Only human (tony stark male r...

By Destroyer_Creater2

214K 2.7K 1.9K

After beating Thanos once and for all you decided to leave the avengers since beating one universal villain w... More

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The orc
Y/n vs the orc
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Improved suit

8.5K 81 66
By Destroyer_Creater2

Name:infinity buster

Looks:the suit is entirely pure golden with a red and blue grid that goes all over it. The gauntlets are a pair of infinity gauntlets that have all of the infinity stones in them with a much larger stone in the place for the mind stone while said mind stone is relocated to the palms of the gauntlets, has all ten of the mandarian rings also a white lantern ring on each finger and is the exact size for you. The arc reactor is a much larger stone that repeatedly changes colors. The flight stabilizers on the suits back each have a much larger infinity stone in them. The lower body of the suit has a pair of infinity stones on each leg and are placed at the thigh, sides of the leg, on the sides of the foot and the last one in the back of the leg also there's a much bigger stone of the knees of the suit, And finally on the face plate there is a larger stone on the forehead which got out a small glow all while the masks eyes got out a bright white light

Made of:the suit unlike others is made from the body of the one beyond all making its armor practically unbreakable and its all enhanced by celestial technology which you will not talk about how you found it. And just cause ultron wouldn't shut up about it you decided to merge the armor with other types of metal and weapons like vibranium, uru, multiple Excalibur's etc

The heart of the universe:An object of literally infinite proportions that you merged with the armor

Combined infinity stones:with this your suit has more then enough power to power the whole universe maybe even the multiverse thanks to all of those infinity stones you have

Vision:the suit has all kinds of different types of visions that you can change whenever you want

Ultimate velocity impact:a heads up display the armor gives you telling you that your in danger of something and allows you to be able to dodge melee attacks some people can't normally dodge

Casket of ancient wonders:thanks to all of your stones your able to change the casket to make it so that it can blast out other things besides ice whenever you want

Repulser blasts:you can fire powerful lasers from the palm of your hands which are enhanced thanks to your armor. Also you are able to now control how powerful you want your repulsers to be making it so that there weaker then a bee sting or more powerful then even your own satellite's repulser

Repulser beam:a thin repulser that is fired from your suits fingertips that are 1/5 as powerful as your repulser blasts

Infinity beam:the strongest variation of the unibeam which draws the power of all of the stones making a beam that is the definition of overkill and pure death

Repulser eyes:a side effect the armor gained from gaining the power of a celestial making it so that it can fire repulser blasts out of the users eyes and after some upgrades your laser eyes are able to follow whoever you were targeting

Phoenix force:after draining every part of the Phoenix Force your suit now is able to sprout wings made of flames from your back that can absorb any kind of energy that touches them, drain the life force of whoever you choose, lift up objects and people with your mind with no limit and talk to all living things telepathically

Thrusters:your arms and legs can fire thrusters that can make you go so fast that everything just seems to stop once your moving and after some testing the flight stabilizers can also be used to make you fly as fast as when your using your thrusters

Infinity shield:the shield is captain America's shield but now had infinity stones on the points of the star and the biggest stone in the middle making it become noticeably tougher, stronger, and better

Infinity sword:you were going to call it super black ragnarok but you wanted to keep on going with the infinity in the name. Anyway this sword is a straight sword that is covered in black ash like markings, the pummel has a big red S on it, and the blade looks to be made of pure energy if it's glowing blue blade has to say anything

Infinity axe:the strongest variation of Thor's axe storm breaker which you took form another dimensions Thor and give the axe a pair of infinity stones making it more powerful then it was before

Tactigon:this thing allows you to make and create any weapon you want minigun, shoulder mounted turrets, smart missiles, a box rocket launcher, a rail gun, micro missiles

Party protocol:you can snap your fingers making you summon copy's of all your different suits to aid you in battle

Soul stones:Allows the user to steal, control, manipulate, and alter living and dead souls

Time stones: Allows the user to see into the past and the future; stop, slow down, speed up or reverse the flow of time; travel through time; change the past and the future; age and de-age beings, and trap people or entire universes in unending loops of time.

Space stones: Allows the user to exist in any location; move any object anywhere throughout reality; warp or rearrange space; teleport themselves and others; increase their speed, and alter the distance between objects contrary to the laws of physics

Mind stones:Allows the user to enhance their mental and psionic abilities and access the thoughts and dreams of other beings. At full potential, when backed by the Power Gem, the Mind Gem can access all minds in existence simultaneously. The Mind Gem is also the manifestation of the universal subconscious.

Reality stones: Allows the user to fulfill their wishes, even if the wish is in direct contradiction with scientific laws, and do things that would normally be impossible; and create any type of alternate reality the user wishes no matter how ridiculous

Power stones: Allows the user to access and manipulate all forms of energy; enhance their physical strength and durability; enhance any superhuman ability; and boost the effects of the other Gems

Mandarin rings


Pinky: Ice Blast. Freezes the air in its path and can lower an object's temperature to almost absolute zero.

Ring Finger: Control of Life: It has the power to manipulate life. this include controlling living beings, mutating organisms, creating living beings, and even resurrecting the dead

Middle Finger: Electro-Blast. Emits quantities of electrical energy determined by the wearer

Index Finger: Flame Blast. Emits infrared radiation and can cause air to incandesce by igniting its molecules. Maximum out is unknown.

Thumb: White Light. Emits many different types of energy from the electro-magnetic spectrum. Frequently used as intense visible light and laser beams.


Pinky: Black Light. Creates area of "absolute blackness" where all light is absorbed. It is believed that this ring accesses the "Darkforce" used by people such as Darkstar and the Shroud.

Ring Finger: Disintegration Beam: Destroys bonds between atoms and molecules causing an object's cohesion to fall apart.

Ring finger: White lantern ring: grants the User the combined power of all the other rings in the color spectrum. also has the ability to control the life equation

Middle Finger: Vortex Beam. Causes air to swirl about in a vortex at high speed. Can levitate objects, propel wearer in flight and be used as a weapon.

Index Finger: Impact Beam. Projects concussive force of approximately 350 lbs. of TNT or more. Can also cause intense sonic vibrations and create magnetic waves.

Thumb: Matter Rearranger. Can rearrange atoms and/or molecules of substances or speed up/slow down their movements to result in various effects making it so that you can turn the air into poison gas or turn it into cement

-drain energy and use it for more power

-take away superpowers from people

-the longer the suit is activated the more powerful it becomes

-after draining all of a different timeline spawn's power the suit now has all of his abilities and can even protect tony by sprouting out golden chains from his back that will destroy attacks coming towards you before they get anywhere near you

-can turn to anything even clothes for you to wear

-can make you live underwater, in space, and even in a giant cloud of toxic fumes without a problem

-constant reactive evolution

-can make your voice as loud as you want even louder then black bolt

-create psychic knives

-can turn invisible

-create a raven made of shadows that can take some hits for you or mentally subdue someone

-go through all types of matter

-multiple superhuman senses which let you be able to fight with your eyes closed

-can make portals to different universes or completely different multiverses

-you can create all types of illusions you desire for anyone

-analyze and find a way to combat and or copy someone's fighting style no matter how complex it is

-can grow or shrink its size or any part of itself

-if y/n is ever killed while in this suit he will come back forever immune to whatever killed him

-can make light constructs like angels and fallen

-can now use the speed force making you even more faster then before

-can take damage and add it to your power

-use magic

-as long as you have it on you the suit will tell you about everything you want to know telepathically and look up any person you want to know at the moment and allows you to read any person's mind thanks to the mind stone

(This will probably change when Ultron thinks of another improvement for it)

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