Only human (tony stark male r...

By Destroyer_Creater2

214K 2.7K 1.9K

After beating Thanos once and for all you decided to leave the avengers since beating one universal villain w... More

Back on the job
The orc
Y/n vs the orc
Newest armor bio
I was wondering
A nun turned secretary (full version)
New armor's
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Improved suit
Y/n vs the strays and fallen
Ch 9
Ch 10 test run

Old friends reunited

10.3K 145 63
By Destroyer_Creater2

Y/n:haha! This is fantastic!

I say while flying over the ocean in my speeding bolt armor while flying faster then even a lightning bolt. After a few minutes of flying I looked to see New York coming to view which made me smirk wondering what the guys were doing while I was away

Thinking that I should visit one of them I fly up to the sky then use everything my suit has on its thrusters making everything that's around me become a blur. After a while of this I suddenly stop and look around to see Asgard the home of the gods

Y/n:... huh so if you just fly straight up really fast then you're in the realm of the gods... I don't know how that works but I'm not complaining since it saved me a phone call

I then landed on the ground and let my suit be put back inside of my watch. Seeing that now I have to walk on foot From now on I was about to go to the giant castle in the distance only to hear a familiar voice coming from above me

???:well look who's come back to Visit after so long

Already knowing who that was I turned around to see the god of lightning himself Thor who was wielding his weapon storm breaker


Right now me and Thor were walking around the asgardian palace talking about the good old days

Y/n:I still can't believe still after all of these years you're still calling your weapon storm breaker

Thor:what's wrong with storm breaker?

Y/n:what's the first thing you think of when you hear the word storm breaker

Thor:I think of a powerful axe that can only be held by the most worthy of people

Y/n:really? Cause I think of a fart if I heard the name storm breaker

Thor:of course you would

Y/n:yeah... wait what does that supposed to imply?

Thor:nothing you should know. By the way you look much younger then before and what happened to your beard?

Y/n:when I left you guys and went to kuoh I decided to use the time stone to make me a bit younger cause you know "new place, new me" but I really miss my beard sure it was itchy sometimes especially when I wore my armor or was working on something but it looked amazing

Thor:yeah... anyway y/n why are you here exactly

Y/n:oh nothing I was just flying around and while flying I saw New York in the distance so I decided to visit one of you guys before flying back to kuoh

Thor:oh alright then anyway are you still making new suits?

Y/n:of course cause let's be honest no matter how you look at it I REALLY like making new suits it just gives me a overwhelming amount of joy once I finish a suit of armor

Thor:well in that case if you want you can take some of the tools and weapons from Asgard since with you I'm sure they'll be much better then they were before

Y/n:really? Well in that case I want to take a look inside Odin's vault

As soon as I said that Thor pressed his axe against my neck then staired at me with complete seriousness in his eyes

Thor:anything but whatever weapon is in there

Y/n:oh come on Thor can we make a deal here. we're pals so why don't you do this small favor for me and let me see what's inside of the vault

Thor:whatever you've done won't make me allow you to have entry into the vault stark

Y/n:seriously now your using my last name? Ok Thor how about we make a deal

Thor:... what kind of deal?

Y/n:it's simple you put down storm breaker then see if I can lift it. If I lift it then it shows that I'm worthy in the axes... blade to wield it and be able to check inside of the vault and if I can't lift it then I'll forget about the vault and don't get anything related to it. So is it a deal?

Thor:... fine

He then set his axe down then stood to the side while I look over the axe for a couple of seconds then take a few deep breaths. When I was ready I grabbed the axes hilt then lift it up into the air making Thor widen his eyes in surprise while I couple barely hold back my shit eating grin

Y/n:hey Thor! Guess who's worthy of wielding your axe? Spoiler alert it's this guy right here!

After a few seconds I started to lean to the side slowly and before I could do anything I fell onto the ground while Thor let out a small smirk

Thor:guess who's too weak to hold a axe that weights nothing for the worthy? Spoiler alert it's you

Y/n:I just wasn't paying attention at how much I was leaning to the side

Thor:yeah sure you were


After that embarrassing moment I walked with Thor to odin's vault which opened once I got near it making me be able to see multiple asgardian weapon's but the ones that caught my eye were the sheathed sword, the black blade, a small casket, and cap's shield

Y/n:why's cap's shield here?

Thor:once he was able to wield my hammer he let me hold onto his shield so no one will steal it

Y/n:ok and what are the two swords and the casket?

Thor:the black blade is called all black the necrosword. That sword is stained with hundreds of gods blood and it says that the more people the wielder or the blade kills or beat the more power they'll gain. The casket you mentioned is the casket of ancient winters sure it may not look impressive and not look dangerous but if it's opened for too long then the whole universe will be encased in a icy tundra. And the sheathed sword is the most powerful weapon Asgard has to offer the odinsword or ragnarok. It says if the sword would to ever be unsheathed then the universe would be the victim to a rather violent and explosive end

Y/n:wow... is it ok if I have them?

Thor:just promise me that you'll never use them to destroy the universe

Y/n:I won't

With that I grabbed the things he mentioned then made my speeding bolt armor appear around me then fly back to kuoh while Thor waved me goodbye

(So what do you think Good? Bad? Meh? Tell me in the comments)

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