Last Clash

By RagusChaos

66 10 3

Long will we remember the day the earth died, and how foolish we all really were. There were no quakes or tid... More

Befallen the Prideful
Fated Day
Accepting the Call
The Peices Fit
To Dance Among the Flames

Unfavored Skirmishes

8 2 0
By RagusChaos

Bub seems to be right, the fires just aren't containing this. People are withering and rotting away right before our eyes. Everyone is in such a crazed state. People half withered away running into walls repeatedly as if they cant feel it. Walking headlong into danger with no thought of it. Some are extremely aggressive. We've had to put several down before risking exposure to the contaminant. So many of my Battalion are fallen ill to this outbreak. I'm left with two platoons and some civilian stragglers we've managed to pick up along the way. I'm heading back to Indiana and then the west coast to get the hell out of here. 

If the ground water is contaminated there is no telling how far north we have to be before we can start to trust the water. We gathered vehicles  enough for everyone. Fuel is the issue, I'm studying the maps to figure where I can get what I need for everyone. It seems heading up 127 will run us into 421 and a straight shot home to Madison. We're trying to avoid the major interstates and any unwanted attention or trouble that might come along with it. I don't think we have enough fuel to make it to Frankfort. Harrodsburg is our current goal. 

We decide as a group to stay the night between Albany and Jamestown. Stress has taken its toll on many and an unfamiliar road would be better traveled by daylight. There's also the obvious convoy of mixed military and civilian vehicles causing so much attention. We find a suitable spot to pull off and set up a weak parameter. Everyone is already exhausted, but we have to establish shifts. All I can think of is getting home. We've been preparing for something like this our whole lives. An unbeatable sickness that spreads like wildfire wasn't part of the preparation. We thought we would at least be able to live off the land. Maybe together bub and I can think of some way out of this together. 

0300 I'm awaken by rapid gunfire. The southern parameter has been broken by a whole horde of the afflicted withered people. Crazed and fearless they rush in. There's enough to populate a small town. Christ how has the sickness traveled to far so fast. They're extremely aggressive and violent. Drawn no doubt, by the lights. How could I have been so thoughtless. Countless training scenarios, war games, and we're overtaken by sick crazy withered unarmed people. They run without fear or care into full open fire. We spend rounds as fast as we can load them. Fear of ghastly looking swarms is a potent incentive to fight. Even most of the untrained civilians join in. 

There are some in my group most likely infected. I give the unthinkable order, execute rather than risk spread. It's a very emotional  non-favorable move. Though its absolutely necessary and we all know it without question. Still now eyes watch me full of rage and venom. The sun begins to rise and I tell everyone to load up. We leave the swarm of infected and withered where they lay, along with out fallen. Another move that isn't well favored. 

We make our way up to Liberty when a road block stops us in our tracks. We don't even have time to get out and investigate before we are under attack. The mix of military and civilian vehicles must have given the impression we stole supplies that others now want to steal from us. The steady flow of armed people pouring out of vehicles and returning fire informs the attackers this isn't the case. Now a true battle ensues. It reminds me of the Colonial Americans fighting the British, as we're hunkered down in a line with only the vehicles for cover fighting the hills in both directions. That didn't work very well for the British. I instruct small teams to J-hook out around the attackers and flank them. After a long drawn out fire fight we finally win, though we've taken many losses and the vehicles and few supplies we did have are in ruins. 

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