Fates Intertwined

By SamDiAngelo_V

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Samuel Di Angelo's out to prove that the man known as William Afton wasn't what many saw him as. The details... More

Di Angelo: Fallen
Chapter 0: Awakening
Chapter 1: At The Bedside
Chapter 2: Memories
Chapter 3: Friendly Conversations
Chapter 4: Return
Chapter 5: Devil's Den
Chapter 6: The Beast
Chapter 8: Nightmare
Chapter 9: Missing Pieces
Chapter 10: Old Friends
Chapter 11: Midnight
Chapter 12: Revelation
Chapter 13: Past Pain
Chapter 14: Unanswered Questions
Chapter 15:Maze of Memories
Chapter 16: Close Encounter
Chapter 17: Six Feet Under
Chapter 18:Monster Attack
Chapter 19: A Moment
Chapter 20: Aftermath
Chapter 21:Plastic Tombs
Chapter 22: Round 3
Chapter 23: Planning
Chapter 24: The Finale

Chapter 7: Paperwork

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By SamDiAngelo_V

"So...blueprints. You're going to build the characters aren't you?"

It wasn't hard to tell what Sam was thinking even if he wasn't directly looking at her, it was kind of an odd thing she noticed or rather developed due to how often they interacted and generally spent time together. Either the man was just really easy to read or she was picking up on super subtle things that would go unnoticed.

"Maybe? I'm admittedly curious what they were supposed to look like though from what I noticed they're quite advanced in design."

The blonde had kept his eyes on the road since he was the one driving but his thoughts were on the paperwork he had gathered and the blueprints. Those bothered him since he'd never seen anything like them before and given William had been skilled in robotics, there was a possibility that what was on paper could easily be made. However, the purpose of said characters was a mystery. There wasn't any information other than a name and some smaller things like what props if any, they would have.

"Sam...I swear to god...You're amazing but don't you think that's too far? Seriously. You have a lot to do as it is and building animatronics isn't a task that's finished quickly..."

Momo was trying to reason with the man but it was hard to tell if she was getting anywhere with it which meant she likely wasn't but she wasn't easily defeated. All she needed was a different approach and there was one she could try to take but wasn't sure about. There was no telling how he would react to the topic so she left it alone for now as he was clearly focused on driving.

"I know...but I guess I may as well right? Who knows, they could become new characters for the company to use? I don't know. I just...I kinda miss the time I got to spend just messing around with the characters to practice..."

Sam trailed off sadly, it wasn't hard to tell the thought of getting to build his own characters was something he's always wanted to do but he had other priorities at hand and they needed to be taken care of before anything else. He was...How would she describe Sam? It was a question she never really considered but her mind had time to think and well, the question needed an answer at some point. However, she still couldn't say. Just something about him made describing him hard. Momo didn't want to call him childish as that seemed disrespectful in a way despite how true it was. The man next to her was basically a big child but he also wasn't trying to be. It was just how his mind worked which was kind of tragic to her.

"Momo? You zoned out on me."

"Sorry. Just lost in my thoughts is all."

The woman stopped herself from calling Sam dear like they were a couple or something...She wanted to be but was HE ready for it? She didn't want to open the topic until he seemed ready for it as there was still a sense of sadness around him this long after losing his first love, Caroline. It was in a word sad but what they had just gotten done with was something he needed to do and she could accept that it was a sign that he was slowly coming to terms with reality and moving on from the loss he had endured. Maybe he was ready for another relationship, there was still some time needed for the brown-haired woman to say.

She blinked a couple of times, realizing her black eyes were studying him for whatever reason. He was handsome in a way but her gaze was focused on his neck and more specifically the scars that were upon his flesh. He never openly discussed them but from what she could gather something had happened at Fredbear's as she had noticed there were also scars near his wrists as well...all of which were exactly the same length and style...that wasn't something done by a human.

"Momo...I won't build them. It's not worth it, to be honest as from what I read, I'd need a lot of money as one of them was supposed to have an ice cream maker built in...Not something I can just make with a few spare parts and I don't have much that I even want to spend money on unless it's absolutely needed."

Sam's statement pulled her out of her thoughts again but she smiled slightly at this, he was making the right decision by not building them. Sure they may have looked amazing but she'd be tiny compared to them, in fact, she was actually only a little taller than Balloon Boy which wasn't saying much...Mangle didn't count as they were...well mangled and not put together properly. It annoyed her as every so often someone would say something about it thinking she didn't hear them. However, if Sam was closer to her than maybe people would think twice.

"Momo? You keep zoning out on me."

"Sorry...I just...I've got a lot in my head, to be honest."

"Oh? Like what?"

Sam turned his head slightly but he kept his eyes on the open road in front of them, they still had a bit of a drive to his house so talking wouldn't be a bad way to pass the time, and she could look over the paperwork sitting at her feet.

"Well. You, to be honest. I don't really know anything about you other than what you've told me which isn't a lot other than a few odds and ends."

She rubbed the back of her neck, he really was a mystery to her. She had a basis to work with but anything else to finish this picture of who Samuel Di Angelo was, was beyond her at least it was for now since he hadn't really discussed much of himself. Then again he barely talked, to begin with, which bothered her. Why did he talk so little? Was it because he didn't know how to be social? Was he afraid of something? She couldn't say but would ask soon enough.

"Me? Well, I'm not really that interesting...I don't remember anything before working at Fredbear's which I don't know if my mind just blocked it out or the sheer impact of the place forced my memory to start working I can't say. My favorite color is purple, my favorite animal would be a cat, I worked at Fredbear's which is where the scars come from. I've noticed you studying them which I have a story to go with them but I'd rather get home first. Ah...what else...Oh, I was in a relationship with a woman named Caroline, who I already told you about...you two would have been great friends...And...uh...Well, anything else you've already seen."

He trailed off, unsure what else to talk about since he truly wasn't that interesting given he didn't really know much about his own past. It didn't really bother him though as it was one less thing to worry about.

"Well...ah...I guess we should get to these papers right? We still got a fair ways to go and I can set aside anything that doesn't seem important."

"Alright, hit me with it."

Momo let out a laugh, something about how seriously he said what he did was amusing to her. It was nice to laugh after what she had seen Sam doing back in Fredbear's...whatever had a hold of them back there had lost its grip since they had left which was nice in itself.

"Okok, so first we have the blueprints which...this is an entire line up of characters...Maybe you SHOULD look into them as they seem unrivaled even by the current models. Moving on as they're a conversation in themselves."

The short woman set the blueprints aside and slowly started leafing through the papers. Most were just weekly reports of how the animatronics were doing on stage and any maintenance required, mixed in with money tracking, bill payments and payroll for the company. Oddly it was done by position and not per person but perhaps it made paying people easier? It seemed to be consistent through all the reports. Though things changed with nineteen eighty-three. Apparently, they were testing out automation for the characters to move around the building but it must not have worked or they simply couldn't afford it as after a month of testing there was no mention of the system ever being implemented.

Finally, she reached the bottom of the stack with June of nineteen eighty-three. The report must have been in the middle of being made as it just stops. Whoever was making it had stopped right at the animatronic status section. This was kind of odd to her but Sam had an answer.

"That was when the 'bite of eighty-three' occurred. I didn't see it happen but I saw the aftermath...it wasn't a pretty sight...the place was evacuated and the cops swarmed the place, I got taken away by an ambulance but that involves the scars and I'd rather get into it later."

Momo finally looked back up to see that they had arrived at Sam's house. Was she really that focused on the papers? It was possible as there were a LOT of them to get through and the ones that may have been worth following up on were the blueprints and the ones about the automation of Fredbear and SpringBonnie. Maybe that was a precursor to the toys? She couldn't say but since they were finally back, she figured they could continue talking about everything inside. Slowly the woman gathered all the paperwork, got out of Sam's truck and headed inside to find Sam was...standing still.


"Something's wrong..."

"What do you mean?"

She couldn't tell what he was on about as nothing seemed out of place but she also didn't know this house like Sam did so if something was off, then she'd be oblivious to it had he not said anything.

"Is the door locked?"


His head was sweeping from side to side, the fading sunlight making a shadow appear on the floor. For the smallest of moments there appeared to be a top hat on his head but just as quick as it was there, it was gone.

"Good...Now. Let's just see who or what's decided it had any right to come in here unannounced."

Sam slowly started moving again, heading towards a door that was always closed. As far as Momo knew, the room was empty but that wasn't the case as the door was opened to reveal that there was a bed that looked untouched. The man didn't make any further motion to enter, instead, he shut the door without a word and moved on. It seemed he had a methodical approach to his search to find anything that was out of place. However, he had a lot of ground to cover given the size of the house.

The brown-haired woman set the paperwork down, pulled her taser and headed upstairs to see if there was anything out of place there. If anything, it was likely just Mike but again there wasn't quite a good way to say until she actually checked which she also didn't want to shock the kid either so she opted not to check just because it was probably better for both of them.

The one issue with the upstairs of the house was the layout. The stairwell was dead center of the house with a door to the attic slightly to the right, two open spaces with one on the left and the other being to the right, a back room that Sam used as a workspace, and two more rooms which were open to walk through. It was gonna be hard to chase down anything if something WAS here that shouldn't be. She sighed and did a sweep just to make sure nothing was and headed back down to tell Sam.


No response came.

"Sam. Upstairs is clear."

Again, no response.

"Sam, this isn't funny."

If this was some sort of joke, Momo didn't find it funny. Why would Sam take it so seriously only to make it a joke? The man wasn't one for jokes, to begin with, which only furthered her belief that this was serious, or perhaps he was just paranoid due to what happened at Fredbear's. Both were possible since she hadn't found anything worth noting.

"Ok, we're good...I can't say I found anything either."

At last, the man came around the side of the stairwell and looked up at her. He seemed relieved which was nice for her to see. He was always so on edge even when there was no danger. The woman understood why now but it still made her sad to see that he couldn't relax anymore...

"Well, ah...goodnight Momo, thanks for coming with me today...If you're up for it you're welcome to come over tomorrow so we can continue talking over the paperwork as I have a feeling we're not quite looking at the bigger picture here."

"Goodnight Sam, as for the paperwork? Sure, why not. We may not have found a lot but it's still worth looking over."

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