Descriptive BL Roleplay [Re-O...

By GrungieGremlin

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Another book. because, you know. wattpad likes picking on me. :( *ALL PICTURES USED FROM CHAPTERS 1-18 WERE N... More

《○Disrespect isn't tolerated○》
▪]Their truth or mine (1/3)[▪
♡Do I look like cupid to you?♡
▪]Their truth or mine (2/3)[▪
◇<I can't hear you>◇
▪●Think you can get rid of me?●▪
×Yes 'Darling?'×
●> Everything comes with a price <●
☆▪︎《 Night Time Is A Fun Time 》▪︎☆
▪]Their truth or mine (3/3)[▪
°•● Look, but don't touch ●•°
■> Bad Dog <■
=|A Forest That Doesn't Sleep|=
_][ A Unique Roommate ][_

'|I got this!...kinda|'

184 1 101
By GrungieGremlin

There will be mentions of Rape in this character's form. NO, I am not going to roleplay scenes of rape in the roleplay. It will be mentioned, yes, but not roleplayed.

if you feel uncomfortable roleplaying with this character, please skip over this page.


<Full Name>
"I don't need anyone else's help. I can do this by myself."
Simon Kwon

<Meaning of Name>
Simon: "listen"
Kwon: "authority"


January 8th


<Languages spoken>
Mandarin Chinese- Korean- English- French- Sign language- Polish



<Good traits>
•Good morals

<Bad Traits>
•Closed off
•Short temper
•Extremely insecure

Simon fiddles with the sleeves of his shirt when he's nervous, and if he's afraid or uncomfortable he'll shove his hands into his pockets deeply, almost as if trying to hide.

•Owen Tennessee •Art •Staying at home •Men •Spicy food •Quiet •His kids •Sleeping •Smoking •Astronomy •Music

•Women •Women • Women •His 'family' •Crowds •Being looked down upon •Being judged •Being told how to parent •Being lied to •Interacting with people


Simon is a very closed-off individual. He won't be open about anything to anyone, doesn't trust anyone but himself, doesn't WANT to trust anyone but himself. But...honestly? He's just-

"Shut up."

Simon was a very outgoing kind of kid when he was younger. He was happy, always so trusting of people and willing to give them second chances. He understood everyone made mistakes as that's what his parents taught him, and he had grown up with this mentality throughout his school years.

He got his first girlfriend when he was fifteen, and he loved her dearly. He understood that loving someone and simply liking them were two different things, but at the time he seriously did love the girl with all his heart. He was respectful towards her, never showed her off to any of his friends as he knew she wasn't an object as some of the guys thought women were, always enjoyed his time with her and gave her space if she needed. Halfway through the school year however, a couple of months after he started dating her, some strange rumors had begun to pop up...

"She seduces men!"

"I heard she tricked some guy into having sex with her..."

"She is a real wicked....the person dating her should be careful! "

Of course, being rather smart about things he DID keep those rumors in mind and decided to talk to her about them. He wanted to know how such conclusions came to be, yet she always denied everything. She had no idea what was going on, no clue what could cause people to 'lie' about her. He was suspicious but trusted her not to lie about anything to him. They've only ever been honest with each other.

The next school year came around, and his girlfriend began acting differently. She was a lot less sweet and innocent and more 'knowledgeable about inappropriate subjects' then he thought she'd be. There were instances where they would be relaxing at her house and she'd either change into more revealing clothing, pick 18+ movies or shows to watch, or even try to undress him using excuses. He never fell for any of these traps, and obviously, he started feeling uncomfortable with the many advances. He was young, so was she despite being a year older than him, they shouldn't be doing things like this with each other, he knew this. He was thinking about leaving her when things began escalating into her physical attempting to restrain him.

A couple of days after her first attempt at this, he went over to her house around eight at night planning to break things off, informing his parents he was going to his 'friend's house'. He only told his best friend where he was truly going, and so the man covered for Simon. Once he rang her doorbell she came rushing to the door, all smiley and happy...

She pulled him in and didn't let him leave.


She threatened him the next morning. Saying she could and would turn this around to make him the offender if he told anyone of this. Of course, only be in sixteen during this time he was traumatized. He went to his friend's house, sobbing hysterically and barely able to stand. In the afternoon he went home and acted as nothing happened. He was afraid that she very well may turn this around and he didn't want to hurt his family! She had so much more money then they did- she could afford a better lawyer and he doubts anyone would believe him especially when he could barely remember what happened that night.

For the next few weeks, everything went back to how it was before. The only thing that changed was that he was significantly more obedient and significantly timider too. He no longer spoke within his group of friends at school, he no longer talked a lot at home, he no longer went to any special events either. He completely closed himself off from everything.

And then two months later shit hit the fan.

"Babe...I'm pregnant!~"

He was home alone at the time, Noone there to comfort him except this horrible woman. He cried for a very long time afterward, so much so that when his parents came home he was nothing but a mess. He sat down with them- tried explaining- but they were absolutely furious with him. He got no support from them, and even his girlfriend's parents were upset with him because 'he was so unresponsible, he got their daughter pregnant-' despite it being the other way around. She got herself pregnant- She knew what she was doing!!

When the baby was born, a wonderful young boy, despite his distress and hatred Simon did his very best to be a good dad. He got a job, took care of Caden when his mother left him for a night out with friends- (almost every other night basically). His parents of course always looked at him with disappointment, sometimes even disgust, and he lost a lot of friends. Thankfully, his best friend stuck by him because he knew the truth.

When Caden's birthday came around the next year, Simon was excited to buy him a good present with all the money he managed to save up. He went over to his girlfriend's house in the afternoon, present in hand and a small smile on his face. Although it was hard, taking care of his son was...wonderful honestly. He wished he could have had him when he was older, however, when he was more prepared to give him a better life than this one... once he rung the doorbell, expecting Caden's mother to answer, a large older man came face to face with him instead. He was startled, fearful even, especially when the stranger gestured for him to come in. Perhaps it was a family member?

He was wrong. He was so so fucking wrong-

He entered the living room and there was his girlfriend, smiling seductively while surrounded by older men who didn't look related to her... "******, what is all this?...who are t-these-"

"Shush Simon...just come join us, why don't you?...we're 'celebrating' are we not?...~"




9 months later, a beautiful baby girl was born, and Simon was done.

As soon as he turned 18, he got custody over his kids relatively easy. His ex-girlfriend didn't bother fighting for them and was more than happy to give them up. His family didn't have a problem with him moving out the next month either, they were happy to get rid of him actually. And so here he is, living in a nice house with a good stable job, getting child support from that wench of a woman and taking care of his kids to the best of his abilities despite the hate and accusations against him.

As far as he knows, he has no family anymore, Except for Owen.

Owen Tennessee (30) - Best friend
John Harrison (68) - Father
Marissa Kwon (65) - Mother
Jenny Harrison (72) - Aunt
Henry Harrison (89) - Grandfather
Emily Kwon (34) - Cousin

<Past relationships?>

None, but is planning to get a puppy soon for Christmas

Graphic designer


Homosexual (Openly)


<Sensitive spots?>
All his Scars, his neck in general, ears, and his abdomen.

<Touchy or not touchy?>
8% Touchy
92% not touchy

(He's touch starved greatly and he will be more touchy if he trusts you. He just wants someone who won't be too pushy or clingy, he'll suffocate)

<How social?>
He strives to achieve as minimum human contact as possible



[ Areum Gi Kwon (Daughter): Age 10]

She is Deaf.

[Caden Kwon (Son): Age 11]

He has Asthma.


<Blood type>

<Clothing preference>
Anything that isn't easy to take off. He will not ever wear a button-up shirt what so ever, not even things with zippers. He'll stick with clothes that cover his head to toe.

- Both his wrists. He has horizontal Scars that seem to be made from some sort of circular, metal bindings

- Along his chest, he has light Scars from what seem to be sharp nails

- On his back, he has one, long diagonal that starts at his left shoulder and ends just at his right hip.


- He fears being held down, he'll freak out immensely.
- He has PTSD
- Heavy trust issues, of course
- He's terrified of women



Be NOSY AND PERSISTENT Try to weave your way into his life, try to find out why he is the way he is, even if it results in him pushing you away at first. You want to understand him after all!

1. [ Hurt them and I hurt you ]

"This is it...?" Mumbling to yourself quietly while holding your small travel bag, you stand before a rather simple, modern three-story house. It was early in the morning and you were rather tired in all honesty but a job's a job. Babysitting kids wasn't an easy task but you manage somehow, though today there would be some obstacles. From what you read on the client's info: he was a single father with two kids. A daughter who's ten and a son who's eleven. The daughter is deaf while the son has asthma... This would be tricky, huh? Still, you keep your hopes up and knock on the door, waiting.

The first thing you hear is the little thumps of tiny footsteps running inside along with a couple of voices. Still, you wait patiently. Eventually, the door was answered by who you assumed was the father. He looked pretty young in all honesty but other than that he was completely disheveled and had bags under his eyes. He looked intimidating and not fatherly at all... "Ah. Welcome- your right on time. Come in." Mister Kwon held the door open for you so you stepped inside the house, marveling at how clean it was. Usually, all the other single dads you've done business with weren't exactly the greatest in terms of cleanliness, especially around this area. Nor did they live in such a great house... Perhaps his child support was particularly good? Shaking your head, you were about to go over the schedule with him but before you could, the man had already disappeared down the hall, but only for a moment. "-Make sure to come home early! take breaks and don't overwork yourself!" The voice of a little boy shouted out as Mister Kwon had suddenly walked back towards you, a briefcase- or laptop? in hand.

Once again you tried talking to him but unfortunately, he cut you off. "9 am to 8 pm, correct? 20$ per hour, which would be 220$ in total?" a bit flabbergasted at his quick and efficient recount about the details you both spoke of only a week prior to this meeting, you nod your head and step to the side while Mister Kwon put on his shoes in a hurry. He must be late for work... "Food is in the fridge. Take whatever container you want on the bottom shelf, the ones on the top are for the kids. Areum Has a little bell she rings when she needs help so listen out for it, Caden's extra inhaler fluids are in his room on top of his dresser. His back up inhaler is in the bathroom down here, behind the mirror. Under no circumstances are you permitted inside my room." As he spoke you made sure to listen seeing as how you had no room to really say anything. However, in the midst of the man speaking, his kids had scurried over, both seeming a bit shy being around someone new so they stuck close with their dad. "I'm off then. I'll be home by 8 tonight."  Almost on cue, the two kids had flung their arms up, both seeming particularly eager for something. It was then you saw the solemn and tired father smile slightly for the first time, putting down the things he held only to pick up both his kids! He sure was strong... "Areum, Caden, make sure to behave. I'll bring you both a little treat if you do... Be good."



the children were set down after they giggled out their replies, watching their dad head out the door, disappearing in an instant but not before he sent you a sudden heated look- a warning. His brief gaze sent shivers down your spin. What was he trying to say? Before you knew it the fast-paced situation had finally slowed and you were no left alone with the kids. They both looked longingly towards the door before turning their attention towards you, awkward. Haha... jeez. Now, what do you do? you were still kinda dazed from that whole interaction. "..U-Um, sir?" The small question that came from the young boy caught your attention, so you looked at him immediately and smiled a bit. You asked what he needed and his reply shocked you in all honesty. 

"Y-You... Better make sure n-not to be mean to us! okay? if you d-do our dad will beat you up!" Although he sounded confident in his warning, he and the girl also looked afraid, as if something, as they described, happened to them before. is that why the man had looked at you like that before he left?...

How do you reply?

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