נכתב על ידי nicolep

43.4K 978 99

Lieutenant Andrew Davis and his troop of Navy SEALs have been stationed in the African country of Tembo Bara... עוד

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

4.4K 151 24
נכתב על ידי nicolep

The California sun was hot against the back of my neck as I stepped out of the black car that had picked me up from the airport. I looked up at the building in front of me, three stories tall but unable to give me shade. Of course I had felt worse heat in Africa and South America but there was another reason why I was sweating and hot.

Commander Highland had called me to the Coronado Naval Base a few days after my team had come home. I was hesitant to leave Chicago, especially since Ali was still in the hospital, but after thinking about Frank and Joe's futures I decided I had to go alone.

Just thinking about my teammates made me remember our time in Tembo Bara. After Ali had been taken over by the doctors I called Mamun to check in on the real mission. I was surprised to learn that the president's plane had been delayed for a few hours due to weather and everyone was still waiting at the airport. Moony told us he wouldn't get into the country until an hour later. I couldn't believe our luck! My luck! We could still make it to the airport and report for duty. No harm, no foul.

We got a pick up from another trusted SEAL member. He promised to keep his mouth shut if we filled him in on our "adventure" as he called it. Mamun had definitely spilled. To how many people I didn't know, but I was happy as long as it never got out to the higher officials. If someone blabbed then we'd be fucked.

My team arrived on the airstrip and met up with Moony who begged for details on our mission and the well being of Ali. I hated leaving her behind but I had to come if I wanted anymore time with her in the future and I had a hell of a lot of plans for us.

The presidents landing went as planned and he was safely delivered to the parliament buildings. As soon as the motherfucker was inside the building I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders. This meant that we could finally go home. We'd done our time and our duty in Tembo Bara. If we were lucky, we could be on the next flight back to the States without any talks with the Commander. After we left the next troop would take our place for a few months until we'd be called out again. But that wasn't going to be me. I knew then that I would ask for a stateside job. I'd go to medical school and take care of Ali. There was no way I would leave her after all we'd been through.

But here I was in Coronado without her beside me. She was still on bed rest in the Chicago hospital. She had been stuck in that bed ever since they had flown her over from Tembo Bara, which had been days ago. I wouldn't say I was angry but I would admit I was a little frustrated.

Ali was just so fragile. She had bruises almost all over her body, which were healing well, but it was the internal bruises that were the worst. I'd sit in her hospital room, just watching her sleep, when she'd suddenly start to shake violently and cry out for help. Every time I soothed her into slumber again I would feel that pang of guilt and uselessness. I could do nothing to make it go away. She would always be scarred.

So not only was I frustrated about my inability to heal Ali but I was also frustrated about getting close to her. I was a fucking man for Gods sake! Having been through so much trauma in Africa, I'd hoped that coming home would heal her but that was too fantastical. This was reality and I knew that I'd be getting nothing but soft kisses and touches until she healed. Was it wrong to hope for a speedy recovery so we could become intimate? Yes. But I felt it anyway and my testosterone filled body agreed with my need for female flesh.

I stepped inside the building, yanking off my sunglasses and pocketing them before taking in my surroundings. I knew this place well. After all, I'd trained here years ago. The whole lobby area looked the same with the modern deco and the visitors milling around. The part of the base I knew the best was the training areas. With the sandy beaches just off our living quarters, I always remembered waking up to the sound of the waves…and our instructors yelling right in our ears. "Wake up you dirty sacks of shit! Get your fat asses out of those beds!" Ah, the good old days.

There was a large map on the far wall and after checking it over I found out where I was headed. Taking the hall to the left, I followed a few people down and to the right until I came to a few office doors. Each had a nametag of a Commander on them and it wasn't long until I found Highland's. Swallowing, I summoned up my courage and knocked.

"Come in," his gruff voice shouted.

I opened the door, sticking my head inside to see him surrounded by paper work. He looked up, his studious expression turning into a full out glare.

"Davis," he barked. "Sit down."

I jumped inside, closing the door before sliding into the chair across from him. He continued to stare at me, the rage evident in his eyes. Oh God. I'd done it this time.

"Thought you could get away with it, huh?" he questioned.

I swallowed. "Away with what, sir?"

Highland grunted. "Don't act all innocent, Davis," he snapped, pointing an accusing finger at me. "I know what you did that day when you were supposed to be protecting the president. Do you understand what this could turn into? For you and your team mates?"

My eyes went to the ground. "Sir, this is all on me. I should be the one who is punished."

He snorted. "Very noble." Highland lifted a piece of paper on his desk to read from it. "This could go to a court martial. Under the Uniform Code of Military Justice you could be charged with absence without leave. Insubordination and willful disobedience to your commanding officer and ending it all with robbery, damage and destruction of military property." He whistled lowly and clucked his tongue. "Quite a list. You should probably find a JAG before they throw you right into Leavenworth."

The shiver that went through my body must have been evident because he laughed. Leavenworth was a military prison in Kansas. Not some place I wanted to end up in.

"You look a little worried there, Davis," he said with a grin. I knew he was having fun torturing me. "You want to go to prison?"

"No, sir," I mumbled. All that courage I had entered the room with was gone. He'd had broken me down.

Highland stared at me for a long moment before he sighed and tossed his papers aside. He slowly rubbed his temples before looking up at me again.

"With these papers I could send you to Leavenworth," he sighed. "But…you are a good solider, Davis. One of the best I've met, I'd say. You have great leadership skills and are very brave." He groaned. "And you did do the mission…even if it took you longer to get there than others."

"I am sorry, sir," I said truthfully.

He frowned. "You're not even giving excuses…" he said, almost sounding amazed. I kept my mouth shut. Leaning back in his chair he rubbed his face, looking tired. "I've decided to not go ahead with the charges."

I looked up at him, shocked. He wasn't pressing the charges against me? "What?" I asked in complete surprise, sounding like an idiot in the process.

He chuckled humorlessly. "Don't think you're getting away that easily," he said. "I am charging you for destruction of military property. You'll be given a hefty fine but that's it."

All I could do was stare at him in shock. I never thought he'd be this kind to me. I should have been given a court martial and put in jail for everything I had done but he was letting me go. Was he not the bad guy I had painted him as? Had I got him all wrong? My eyes strayed to the picture frames that littered his desk. In each was Highland and his family, and he was smiling in every one of them. Like the picture on the edge of his desk, which revealed not a commander but a father. Two little girls, with their hair in pigtails and their two front teeth missing, were holding on to him and grinning widely. In another photo was Highland and what must be his wife. I now noticed how decorated this office was with family pictures. I even noticed the ring on his finger. He wasn't just Commander Highland, he was an actual person.

As I looked up into his grey eyes I felt a large amount of respect for this man. He was once just like me and it wasn't his fault that he was as strict as he was. It was only his job.

I grinned before reaching forward to grab his hand and shake it. "Thank you, sir!" I said to his surprised face. "You don't understand how much this means to me!"

"Yes," he said, pulling his hand away and clearing his throat. "I suppose not."

"But, sir," I went on. "I was wondering if I could ask you for something."

He raised a brow. "Go on."

"Well…I was hoping to stay stateside and go to medical school, sir," I said slowly, letting him digest what I was saying.

He frowned. "I was hoping to send you to Iraq soon, Davis. We need a new Lieutenant there," he said.

My face and hopes fell, my shoulders sagging in defeat. "Yes, sir," I muttered, sitting back down again.

"But," he went on and I perked up. "I suppose we could use Lt. Kelly instead…he's been a cocky little bastard on base." Highland smirked up at me. "Looks like we won't need you for a while, Davis."

I grinned, getting to my feet to shake his hand again. "Thank you, sir! I can't thank you enough!"

"Yeah, well you better damn well pass this medical school," he chuckled, getting up and shaking my hand more firmly.

"Of course, sir!"

"Well then you're dismissed, solider," he said gruffly.

I nodded and headed for the door. I stopped in the doorway to turn back to him. "Oh and sir?" he looked up. "Merry Christmas."

He smiled, almost like a real human being. "Merry Christmas, Davis."


Christmas Eve, Chicago

Three weeks later.

The snow fell lightly against the windshield as I pulled on to the street I remembered so well. Everything was covered in the white stuff and you could hear the car wheels groaning as I maneuvered the car down the snowy road. The trees were bare of leaves but most were decorated with bright, colourful lights. Christmas spirit was something my childhood street always fought over. There was always one house that had the best decorations and each year the families would buy more to be the best house on the street.

I could still remember pulling Sara along the sidewalk in one of the sleds we got for Christmas. She always made me to the one to pull her everywhere. I was a soft son of bitch and gave into everything the girl asked of me. Well…almost everything.

I turned to look at Ali sitting in the passenger seat, her head against the window as she stared at the houses. This should be a nervewracking time, but I wasn't worried at all. My family would accept her as if she were their own daughter. She, however, was a little jittery. Or maybe it was all the drugs she'd been taking.

I finally found my childhood home, halfway down the street, and it looked the exact same. The two story, white house had never changed. Even my old basketball hoop was still hanging over the garage. I pulled into the driveway and parked beside what looked like Frank's car. I couldn't help but snort in laughter when I thought about Frank wondering if they should buy a minivan now.

Jumping out of the car, I slammed the door and ran around to the other side to help Ali. She'd opened the door but was a little hesitant getting out. I grinned, taking her hand and helping her to her feet. She wobbled as I shut and locked the doors but I caught her again, laughing.

"Need some help?" I teased.

"Oh ha ha!" she grumbled, clutching my arm for support as we slowly walked towards the walkway. "I hate ice. I just don't want to fall."

I chuckled until we reached the path up to the front porch. I could feel her tensing as we neared the door.

"Andrew," she whispered. "What if they don't like me? We should have brought some kind of present…or something."

"Ali," I said. "Calm down. They're going to love you, trust me."

I helped her up the porch steps until we got to same welcome mat I used to rub my boots on. All these memories kept coming back to me and I couldn't help but grin as I reached for the screen door. Holding it open with my boot, I rang the doorbell.

We didn't wait long. The door swung open to show the little woman I knew so well.

"Hi, Mum," I said.

A loud scream was followed as she grabbed my shoulders and yanked me downwards for a crushing hug. She may have only been five three, but the woman was like the Hulk when it came to strength.

"My baby!" she gushed, pulling back and taking my face in her hands. "Andrew Davis! Have you been eating anything? You're skin and bones! Don't they feed you?"

"For God's sake, Mum, of course they feed me," I snorted, standing up to my full height again.

"Well you have no meat on your bones," she chided. "You're too skinny!" She stopped suddenly and looked wide eyed at Ali who was hiding behind me. I stepped to the side, allowing my mother to see her. As soon as she saw the target fully she rushed Ali, grabbing her into a hug. "You're Ali!"

I couldn't help but chuckle as my mother squeezed her. Then I noticed that she was whispering something in Ali's ear. Raising my brow, I was about to ask what they were talking about when my mother pulled away.

"For Christ sake, Lois. Let them inside!" I heard a gruff voice come from inside.

My mother seemed to realize we were still standing on the porch. She rushed Ali inside, talking rapidly to her the whole time. I followed, shutting the door and noticing my father standing beside me. I grinned as he pulled me into a hug.

"Merry Christmas, son," he muttered, pulling away and allowing me to pull off my coat and boots. "Sorry about that. Your mother seems to have gone a little more insane this year."

"I heard that!" she yelped, helping Ali out of her own jacket. "You know you and your son are getting more and more a like every year!"

My Dad laughed before ruffling my hair, just like he used to do when I was ten. Although he was much taller than me then. Now I was taller than him.

"What can I say?" he went on, both of us grinning like fools. "The good looks run in the family."

My mother rolled her eyes, before looking at Ali. "Men," she muttered before flipping her hair over her shoulder. "Everyone is in the sitting room waiting." She kissed Ali on the cheek before sashaying towards the kitchen.

"Very nice to meet you, Ali," my father said, shaking her hand gently before winking at me and following after Mum.

"Well that was something," Ali murmured, a little flustered.

"Sorry," I chuckled. "They're a little weird sometimes."

"No, no," she said with a smile. "I like them. I'm actually noticing how they're like you."

I frowned as we started to walk down the hall. "How so?"

"Well you have your mother's hair and eye colour. Then you have your fathers stature and definitely his personality," she said with a smirk.

I shrugged before taking her hand in mine. "Well my Dad has been called a romantic…"

She laughed and I leaned down to give her a chaste kiss before we continued towards the sitting room, which was where the loud Christmas music was playing and the voices were heard.

On the way we passed the kitchen and I could see my mother racing around to tend to boiling pots and baking foods. My father was leaning against the cupboards, reaching towards the chocolate cake, which was sitting temptingly on the counter beside him. I didn't see it but I did hear the loud slap followed by my father's yelp of pain.

Ali and I finally reached the sitting room, which was located at the back of the house. As we walked through the archway, everything came rushing back to me. The huge Christmas tree in the far corner glittered against the floor to ceiling windows, which looked out into the backyard. My grandmothers old piano still sat right next to the tree, a little winter village of statues set on top of it. It was my mother's decorations of course. To the right was where everyone was sitting on the two couches and on the floor by the fireplace. The glass coffee table was littered with snack foods like chips, fruits and chocolates as well as a few beers and glasses of soda. And then there was the stereo in the corner that was playing the thousands of Christmas songs my mother owned. "Oh I wish it could be Christmas everydaaayyyy…!"

There was a loud squeal before my sister suddenly tackled me. Sara squeezed me tightly, giggling the whole time. She was so short that her head didn't even reach my shoulders as I embraced her. Everyone could already see that Sara was more like our mother than our father and some people even wondered if we were adopted because we were so different. But I loved my sister dearly and I was glad to see her again.

Sara pulled away, her gaze locked on Ali instead. She moved toward her, fingering Ali's hair curiously. "Your hair is so beautiful," she murmured. "Can you imagine how many hairstyles you could do with this hair?" She giggled at Ali's confused expression. "My names Sara. I'm Andrew's sister." Sara hugged her tightly before pulling away and taking my hand.

"Drew!" she laughed. "You have to see the baby!"

She yanked me towards the couch where Frank seemed to be dozing. On floor was a baby carrier and inside was my sleeping nephew. Sara dropped down beside Davis, stroking his little cheek with her fingertip. His eyes blinked open to reveal bright blue irises. "Look, Dave," Sara cooed as I knelt down beside her. "It's your Uncle Drewwy."

I groaned. "I swear to God, Sara. If you get this kid to call me Uncle Drewwy, I will kill you."

She waved her hand and snorted at my threat. "If you killed me then Mom would kill you. You know, since I am the child who is loved more." She fluttered her eyelashes dramatically.

I laughed. "You wish."

She went back to the baby, pulling the blankets down and taking him out of the carrier. "Okay, Uncle Andrew," she said, holding out Davis. "Your turn to hold him."

I quickly shook my head. "I'll drop him," I said.

"You're a Navy SEAL," she snorted. "You were trained to have the reflexes like a cat."

I looked around for some support. Joe and his girlfriend Lily were sitting on the other couch, watching with smirks. Jamie was too busy grabbing more food from the coffee table and Frank was totally out of it. Ali wasn't much help either. She just shrugged when I looked at her for help.

"Take the damn baby, Drew," Sara growled, holding him out.

Slowly I took Davis from her hands, holding him at arm's length. He wasn't very heavy, but I was really worried about dropping him. He had little blue pajamas on with a full head of jet black hair like Sara. But the ice blue eyes were totally Frank's side.

"For goodness sake, Drew," Sara sighed. "My son is not a puppy. Hold. The. Baby."

She made sure that my arms were right before placing him in the correct position. His head was supported by my left elbow as I held him as gently as I could against my chest. He stared up at me with wide, curious eyes before his pudgy hand came up to rub against my scruffy chin. He gurgled lightly.

"You see?" Sara cooed. "Isn't it easy? I told you that you wouldn't drop him. You can hold him just fine, can't he Frank?"

We all looked up for Frank's response but he appeared to be asleep with his head back on the couch and his mouth wide open. Sara grumbled something before elbowing him in the stomach.

"Frank!" she hissed.

He came awake with a start. "Huh?"

Sara suddenly giggled. "Just look at him. The look of him might make people think parenting is hard!" Frank groaned in response and went back to sleep. Apparently Davis had been keeping him up for a few nights and he had just started his training for the Intel job in New York. The poor guy must have been exhausted. Of course it was no problem for Sara. She was always a ball of energy.

I handed Davis back to Sara who decided to play show and tell with Ali. She pointed out everything she supposedly needed to know about being a mother since Sara was apparently the best mom in the world now. Ali smiled and nodded before looking at me for help. I smirked, shrugging like she did to me earlier. She glared at me, mouthing "I hate you" before smiling at Sara again.

I got up, leaving the girls in peace, before going to sit beside a snoring Frank and a hungry Jamie. The little Christmas plate she was holding on to was chock full of snack foods, which she was hurriedly consuming.

"Oh, hey!" she said through a mouthful of food. She swallowed before speaking again. "Heard you got off pretty easily."

I shrugged. "I still have to pay a fine for, you know. Setting one of their jeeps on fire. But I can live with that."

"Lucky," she said.

"What about you?" I asked. "Any luck with the Commander?"

She suddenly brightened, grinning at me. "Yes! I finally got my foot in the door! Apparently the officials heard that I've been trained with a chopper and they want me to start real helicopter training next month!"

"That's great!" I said.

"I know!" she exclaimed. "I'm so excited! Even Ben's proud of me!"

"It's too bad he couldn't be here," I said.

She shrugged. "He's been busy. I think he's still bringing the mail to Alaska so all those kids can get their presents."

I smiled. "What about your wedding?"

"We're doing that in the spring time," she said with a smile. "Getting married in Vancouver and then we're going up to this secluded cabin Ben found a while back. Just the two of us." She sighed dreamily. "It's going to be great."

I chuckled. "Well good luck with that."

"Thanks!" she said before reaching for more food on her plate. She stuffed one of the pastries into her mouth, chewing and making a face.

"This stuff is like ambrosia!" she moaned. "What is it?"

I looked down at her plate before grinning. "Don't ask me. My mother is the one who makes this stuff."

"Mmm," she murmured. "I need more of these. Excuse me." She quickly got up and made a bee line for the kitchen.

As soon as Jamie had left, Ali took her place beside me on the couch. She curled her legs under her before leaning against me. I grinned, loving that she was so comfortable around my family and friends already. She was fitting in just fine. Suddenly, my stomach began to jump around. The what if's started to come to my head. What if she said no? Was it too soon? It had to have been at least a month since I had met her. I was going too fast! She was going to say no. God, I suddenly felt sick.

"Ah, I love playing with that kid," Joe's loud laugh pulled me out of my thoughts. "Every time I pass his desk I kind of…fake jump at him. He squeals like a pig and flinches every time. Then I've started to tell that I'm 'gonna get him'." He laughed loudly again. "He's too scared to go to the officials too. Boy, its fun."

I finally realized Joe was talking about Locke. The officials had finally decided to take him out of the field and instead gave him a boring desk job. He was in Coronado now. Too bad I had missed him when I was there. I would have done more then thrown empty threats at him. But Joe did work on the base as an instructor for new SEAL recruits. He was perfect for the job and he got to stay stateside with Lily who owned an auto repair garage not far from the base. It was a popular place for obvious reasons.

"Well he deserves it!" Sara snapped. "Letting Ali get hurt like that!"

I felt Ali stiffen beside me at the mention of what had happened to her. I quickly put my arm around her and pulled her closer, whispering reassuring words in her ear. It was a technique thought up by Ali's therapist.

When we got back to the states I knew she would need someone else to help her other than myself. Her therapist, Emily, was very helpful and had suggested techniques that included myself. Such as when Ali started to re-live her traumatic experience I was to hold on to her and just whisper any soothing words I could think of. I was supposedly her "anchor" as Emily said. Soon enough Aliwould calm down and everything would go back to normal.

Some nights were worse than others.

I had welcomed Ali into my apartment not far from my childhood home. It wasn't much, since I didn't usually stay in the states all that long, but it was home. I promised myself that we'd find a nice little house just for us, or maybe a bigger apartment.

But some nights I'd wake up to find Ali twisted in the sheets and sweating as she whimpered continually. I held her most nights, just whispering words of contentment for hours until she finally fell asleep. But I knew that no matter how many times she did this, I would always stand by her because I loved her. It wasn't her fault, it was mine, and I was going to fix what I had so carelessly broken.

The banging of a pot made us all jump in surprise. My mother strode into the sitting room with a saucepan and a wooden spoon.

"Dinner is served!" she cried out before leaving again.

Joe jumped to his feet and ran towards the dining room with Lily rolling her eyes and trailing after him. Sara woke Frank and carried their son out of the room. I stopped Ali before she got up, turning to look at her. "Are you all right?" I murmured.

She nodded, looking away. I took her face in my hands and made her look at me again. "I love you, all right?" I said.

She smiled. "I love you, too," she said before leaning forward and kissing me gently.

We had professed our love for one another a few days ago. I kind of blurted it out and she took it all in stride, kissing me senseless. Things had got pretty hot and heavy after that. We'd progressed to the point where we'd been making out on the bed, my hand teasing the hem of her shirt, when she suddenly had a memory. I'd stopped immediately and just held her while she cried. Sexual frustration level went up but so did my need to protect her. I wasn't going to leave her just because I wasn't getting 'something'. She was my life now, and I could never leave her.

Dinner with the family was interesting to say the least. My mother fired questions at Ali who seemed to be able to give responses quickly. Mum looked impressed and Dad just looked amused. Sara was across the table, feeding Dave mashed up peas and potatoes. She made hilarious faces when she stuck the spoon in the baby's mouth. He usually spat a lot of it out but Sara would just try again until he swallowed most of it. Frank looked like he was about to pass out. I was just picturing his face falling right into his dinner. Joe was telling any hilarious stories he could think of, Lily correcting the information he got wrong in most of the tales. Jamie was still stuffing her face, complimenting my mother over and over again. Mum took an immediate liking to her.

Looking around the table, with its piles of turkey, stuffing, potatoes, vegetables and of course the bowls of gravy and cranberry sauce, I felt at home. The arguments and laughter echoed around the room and I never felt happier. Ali smiled softly at me, taking my hand under the table. Yeah. I'd never been happier.

Afterwards my mother brought out the chocolate cake and smaller desserts like creamed meringues and lemon tarts. It all tasted like heaven and before long we were stuffed.

Everyone was ordered to help clear the table and clean up. I was the last to bring in the dirty dishes so Mum gave me the task of taking out the garbage. Sighing, I did as I was told and took the two bags of garbage out to the bins in the garage. After dumping them I came back inside to wash my hands and join everyone in the family room.

I got there to find everyone talking quietly and watching one of those old Christmas movies on the television. As I looked around I noticed Ali was absent. Frowning I went to look for her only to find her alone in the sitting room. She was sitting in front of the fireplace, the room dark and the only light coming from the flickering flames.

I joined her, sitting on the floor beside. She looked up, startled, before smiling at me.

"Why are you all by yourself?" I asked in a whisper.

She shrugged. "I just wanted to listen to the music."

I looked up to notice that the stereo was still playing songs quietly in the background. I could even see, through the darkness of night that it was snowing outside. Smiling, I put my arm around Ali and let her lean against my shoulder. The crackle of the fire and the soft music was the only thing heard for a while until I finally decided to ask her a question that had been plaguing me all afternoon.

"What did my mother say to you when we came in?"

She giggled. "She was thanking me for making her son so happy."

I chuckled, pressing a kiss to her hair. "Well she was right about that."

There was another silence before I spoke up at the same time as she did.

"Ali, I have to ask - "

"Andrew, I'm sorry - "

We both stopped, sheepish for a moment, before Ali continued. "Andrew, I'm sorry for putting you through so much trouble. All these things about therapy and hospitals and bad dreams…I'm just so sorry that I can't be like a regular girl now…"

I hushed her. "Ali," I said, staring straight into her shining brown eyes. "I don't want a regular girl. I want you."

She laughed, rubbing the tears from her eyes. "Wow, was that cheesy."

I grinned. "I told you I was like my father."

She smiled again. "I'm just sorry that you have to go through all of this. I mean…we can't even…get intimate without me freaking out. You must be so angry with me." She looked away, rubbing her eyes again.

"Hey," I murmured, tilting her chin back up. "I could never be angry with you. I love you, Ali."

She wiped more tears from her eyes and I knew it was the time. It was the right moment. Slowly I reached over and took her hand in mine, then pulled us both to our feet.

"Ali," I whispered. "I really do love you. And even though we've only spent a bit of time together…I don't want it to end. Ever."

She looked confused as I took a deep breath. "Ali," I said, my voice slightly shaking. "Ali…will you…" Just say it!  "Will you marry me?"

She blinked, shocked. The time seemed to get slower and slower. It felt like forever as I held my breath and waited for her answer. She'd say no. I knew that she would say no. She didn't want to be attached to me. She just wanted me for now and then she would find someone much more worthy of her love. That would leave me alone again. How could I move on when all I thought about was her? How would I cope? How could I live? How could I –


I blinked in complete shock as she smiled timidly at me. Then I exploded with happiness, grabbing on to her and hugging her tightly. This truly was a Christmas to remember.

She giggled before clearing her throat. Confused, I pulled back to see her smiling at something over my shoulder. I turned and couldn't help but laugh myself. Everyone was peeking around the corner and watching us. I didn't know for how long but my mother and Sara had the premium spot.

They both leaped towards Ali and I, my mother engulfing me in a hug. "Oh!" she cried, tears in her eyes. "Another wedding! Another family member! More grandchildren!"

"Mum!" I laughed as she grabbed a hold of Ali. "Why are you thinking about grandchildren right now?"

"Because," she crowed before taking Ali's face in her hands. "You two will make the most beautiful babies!" Ali and I just looked at each other and laughed. As Sara and Mum talked rapidly about preparations for our wedding we were congratulated by the rest of the guests. My Dad hugged us both, giving me that proud look that every son wanted to see in his fathers eyes. And then, after Jamie playfully cried, "thanks for stealing my thunder, Davis!" they all went back to the family room, leaving Ali and I alone.

I grinned, gathering her up into my arms. "Well, Mrs. Soon-to-Be-Davis," I chuckled. "What do you want for a wedding?"

She thought for a moment before grinning wickedly. "Las Vegas?"

I barked out a laugh and wiggled my eyebrows. "Las Vegas it is."


המשך קריאה

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