly mattered.
She pulled out her phone "Wait!" he said feeling little panicky and took her phone away
"Please just this once trust me" he said in a desperate attempt to keep her next to him
"Why should I? I don't even know what type of person you are" Yura said her tone sounding a little off almost like she was trying to sound angry again
"I am the type you want close babe, and I have you here now therefore we are going to my place. Or what? Are you afraid I will take advantage of you?" he said a little seductively and in return he watched as it made her blush
"Stop it! Ugh fine, we can go to your place but with one condition" she added
"Shoot" he agreed his eyes back on the road
"We sleep in separate beds" she said and he laughed at her suggestion
First he didn't have a spare bed and second even if he did we wouldn't have that, the point was that he wanted her in his bed cuddled up warming him.
"Sorry little duck I only have the one bed, that we have already shared by the way, so that's a no" he almost laughed again at her silly condition
"Whatever" she said sounding annoyed
He looked at her and saw that she was admiring the neighboring houses.
They arrived to his place in no time and he quickly punched in his code and the gates opened almost welcoming.
He parked the SUV in front of the entrance and he quickly went to her side and opened the door.
He saw as she grabbed her stuff and held the jacket shut to not show her exposed chest area and it amused him.
She must've noticed and she looked annoyed again. He guided her to the door and once he opened the door he cleared her way to have her go in first
"Welcome again" he said teasingly but it looked like she had ignored his tone
She looked around and he hoped that she saw that he had framed her pretty drawing.
It looked like she had spotted it but didn't say anything, he instead closed the door and made his way to the bedroom.
She followed him and he went to his closet to get her a change of clothes
He came back out with a t-shirt and running shirts on his arm "Here little duck change into this" he handed her the clothes "And if you want your more than welcome to sleep on the couch if it makes you uncomfortable to sleep in the bed with me" Chanyeol said as he pointed to the love seat in the room
Yura narrowed her eyes at him "No, thanks I don't want to wake up with a sore neck" she muttered annoyed he had even suggested he thought but heldin the urge to continue to tease her but he chuckled at her tone
She then left him alone as she went into his bathroom to change.
She keeps showing different sides to herself that he never thought he would find intriguing 'This should be fun' he thought and went on to change as well.

Yura changed as slowly as possible, Yura noticed the shirt fit her too long and she had put the shorts up high on her waist for them stay put since she they had a band rather than strings to knot.
She walked up to the sink and noticed there was a pink toothbrush and a note on the mirror that read 'I hope you like the color pink- C' Yura smiled at the note and took it off the mirror she thought the gesture was nice and he was a bad liar.
She then went on to brush her teeth and thought in the short encounters they had she hated that she had become somewhat captivated by that stranger.
He had been her savior in a dire time but she wondered what was drawing her in, was it his bad boy aura he portrayed? Or the fact that he was handsome and took care of himself? She wasn't sure but tonight she decided it didn't matter.
For once she wanted to follow her heart and see if maybe he was different than the other boys that tried to be with her.
She washed her face as well and she went back to the room and found him already laying down.
The only light that was on was the one on the nightstand and Yura made her way to the opposite side of Chanyeol her heart was racing now but she tried her best to calm her anxiety.
She laid down and he promptly turned off the light and they were in complete darkness, Yura couldn't see an inch in front of her and her fears rose.
She began to inch closer and closer to him, she felt silly but she really hated the dark; her past hadn't been the greatest and the dark tormented her.
She felt him close and she stopped moving she was sure that his shoulder was close to her face now as she gently touched it trying to find comfort in his warmth
"Are you okay?" he asked quietly
"Yeah" she lied the darkness was all around almost suffocating her, that she contemplated asking him to hug her but she was too afraid of rejection to do so.
"Are you by any chance afraid of the dark?"
"A little"
"Want me to turn on a light?" he sounded concerned and it made her heart flutter
"No, that's fine but could you hug me?" she barely managed to ask as her anxiety rose.
She was surprised he had heard her
He put his arm under her and she laid her head on his chest
His heartbeat deafening her fears
They stayed like that for a few minutes when he suddenly cleared his throat
"Why are you afraid of the dark?" he inquired and Yura wasn't sure if she wanted to tell him the whole truth
"I've learned monsters tend to lurk in the dark" she answered in a cryptic tone
"Care to elaborate?"
"No" she said hoping he wouldn't ask again
"Is your real name Yura?" he changed the subject and she was happy for it
"Are we playing 21 questions?" she chuckled
"Something like that"
"No, my real name is Ahyoung" she answered him
"That's pretty, Ahyoung" he said her name and again she liked the way his deep voice said it
She hated the way others said her real name which is why she had them all call her Yura.
"Is it my turn yet?" she was curious about him too
"Are you a good guy or a bad guy?"
"Depends on who you ask" he chuckled quietly
"I am a bad guy in some people's eyes and to others I am god sent" she could almost feel his cockiness with that response
"Well okay, how old are you?" she asked
"I'm 26, and you?"
"I'm 24"
"Really? I would have thought you were 30" he joked
She giggled and hit his chest playfully
"And I thought you were 50" she shot back and he laughed
It was nice and she relaxed
"Okay that was a good one"
She draped her arm over his stomach and he began to trace circles on her forearm
"How did you know I worked tonight?" she asked the million dollar question
"Do you want the truth or the lie?" she was afraid to hear his response now, she liked him as they were right now; carefree but she really wanted to know; as the saying goes curiosity killed the cat...
"I hired someone to watch you" the room was silent, she wasn't sure if she was flattered or afraid.
Sure she liked him but to hire someone to watch her in some ways bothered her but yet it also didn't which conflicted her
"Are you mad?" he asked after a long pause
"Not really...why did you do that?" she needed some sort of explanation
"After the incident that happened to you, I wanted to make sure you weren't bothered again. The man that assaulted you isn't really known to back off away from his victims and I wanted to ensure that you were going to be okay. I hired someone that would keep their distance but they would report back to me. When I was informed that you worked tonight I was a little disappointed you hadn't called me" he sounded honest and Yura felt bad because she had thought of calling him however she didn't want to burden him with having to escort her home everytime she was working a night shift.
"I'm sorry, I didn't think about it that way"
"You don't have to apologize babe, after all I am somewhat of a stranger to you although in all honesty I don't want to be" Yura felt her heart racing
He was being too upfront and she was not expecting that at all although in all truth she didn't know what she had expected in the first place after all she was laying in bed with him and she hadn't fought that too hard
"But you don't even know me" she said a little out of breath
"We can get to know each other, unless you already have someone" he sounded off, he tensed up and stopped tracing circles on her forearm
Yura wasn't sure why
"No I don't have anyone else" she told him and he relaxed again tracing circles
"Well if you wouldn't mind, can I be that someone?" he asked her and she smiled
"Yes, I would like that" and they spent the whole night talking about everything and nothing and Yura couldn't have been happier.

Chanyeol as soon as he was changed he turned off the light in the room and left the one on the nightstand so Yura could see when she laid down.
He had hoped that she liked the toothbrush he had gotten her and got a kick of the note that came with it.
She stepped out of the bathroom and made her way to lay next to him, he promptly turned off the light and he laid down.
He felt her inch closer to him as soon as he had turned off the lights and she stopped moving when she practically was almost on his pillow and it dawned on him that maybe she was afraid of the dark.
"Are you okay?" he asked hoping she would be honest after all he could feel her heartbeat
"Yeah" she said with zero confidence he knew that she was lying
"Are you by any chance afraid of the dark?" he tried again hoping she would admit it
"A little" finally she had not been completely honest but it was a start
"Want me to turn on a light?" he asked hoping that in making her comfortable she would relax and they could talk a little
"No, that's fine but could you hug me?" Chanyeol barely made out her whisper but he happily obliged with what he had made out and placed his arm under her and cradled her head on his chest
He then cleared his throat hoping she wasn't falling asleep "Why are you afraid of the dark?" he started he really wanted to know after all she was grown and usually when you're young you stop being afraid in adulthood in some cases
"I've learned monsters tend to lurk in the dark" she answered vaguely and that bothered him
"Care to elaborate?" he tried to get her to explain why
"No" she said with finality in her tone and he decided to change the subject
"Is your real name Yura?" he asked instead and he felt her relax
"Are we playing 21 questions?" she asked amused
And smiled at that "Something like that" he told her
"No, my real name is Ahyoung" she answered him and he liked that
"That's pretty, Ahyoung" he said her name out loud and realized it suited her well
He began to wonder he went by Yura
"Is it my turn yet?" she said drawing him out his thoughts
"Sure" he internally prepared himself to answer her questions as best as he could
"Are you bad guy or a good guy?" that was an easy one
"Depends on who you ask" he began and chuckled
"I am a bad guy in some people's eyes and to some I am god sent" The law enforcement sure would bad mouth him but to the people in some communities they were well liked as they served and protected a lot better than the police.
"Well okay, how old are you" that was easy he had thought she would have wanted a clearer answer but it looked like that was sufficient for her
"I'm 26, and you?"
"I'm 24" he had known that but she sure did not carry herself like any 24 he had ever met.
"Really? I would have thought you were 30" he joked and he was surprised at himself
Chanyeol wasn't known to be funny, he was cold and never had shown that side to anyone but Yura had brought that out of him so easily
She giggled and hit his chest playfully
"And I thought you were 50" he laughed at her comeback she was good
"Okay that was a good one" he commented still amused
He felt her relax and she draped her arm over his stomach and he began to draw circles on her forearm absentmindedly
"How did you know I worked tonight?" he was afraid she was going to ask that
"Do you want the truth or the lie?" he offered
She was quiet for a little while and that made him nervous
"Truth" she finally said of course she would want that...
"I hired someone to watch you" he confessed and a silence befell the room that made hi uncofrabelt he wanted to turn on all the lights and try and read her face at his confession
But instead they laid there
"Are you mad?" he wanted know how she felt
"Not really...why did you do that?" Chanyeol slightly relaxed to that but he was still afraid she might bolt out of bed and leave him
"After the incident that happened to you, I wanted to make sure you weren't bothered again. The man that assaulted you isn't really known to back off away from his victims and I wanted to ensure that you were going to be okay. I hired someone that would keep their distance but they would report back to me. When I was informed that you worked tonight I was a little disappointed that you hadn't called me" he was being completely honest with her, at this point he didn't want to hide anything from her
"I'm sorry, I didn't think about it that way"
"You don't have to apologize babe, after all I am somewhat of a stranger to you although in all honesty I don't want to be." he was feeling a little vulnerable as he expressed his feelings to her so openly and hated to think that she would reject him as he had read on numerous reports he had gotten from the P.I. of her doing so with other guys
"But you don't even know me" she sounded out of breath as if she was going to start hyperventilating and he didn't know what to make out of that
"We can get to know each other, unless you already have someone" that hurt him just to think that maybe he miscalculated the relationship that he had the stupid guy from her work. He stopped tracing circles on her forearm and waited to hear what she had to say
But in the end he had to admit that he couldn't occupy a heart when it's not vacant and he would take a lose if needed.
"No I don't have anyone else" she responded and he felt relieved and he went back to what he was doing on her forearm
"Well if you wouldn't mind, can I be that someone?" he asked her hoping that it was what she wanted too
"Yes, I would like that" her words elated him and they spent the night getting to know one another which he didn't mind for the first time in his lonely life he felt normal and he didn't want to let her go.

Yura now had a new routine she would have Chanyeol take her to school in the morning she would go to work, go home finish homework and have dinner with Chanyeol everyday.
It was amazing that he would make time for her in that way, he genuine looked like he liked her cooking which she appreciated since she normally cooked for her own liking but she had made time to learn how to cook to please him and he always thanked her for it.
She made him lunch a couple of times and he would send her messages thanking her for the great meal.
She liked Chanyeol a lot and even though he was vague about some of his past ad even more so on his occupation she didn't mind.
She had a wary past too and she liked that he gave her the best of him, she knew he was capable like any other human, of doing wrong but he never let her see that side.
They had been dating now for 6 months he had taken her on small dates but they mostly spent nights together and usually at his place.
She took on one night shift and he had expressed that he didn't like it but nonetheless didn't make her stay home or interfere with her work.
"I'll be back for you at 2am sharp" he told her
"Okay~" she said cutely and gave him a peck
She let herself out the car and waved at him as she ran into the bar.
It was a busy night and she quickly changed and went into work, she greeted all her coworkers and took a table that Minah was having a hard time getting too.
She made a round again helping when needed and after an hour of that, she was able to sit at the bar.
Namjoon was waiting for her promptly and gave her a glass of water
"Thank you Joonie~" she said as she took a sip from the straw
"So My Yura ah will you FINALLY tell me about the man" he asked her and she smiled
"I was going to wait till the end of our shift to tell you" she said with a smile on her face
"Ohhhh~~ do I hear that our Yura sshi may have a man friend?" Jungkook chimed in
"Something like that" she laughed
"Unnie really!?" Minah asked catching the last thing Jungkook had said
"Well, yes I really like him" Yura admitted her cheeks flaring up
Minah gasped loudly and laughed "Ohmygod! Unnie are you blushing!?" she teased
"Stop it~?" Yura said trying to laugh it off
"Im happy for you my Yura" Namjoon said as he reached out and grabbed her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze
"Thank you everyone, maybe for the company party I can bring him around" she didn't want to promise anything without asking Chanyeol first
The night went on and once it was closing time Yura went to the locker room and changed, thankfully Minah had brought her own clothes.
Yura said her goodbyes to Jungkook and Namjoon and was surprised to see an unfamiliar man in front of car that looked like one that Chanyeol drove
"Are you Ms. Kim?" he asked her
"Chanyeol got caught up at work he asked me to take you home" he said and Yura was a little hurt he hadn't texted or called her to let her know
"Oh, who are you?" Yura was a little suspicious of the man, he wasn't any of the friends she had met and Chanyeol had always asked her to be cautious of anyone that came up to her and he hadn't properly introduced her
"Xie Xiao Fei" he said
Yura was now even more so wary he was definitely Chinese and he spoke great korean and her gut instinct told her to back away.
"Well thank you Xiao Fei, but I think I'll get a ride from my friend since Chanyeol won't be coming" she dismissed him
"Ms. Kim-" "Yura ah?" the man was cut off by a not so stranger Sehun.
Now that person she recognized, he was a baby-faced womanizer and one of Chanyeol's closest friends.
Sehun walked up to her and instinctively put an arm around her shoulder
"Who is this?" he asked as he glared menacingly at the man before her
"The driver Chanyeol sent" Yura told him
"Wǒ zhīdào nǐ shì shéi. Zài nǐ sǐqù zhīqián líkāi." (I know who you are. Leave before you wound up dead.) Sehun said to the man in perfect Chinese and although she didn't understand what he had said she knew it was a threat.
The other man didn't say a word and turned back around, got in the car and sped off.

Sehun guided her to the SUV parked in an alley he opened her door and closed it loudly making her jump seeing as this wasn't going to be good.
Sehun got in the drivers side and pulled his phone out right away
"Hyung we have a problem" he said to who ever was at the other end of the phone
"I am taking her to a safe house, looked like Zitao himself came to start trouble obviously sent by the Wu's" he explained and Yura decided to tune him out
The less she knew the better, she resided piano notes she wanted to practice and played a melody in her mind that always helped her when she need to calm her nerves.
They arrived in a nice part of Itaewon he drove into a private parking lot and he escorted her to a very lavish loft at least too nice for a safe house.
It sure was glitzy and glamorous.

Chanyeol burst through the door only a couple of minutes later
"Ahyoung sshi!" he said loudly as he gave her a crashing bear hug taking her breath away
"Chanie I cant breath" she said strained
"I'm sorry, are you okay? Did he try and do anything to you?" he asked desperate to know as he cupped her face
"No, I'm fine I promise" she tried to comfort him
He still looked upset and he kissed her, it was a nice kiss it wasn't like the ones he usually gave her .
He let go of her still cupping her face "Thank god you're okay" he said quietly and pressed his forehead to hers
He let her go and looked at Sehun "Are you sure it was Zitao?" he asked and Yura felt like she needed to take a seat.
"Yes, I am more than sure" Sehun scoffed as if he was offended that was being questioned
Yura took a seat and again tuned out what was happening around her Chanyeol asked a million questions to Sehun who which in turn blew up on Chanyeol for even asking some ridiculous questions.
After some time Sehun left and Chanyeol sat next to her "Are you really okay?" he asked her and grabbed her hand holding it tightly and putting it up to his lips
"I am, Sehun got there before anything happened" Yura reassured her boyfriend
"Now I am just a little tired and in need of a shower"
"Come with me" he said as they stood up together and he guided her to the bedroom
He let go of her hand and he stepped in to what she believed was a closet
"I only have a shirt, is that okay?" he asked with a black t-shirt in hand
"Yes," she chuckled and took it
She went inside the bathroom and ran a cold shower she didn't want to think of what if's and tried to focus on the now.
She was safe, with her very special boyfriend.
She took her time blow drying her hair and the bathroom was stocked up nicely with toothbrushes and such that she had no problem going about her nightly routine and went back to the bedroom once she was done.
Chanyeol was already in bed, he had his lap top out and he was frowning at the screen as he typed harshly and fast.
"Are you okay?" she asked and he looked up at her closing his computer and placing it on the nightstand
"I am now" he said trying to sound flirtatious but instead sounded strained
She laid down next to him and he turned off the light, the room wasn't completely dark which she appreciated
He hugged her closely, Yura was feeling something inside of her that she had suppressed from their first encounter which was lust.
She wanted Chanyeol in a way that scared her but she knew him now, he wasn't a stranger and he was her boyfriend.
At first she had thought it was too soon for them to explore that part of their relationship but after some thinking and talking with Bom and Sojin they had told her it was ok to have urges and that obviously he respected her if he hadn't came on to her too strong or even tried to have his way already since they were kind of serious.
Yura looked up at him and she kissed him timidly, at first he didn't kiss her back but once they go into a rhythm the kiss intensified and Yura took the lead in that.
She kissed him and she felt her skin burn the kiss as innocent as it had started now had them both panting.
The feeling she had inside of her intensified as well and she got up and straddled him.
He let her they kissed and Yura let out a moan to which Chanyeol snapped his head back and Yura was mad he broke their kiss
"Ahyoung sshi what are you doing?" he asked his tone was husky and she liked it
"I'm not sure I have never done this before" she admitted shyly
"You've never had-" "No, I haven't" she cut him off feeling a little embarrassed
"And you want to...with me?" he whispered and she nodded her head not finding her voice
He then cupped her face and kissed her gently she wrapped her arms around his neck which prompted him to run his hands down her chest the friction making her feel good he then took off the shirt she had on
She in return helped him take off his and they were bare now pressed chest to chest and Yura felt like her heart was going to burst out of her chest
Chanyeol then flipped her over and he hovered over her, she parted her legs and he fit right into her she could feel him pressed against her core and she moaned as he trailed kisses from her lips to her neck
"What are you doing to me Ahyoung?" Chanyeol asked and Yura couldn't respond instead she found his lips again
"Make me yours Chanyeol" she said against his lips
He gave her a wolfish smirk "As you wish" he kissed her again and this time they were completely undressed
Yura was nervous but he distracted with kisses and said pretty words in her ear.
Things she liked to hear and some that she was surprised he was saying to her.
He always had a bad boy aura to him but right now he was the completely opposite he was touching her making her feel good in places she never knew she could and he was patient never rushing anything and always making sure she liked what he was doing.
He was gentle with her and he was done exploring her body he positioned himself to take her he looked at her right in the eyes and Yura knew right then and there that she had fallen in love with Chanyeol.
"This is going to hurt at first but I promise that it won't hurt for long" he said
"Okay" she whispered back her heart racing
He eased into her and he was right the pain shot through her lower half and she let out a pained cry
He then moved his hips in an upwards motion and again gently thrust inside her this time the pain wasn't as bad and he then fell in a rhythm and from there she felt no pain but she felt amazing.
She moaned as his thrusts became more and more harder she felt herself reaching a peak and she was so close that she didn't want him to stop.
Suddenly her insides felt like they had burst and she felt like she had reached the stars
He then let out a strangled moan and she felt him come undone inside her.
He fell on top of her hiding his face on the crook of her neck they both were a little sweaty but she didn't mind, she ran her fingers through his hair.
He kissed her neck and rolled off her, she felt bare now but she cuddled close to him.
He held her and she felt too tired now to say anything to him and she fell asleep as he hummed in her ear.

Chanyeol was happy, that's what Yura had brought into his life happiness and joy.
She was a good girl that kept to herself but she looked so happy to see him whenever he had come around and he was comfortable to have fallen in the routine of seeing her in the morning and at night.
She was a good cook and he loved when she would make him lunches although his brothers would talk all the shit they wanted he still was proud that she had given him a chance.
His night hadn't started off great seeing that Yura was working a night shift but he didn't stop her, instead he counted down the hours to go get her after work only to get a text blast from D.O. stating it was urgent and they all needed to meet ASAP
He got half dressed as he made his way to the office and found that everyone except Sehun were already there.
They all wore somber expressions and Chanyeol did not like that one bit.
"What is going on?" He asked as he sat down at his desk chair
"It's the Wu's they are targeting anyone working for us in China and I've gotten word that they have Zitao here too" Baekhyun said and Chanyeol swallows the bile that rose
"What time is it?" Chanyeol couldn't afford not picking up Yura especially when a notorious hitman was in his turf
"It's 1:30am" D.O. told him and he quickly pulled his phone out to have Sehun pick up Yura, he was too far and he knew that Sehun as punctual as he was for what he called 'p*ssy appointments', had more time to get his girlfriend at this rate.
Chanyeol felt almost frantic he wasn't expected for his night to turn out this way
'Sehun I need you to go get Yura' he hit sent and he hoped that Sehun wouldn't give him a bullshit excuse to no being able to get her
'Sure, same bar place?' he felt relieved when he got that response
'Yeah, make sure to tell her I sent you' he hit send and slammed his phone on his desk
"Why is the Wu gang so adamant in making war with us?" Chanyeol needed to know now if anything happened in China
"Things got a little complicated with them in China you see we weren't aware of the short lived affair Baekhyun had with the little sister" Suho said almost nonchalantly
Chanyeol was shocked to say the least he never had an idea that Baekhyun had done such a thing especially when he had thought he was gay.
"Baek is that true?" Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun who was scowling at Suho
"A little, I mean I wouldn't call it an affair more of an one night stand thing. I wasn't aware she was going to be psycho" Baekhyun muttered
"Did you know who she was?' Chanyeol was trying to stay calm
"No, but I did once I woke up the next morning and I left" Baekhyun explained annoyed
"Then why are the Wu's waging a damn war?" Chanyeol was losing his patience and everyone in the room backed up
"Because she is crazy and sent her brothers after me demanding I wed her and my family intervend got ugly there too and finally it was settled with my family giving up a company we had in China and I was banned from ever going in" Baekhyun admitted and everyone in the room was silent
"Hyung, why didn't you tell us?" Kai asked
"Because I thought it was taken care of" Baekhyun stated
Chanyeol felt like he was going to pop but suddenly D.O.'s phone rang
"Hello?" he answered D.O. and looked directly at Chanyeol
"Yeah do that, I'll tell him right now" D.O. stated and hung up
"It was Sehun, said that he is taking Yura to a safe house" D.O. informed him and Chanyeol's heart dropped
"Was it Zitao?" he asked his anxiety reaching its peak
"More than like likely, sehun didn't say much but just go to the safe house in Itaewon" he told him and he shot up from his seat
"We can talk in the morning" he said as he stormed out of the room and slammed the door
Chanyeol sped all the way to Itaewon if anything had happened to Yura he would kill anyone that shared the Wu's blood he vowed.
He got there in no time and he wanted to see Yura that instant
Chanyeol couldn't have opened that door fast enough he saw her standing there and he felt emotional
"Ahyoung sshi!" Chanyeol said relieved that she looked unharmed and hugged her as tightly as he was able too
"Chanie I cant breath" Yura struggled to say
"I'm sorry, are you okay? Did he try and do anything to you?" he asked more get her reassurance that she was kay as she looked he cupped her face to take a look at her
"No, Im fine I promise" she said comforting him
He thumbed her cheeks lovingly as he was still cupping her face "Thank god you're okay" he said to himself
He let her go remembering that Sehun was still there, he walked up to him and wanted to hear from the source if in fact Zitao was in town
"Are you sure it was Zitao?" he asked Sehun slowly and he new that Sehun hated when he talked to him like a child
"Yes, I am more than sure" Sehun scoffed and Chanyeol did not have time for his attitude
"Did he say anything?" Chanyeol wanted to know everything
"Nothing, all that I knew was that he told Yura that he was a driver that you sent for her" Sehun said as he crossed his arms on his chest
"How the hell did he know I wasn't going to show?" Chanyeol asked out loud it was clear it was planned
"Beats me, unless he's following us" Sehun said now he was bored
"Well I guess we can discuss this later" he dismissed Sehun who gave him a lazy salute as a goodbye and left him alone with Yura.
She had sat down and was staring out the window blankly
"Are you really okay" he was worried for her he took her hand and put his lips on the back of hand warming his face
"I am , Sehun got there before anything happened" Chanyeol didn't want to think of what could've had happened if Sehun hadn't showed up
"Now I am a little tired and in need of a shower" she continued and he got the hint then
"Come with me" he said as he stood and he guided her to the bedroom/
He let her go and went straight to the cloet and try and find anything she could wear to bed.
He then remembered that he had sent all the clothes to get washed and were not do for delivery until the next morning.
Thankfully he found an old shirt and he brought it out for her
"I only have a shirt, is that okay?" he asked her
"Yes" she chuckled amused she took it and went straight to the bathroom.
As he waited for her to finish he hd taken off his work clothes and pulled out his lap top and try and see if he could email his P.I. and see about doing another job for him
He saw am email from an Unknown contact and the subject line read 'HER' Chanyeol got curious and opened the email and found a lot of attachments, he downloaded 3 of then and found that they were photos of Yura.
He scrolled down and see if they was anything else and then saw the message it read:
Hello Park,
Long time no speak, I am sorry for the encounter earlier with Sehun-baby and Tao-Love you know I mean well. I just wanted to meet the lucky woman that has finally enthralled the ruthless, heartless, wolf Park Chanyeol. She must be something more than her looks, no? Well I hope we can meet soon.
Xoxo Wu Yifan

Chanyeol was beyond livid, he hated Wu Yifan and he did not appreciate the pet name he called Sehun.
He pressed the reply button and he could feel his anger rising
Can't wait to beat the living shit out of you fucking son of a-
The faster he typed the angrier he felt, suddenly Yura stepped out the bathroom finally
"Are you okay?'" She asked him and he snapped out of it
He looked up at her and closed his computer leaving the email unfinished
"I am now" he said to her and tried to sound normal although he knew he did not come close to sounding like that
She laid down and he turned off the lights, he got close to her and hugged her tightly.
He didn't want to drag her in something that had nothing to with her, he wanted to protect her the best he could but he was having a hard time thinking of a way to have her next to him and protect her.
He knew eventually his life style would cath up to him and make it hard for him to be with Yura.
He had lied to himself and believe he could have something normal in his life.
He was deep in thought when Yura suddenly looked up at him and kissed him.
She hesitated briefly but he went along with it, it was a nice distraction from the darkness that loomed over him.
He realized then he craved her intimately, he had wanted her the minute he had her in his bed the first night but he was surprised that he had not pursued that from her.
He wanted to talk to her about maybe starting to get physical with each other but when he had talked to Suho about it he had told him to wait and see if that's what she was ready for and he was right.
She wasn't ready so he decided to wait, and he liked that she wasn't that type of girl who was sex crazed like the ones from his past, but he had known he had not really picked the greatest women to be with in the first place.
Yura got to know him as a person and not look into what he really was or saw money signs whenever he took her out.
Chanyeol could feel that he was falling in love with her although he had to be honest that once the realization hit he found himself trying to distance those feelings and her at times.
She suddenly straddled him and their kiss was passionate, more so than they had before and he liked that she was taking the initiative.
She was slowly grinding against him and it felt good, she moaned deliciously but that sound quickly brought him back to reality.
He snapped back breaking their kiss and he saw that she briefly frowned "Ahyoung sshi what are you doing?" he asked
He wanted her yes, but he wanted to make sure this is what she really wanted
"I'm not sure I have never done this before" she spoke softly he could see she was being honest
"You've never had-" "No, I haven't" she rushed out cutting him off
Chanyeol felt a little overwhelmed "And you want to..with me?"
She nodded her head, he cupped her and kissed matching her passion from earlier.
She wrapped her arms around his head and he ran his hands down her feeling her and he knew she liked that.
He took her shirt off and went to take his off too which she helped him throw it off the bed.
He held her close feeling her, his need intensifying.
Chanyeol then flipped her on her back and he hovered over her, she opened her legs and cradled him in.
Her cheeks were pink and her pupils dilated, Yura smiled at him and he knew then that she wanted him as much as he did.
He was pressed against her and she moaned as he trailed kisses on her soft skin.
"What are you doing to me Ahyoung?" he asked confused as to what prompted her to act like this.
He wasn't mad but definitely wondered what she was thinking, she kissed him softly "Make me yours Chanyeol" she said against his lips and he smiled at her words
"As you wish" he said and kissed her his passion evident.
He undressed her and himself completely and he touched her.
He wanted this experience to be good for her so he took his time, telling her over and over again how beautiful she is and touched her making her feel good in places she didn't know about.
After he did that he positioned himself to take her "This is going to hurt at first but I promise that it won't hurt for long" he explained to her
"Okay" she whispered
He eased inside her and Chanyeol knew then that he wasn't going to last long.
She let out a pained cry and he slowly thrust into her again and hoped that it would feel better for her as it was for him.
He then sped up and her moans and mewls rang in his ear, he could feel her insides clench around him and he knew that in any moment she would reach her peak.
He let out a loud moan as he felt her become undone and he shortly followed.
He laid on top of her tucking his face into the crook of her neck.
She ran her finger through his hair and it felt nice, he kissed her neck and got off her.
Chanyeol noticed she quickly got close to him hugging him, she looked tired so he hummed in her ear until he could hear her soft snores.
He watched her sleep and he knew then that he couldn't stay with her, he had fallen in love but he wasn't a good enough man for her.
Carefully he got off the bed and got dressed, he was going home changing and first thing in the morning he was going to change all numbers and see about selling his home.
After he had changed back to his clothes he looked back at her and laid down again caressing her hair "I love you" he whispered to her sleeping figure and kissed her forehead, and left hoping come morning and on she would forget about him.

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