Titan Slayer (Snk/Attack On T...

By OtakuofEpicness

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Death is something that is real, but at the same time unreal. We, as humans, think we die. But in reality... More

Chapter One: The Group
Character Appearances and Bios (Yay!)
Chapter 3: Goodbye... I Will Miss You
Chap 4: We will survive
Chap 5: Life is cruel
Chap 6: The plaque
Chap 7: The past of one
Chap 8: Squad Flame, tactical ability's.
Chap 9: Memory
Chap 10: The Man In The Nightmare
Chap 11: Love Birds
Chap12: The Ending Of Our Friend-The Expedition Begins.
Chap13: The fight
Chap14: We are Alive
Chap15: The sacrifice
Chap16: The fight for humanity [The End]

Chapter 2: The Evacuation Begins

194 10 0
By OtakuofEpicness

Two and A half years past since I've joined the Trainee corps. So far things have been progressing well with my training. But sadly earlier I suffered an accident that of which led me to where I am now. Atop A pure white medical bed stained in my own red blood for every time I dare to move. A weird squishing sound comes from the bed.

Earlier I was with Rein and Dina inside a forest while I taught them some new maneuvering techniques.

"Now try to twist your body around that Branch!" I shout while we speed through the air using our 3D maneuver gear. I watch Rein ram into the branch shattering it to pieces.

"Ouch!" Rein shouts

"Dumb ass!" Dina shouts with a smile on her face.

"Its your turn too!" I shout towards Dina while she stops smiling.

"Lets see if you do better!" Rein shouts towards Dina as he pulls back behind me. Dina quickly pulls up into the air, just high enough so that there is a few stray branches sticking out of the trees. Dina's eyes lock on to a branch seeing that she is approaching it rapidly. Well since we are moving at about 30 MPH.

Dina quickly slams her head down just over the branch which causes her body to follow. As the results show her doing a complete front flip over the branch.

"Nicely done!" I shout while I pull back down to the mid section of the forest.

"Get back into formation!" I shout seeing Dina and Rein follow just behind me in a V formation.

"We are moving back to camp!" I shout as we swiftly swing through the air. As I pull the triggers on my gear which causes my right and left hooks to fire, it jammed.

"Fuck me!" I shout as I repeatedly slam down my triggers trying to un jam the hooks. But seeing the ground approaching me so rapidly I decided that I need to curl up and try to not die.

"Oh shit! Get him!" Rein shouts while I hear the sounds of hooks flying past my body. Then I felt wire start to wrap around me, two wires in fact.

And that's how I got my injury's. Since the wires are sharp as hell I was cut up from the wire cuts. But them doing so saved my life. So I guess this is just payment for all the times I've saved them from their mistakes.

I noticed the nurse who as been nurturing me back to health come back through the white flaps of a tent. She holds a copper tray with what looks to be disinfectant, suture needles, and some sort of string. All neatly aligned on the Tray.

"Could you lay down on your belly for me?" The Nurse asks while setting the tray on a counter to the right of my bed.

"Yeah, sure" I say while I painfully turn my body over feeling all sorts of pain jolting through my body. I finally lay on my belly waiting for the nurse to finish.

"Hey when are you going to start? I ask waiting for the pain to start.

"I just finished" The Nurse says while she wipes her hands clean of blood with a white rag. I only stare at the nurse in disbelief from the news I just received.

"Go ahead and leave. Just get lots of rest and eat your Diner." The Nurse says while pointing me towards the door. Most likely why she is so eager for me to leave is simply because she needs to clean up my bloody mess.

"Thanks" I say while I walk out of the Tent. I walk along a long gravel pathway. A pathway that leads to the barracks. I arrive at the barracks after the short walk.

I walk in through the front door seeing that all my friends are sitting at a circular table. With a deck of cards spread out onto the table.

"I'm back" I say standing still at the door way. While I prepare myself for two hugs from two certain females.

"Your ok! Thank god!" Dina shouts while she springs from her seat. Loren then follows Dina up next to me, then gives me a hug right after Dina slams her body into me.

"Ouch!" I shout while I quickly slam my elbow down on her back.

"Owww! Why you did you do that!" Dina shouts while she rubs her back on the ground. Loren then walks up to me, and gives me a more soft hug. I Look at the table seeing John, Rein, and Tom all sitting at the table. They are each showing a smile.

"So how bad is your wounds?" Dina asks as she stands up from the ground.

" I luckily only got a few scars." I say while walking towards the table to take my seat.

"At least that's all that happened." Loren says while she takes a seat next to Tom as Dina sits to the right of Loren. As for I take my seat to the left of Rein as John sits between both Rein and Tom with his feat kicked up onto the table.

"So? What are we playing?" I ask while looking at the cards.

"Ah! We are playing garbage!" Tom shouts with excitement.

"Gah, This again?" I say while emphasizing the again part. I remember the last time we played this game. And Well.... I failed pretty badly at this game. So I ended up having to give up five weeks of lunches. How did I make it? Well They where kind enough to give me pieces of their bread. And today was the last day that I had to give up lunches.

Though through more of my failed attempts at stopping this game.We ended up playing the game anyways. And I lost...five more weeks of lunches.... I may be mad, but i'm glad i'm here with these friends, my family.

Six months later...

Today we graduate. After three years of hard core training, we made it to graduation. Currently both myself and some of the trainee corps is currently cleaning and fixing up cannons that have finally been placed here on the wall after a few years of negotiating with the stubborn wall religion.

"Damn this is bad." I say while looking at a jammed Cannon. Every week since the Cannons have been mounted, the Garrison would fire the cannon balls into the horizon. To make sure the Cannons are in top condition.

After a few minuets of tingling with the Cannon. I finally managed to remove the jammed metal ball from the Cannon so that I could clean out all the Gunpowder that has built up in the gears of this thing.

I hear footsteps and the clinging of maneuver gear approach me from behind.

"Whats up?" Loren greets as she kneels down to the left of me. For I am kneeling myself as I clean out the soot from the Cannon.

"Hows it going?" I ask

"John, Dina, and I where curious of which regiment you wanted to join?" Loren asks while looking me in the eye.

"The Survey corps" I say as I stuff my left hand down into the cannon.

"So did that guy's speech sway you?" Loren asks with a hint of sorrow in her voice.

"No, this is my own decision." I say as I look at Loren, to only see a dark look on her face. Which shoots guilt into my head.

"Hey! Cheer up now! How about you help me mount the Cannon onto the railing." I say as I stand up to commence operation mount the God damn Cannon.

Loren nods as she moves to the left side of the Cannon as I stand on the right side. I bend over to place my hands in a good gripping position. I look up seeing Loren doing the same.

"Ready?" I ask while looking up at Loren.

"Ready!" Loren says. We both pull up the cannon and then move to the right a bit to place the cannon onto the mount. After we lowered it into position I bent over to pull a few latches to fully conjoin the two pieces to make one.

I wipe the sweat off my forehead with my right arm.

"That was heavy." I say with a smile.

"I'm joining the Survey Corps!" Loren shouts making me jump in surprise.

"Hey, you don't have to follow me into hell." I say looking Loren in the eyes with a guilty expression.

"This is also my own choice!" Loren shouts with a grin.

"Well that's good then!" Rein shouts from behind making me jump forwards which results in my knees slamming into the metal of the Cannon.

"Ouchhhh" I whine while my heart pounds in fear.

"Hahaha! Well you two where having a nice romantic conversation! I've been hard at work!" Rein shouts with excitement wavering in his voice.

"What did you do now?" I ask knowing he was doing more then fixing up Cannons.

"I've convinced the others into joining the Survey Corps too!" Rein says with a grin of accomplishment imprinted on his face.

"Why?" I ask looking Rein in the eyes in disbelief.

"Because we are to become a Squad! A Squad better then Levi's Squad!" Rein shouts with inspiration.

"That's impossible..." Dina says. I look past Rein to see that the others are there right behind him.

"Your wrong Dina" John says while setting his giant right hand on her right shoulder.

"Why?" Dina asks

"Because we have something they don't" John lays his hand on the shoulder of Dina.

"What is it!" Tom shouts with a painful look on his face.

"Because we are family!" John shouts making himself look cool. Then Dina shoots him down.

"They have been through hell and back. You would have to think they would be more then family by now" Dina says while brushing off John's hand.

"Wow...Rejected" Rein says with his arms hanging down like soaked noodles. But now John just stands there, with darkness consuming his face.

"Anyways on that note! Who shall be the Squad leader!" Rein asks with an upbeat voice.

"I vote for Alex!" Tom says while shooting his hand up in the air.

"Well I agree too! So raise your hands if you agree with us!" Rein shouts looking at everyone. To my surprise every single person here just raised their hand.

With a smile planted on my face, I salute to my new men.

"We are squad flame! And we shall light the way!" I shout with pride.

"Boo yah!" Everyone shouts.

"Hey get to work you six!" A Garrison officer shouts from a ways down the wall.

"Well As my first order! Lets clean these dammed Cannons!" I shout.

Not even a minute has passed as Lightning strikes just out side of these walls. Then steam follows. This steam reminds me of the steam the instructors told us about. The evaporation of the Titans, and the steam that came before...the Colossal Titan.

"Get of-" I get cut off as the steam smashes into us. I start running the opposite direction of the outer wall so that I can escape the burning hot steam. As I jump off the wall I fire my maneuver gear hooks into the Stone wall making me stop my decent into the ground. With my feet implanted on the wall I quickly look around myself seeing that my Squad followed me down.

"Whats going on!" Tom shouts with fear and confusion piercing his voice.

"I have not a single clue!" Rein shouts back calmly.

"It cant be! Its the Colossal Titan!" Dina shouts in pure fear.

"Just relax Guys! We need to move in and stop this Titan from breaching the wall!" I Shout.

"Are you fucking kidding me! We will Die!" John shouts with fear in his voice as well. Something that does not happen often.

"We need to fight now! We are soldiers now! We are Humanity's strong arm!" I shout at my squad trying to convince them to fight.

"He's right guys! We need to fight now!" Rein shouts. I quickly unsheathe my swords.

"Ok...Lets fucking do this!" John shouts.

"Move now!" I shout while I unhook the hooks so that I can fall back a bit. I then fire them again which results in me speeding up the wall as I fire my hooks all the way up the wall.

I then swing up and over the wall feeling the Adrenalin running through my blood as my heart pounds hard enough to make me think its exploding within this chest of mine.

"Lets kick this son of a bitch's ass!" John shouts, who is now clearly motivated.

I swiftly swing my way behind the Colossus Titan while my squad moves into a V behind me. That would be only if you where looking from the ground up.

"Follow up my attack!" I shout, suddenly a young guy swings up in front of us like we where not even there. Just so that I don't ram into Him I twist my body just enough so that I start falling strait down.

"Son of a bitch!" I shout while I try to look for a place I can fire my hooks into. Luckily there is a huge tree that is just tall enough for me to use as a hook place so that I swing myself back up.

I look up seeing that my squad is following up the dumb ass attack that the kid pulled off. Suddenly steam explodes into my face and all around the surrounding area.

Just as the steam dissipates the red mass of a Titan is gone. As well as the gates of this wall. Humanity is going to fall, just like five years ago. But we mustn't give up hope. For Humanity has gained knowledge since this last happened.

"Alex get up here!" Rein shouts but for his voice is faint. I arrive at the top of the wall which allows me to catch my breath.

"Lets move to HQ! They probably have a plan ready to put into action! I shout while we travel to the HQ. Off of what I remember from the strategy that we where taught back in class. Is that the army will split into three sections.

The very front section are the people at the front lines, which will consist of all standard Garrison troops. The middle section will consist of slightly more advanced Garrison squads, which will be the second line of deference.

And, finally, the last line of defense will consist of all the elite Garrison squads. This plan is called the Special Colossal Titan Strategy, which is focused on evacuating all the citizens of the area.

"Move! Move! Move! All trainees, you are all apart of the second defense. Once the first defense has been defeated, the second defense will move in!" shouts one of the many commanders. I look up and see that the commander is walking up to both my squad and I.

"You six there!" A Commander shouts while pointing his sword at us. Currently we just arrived at the HQ and it is in total chaos as people are shouting, fighting, or simply cowering in fear.

"What is it sir!" I shout while I position myself into a salute.

"You Six will fight as a squad when the first division fails." The Commander shouts.

"Yes sir!" I say back seeing him run into the building behind us.

"Find a seat guys....Well wait for the call" I say. I then walk over to a wooden bench placed against the stone wall of a building. Dina And Loren take the last two spots to my left as Tom, John, and Rein sit alone together against the building across from us.

I close my eyes as I take deep breaths. I knew that this could go south quickly. I knew that My friends no..My family could die at any moment now. Just the thought brings a sharp pain deep inside my chest. I would rather die then to see my family die here.

"Alex..We will make it" Dina says while looking at the ground with her eyes wide open showing the fear within her own mind. But it seems she was saying that more to herself then to me.

"I know we will. After all, we are soldiers of Humanity. We aren't worthless souls anymore. We are simply soldiers who will fight to the bitter end, just for the victory of man kind." I say. I then place my left hand on Dina's right shoulder.

"Ok.." Dina says

I lean back in my seat waiting for the call. The call of our deaths

Two hours later.

"Second Division! Get a move on! First Division has failed!" The commander from earlier shouts while pointing towards the wall breach with his sword.

"Its time! Its time for squad flame to show its true strength!" I shout as I stand from my seat.

"Lets fucking do this!" John shouts.

"Damn right" Rein shouts along with John.

"Hey Alex.." Dina says which grabs my attention.

"We Trust you more then any Commander. Please! Lead us to victory!" Dina shouts with a small smile on her face. I only respond with a nod.

"Lets move!" I fire my hooks into the nearby buildings which causes me to get flung into the air.

We start to swing through the air at 35 MPH as we feel the wind blowing against our skin as we speed to our deaths.

"Two! No Three Titan's Spotted! Two 15 meter Titan's and one 10 meter Titan!" Rein shouts from behind.

"Roger that! You five know what to do!" I shout. I pull off to the left looking just behind myself seeing that John is following close behind me. I look back at the 15 meter titan seeing its huge smile, and the blood that covers its mouth.

I lift my swords just above my head which prepares myself for the attack. As I approach the Titan it swings its arms wildly as it attempts to grab both John and I.

"Now John! Gets its eyes!" I shout as I swing between the legs of the Titan. I swing myself up just enough for me to be at Nape height. I look past the Brown haired Titan's head seeing John on its face while stabbing its eyes out.

I quickly fire my hooks into the nape.

"Graaaahhhh!" I shout as I slice the nape of the Titan as a perfect wedge falls from the nape.

"Woo!" John shouts with a smile on his face. I quickly look to my left seeing that Dina, Tom, and Rein finishing off the other two Titans.

"Alex! Below you!" John shouts with his face stunned in fear. I look down seeing the mouth of a Titan wide open beneath me.

"Fuck!" I shout as I twist my body just enough to avoid getting caught in its mouth. But that didn't stop it from going up. I felt the Titan smash its forehead into my right side knocking the wind right out of me.

"Alex!" Rein shouts as he speeds towards me.

"Watch out!" I shout back seeing that another Titan emerges from the darkness of the City.

"Son of a bitch!" Rein shouts as he reels in just fast enough to avoid the Titan's attack.

I look back down at the Titan that I'm currently fighting seeing that John has already sliced the nape of this Titan.

"Good work!" I shout as I swing my way back into a fighting position. But instead of helping my men fight the Abnormal. I continued on with my men knowing that the squad behind us will take this one out.

"Nice job everybody." I shout as my heart continue's to pound against my rib cage. We swing through the air as we make our way to our next target. I feel beads of sweat slowly dripping down my face as the wind forces the sweat off of my face. 

Suddenly a hand arises from the ground grabbing me by the legs. My heart stops. All I could think was death, that I was going to die. Right after what we just did.

Then the sound of flesh getting sliced runs through the air. I look behind the Titan seeing that Dina killed the damn Titan.

"Thanks!" I shout as I fall onto a nearby roof. My squad lands on the roof next to me as we take a quick brake. The air stinks of death and smoke. Something I never though I'd smell.

I can hear Cannon fire coming from the walls as well as the roofs of houses. Then screams, screams of people being eaten alive. The screams of my comrades that I spent years training with dying. All too far for me to help them all.

"Alex.." Rein says while looking me in the eye.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"We need to keep moving. We don't have time to fuck around" Rein says as he turns his sight towards the supplies tower located in the middle of this town called Trost.

"Titan's must be all over it by now" John says. I look over seeing that Titan's are climbing and banging on the walls of that base.

"Hey Alex! We are with you! Lets kick some more Titan Ass!" John shouts while trying to lift everyone's spirits.

"Are you kidding....Everyone is fucking dying!" Tom shouts, but John does not respond.

"Tom" I say looking over at him.

"We won't die. For we are Humanity's strong arm, remember? We are the light." I say while looking Tom in the eyes.

"Sorry..I'm just so scared" Tom says with tears welling up in his eyes.

"We all are. But are we going to let ourselves die just because we wanted to cry?" I ask Tom.

"No!" Tom shouts

"Good now lets move!" I shout

"Hell yeah!" Rein shouts.

We may not live through this hell. But I sure in hell wont let my men die without a fight. We will make it, or we will die fighting. I don't fucking know. But as far as I care. I need to lie to myself, and the others. Just so that we can keep fighting. To keep living...

(Star me and follow if you enjoyed! It helps me know if I'm doing things right or wrong. Thanks for reading!)

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