Book 3 in Jumper series "Trip...

By creepynerd8808

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Book 3 in Jumper series "Tripped Up" a Creepypasta Yaoi boyxboy fanfiction
Not a Tree Hugger
Using the Cheat Code
Without a 'Glitch'
Blue with Love
The Blood Stained Black
And the Blood Turns Yellow

I Go Back to Black

86 2 0
By creepynerd8808

I have a pic of Jeff at the bottom, enjoy!

Ash's POV:

Nick, Ash, Jamie, meet me in the room on the third floor with the o with and x through it.

Sure thing, Slendy, I heard Jamie respond.

Will do Mr. Slender! Nick cheered into my head.

Yeah, of course, I responded to him. 

I ran up the stairs to meet with the others. It was weird that we were separate. Jamie was with EJ working on, 'training,' while Sally, Jeff and BEN played with Nick. It was actually last night that the two of them came out and told everybody about them being together. Mission accomplished. 

I ran up the next filght of stairs, panting and leaning against the door. I had the athletic build of my dad when it came to my regular body. I need to train more. 

I walked in the door to see a heaving Nick, but a smiling Jamie. Must have been from all that 'training.'

"What did you *wheeze* need Slenderman?" I asked, finally regaining my composure. 

We all need to talk. Something has been going on in this world. Something strange. 

"What's wrong Slendy?" Jamie asked.

Zalgo has gone missing. I am not complaining, but he has a tendency to attack on a regular basis. Something has to be up. It started not soon before you arrived. I think it has something to do with your existence.

"What do you mean?" I asked, how does this relate to us?

When he started to go missing, I felt a strange energy. The same energy coming off of the three of you. Slenderman responded, looking around with his non-existent eyes. We all looked at him in shock. It wasn't us, so was it another jumper? Who was it, if that was the case?

"Do you think it was another one of us?" Jamie asked, as if reading my mind.

"Sorry to answer a question, with a question, but if it was one of us, why would they be here of all places?" Nick asked, crossing her hands together. 

"To get power," I responded, the answer coming to me like a hit to the face. They all realized what I said. 

That's what I came to conclude. Someone is planning something. Big. We need to prepare. start gathering people like he is. Slenderman started. 

"He? How do you know it is a he?" I asked him. How much did he know?

Like I said, I felt this jumper's energy, but none of Zalgos. I assume he stole his power and body. Slenderman talked, and it was like a bullet to the chest. 

"Who would do something like this?" Nick asked, her eyes strained as she heard about the new information.

I am not sure, but we need to be prepared for when he attacks, if we are unguarded it could mean everything's destruction. Not just this worlds, but of the reality's we know. with his words, my stomach dropped. We all paled, even more than usual. This news was a load on our shoulders. 

"We already started a group, but how in god's name are we supposed to create an army?" Nick asked, her voice shaking slightly. Jamie, Slenderman, and I all walked up to her, enveloping her in a group hug.

"Easy," I told her, "we are going to do what we do every time we jump, make new friends, just as crazy as we are." We sat there for a long time, sitting in a comfortable silence as we held each other close, all knowing that in the end, things would all work out. I mean why wouldn't it? We are jumpers after all.


Nick's POV: 

I have to admit, I was really scared after I heard that there was a jumper trying to have his evil way. sure we didn't know what he was going to do, or how he was going to do it, but we knew for sure, it was really bad. Let us not forget to mention it was more then likely that he killed Zalgo. ZALGO. But hey, we were going to fight back, we were starting a rebellion. Yes! It was going to be amazing! 

I was extra happy now, knowing that they were all set on starting this rebellion. Jamie told us, after the meeting of course, that he knew what his master looked like. He was called into his personal chambers when he was sent to kill us. 

"What does Zalgo look like?" he asked, recalling on what his master looked like. 

he is a being of darkness, he only light of hell, shining through to outline his features. His seven mouths shall all end the world when he deems worthy, and he hides behind what you humans find humorous, using the power of a fallen star. He is terror itself. He who hides behind the wall. You were lucky that you made it that far with him, the people usually die. Mr. Slender explained to him. He thought for a moment.

"Did he have wings?" he asked, totally unfazed by what Mr. Slender had just told him. We all sweat dropped and shook our heads at him.

Yes, Mr. Slender responded, as calm as Jamie.

"Then yep, that's him alright. He took Zalgo's body as his own? How did he manage to kill Zalgo?" a shiver ripped through all of us, even Mr. Slender, and that was not something you see every day. 

"What else do you know about him?" we asked Jamie. He tapped his chin in thought.

"There was a King he killed. His name was Shou Kahn, he ruled a kingdom of warriors, even his daughters we raised like military men. I was told he started a tournament, that ended very badly for him. he tried to defy my master, and gain more of his honor back, but he got himself killed, for real this time," he said.

I jumped out of my skin when I heard what Jamie said.

"Was he wearing a skull mask, have horns, and carry around a really big, green hammer?" I asked. He looked at me in shock. 

"Yeah! How did you know?" he asked me in shock.

"Let's just say, your master is just a big a freak as I am, alright?" I whimpered. It took me three weeks to beat him! Yep, we are all fucked unless we get more fire power, and fast.

"What took you three weeks?" Ash asked me. Did I say that out loud?! 

"Nothing, absolutely nothing," I groaned and fell back into one of the chairs. I jumped up in my seat when I thought of something, and I can't believe that we didn't think of it before.

"Mr. Slender, would it be ok if we copied all of the powers of the people that live in this house?" I asked him. He seemed to think for a moment.

Yes, of course you can little dove, he responded. I smiled and took his hand in mine. i closed my eyes and focused on the dark energy radiating off of his being. It felt addictive, yet all classy at the same time. I tried not to get lost of the feel of it, but tried to copy it instead. I had to get my mind as clear as it could get. I copied every wave that came from it, every feel. I could feel the power, the madness that came with it. It hurt my soul, but I kept going. I could feel my heart blacken slightly. I opened my eyes and everybody stared at me in shock.

"What?" I asked. 

"Your eyes," Ash started.

"They are black," Jamie finished. I felt uncertain, so when I created a mirror and looked in it, you could tell I was horrified. The whites, the irises, the pupils, all gone. Just black. 

"Whoa," I started, changing my eyes back to their original color.

"What can you do now?" Ash asked me. I focused on my energy, and I felt my body strengthen. I went into fighting stance with Ash, her eyes pink, mine black. She shot at me, but before she even got two feet, I grabbed her, but not with my regular hands. Extra tentacles shot from down my spine. Some were at her body, ready to strike, while the others were holding her still. I opened my mouth to speak, but the second I opened it, they all passed out, and some of the grass outside died. I shut it back up.

I turned the power off,and healing everybody from it.

"What the hell was that?" Jamie asked. I shrugged and looked to Mr. Slender.

Most people do not know that my voice can kill those who hear it. That's why I use mind contol and Proxies. Well, also because it is a better way to hunt as well.

Too afraid to open my mouth again, I kept it shut until Mr. Slender gave me the ok. He said as long as I wasn't using his power, it wouldn't hurt anyone. I let outta breath of relief. Thank god, no more nodding and shrugging. I missed just my eyes being black. 

We spent the rest of the day copying the powers of the other creepypastas in this mansion. They all happily complied. I learned how to change my feature while hiding, to jump through technology, and, got more dark creatures powers from Jack. Let me tell you, by the end of the day I felt like the power was slightly affecting my soul. I felt, dark somehow. 

"We need to get back soon, they probably already put up missing signs and crap," Jamie mumbled.

"Yeah, I bet your mom is worried sick," I told him. I saw his face get sad.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"My master, he um, stole me as a child, he raised me," he told me, looking away. That news hit m elike a ton of bricks. Raised him? How many ears has he been put through torture? How many deaths has he seen through it all?

I ran up to him and hugged him. He sadly smiled at me as he pulled away.

"Why are you crying?" I touched my cheek and felt that it was wet, not even realizing it. I looked at my hand and squeaked. 

"I am crying blood! Holy mother of Jesus what do I do?! AHHHH!!!" I started running around the house screaming until BEN came down the stairs and looked at my face. He shook his head at me.

"That's what happens when you have my powers," he explained. Great, he can easily explain it, but happens if I cry in front of my mom? What then? Shit.

I ran back up to Jamie, before putting a hand on his shoulder. I gave him a look that said, we will talk about this later.

"Ok, losers! Lets all get ready!" I cheered, jumping up and down. I was really hyper because of all the energy we acquired that day. The two of them groaned. Jamie told me was going to tell EJ goodbye. I stopped him before he even thought of walking away.

"Just ask him to come with us," I told him. "I am bringing the rest of them anyways, you might as well bring him too."

His face lit up like a Christmas tree as he ran up the stairs to go ask EJ to come with us. I sighed and shook my head as I started ascending up the stairs.

"Jeff! BEN! get you're asses in gear, we are moving out!" I called. Ash was gathering all the cool artifacts already, so they had no way of getting out of this.

"What do you mean Nick?" BEN asked me, poking his head out of his room.

"You are coming with us of course!" I shouted enthusiastically.

"I am ok with it, I would just go tell Jeff about it first," he told me the advice and I nodded. I knocked on Jeff's door, wondering why he didn't wake up from my earlier yelling. He slowly opened the door, his eyes droopy and blood shot. 

I put my hand on his shoulder before I continued. "Pack up all of your stuff, we are leaving soon, ok?" he nodded sleepily and went back into his room to change and pack. Well, I guess I can get away with everything when he is sleepy. He looked so cute and adorable though, aww. 

I felt triumphant as I left the area and met up with Ash. She had wrapped up all of the important stuff and put it in storage. Awesomeness.

We ushered all of them outside to the front of the house. They all had backpacks and were wearing clothes, and I realized they didn't even need to do that. They will change anyway. 

"You ready losers?" Ash and I asked at the same time. We grinned at each other, glad we didn't stop that after all that time we spent away from each other on this trip. We all circled around and grabbed hands. it was a bit more than we were used to, but with their power as well, we would be fine. We took deep breaths as we gathered up the energy we could muster. Jamie, Ash, and I's eyes started glowing and the others looked at us in shock. They closed their eyes as well, sending their energy to us as we started the teleport. The energy burst from us at the same time.

The teleport was different this time. The colors were more vibrant, as a flash of energy shot towards the center and we started to create a ball. The ball enclosed on itself before it exploded, creating a black hole that we all got sucked into. Instead of thirty seconds to teleport, we were in front of the Hot Topic in five. And let me tell ya, I was once again proud of Ash, Jamie and I's work. 

Mr. slender had a face, and he looked like the vampire guy in the show my sister watches. i looked over to BEN and saw that he looked like he was in his teens, and had green hair. Jeff, his eyes were blue, and he still had pale skin, but not as much as before. His outfit was very gothic, ripped skinny jeans and black everything else. he was also wearing black eyeliner, and I was dying on the inside. Jack, he had black hair, and he was wearing black and blue plaid shirt, with a black vest. Ash and I looked at each other and high fived.

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