Sam & Cat's 50 First Dates

By cooperfeld

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This is my very first fanfic of PUCKENTINE. Its plot is based on Adam Sandler's 50 First Dates.. (how unorigi... More

Chapter 2 - Sam's Thoughts in the Shower
Chapter 3 - Meeting the Gang
Chapter 4: Chapter 4 - Nona's Doubts
Chapter 5: Chapter 5 - Interogation
Chapter 6 - Revelations
Chapter 7 - The Gift
Chapter 8 - Recovering

Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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By cooperfeld

Third Person Narrative

Just after her best friend, Carly Shay, left Seattle and went with her dad in Italy, Sam Puckett realized there's no reason to be there anymore. So she said her goodbyes to her friends and hopped on her new motorcycle. She drove for hours even though she didn't know where she was going.

"Fudge! I forgot to bring some snacks. Now I'm hungry as a hobo's pet." The sun rose and she's still driving, then she saw a sign "Hollywood, California". The girl was relieved knowing there's a place she can get some fuel for her tummy monster.

She parked her bike then headed to the stall she was eyeing for. "Are you Sam Puckett from iCarly?" a man in the stall caught her attention when he mentioned iCarly. "Are you a cop?" she asked. "No." the man assured her. "Then I'm Sam. How are your burritos?" she asked with enthusiasm. "Disgusting." The man answered. "I'll take a jumbo." she said.

As she was about to finish the disgusting burrito which had a battery in it earlier, she saw a redheaded girl being thrown in a garbage truck. "How could he not see her?!" A little part of Sam's brain kicked her protective instincts that caused her to throw her food on the side and run for the truck that had the helpless anonymous girl. After her cannon-ball in the pool of garbage, she saw pink shoes up in the air. She found what she came for. "Hey lady! Let's get out of here!" a sense of panic in her voice as she helped the redhead on her feet. "Wow! That was fun!" the girl said excitedly with bright eyes.
Sam was confused by the other girls' reaction to what just happened. The trucks' walls were closing in and made a huge sound that alerted both of them. "We're gonna get squashed if we don't move fast now!" Sam said. "I'm gonna faint! Cause whenever I get scared I f-" the redhead fell into Sam's arms which made Sam's stomache turn in a nice way. "This feels awkward, but I'll set if off aside for now, I gave to rescue her first."

She carried the girl out of the truck hurriedly and when she landed, she sprained her ankle because of the added weigh by the rescued girl. She winced at the pain but endured it. She put the girl down on the concrete floor and looked for something to wake the girl up.

"A leaf lower. Perfect." she said to herself.

Cat's PoV

"I woke up to the sound of strong wind blowing at my face. I remembered helping two little kids find their lost cat. Heehee. My name's Cat. I found the cat in a trash can so I got in it and got the feline then gave it to the boys after that, I recall that when I was waving goodbye at them, my gum fell out of my mouth and into the trash can I was in, then I was up in the air screaming, then I found myself in a pool of trash. I was rescued by this blonde that I recognize from somewhe-
"Hey, kid. You alright there? Din't tell me you're going to faint again." "You're from that webshow iCarly, right?" I asked while standing up. I saw the grin on her face turn into a frown. Maybe it's because I mentioned their show? Maybe something bad happened. Maybe –
"Yeah. I'm the Sam one, I never got to know your name." Sam tried to smile.
"I'm Cat! Catarina Valentine. My friends and I love your show!" I tried to make Sam smile even more to make it up to her for making her frown earlier.
"Thanks." She smiled. I smiled. "You know a place where I can hose off? My own stench is making me puke." she crinkled her nose which made me giggle.
"My Nona's place. Let me repay you with the gift of bathing." I tugged her shirt to let her know that she really needs to take a shower ASAP.
"Okay." She replied with a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

Sam didn't want to "jank up" her motorcycle so we trickered the limo guy to take us to Nona's place for free, but I'm kinda scared we'll get caught trickering him.

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