Hollow Lies (Danganronpa)

By -Tearful-Shushu-

127K 4.4K 2.5K

*V3 Spoilers* *Contains some triggering topics* *Tag says Oumota but it's not really* All his life Kokichi kn... More

Chapter 1 ~ Run Boy Run
Chapter 2 ~ Harmful Memories
Chapter 3 ~ Unwanted Help
Chapter 4 ~ Losing His Persona
Chapter 5 ~ Too Close
Chapter 6 ~ Midnight Talk
Chapter 7 ~ Glowing Eyes of Hatred
Chapter 8 ~ Comforted By The Enemy
Chapter 10 ~ Anxiety and Evil Laughs
Chapter 11 ~ Playing Their Part
Chapter 12 ~ Sobbing Regrets
Chapter 13 ~ Demanding Answers
Chapter 14 ~ New Plan
Chapter 15 ~ Forcing Memories
Chapter 16 ~ Flashback Light
Chapter 17 ~ A Deal
Chapter 18 ~ Poor Unfortunate Soul
Chapter 19 ~ Clingy
Chapter 20 ~ Sorry Sorry Sorry
Chapter 21 ~ Chaotic Fear
Chapter 22 ~ A New Ally
Chapter 23 ~ Now Or Nothing
Chapter 24 ~ Repeated Past
Chapter 25 ~ Finding The Mastermind
Chapter 26 ~ His End Of The Deal
Chapter 27 ~ The Reveal
Chapter 28 ~ Real Memories
Chapter 29 ~ Freedom
A/N I'm Curious
A/N Sequel

Chapter 9 ~ Refusing To Die

4.7K 176 39
By -Tearful-Shushu-

Voices. Two of them. They were discussing something Kokichi couldn't hear. Not like he cared. He didn't need to open his eyes to know he was trapped in that stranger's house, one hand chained to the bed. The chain practically dug into his flesh, daring him to try to move. But he didn't. What would be the point? Most likely, no one knew he was here or would help him. Still, he couldn't stop himself from being terrified. His heartbeat quickened, his body starting to shake. Apparently, this was enough to alert the two voices, stopping their conversation.

"He's awake," a feminine voice spoke.

"I see that," a male voice said back.

"Does he know he can open his eyes?"

Kokichi hadn't realized nothing prevented him from seeing his captors, slowly beginning to open his eyes. The bright blue eye male and a blonde girl stood away from the bed, in front of the only door as if ready to guard it. Kokichi continued to stay still, his mind focusing on the pain he was feeling from the chain. The two stranger's exchanged a look before the blonde girl cautiously stepped towards him.

"What's your name?" Her voice held no emotion along with her lifeless eyes. Kokichi stayed silent, too frightened to answer. This angered the girl. "Hey! You deaf or something?"

He flinched, shaking his head and shutting his eyes.

"Then tell me your name!"

"K-Kokichi," he stuttered, finally moving his hands to cover his face. The chain yanked one of his hands back, showing just how little he could move.

"The girl gave a small, surprisingly kind smile. "My name is Kaede. And that is K1-B0." She pointed to the male guarding the door.

Kokichi gave a confused, frightened look. "N-Nice to m-meet you?"

Kaede nodded, sitting on the bed. "You are... different... aren't you?"

He didn't know how to answer that, once again staying silent. Kaede sighed in annoyance, standing up. She opened her mouth to say something but stopped, heading towards the door.

"I guess we can just try this later."


Kokichi was surprised when he woke up this morning, expecting to be dead. Sitting up, he was immediately pulled back down by something wrapped around his waste. Looking to the side, he saw Kiibo fast asleep, his robotic arm around Kokichi. Kiibo's eyes slowly sprung to life from Kokichi's movements. The two stared at each other before Kiibo quickly sat up.

"I'm so sorry," he said, looking down.

Kokichi gave a confused look, finally being able to get up. He cleared his throat before speaking. "For what?"

"Knocking you out! I didn't know what to do. You were scaring me and I thought you might do something to yourself." He made teary eyes, unable to make eye contacts.

"You knocked me out?" Kokichi stared in shock. "But I thought you weren't able to hurt humans."

"I..." Kiibo hesitated. "I thought so too. I don't really know what happened. It's like... my inner voice told me to do it and I did without question."

Kokichi studied his face, trying to detect any kind of lie. But there didn't seem to be one. He sighed, losing his interest. "I thought you were going to kill me."

Kiibo shook his head, finally looking up at Kokichi. "No! I'd never kill anyone."

Kokichi began to chuckle, hiding his face in his hands. "Never kill anyone?" His laughing grew louder, more insane. "Never kill anyone. Just like all the others who murdered in this god forsaken school!" He was no longer laughing, his anger growing by the second.

"Please calm-"

"Shut up, Kiibo! Don't you understand? We're all gonna die here."

"That's not-"

"True? Oh, don't give me that bullshit. I know what Miu is planning. And I know you're helping her. So why not just end me now?"

The room went silent aside from Kokichi's heavy breathing. He felt like crying again, knowing there was no point in even hiding it anymore. Kiibo, realizing this, attempting to pull Kokichi into a hug. But he was just smacked away, earning a glare from Kokichi.

"Leave me alone." Kokichi stood up to leave but was suddenly stopped by Kiibo grabbing his arm. He growled. "Don't touch me!"

Kiibo flinched but didn't release his grip. "Listen, Kokichi. I refused to help Miu with killing you."

"I don't care!" He struggled to tug his arm away.

"Listen! I'm going to tell you Miu's plan. I don't want anyone else to die."

Kokichi blinked at him, stopping his struggling. "Y-You're lying."

"No, I'm not. Please. Just listen to me.

Despite everything in him telling him to run, Kokichi sat back down on the bed, listening to what Kiibo had to say.

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