Mayan Of Anarchy

By AmariannaRose

9K 222 8

**Book 2 of Mayans Don't Fear The Reaper** Abel has been kidnapped by Cameron Jax is dealing with the loss of... More

😭Feeling The Loss😢
Every Chucky Has A Precious Red Headed Rattlesnake👩‍🦰🐍
Buried Deep In The Hole🕳️
New Patches
In Need Of a T.O.
Finding You In Ireland🍀
I Never Thought I'd See You Again 🙈👀
The Bonds Of Family👨‍👩‍👧
Child's Play🚸
Dangerous Daddy☠️👨‍👧‍👦
The House Of The Setting Son🌄
If It Isn't Real Then It Won't Feel Right.... It Has To Feel Right!
🐎🐴How Charlie Got His Horse🏇🏽🎠
Romeo and His Juliet
🙍🏽‍♂️😿I'm Sorry😭🙇🏽‍♂️
Dondo Georgie
Teller Family Drama🎭
Losing Her While Losing Myself
Too Much To Lose Not Enough To Gain
Hook Line And Sink 'Em🎣
For From It You Were Taken For You Are Dust And To Dust You Shall Return
Free Opie
Goddess Venus
There's Hope For Us Yet
👰🏻🤵🏽A Marriage By Paper And A Promise 🤞🏽
One Last Visit
Choices Have Consequences
💪Not So Macho💪
I Scream You Scream We All Scream For ICE CREAM 😱🍦
👶🏽🤱🏽Baby Born To Ride👼🏽🏍️
How Open Is Your Relationship!?!
A Families Betrayal👨‍👩‍👦‍👦
Like Lambs 🐑To The Slaughter🔪🥩
You Learn A Lot About The Things You Hate
Silencing The Voices🔊🔉🔈🔇
The Day The Music Died🎼🥀
New Rule If I Can't Be Happy Then No One Can Be Happy😁👿
The Club Needs A New Way To Deal With Shit!💩
A Hello And A Goodbye

A Kid His Age Shouldn't Have So Many Demons 👹

167 5 0
By AmariannaRose

"Hey Matthew!.... you ready to go buddy!?!"  Muerte asks a young blonde haired boy as she ruffles her hand through his hair every morning since Arcadio started dating Darvany she has been coming down on her Harley to help him get ready and take him to school.... she found him where she always found him in his room writing in his journal.... "come on!.... we'll stop for breakfast on the way.... the pups are already out on the porch waiting!"  she tells him that got the young man going he looks up and smiles at her as he puts his notebook in his bag and rushes out of his room he walks to his moms room and kisses her sleeping head then walks back out taking Muerte's hand they walk out of the house it was the only time she was allowed to see him.... his mom didn't much care for her and hated the fact that she was friends with Arcadio.... Muerte did what she could to make him feel special within that short amount of time but she knew it wasn't enough and even though Arcadio is her friend she went to the cops many times with her concerns but since she was the daughter of a Mayan her words never carried much weight she wanted Matthew to know that he had someone who would always be there for him and cared for him she gave him her number many times so he could call her but his mom always found it and ripped as well as burned it up so he couldn't that's the main reason he started the journal to "talk" to Muerte when he needed someone but soon it became too personal and he started to shut down she never checked his bag she wanted him to know she trusted him but something happens to make her wish that she did check.... on there way to the Knucklehead Arcadio walks past them he says hi to Matthew and kisses Muerte's forehead as they pass seeing Nero in his truck across the street she hollers "Nero.... when you get a chance.... I need to talk to you!"  he looks confused but nods Matthew and Muerte climb onto her Harley and drive off.... after she knows he's holding her good and tight so he doesn't fall off.... after dropping Matthew off at school Muerte walked into Nero's place just as Jax and Gemma walk into his office Nero sees her and smiles but once she says "I'm worried about Matthew!"  his smile drops "he's been shutting down! that happy smile he once had is gone! he's always writing in his notebook!.... I think it's for me but I want to wait till he hands it over before I read it I don't want to lose the trust I had earned from him!.... yes I know "he's just a kid" but he has no one else you never visit, Arc's rarely ever there and all that stupid bitch does is sleep 24-7! he's gone Ner! and there is no way for me to bring him back! god the problems just keep piling up don't they!?!"  she says softly with a sigh Nero hugs her close wrapping his hand around the back of her head....

When Muerte heard about the school shooting she rode down to the school on her Harley with the pups in their side cars and searched for Matthew who she found was the reason for the shooting.... Marcus answers his phone without looking at it and hears Muerte's frantic voice say softly "Mar!.... I.... I need you.... please! I....!!"  with her calling him "Mar" he knew something was terribly wrong he does his best to calm her down and asks where she is once he gets the information he and half his crew head down to the Catholic Church Matthew went too and see why she was almost in hysterics Marcus climbs off his Harley and searches for her he makes sure that she sees him before wrapping her in a hug "you shouldn't have brought all of them!.... Jesse would have been enough!"  he hears Muerte say softly into his chest with a chuckle in her tone he smiles and kisses the top of her head then says "when one of us are hurt all of us are hurt! you taught me that most of all!"  she replies "Nero's not gonna like this!"  he hugs her tighter to him as she whispers "I warned them dad! I warned them all!! but they didn't listen! they never listen!!!!"  he replies kissing the top of her head "I know hija! I know!"  she looks up at him and says "we should go!.... if we're seen they're gonna think that we had something to do with this! where in the hell did Matthew get the gun!?! damn it I should have checked his bag!"  he replies softly "this isn't your fault hija! I know it feels like it but it isn't! lets go home yeah!?"  she nods sadly and he wraps his arm around her shoulders then walks her to her Harley with the pups at their heels then they all drive off together Muerte and her family head back home to morn for the children they barely knew.... Muerte spent some time with her mom, dad and sister and once he thought she had calmed enough to go elsewhere Marcus allowed her to leave.... as long as she took the pups and had either Happy of Juice or possibly both with her to watch over her.... Muerte chuckles then hugs him, her mom and her sister and takes the pups with her to Teller Morrow when she got there she sat on top of one of the picnic tables and sang Rascal Flatts Why?  with a guitar in her hand strumming along with the music "what's wrong with her!?!"  Tig asks Happy with a soft concerned tone "I don't know!"  Happy replies sadly with a worried tone.... a few minutes later Rat Boy and Juice were working in the garage with a few of the other men when Lee Toric drives up gets out of his car and walks over to them "hello!.... can any of you fellas tell me where I can find Muerte Delaney-Alvarez!?!"  Lee asks Juice walks up to him gets in his face and asks angrily "who are you!?! and what do you want with my wife!?!"  Lee looks at him with a surprised expression on his face then becomes stoic as he says "I just want to ask her a few questions.... my name is Lee Toric"  he starts to hand Juice a card and Juice punched him as hard as he could in the face and didn't stop Muerte is the first to see him she stops strumming on the guitar and yells in a worried fearful tone "Chibs!!"  Chibs comes running out of the club and looks over at what she was looking at then ran over to pull Juice off Lee Rat Boy walked over and helped as Muerte walks over to them and checks on Juice "let me guess Marshal Lee!?!"  she asks looking over at Lee who nods "before you start I have nothing to say to you! and if you think he's bad if you don't leave you'll end up meeting my friend Happy! and trust me when I tell you that is one man you DON'T want to meet!! RB find me Cobra will ya!?!"  Rat Boy nods and rushes off into the club when Happy and Rat Boy come back out Muerte says to Lee "goodbye Marshal! and don't you ever return! if I find you parked in front of my house again even Happy will be the least of your worries!! remember I'm a Mayans daughter and as my father told me earlier when one of us is in trouble.... well I bet you can guess the rest right!?!"  Happy walks over and stands on the otherside of Muerte with a dangerous look in his eyes for he knew this trespasser was trouble ad he was about to find out what kind "is everything ok!?!"  he asks "sure Hap! the Marshal was just leaving! weren't you Mr. Lee!?!"  Happy's body was filled with rage when he heard the word Marshall Muerte slides her hand into his and he calms down just a little bit "I bet you're starting to wish you came to my front door instead of the club huh Mr. Toric!?! though I know you knew that Happy and the Sheriff were both keeping a close eye on it didn't you!?! because of course a smart ass like you is gonna read between the lies about Eli's pregnant wife's little hero hmm!?"  she says Lee looks at her and walks back to his car Muerte's hand never leaves Happy's as she looks over at Juice and growls lowly "NEVER "claim" me again!!"  she let's go of Happy's hand turns and walks away both Juice and Happy look at her with odd confused expressions on their faces Happy shakes his head then follows her back over to the picnic table....

The next afternoon Muerte drives off to the cabin with her pups in their side cars she hears a rifle shot and the three of them rush over to the door she sees a little bit of blonde hair poke out of the door she was just about to open and places her hand gun up to it "you know there's one thing I hate more than a coward and that's a coward with a gun! listen to Arc and do as he says you stupid bitch then walk back inside or I will shoot you myself!!"  Muerte warns her pups growl a low warning growl at the blonde woman Darvany sets the gun down and walks inside "are y'all as stupid as you look!?!.... you should never bring an ex junkie to a cabin and put her in a room with guns and ammo in the same area!"  Darvany turns and looks at her as Muerte shuts the door behind her and screeches "what are you doing here!?!"  Muerte replies "making sure you don't make another mistake so someone else has to do something they will regret now sit your ass down!!"  seeing Darvany get ready to attack her Muerte puts her gun back up to Darvany's head "do you really want to try that!?! remember I've had a lot more practice than you!"  Darvany lowers her fist and Muerte lowers her gun as Darvany sits down in a chair and Arcadio rushes over to comfort his girl holding her close there was no emotion seen or heard in anything Muerte did "did they find his notebook!?! of course they did!..... that's why the Marshal came!!.... since dad cut off my visits.... again!!.... he needed a new reason to come.... I'm sorry Jax! I should have checked his bag!"  Jax looks at her "you....!?!"  Muerte nods "I come by every day to take him to school and every night to make sure he gets a proper meal.... while this one lays in her bed asleep all day!.... not a care in the world now that your free from responsibility huh Darv!?!.... you know how much he loved it when I brought the pups over!.... the one happy hour in his life and you had to try and take it away from him every chance you got! you lose two other sons to the system, another to your own stupidity and shameful heartlessness! let me guess it took a mass murder of kids and your own child's suicide to help you realize what you've been missing out on!?!"  Darvany storms out of the chair and gets in Muerte's face and Muerte doesn't even flinch nor does she lift her gun she just stares at the woman with a cold emotionless expression on her face "how dare you!!"  Darvany growls "the only reason they haven't stopped me is because they're smarter than that! at least one would hope that you are! so don't you put the blame on them.... yes!.... Arc did know I went to the state about what you were doing to your son.... yes!.... he knows they didn't listen even though I went every month with the same complaint when I noticed how fast he was slipping away from the world showed them pictures of the self inflicted cuts on his arm no kid at his age should have to take care of the one who's supposed to take care of him! you ripped up my number everytime I gave it to him I even gave him both the Reaper and the Mayan clubs numbers a few times to see if you were paying attention but seeing me handing him that little slip of paper was all it took for you too race over pull it out of his hands rip it up then burn it so he couldn't tape it back together!"  Muerte says then she let's out a short dark chuckle before continuing "I'm kinda curious which Reaper and Tribal Demon he would end up talking to if he ever did get a chance to call.... I always hoped it would be Happy or Mar but I guess you got lucky didn't you!?! I'll tell you what Darv! you stay here and be a good girl for the boys without trying to turn the ceiling into a skylight! I'll see what I can do about having Matt brought here and we can bury him in the back yard just remember! I'm not doing this for you!! I'm doing it for him!! he would have wanted you there too! and he always deserved better than you but unfortunately for him he never got it!"  Darvany looks at her with a surprised expression on her face then goes back to sit down "good luck cutting it cold turkey D! and boys get rid of those damn rifles!"  they guys chuckle as they go to do as she ordered

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