Mayan Of Anarchy

Oleh AmariannaRose

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**Book 2 of Mayans Don't Fear The Reaper** Abel has been kidnapped by Cameron Jax is dealing with the loss of... Lebih Banyak

😭Feeling The Loss😢
Every Chucky Has A Precious Red Headed Rattlesnake👩‍🦰🐍
Buried Deep In The Hole🕳️
New Patches
In Need Of a T.O.
Finding You In Ireland🍀
I Never Thought I'd See You Again 🙈👀
The Bonds Of Family👨‍👩‍👧
Child's Play🚸
Dangerous Daddy☠️👨‍👧‍👦
The House Of The Setting Son🌄
If It Isn't Real Then It Won't Feel Right.... It Has To Feel Right!
🐎🐴How Charlie Got His Horse🏇🏽🎠
Romeo and His Juliet
🙍🏽‍♂️😿I'm Sorry😭🙇🏽‍♂️
Dondo Georgie
Teller Family Drama🎭
Losing Her While Losing Myself
Too Much To Lose Not Enough To Gain
Hook Line And Sink 'Em🎣
For From It You Were Taken For You Are Dust And To Dust You Shall Return
Free Opie
There's Hope For Us Yet
👰🏻🤵🏽A Marriage By Paper And A Promise 🤞🏽
One Last Visit
A Kid His Age Shouldn't Have So Many Demons 👹
Choices Have Consequences
💪Not So Macho💪
I Scream You Scream We All Scream For ICE CREAM 😱🍦
👶🏽🤱🏽Baby Born To Ride👼🏽🏍️
How Open Is Your Relationship!?!
A Families Betrayal👨‍👩‍👦‍👦
Like Lambs 🐑To The Slaughter🔪🥩
You Learn A Lot About The Things You Hate
Silencing The Voices🔊🔉🔈🔇
The Day The Music Died🎼🥀
New Rule If I Can't Be Happy Then No One Can Be Happy😁👿
The Club Needs A New Way To Deal With Shit!💩
A Hello And A Goodbye

Goddess Venus

152 6 0
Oleh AmariannaRose

"Mm he has been spending a little to much time at the pie eating table what am I supposed to do with Shamu?"  Venus says as she walks over to the big guy looking down at him Juice and Muerte take a step back to get out of her way "um.... just ride him a little bit a few other things he won't remember anything...."  Jax answers "yes but unfortunately I will"  Venus replies turning to face Jax "sorry Sugar!"  Muerte whispers to her "oh honey!.... I'll do the job!.... you'll just have to figure out a way to help me forget all about it later!"  Muerte chuckles then says with a smile "sure!.... I can do that!"  Venus hugs her and says "I know you can!"  Juice tries very hard not to laugh and Venus raises an eyebrow at him "don't mind him he's just jealous that you're getting more attention than he is!"  Muerte teases as she lightly slaps Juice's chest Juice smiles "powder room?"  Venus asks looking at Tig "yeah it's-it's back here beautiful"  Tig answers pointing down the hallway Muerte hands Venus her bag as Tig says "I can give you a hand?"  Muerte teases "you're.... gonna need more than one for her Tig!"  Venus leans up close to his ear and whispers "that's not gonna happen Tiger"  then she walks away winking at the chuckling Muerte "really?"  Juice asks walking over to Tig Muerte bursts out laughing.... Muerte could help but hide her head behind Happy's shoulder since Juice was busy taking pictures of Venus riding Shamu "that's great more of that"  Chibs says "ride on his face"  Bobby says "Tiggy come on please"  Chucky says "reach around and tickle his balls oh that's fantastic"  Jax says "I don't know if that's the right word"  Juice replies Muerte chuckles then whispers softly "poor Sugar!"  Happy smiles as he feels her shake her head with her forehead pressed up against his back and he reaches back and wraps his arm around her "you got the face? it's no good without the face"  Chucky asks "I got it I got it"  Jax tells him "get all the Christian shit on the wall too"  Chucky asks "how about like air traffic control man?"  Bobby asks Juice "are you sure you can get rid of the tape?"  Juice answers "it's photoshop 101"  Venus shouts throwing her whips in the air "whoo"  as Juice continues "the software I got.... I can make this guy shit unicorns"  Muerte chuckles then mutters "now there's a picture I didn't need in my head!"  Happy chuckles as Venus turns to Juice and says while still sitting on the body "there will no shitting anything while I'm sitting this close to that giant ass crack"  Muerte bursts out laughing Venus and Juice smile "you be careful there honey or you'll be next!"  Venus teases "is that a promise!?!"  Muerte asks peeking over Happy's shoulder with a playfully expectant expression on her face Venus laughs "hey you expecting anyone else?"  Chucky asks looking out the window they guys stand up and walks over to the window Venus stands up and waves her hands like butterfly wings Muerte walks over to her and takes her hand ready to help her down off the whale of a man "all right we got enough let's wrap this up"  Jax says as Happy and Chibs pull in a nerdy looking teenage boy who shouts as he's being pulled by the shirt "oh shit! hey whoa!"  the boy gets turned around and he sees the fat unconscious man with Venus looming over him with her feet on either side of his body and Muerte with her hand in Venus' "oh my god what are you doing to Allen?"  Venus replies holding onto Tig and Muerte's hand "Charming Community Theater baby"  the boy says looking around him and Muerte helps Venus down "yeah right I know who you guys are you're Sons yeah what did you guys drug him or something? huh? Allen"  he walks over to the body and shakes his shoulders the blubber of the body bounces but that was it "damn you dudes are totally black mailing him"  Chibs asks "what do we do with this Jackie?"  Jax looks from Chibs to the boy "who are you?"  the boy answers looking over at him "Devin Price his stepson"  Bobby says "oh Christ" ....

Devin says taking out his phone "it's cool man we can work something out"  Jax asks "work something out how?"  Devin replies as Happy walks up behind him and grabs his shoulder and takes his phone away from him "yeah shit man ow! what dude? I just want to use this shit against him too"  Jax replies "I'm guessing you two aren't very close"  Devin says "nah he's a total dick man"  Venus says "how...."  everyone looks over at her as she continues "how old are you sugar?"  knowing where this all was headed Muerte smiles "time for a little fun huh!?!"  she whispers as Venus passes by her "you know it honey!"  Venus whispers back Juice smiles as he listens to the two of them "21"  Devin answers "Mm I do like them young and sweet"  Devin replies looking Venus up and down with a somewhat terrified look on his face "shit dude you're like a dude"  Venus says "why didn't your daddy ever tell you never judge a book by it's penis? now have you.... ah have you ever had your dick sucked by a southern girl with a huge cock? oh baby you are in for a treat I will make you come so hard it'll make your grandmamma wet"  Muerte does her best to hide her laughter as Venus plays with Devin placing his head near her breasts shaking her hips near his and kissing the top of his head "my grandmother's dead"  Devin says nervously "well now your catching on young gun"  Venus replies placing her hand on Devin's shoulders "doesn't mean your gay man we all been there"  Jax says joining in pointing at the guys "what? really?"  Devin asks "lot of cock"  Juice answers "really?"  Devin asks Muerte looks at Juice with a sparkle in her eyes and asks with a smile on her face "now why haven't I heard about this!?!"  he smiles and kisses her lips then coos softly "I'll tell you all about it later!"  Muerte smiles and replies "you better!"  he chuckles "oh yeah"  Tig tells Devin "all you guys?"  Devin asks Chibs shakes his gloved fists back and forth in front of his own face and says "two dicks"  Devin asks still nervous "yeah?"  Juice answers "slammin cock"  Devin says "all right"  he laughs and says "cool let's do this"  Venus replies taking off her shawl and gives it to Devin "pants off.... wrap this.... ha.... around your eyes I like the element of surprise back there"  Devin says laughing as he walks towards the back looking at the guys "hell yeah this is awesome!"  Jax slaps his back as he passes saying "you're in for a treat my boy"  Devin answers as he disappears into the back room "yeah!"  Venus says to Jax as soon as Devin is out of sight "now I suggest you clean up tubby while I get some photos of this disenchanted young little boy"  she takes Devon's phone out of Jax's hand "that would be very helpful"  Jax says "oh I'm not about helping you blondie it's about my bottom line"  Venus replies "I'll give you another grand"  Jax says "two okey-dokey?"  Venus replies holding up two fingers Muerte chuckles softly Juice smiles at her since he was the only one who heard as well as felt the chuckle Jax nods Venus turns to Tig and asks "you jealous Tiger?"  Tig answers "kind of"  Venus replies "I know you are"  she walks over to Muerte and plants a kiss on her cheek then walks to the back room Juice smiles at the two of them "alright let's get Orca back into insurance mode"  Jax says gripping Juice's arm Juice lowers his head and kisses Muerte then let's her go so he can help the guys lift Allen.... Muerte went outside for some fresh air while the guys got Allen dressed.... Juice pokes his head out the door once Shamu was dressed to see if Muerte was still standing there he sighs in relief when he sees her by the door with her open umbrella in her hand and he takes her other one and pulls her inside Muerte hears Tig say as he tries to tie the big whale of a man's tie "I can't get it!"  she walks over saying "here!.... let me!"  she ties the tie perfectly without issue muttering under her breath playfully "bikers if it isn't made of leather then they're lost!"  Tig slaps her shoulder lightly as Venus walks out with Devin right behind her Venus hands Jax the phone as he straights and smiles at the boy saying "hey you good?"  Devin laughs as he walks over to Jax with a grin on his face and laughs as he hand slap high five's Jax and says "yeah, man it was.... intense"  Jax replies "so let me tell you what happens now you go home, you tell no one about any of this"  Devin says "of course, man"  as Jax continues "cause if you do, your stepdad, he ain't gonna be the only one with a new photo album check it out ooh how would you like these bad boys blowing up your Facebook page?"  Devin replies as he looks around at everyone else  "dude really?"  Venus says taking the tip of her finger out of her mouth with a pop as she fixes her makeup "love is a fickle beast"  Jax says "you understand?"  Devin replies "yeah, yeah, no, man but I'm.... I would never rat on you guys, man I think the MC's awesome"  Jax says as he tries to get rid of the boy "yeah, we are all right"  Devin replies "yeah, no, I mean seriously I'd like to, like, hang out with you guys sometime"  Bobby says "sure why not?"  Chibs adds "oh yeah, absolutely come by the clubhouse Saturday morning you can clean the cum and the puke off the bathroom floor"  Devin laughs then says as he looks around at everyone else who forces their own laugh "that's so cool, man"  Jax replies as he cups his hand on the boys shoulder "yeah"  Devin says as he pats Jax's arm "thanks"  Tig says as he opens the door and gently slaps the boy on the back leading him out "all right, get out of here"  Devin says "thanks, man"  Muerte says in a low voice once the boys outside "a little slow on the uptake isn't he!?!"  the guys and Venus laugh Venus stands up out of her chair and walks over to Jax who hands her her money for the "second job" and says "thank you, darlin' "  Venus replies "whenever y'all need a little Venus love, give me a call I'm the belle who does not tell"  she quickly kisses Jax's lips the guys look at her in shock Muerte smiles as Jax wipes his lips with his sleeve Venus walks over to her and kisses her cheek then looks at Juice and says "you take care of our woman now you hear!?!"  Juice smiles and replies "yes ma'am!"  he flinches slightly as though he was expecting Muerte who was leaning up against him to elbow him in the stomach but it never happens "good-bye, tiger"  Venus coos booping Tig on the lips she chuckles then pinches his ass as she walks out the door "come on let's get him to the desk"  Juice says then he kisses Muerte's lips and goes to help the others put Shamu where he belongs....

Tig screams as Shamu's teeth dug deep into his ass cheek Juice rushes over to Muerte and hides her head hugging her to him as Happy hits Allen across the face knocking him out "I know this is a bad time to say this.... but I really need to get something to eat!"  Muerte says the guys chuckle "there's a little family restaurant around the corner.... Chucky you wanna come with me!?"  she asks Chucky looks at her then at the guys who nod at him "I accept that!"  he answers Muerte gives Juice a kiss then she and Chucky walk out the door she pokes her head back in and says "you know where my stash is right Jax!?.... get him a bottle when you get back to club.... preferably still filled with the liquor!"  Jax nods and chuckles "god I love that woman!!"  Tig exclaims there was a chorus of "yeah!"  from the guys as the door shuts behind Muerte.... Muerte went from the Diner then home to get her pups then to Rita's flower shop to help out and ended up going home with her "Juan won't be coming home till late tonight and I don't do well alone I never have! I know you probably don't like the idea.... but with these attacks happening I'd rather be safe than sorry.... I have an idea who it might be but without proof....!"  Muerte says Rita just nods "besides this give you more time to spend with the pups and who doesn't want that!?!"  Muerte teases Rita chuckles as the pups bark in agreement and Muerte wraps her arm around Rita's shoulder and they walk to Rita's car get in and drive off.... they ended up staying up most of the night watching movies and having a grown up slumber party of sorts when Rita went to bed Muerte cleans up their mess from all the girly fun they had together and as she was cleaning she hears the door get kicked in Muerte had called Juice to let him know where she was so he wouldn't worry and ended up calling him back when she heard a loud thump come from behind her "Rita call Eli!! but stay in your room! do NOT leave it for any reason!!"  she shouts as she dials Juice's number but as he answers she puts down the phone and her and her pups attack the intruders that come barging into the room and she ends up slitting one of their throats the other two rush out of the house bruised and frightened while trying to catch their breath.... hearing the scuffle and the pups growl and bark Juice hangs up then runs to his Harley as fast as his feet could carry him and drives off to the Roosevelt residence he gets stopped by the cops headed there for speeding but after hearing why he was speeding Eli forgets the reason he pulled him over and rushes back to his cop car and drives off with the sirens on and Juice follows him Juice is the first one inside as he rushes over to Muerte and holds her closely to him "I'm-I'm sorry!"  Muerte whispers "you're safe!.... that's all that matters!"  Juice tells her softly as he brushes her hair with his hands and hugs her tightly to him "wait!.... Rita!!"  she says softly rushing out of Juice's arms and over to Rita's bedroom shouting with a worried tone "Rita!!"  Rita walks out of the room unharmed and Muerte sighs in relief as Eli walks over to his wife "shit!.... Eli hide her head!"  Muerte whispers Eli looks at her oddly then sees her eyes dart over to the dead body on the floor and he hugs his wife hiding the dead body from her sight then smiles as Rita reaches out and touches Muerte's arm whispering "thank you!"  Muerte smiles and says "I know you have a gun at your beside table but you're a terrible shot! I was practically born with a gun in my hand! do you think she should meet Happy Eli!?!"  both men chuckle "no!!"  Eli answers "why not!?!.... he's the one who taught me how to brawl!"  Muerte teasingly replies "don't you even think about it!"  he answers "too late! but remember just because someone THINKS about doing something doesn't always mean that they're actually GOING to DO it!!"  Muerte teases he laughs "can we go!?!.... I'm sure you three want some alone time yourselves"  Eli smiles at her then says with a nod "sure Muerte.... if I need anything.... I know where to find you!"  Muerte nods and teases "don't go naming that kid after me you hear!?!"  Juice, Rita and Eli laugh then Juice leads Muerte out of the apartment pups at their heels and head home falling asleep in each others arms on their couch.... the next day the Reapers were surprised to find GoGo missing and no one knew that Muerte was the "unsung hero" in the papers for saving the sheriff's wife.... after everyone piled out of church Muerte gives Juice a kiss as she passes him and knocks on the door then opens it up she asks softly "hey Jax can I....!?! .... oh hi Bobby!.... I can come back....!"  she starts to walk back out when she hears Jax say "hey.... it's alright.... what do you need Muerte!?!"  she walks back in then says as she shuts the door behind her "it's about your new prospects...."  Jax looks at her curiously "I think they might have something to do with the attacks.... though I can only assume I have no "real" proof yet...."  Jax replies "I know you never liked them but....!"  Muerte says softly "yeah!.... but it isn't just that....!"  she tells him about the night before and when she finishes Jax says softly "that might explain why GoGo wasn't in today but as you said with no real proof....!"  Muerte adds "not to mention that even though they have always looked at me with fear in their eyes.... they seem terrified of me now!"  Jax replies with a chuckle in his tone "that's true!.... but also normal"  she chuckles then says "there's also the seemingly coincidental timing of the attacks.... they come into town just as they start to make the news so to speak.... maybe they're not as loyal as they pretend to be.... maybe there is money involved.... maybe they are being threatened in some way.... I don't know!.... all I know is that I find it all really strange.... I wanted you to know my thoughts anyway.... I'm sure you saw the way Clay looked at the empty seat and the other two.... why are the Prospects at the table anyway!?!.... I thought that wasn't allowed!.... I would never take this to Captian Overbite.... but I go to you.... Mr. President!.... can I still call you "Princey"!?!.... Prezzie seems a little weird!"  Jax chuckles then says with a smile "well thanks for bringing it to me!.... and sure.... why not!?!"  she nods with a smile then says "Juan didn't want the club to know about last night.... but I had to give my two cents so to speak.... and to do that I had to tell you!"  he stands up walks over and gives her a hug and says "I'll take care of it!"  she lifts a finger up to his lips then teases "don't you promise! promises tend to get broken around here!"  he laughs and the three of them walk out of church Juice walks up to her wrapping his arm around her shoulder he asks quietly "you told him didn't you!?!"  she looks into his eyes "I had too!.... he's the only one in the club with enough "power " to find out if my suspicions are correct.... and if I told Happy he'd kill them before you all ever had a chance to do so!"  Juice laughs then kisses her and they head over to the bar

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