rosemary • edmund pevensie

By cocastyle

594K 18.4K 25.5K

❝ All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wonder are lost; The old that is strong does not withe... More



12.7K 429 365
By cocastyle

The rumbling sound that echoed through the field was what made Edmund and the Telmarine he was fighting both pause in the middle of their fight.

The ground was shaking beneath them and Edmund furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, but it quickly disappeared once he saw something grow out of the ground and grab ahold of the Telmarine in front of him.

Before he knew what was happening, the Telmarine was tossed around before being thrown away, knocking down a bunch of other Telmarines in the process. Edmund looked down at whatever had grabbed ahold of the soldier and watched in disbelief as tree roots seemed to crawl back into the ground.

That's when the rumbling sound seemed to become louder and Edmund turned around to see trees moving onto the battlefield, grabbing onto Telmarines and protecting the Narnians.

The Narnians all looked around in disbelief as they let their weapons fall to their sides. The Telmarines were retreating causing all the Narnians to cry out in victory.

Peter, Caspian, and Susan walked up to stand next to Edmund and both Edmund and Peter shared a look. "Rosemary," Peter muttered.

Edmund smirked proudly and put his sword back into its sheath. "That's my girl," he whispered softly to himself, but the others heard and all shared a look as they watched Edmund look around at the trees proudly knowing that his girlfriend had been the one to protect them once again.

The Telemarines attempted to use their machines to throw more boulders in their direction, but the trees only used their roots to move across the battlefield before destroying the catapults.

Peter smirked as he watched the Telmarines run away in fright and held his sword up in the air. "For Aslan!" Peter yelled. Edmund drew his sword and everyone else held their weapons in the air as well before exclaiming, "For Aslan!"

As the Narnians ran towards the Telmarines, one of the soldiers blew their horn and the Telmarines began to retreat. This only made the Narnians yell and cheer louder as they rushed forward.

The Telmarines were attempting to get the Narnians to the river, thinking that the river was what would help them win. However, when they reached the water and their bridge, the soldiers froze.

Across the bridge stood two girls. One had her head held high as she let her hand rest on the hilt of her sword, the other stood beside the older girl with her cloak and hair blowing in the wind.

The two girls shared a look before the older one pulled her sword out from its sheath. The blade seemed to glow in the sunlight and the golden initials that read W.K. shone bright enough for everyone to see. The younger girl pulled a dagger out.

Rosemary and Lucy both smirked at the Telmarine army in front of them while the Narnians all ran into the clearing and watched their two queens in silence.

The head of the Telmarine army looked back at the Narnians behind him in disbelief. This was their plan? To have a two young girls fight them?

However, none of the Narnians seemed scared or even hesitant. Instead, they all looked even more confident than they had before reaching the bridge.

The soldiers frowned and looked back to the girls only to find that a huge lion stood next to them. The head of the army shook his head before yelling, "Charge!"

The Telmarine army started to run forward, but they had barely even made their way onto the bridge before Aslan roared at them. The Telmarines stopped in their tracts and everyone looked to the water which rippled from the roar before the water levels began to lower.

Before any of them knew what was happening, a huge wave of water began to rush towards the bridge, lifting up into the air to reveal a giant man made out of water.

Soldiers began to jump into the water, trying to avoid the being that was staring down at them. The water man then dove down under the bridge before breaking it and raising the remains of the bridge up in the air.

More and more men jumped off the bridge into the water until only the man who had been one of Miraz's advisors was left. The man of water brought the bridge closer to him before crashing down on top of the bridge, bringing the Telmarine down with him.

The water splashed hit the river and splashed into the air until raining back down. Rosemary watched with a small smirk on her face as the water calmed down and began to wash the bridge down stream.

Rosemary's smirk grew slightly and she looked at the crowd of Telmarine soldiers in front of them. They all had looks of pure fear on their faces and Rosemary couldn't help but smile.

The brunette put her sword away with a loud clank causing the army to look to her. Rosemary titled her head slightly.

"Would anyone else like to challenge us?" she asked and the Telmarine's watched with wide eyes as the trees behind her seemed to twist and turn, roots springing up in the air and pointing at them as if to threaten them.

That was enough to have the Telmarines all immediately drop their weapons and Rosemary smirked before looking over where her friends were. She locked eyes with Peter and the two shared a small nod before Rosemary looked to Edmund.

Edmund smiled at the girl, the sunlight hitting his face just right so that he seemed to glow slightly as he looked at her. She smiled back from across the river as the sound of weapons hitting the ground filled the air.

They had won.

- - -

The Telmarines surrendered without any fuss, even going as far to handing their weapons over to the Narnians themselves. While this happened, Edmund, Peter, Caspian, and Susan all made their way across the river until they made it to where Aslan, Rosemary, and Lucy were awaiting them.

Peter looked to Aslan hesitantly, a feeling of guilt washing over him as he remembered the doubt he had had for the great lion. But he didn't for one second hesitate before kneeling down to Aslan while Susan, Edmund, and Caspian all joined him.

Aslan watched them for a moment before smiling softly. "Rise Kings and Queens if Narnia," Aslan declared.

Edmund, Peter, and Susan rose to their feet while Caspian stayed with his head bowed down. Aslan looked to the boy. "All if you," he said.

Caspian looked up in surprise before shaking his head slightly. "I do not think I am ready," Caspian told him. "It's for that very reason I know you are," Aslan assured him.

Rosemary nodded in agreement. "Do you really think we were ever ready?" She asked as she looked to the boy. "We were younger than you are and the crowns were given to us."

Caspian relaxed slightly at those words. He had almost forgotten how young the Pevensies and Rosemary had been when they had their coronation.

"If anyone is to join us as Kings and Queens it's you, Caspian," Rosemary said as he looked to her. She gave him a small smile. "You have more than proven yourself."

Caspian smiled ever so slightly before hesitantly rising to his feet. Rosemary smiled and walked over to the boy before putting a hand on his arm. "You're going to make a great King," she told him. "Thank you," he whispered.

Rosemary just continued to smile before she looked to Edmund who stood beside the boy. Edmund smiled at the sight of her and was quick to pull her forward into a hug, his arms wrapping around her neck while she hugged his waist and dug her face into his chest.

"Told you I would come back," she whispered. Edmund chuckled and kissed the top of her head. "I knew you would be," he muttered. "You always do."

Rosemary pulled away and smiled up at the boy, but before either of them could say anything else, the sound of music filled their ears. The two teens pulled away while them and the others all turned around to see the Narnians mice making their way towards Aslan as they carried Reepicheep.

Rosemary gasped and quickly rushed forward as the mice set Reepicheep on the ground. The brunette's hand softly stroked the mouse's fur while Lucy walked over with her vial of fire-flower juice in hand. She was quick to kneel down and let a small drop fall from the bottle and into Reepicheep's mouth.

Before they knew it, Reepicheep had let out a small gasp and was sitting back up. He looked around for a minute as his eyes focused in on the two queens before him. Rosemary was smiling down at him while Lucy was putting away her bottle.

"Oh, thank you, Your Majesty," Reepicheep said as he looked at Lucy. Rosemary stood back up and went back over to stand next to Caspian and Edmund, Edmund taking her hand gently in his once she had joined by his side.

The other mice helped Reepicheep to his feet and the mouse's eyes widened at the sight of Aslan. "Hail, Aslan! It is a great honor to be in-" his words fell short when he went to bow only to stumble over.

The mouse looked behind him confused and let out a gasp once he saw that his tail was missing. "I'm completely out of countenance!" Reepicheep exclaimed in embarrassment as he tried to cover where his goal should've been.

"I must crave your indulgence for appearing in this unseemly fashion," Reepicheep muttered. He looked to Lucy. "Uh. . .perhaps a drop more?"

"I don't think it does that," Lucy admitted making the mouse look down sadly. "You could have a go," he tried to say.

Aslan chuckled. "It becomes you well, small one," Aslan told him. "All the same, great king," Reepicheep said. "I regret that I must withdraw for a tail is the honor and glory of a mouse."

He pulled his sword out before holding the blade out to Aslan. However, the lion just watched the mouse before saying, "Perhaps you think too much of your honor, friend."

"Well, it's not just the honor. It's also great for balance," Reepicheep said. "And climbing. And grabbing things."

"May it please, Your High Majesty, we will not bear the shame of wearing an honor denied to our chief," one of the other mice declared as he drew out his sword. The others did as well and Rosemary watched as they all held their blades to their tails, ready to cut off their tail for their leader.

Rosemary looked to Aslan who glanced at her before looking back to Reepicheep. "Not for the sake of your dignity, but for the love of your people," Aslan said.

They had barely even blinked before Reepicheep's tail suddenly regrew. The mouse smiled and looked back at his tail before grabbing ahold of it. "Look!" He exclaimed. "Thank you my liege. I will treasure it always. From this day forward it will serve as a great reminder of my huge humility."

Aslan chuckled before looking to Rosemary and Lucy. "Now, where is this dear little friend you've told me so much about?" He asked. Everyone's eyes flickered over to Trumpkin who was in the middle of directing the Telmarine soldiers.

The dwarf looked over at the group sheepishly before slowly walking over to the lion. He bowed before him and Aslan stood up and roared at the dwarf. Trumpkin jumped in fright while Lucy chuckled.

"Do you see him now?" Lucy asked.

Trumpkin tried to send a playful glare at the girl, but he couldn't stop the small smile on his face as he looked from Lucy to Aslan.

Rosemary chuckled softly and leaned against Edmund as the boy wrapped an arm around her waist and pressed a small kiss to the top of her head, both happy that the battle was over and that they were back in each other's arms surrounded by the people they loved.

- - -

The next day, Caspian had his coronation and was declared king. Rosemary told herself she wouldn't cry, but she couldn't help but tear up out of happiness as she watched the man who had become like a brother to her have the crown placed upon his head.

The look of pure joy on his face reminded her of when the Pevensies and her had their coronation so many years ago. And when Aslan announced Caspian as King, Rosemary made sure to be the one cheering the loudest for him. She was beyond proud of him and knew that Narnia was going to thrive under his rule.

After his coronation, Caspain was to ride through the streets so that the whole kingdom could celebrate their new king. But before the Pevensies and Rosemary could go join the crowd, Caspian had pulled them aside and over to where his horse was only for them to see that he had five other horse waiting for them to come as well.

So the Kings and Queens rode through the street together with Caspian at the front and Aslan by his side. Next was Peter, Edmund, and Rosemary and behind them was Susan and Lucy.

The cheers that filled the air, the gratefulness in their voices, was enough to put a huge grin on Rosemary's face. She watched Caspian with pride and the Pevensies and herself remained quiet as they let Caspain enjoy his day.

After the ride through the streets, there was a huge celebration at what had used to be the Telmarine castle. Caspian had made sure that the kitchens produced enough food for the whole town and all of the Narnians, so they all ate like Kings and Queens.

It was only when the feast had died down and everyone had begun dancing along to the music that was being played while laughing and having a good time that Caspain spoke up from across the courtyard. "Rosemary!" He yelled out causing the brunette to look up from where she was talking to Lucy.

Edmund, who had an arm wrapped around her waist, turned slightly so that she could see the boy. "Yes?" Rosemary asked. "The musicians need a break for a moment. Why don't you sing for us?" Caspian asked, a small smirk on his face.

Rosemary rolled her eyes as she smiled. "I'm good," she said causing everyone to groan. "Oh come on!" Caspian yelled out. "Rosemary, please," Susan pleaded from beside Caspian. Peter let out a small laugh from where he stood beside his sister and looked to his friend. "Come on, you idiot. Just sing for us," Peter told her.

Everyone began to plead for her to sing, but Rosemary shook her head. Edmund looked down at the girl and brought her closer to him as he leaned down and pressed a small kiss to the side of her head. "Come on, love," he whispered softly. "Please? For me?"

Rosemary playfully glared at the boy, knowing that he knew she wouldn't be able to say no to him. The boy only gave her a victorious grin and kissed her cheek before letting her go.

"Fine! Fine!" Rosemary exclaimed as she put her hands up in surrender. Everyone cheered and she shook her head at her friends before going over to a chair. She sat down and everyone crowded around, desperately trying to get as close as they could do they could hear the sweet melodious voice of their queen.

Aslan sat at the front with the Pevensies and Caspian and they all gave her reassuring smiles while she playfully glared at them. The brunette looked down as she tried to think of a song to sing before she looked up with a smile, a certain song by Annette Hanshaw coming to mind.

"Happy days are here again,
The skies above are clear again
Let us sing a song of cheer again
Happy days are here again."

The crowd watched with smiles on their faces as Rosemary tapped her foot softly to the song and sang with a smile on her face. Some of them had never been able to hear the voice of the famous queen who they knew had been gifted with a powerful voice, but now that they were hearing it in person, it was almost too good to be true.

"Altogether shout it now
There's no one who can doubt it now
So let's tell the world about it now
Happy days are here again."

Everything had been right about the girl and her voice. It had some sort of power in it that made everyone's mood change instantly. They had been happy that the battle was over, but now they felt over the moon and some even began to dance with partners as they began to dance in a circle around the queen.

"Your cares and troubles are gone
They're be no more from now on."

"Happy days are here again,
The skies above are clear again
Let us sing a song of cheer again
Happy days are here again."

Rosemary watched the crowd as she sang and smiled softly at the sight of her friends all dancing around. She caught sight of Edmund dancing around with Lucy who was laughing loudly as she held her brother's hand and danced with him.

"So long sad time, so long bad time
We are rid of you at last
Howdy gay times, cloudy gray times
You are now a thing of the past."

Edmund must've felt her eyes on him because he looked up and looked eyes with her. He smiled and winked at the girl making her blush slightly before she quickly looked away from him. All she heard after that was Edmund's laughter as it filled the air and she was back to singing.

"Happy days are here again,
The skies above are clear again
Let us sing a song of cheer again
Happy days are here again."

Peter came up behind the girl and surprised her by grabbing her hand and dragging her into all of the dancing. Rosemary let out a loud laugh before continuing to sing, this time dancing with her best friend amongst the crowd.

"Altogether shout it now
There's no one who can doubt it now
So let's tell the world about it now
Happy days are here again."

Peter spun the girl out, but instead of pulling her back in, she was pushed into the arms of Edmund who smiled down at her. Rosemary blushed under his gaze and looked back at Peter only to see the boy smirk and wink at her before taking Lucy's hand and beginning to dance with his sister. Rosemary looked back to Edmund and smiled before she sang and dance along to the last bit of the song.

"Your cares and troubles are gone
They're be no more from now on."

"Happy days are here again,
The skies above are clear again
Let us sing a song of cheer again
Happy days are here again."

When the song came to an end, everyone stopped their dancing and began to cheer for the young girl who blushed and bowed. "Thank you. Thank you," she said while Edmund chuckled and rolled his eyes.

The musicians then came back and started playing music once again making everyone cheer. Rosemary went to join the others as they began to dance, but Edmund stopped her by gently grabbing her hand.

The girl looked back at him and he smiled softly before nodding away from the crowd. Rosemary got the hint and tightened her grip on his hand in agreement. The boy smiled before gently tugging her away from the crowd and outside where they could be alone.

"Edmund, where are we going?" Rosemary asked as she laughed. He only smiled back at her, not slowing down one bit. "You'll see," he told her.

Edmund didn't slow down until they were down by the trees, a fair enough distance away that they could still hear the distant sound of the music while also being able to hide from prying eyes.

They came to a stop and Rosemary looked around before turning to the boy confused. "This is where you wanted to take me?" She asked in a teasing tone.

Edmund blushed and looked down at their hands as he fiddled with her hands. "I just wanted to get some alone time with my girlfriend is all," Edmund whispered.

"Girlfriend?" Rosemary asked. Edmund looked up to her in a panic. "Are. . .are we not-?" he started to stutter nervously and Rosemary laughed before kissing his cheek. "I was merely messing with you, Eddie," she told him. "Not that you asked, but I would love to be your girlfriend."

"I just assumed that since we told each other-" Edmund began to ramble, but Rosemary cut him off by kissing him. His eyes fluttered closed and he immediately kissed her back.

Rosemary pulled away with a smile and looked at the now blushing boy. "You're cute when you're nervous," she told him. "I am not cute," Edmund frowned despite loving that she had called him that.

Rosemary just hummed in response before leaning forward and resting her head against his chest. Edmund wrapped his arms around her before letting his head rest on top of hers.

It was still crazy to think that after all of this time they were finally together. Edmund could still remember when he had first met the girl, when she had literally swung into his life.

Edmund may have hated having to move away from his mother back then, but it was the best thing to have ever happened to him. He went to Narnia because of it and he met the girl he was in love with because of it.

Edmund looked down at the girl in his arms and smiled before kissing the top of her head making her hum in content. "I love you," Edmund whispered.

Rosemary pulled away to look at the boy and leaned in so that their noses brushed against each other. Edmund could see the stars reflecting in her eyes making them seem brighter than ever before as she looked at him in love and adoration.

"I love you," she replied and the words had barely had time to leave her mouth before Edmund had leaned forward to capture her lips in another kiss.

The two teens smiled as they kissed, neither of them noticing the fireworks that were now going off or that the trees around them had begun to twist and move. It was only when they pulled away and Edmund heard the creaking of branches over the noise of the fireworks that he looked at the trees around them.

Edmund chuckled softly before looking to Rosemary. He raised an eyebrow in amusement before asking, "Did you do this?"

Rosemary looked to see what he was talking about and chuckled at the sight of the trees having moved their branches to form a heart around the two. "No, I did not," she replied. She looked back to Edmund and chuckled. "It is incredibly cheesy."

Edmund laughed and Rosemary looked back to the trees with a small blush on her face. "Could you all move away, please?" Rosemary asked. The trees did as she asked and began to move back to their original spots while Edmund and Rosemary chuckled.

The trees had just returned to normal and the fireworks had died down when they heard a shout from the castle behind them. The two teens looked back to see Peter, Susan, and Lucy all looking around for the two.

"We should probably go back," Rosemary told the boy next to her. Edmund let out a small sigh before leaning forward and kissing her softly one last time. "Probably," He said as he pulled away with a smile.

The two then gently intertwined their fingers before beginning their way back towards the castle and to the celebration where their friends and family were waiting for them.

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