The Girl and Her Breaking Hea...

By Wildfire_247

3.9K 286 60

Alexandra Queen, she has never had a normal childhood. Her and her mother were abused by her father and his f... More

Welcome to TGHBH
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
No Update this Weekend (NNTR#1)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
A/N Update (NNTR#2)
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
A/N (NNTR#4)
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chatper 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
The Heart Series

Chapter 28

34 3 0
By Wildfire_247

↠ Alexandra Queen ↞

Victor and the other guy, whom name I have yet to know, seemed surprised when they first saw me in front of them with standing there smiling. I mean they also seemed more pissed about the scare I gave them. Victor seemed especially angry. The other was for a while but nit because of the prank but because he woken up from his sleep. He didn't take the joke as harshly. But yeah I call it kind of even since Victor did almost kill me. Basically, this is what happened,

I wait awake for someone to come into the room and check on me. The room looked like an old creepy hospital room from the movies, without the windows of course. The bed and hospital gown looked new though. All the supplies in the room looked surprisingly new as well. I wonder where I am, since there isn't any windows in this room. Just the light above and outside is lighting up the room.

When I realized that no one is coming I carefully get up from the bed and walk to the door barefooted. I open it and see both of them on an old messed up sofa. They actually looked adorable laying on each other sleeping.I clear my throat and nothing. I whisper/yell hello but still nothing.

'How did you expect for them to hear you if you whispered at them'

I roll my eyes at my own thoughts. I say hello once again but louder this time, and like before, I got nothing. I tap both of them a bit too harsh when it still doesn't wake them I give up and sit next to them. I think about what to do to wake them up. I come up with a  great idea when I see a speaker and phone connected on the nightstand next to them. I grab the phone, raise up all the volume and play the first song on whomsoever phone this is. The song begins to blast through the speaker.

" WHAT THE FVCK!" Victor yells as he jumped up from his seat, making the other guy jump up as well.

'Something tells me that he's a deep sleeper'

Victor and the other guy looked at each other confused and then looks around. When there eyes land on me I smile innocently at them. They first looked surprised to see me but, then one of them gets up angrily and ready to beat me up. I stood in place calmly and unaffected.

"What the fvck was that about huh? Playing sick jokes like that!" He spits in my face. He was getting all red with anger.

"Almost made me sh!t my pants yo" he mumbled to himself but I caught it. I wanted to laugh but I fought against it. Best not to piss him off anymore, I don't want things to get out of hand for a little prank.

"Chill Vic, it isn't that serious. On the bright side, she's alive and well. So don't go trying to kill her again." he says the last part in a more quiet tone.

"Yeah Vic chill, I just came back from the dead so don't go trying to kill me again," I say acting all innocent like. I know what I said before about not getting out of hand... it's sort of entertaining to see Victor all fired up.

"Do you want me to slap you-you b!tch?" He said with a threatening voice.

"As kinky and tempting as that is, I don't. Thanks for the offer though. But hey for real stop getting so worked up about it. You don't see me threatening you or anything after you almost killed me, do you?" he stood quite but glared at me

"That's what I thought, and since all this has been worked through, how about you guys explain to me more about why you were trying to stop me from leaving the hotel and what Samuel wants from me." They looked at me completely shocked and confused.

"What? Do I have something on my face or have you guys magically lost your voice?" no response. "Look I listened to what you said and I'm not making you repeat everything you said to me already because it will be awkward. I just want some answers to questions you didn't really give me answers to." Victor looked confused but the other guy seemed to get what I was saying.

"So you did hear me?" the guy said finally speaking up and I nod.

"Yes, now for starters tell your cousin over there to close his mouth before he catches a fly," the guy chuckles, I flash Victor a humorist smile as he closes his mouth and glared at us. "Second, please answer my questions."

"Before we do that do me a favor and explain what you guys were talking about. And also how you know that we are cousins. I could be his father for all you know." I laugh.

"His father? You're too young and hot to be his father." I say seriously.

"You think I'm hot?" He said huskily stepped towards me with a smirk. I roll my eyes and stand my ground.

"Alright Vic that's enough" the other guy chuckled. Victor eyed me as he walked away with a smirk still on his annoying face.

'You just called him hot though'

'Shut up mind'

'I mean face it, he is hot. Just look at that body and face. Looks like a man carved straight out of heaven. I wonder what wicked things he could those with those hand. Or that tongu-'

"Take a picture it'll last longer." Victor chuckled. I clear my throat and roll my eyes once again.

"I mean if I did have a phone- which I most likely do not because it broke when you almost killed me- taking a picture of you would only break my camera." I shoot back.

"Damn cuz she just did you like that, just gonna let her speak about your ugliness like that?" We both laugh as Victor glares at us and walks away cursing under his breath.

Once Victor leaves the other guy looks at me with a serious face. I give him a confused one back.

"So you know who our boss is?"

"Yeah, I know Samuel is behind this." I sigh.

"How?" he asked confused.

"Well, he left me notes and messages for almost the past three years. I didn't know who he was at first or what he wanted. Once I got all my memories back I started to put pieces together. I began to understand that it was Samuel. At first, he was just telling me that he is looking after me, that he will help me look for a way out. And I believed him, I trusted him. Something in me told not to after what he did, I hadn't forgiven him but I also didn't hate him as much anymore. But before he escaped he had changed. I know that after what I told him about me changed him.

But a few months later, someone that I knew from home found me accidentally. His name is Ryan, he is Elizabeth's older and only brother. She was my one and only female best friend. I met her after winter break, we became close in the matter of minutes. Back to Ryan, I had begged him not to tell anyone where I was. He didn't understand why if everyone had to be looking for me since I was kidnapped. I was happy to know they cared but I couldn't go back. He respected my wishes but didn't want to leave me alone. After a while, I came up with a plan with Samuel. Samuel though seemed to notice how close Ryan and I were getting. He got jealous and started telling me that he wouldn't continue helping if I stayed with Ryan. I couldn't do that though. I felt so alone before Ryan found me and he was also the only one there in person who I could be myself with.

"When Samuel saw I wouldn't do it he started threatening Ryan. Ryan told me about it so we pulled all ties with him and came up with our own plan to help me escape. I stopped hearing from Samuel. I hated myself for so long for pushing him away like that but he just couldn't stop being selfish with me. He couldn't even come out of hiding in fear of being caught by my father. But I told him time after time that I would help him since I lived with my father and he trusted me. But he never believed me so he didn't. The first I heard from him since I pulled away from him was that night at the hotel. He called me that night. So yeah that's pretty much it."

"Wow. So much more then I thought, has happened to you." He said shocked.

"Yeah well, that isn't even half of it" I look away from him ashamed. We stay silent for a while before he speaks.

"Don't be ashamed about yourself, don't let it bring you down. Use it to grow stronger and learn from it. Don't shield yourself because of it. Don't let the people that did what they did to you win. Prove to them and yourself that you are stronger than them because you are. Yes, what happened affected you horribly and you feel ruined by it. Feel weak for not being able to have stopped whatever happened, from happening. You can't for any reason let them stop you from becoming stronger. No one, not even you can change what happened in the past. I know it's hard but don't dwell on the past and the what if's. You can't change them. All you can do is decide what happens in the present. Force on the present and future and not the past. Because that's all you have control of. Trust me when I say things get better. Everything has a balance, even the bad and good events that happen in our life. You will in the future be able to be happy. You just have to believe in it, because no one else will but you."

I hate how his words affect me, they give me the hope that I've never really felt before. It makes me believe that maybe it is possible for me to be happy without all this pain. That maybe someday I will be happy. That maybe someday I will get what I want. That I won't any longer have to feel like I have to pretend to be happy.

From all the people I've met, I never met someone like him. That can inspire hope in a broken soul. Real hope and not fake suppose to be hope. I feel understood without being known. It's as if he could tell the pain I feel without knowing me or my past. I'm happy that he didn't ask what happened, but just accepted and advised me and gave me hope.

"Thank you,"

"Adam" he finishes for me.

"Thank you, Adam." I smile at him as I wipe away tears that I didn't even know escaped.

"Don't need to thank me. I know someone that feels just as broken. I have never been able to tell them what I just said because they are so stubborn. But I hope one day I will able to help them realize that they aren't broken."

"You guys might think you are broken or don't deserve to be happy. But you guys deserve everything that someone who hasn't gone through what you guys have. You're just as much of a human just as any of us." Adam smiles at me with sympathy and looks away thinking.

"That why you ran right because you feel like you don't deserve to be happy with the people back home. That you don't deserve their love." I looked away.

'How can he know me so well without knowing me at all'

"I can see right through you. You've been convincing yourself this whole time that you didn't want to go back because of the pain and memories but it's actually because you feel like you don't deserve their love."

"How?" I ask looking back at him.

"How what?" Adam said confused.

"How do you see right through me without knowing me?"

"Like I said before, I know someone who feel just the same." He said sadly. I could tell how hopeless he felt for not being to them that person.

"They will come along, it take a long time but it happens eventually. Look at me for example, I'm still dealing with it after almost 20 years." He looked at me shocked and confused.


"20 years? You've been though all this pain for 20 years?"

"Correction, almost 20 years, but yeah..." I chuckle awkwardly.

"I can't even imagine what you've been through for almost 20 years Jane. It scares me just thinking about it." He says in a disgusted tone. I know it isn't directed at me but the people who caused it.

"Yeah... I don't know how... wait what did you call me?"

"What? Oh um... Jane? Why? Is that not your name? I summoned it was since that's what Samuel would call you that all the time."

"Wait, how does he know that name? How..."

'I never told him about that name, not once during the time I talked to him. How the hell does he know that name!'

I come back to my senses when I feel someone shake me. I realize I'm holding my head in my hands while looking down. I look up at the person and see Victor with a worry expression on his face. I looked at him confused. His lips were moving but I didn't hear what came out of them. He shakes me again.

"Hey!" He yelled worried.

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"What happened to you? One minute your asking Adam how he knew the name Jane, and the next your spacing out mumbling to yourself."

"I... I'm sorry. I just... I don't know what came over me. I'm fine though." I push away and get up.

"Jane are you sure your okay?" Victory asked.

"Don't call me that please. That isn't my name. Don't ever call me that AGAIN! GOT IT!" I yelled at Victor.

"Hey! WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM! I was just worrying about you! My bad that I don't know your name! But that give you NO right to yell at me!" He stomped away once he was done. After a while we hear a door slam making me flinch.

"I... I..." I looked at Adam. "I didn't mean to... I just... I'm sorry... I really didn't mean to..." Adam gets up walks over to and hugs me. I begin to sob into his shoulder.

"It's okay, I know your sorry. That name is just a trigger and it isn't your fault. I think you should apologize to him though. He didn't know that-that name would trigger you either." I push away slightly and nod agreeing.

"I know, I will. Just not right now..." he smiles understandably at me. He tugs me along with him at he ones to the sofa. We sit down and I lay my head on his shoulder.

We stay like that for a while in silence. Adam begins playing with my hair. I sigh when I look at the phone that I used before. It had been 10 minutes already.

"I think I should go and talk to him now."

"Yeah I think so too." I sit up and look at him and sigh again. He just chuckles.

"Don't worry he's not going to bit, not right at least." He winks at me, I hit this should playfully. "Eww Adam, I like literally just met him, and you. Not to mention the me almost dying because of him, not that I blame him for it, because I don't. This is all Samuels fault."

He gives me a sad smile, "I was playing. But I really think you should go apologize."

"Yeah, Ill be going then." I get up and walk to the hallway he walked through. "Fourth day on the left by the way." I hear Adam call after me, I chuckled and followed what he said.

I walk in and see a nice and neat room, the whole building was old looking but this rooms wall didn't make it seem as if.

I walk deeper into the room and see another door on the right wall. I also hear water running.

'Guessing he's taking a shower'

I take a seat on his bed and wait for him to come out. I should have left but I knew that if I left I would chicken out and not end up coming back and apologizing.

It isn't long before I hear the water go off. I wait patiently until he comes out. When I hear the door being opened I get up.

"What the-" I interrupt.

"Hey sorry for barging in like this. I would have waiting outside with Adam until you were out of the shower but, I knew that if I did then I would most likely just not come back completely. And like Adam said, I should apologize to you. You were right, I have no right to yelling at you like that. You were just worried. I mean I wasn't even thinking straight. You also didn't know that the name Jane triggers me. I didn't even know it did until after I yelled at you. I really am sorry though. Just so you know, I don't normally just burst out like that. I know people say redheads have tempers just I don't. Who even said that though, not all redheads have tempers. I certainly don't, I promise. That was just a one time thing. Whoever came up with that whole "redheads have nasty tempers" is an a*shole. I mean so does that, like not all blondes are dumb either. Yes I have come across my fair share of dumb blondes. But not all are dumb, Liz wasn't. I think she was even smarter then me..."

"Hey hot stuff," Victor interrupted chuckling. I looked at him confused. "I get it, now please stop pacing back and forth, it's giving me a headache." I stop and sit on the bed.

"I really am sorry though." I say once again and look back at him. My eyes widened when I realize he's naked.

"Oh my god" I squeak out at I look away and cover my eyes. "I'm so sorry Victor I didn't even notice you were naked, oh my god that's embarrassing" I mumbled the last part. I knew he heard through when he chuckled.

"Your telling me, I'm the one naked." I hear him walking, I was about to remove my hands when I hear him speak. "Don't open them yet, unless you want to keep seeing me naked."

I gulp and wait for him to tell me when I can remove my hands from my eyes.

'Damn he looked fine though. So firm and fit. How the water dripped from his sexy muscular body. God, what I would do to ride-"

"Shut up!" I yell at my subconscious.

"I didn't say anything?" I hear Victor say.


'Hey that's what I was thinking of-"

"Yeah I know, I was just thinking about a show...?" It was more of a question then an answer.

"What? Is that like a shows name of something?"

"Yeah something like that" I laugh awkwardly.

"O-kay, anyway, you can open your eyes now." I sigh when he bought it. I remove my hands be look up at him. He was right in front of me handing me clothing.

If we weren't in this whole situation with me almost dying and Samuel still being out there looking for me, I would definitely do him right now without a second thought.

I clear my throat and take the clothing. "Thanks." He nods "you can change here if you want, I'll be in the bathroom."

"What what? Change?" He looks at me confused. "Yeah, that's why I gave you the clothes. I didn't think you would want to stay in the hospital gown all day" I look down and realize that I'm indeed still in a hospital gown.

"Oh yeah, thanks again."

"Yeah don't mention it, tell me when your done alright." He disappeared into the bathroom before I could even reply.

I look down at the clothing he gave me, it was a men's adidas hoodie and sweat pants. It was gonna be baggy but I didn't mind. As long as I was out of this hospital gown.

I begin to remove my own, I thank whoever undressed me left my bra and underwear. I bind down to remove the gown from below. I couldn't untie it so I just took it off like that. Sliding it off I hear a groan, I look around startled.

'What the hell was that?'

When I don't see where I came from I quickly remove place the hoodie over my head and pull up my sweats. It was indeed baggy as I thought. It smelled nice though. I stuff my long brown dyed hair into the hoodie and walk over to the bathroom.

I knock on the door "I'm down Victor." I say through the door.

"Yeah okay, just go outside with Adam, I'll meet you guys out there. I just need a sec." he says in a husky tone. He sounds like he's struggling or something.

"Is everything alright Victor?" I asked worried.

"Yeah just... just go." He said out of breath.

"Doesn't sound like it. Come on Victor what's wrong?" I try opening the door but it was locked.

"Just GO alright! Jesus didn't you hear me! I said I'm fine." He yelled.

I don't respond, instead I do as he said and leave. I walk out and go to where Adam was. He was laying on the sofa with his whole body on it. When he sees me he gets up and movies over to get me space to sit down.

"So how did it go? And nice clothing, aren't they Victors?" He asked.

"Um... I don't know and yes they are. He offered them to me since I was just walking around with a hospital gown." He nodded understanding.

"And what do you mean you don't know? What happened?" He asked confused.

"When I got to the room he was in the shower. I waited in his room because I had a feeling that if I left I would chicken out and not go back and apologize."

"I don't like where this is going." He chuckled. I glared at him making him chuckled again. "Go on through." And I do.

"I was nervous about apologizing so when he came out of the shower and into the room I apologized an started to ramble. It's a habit I've come to do now when I'm nervous." I explain and he nods.

"He interrupts me through, he says it's okay and that he understands. And that's when I notice he's naked. I cover my eyes and he just starts laughing at my embarrassment. After he changes he offers me this clothing I'm wearing now. Victor goes into the bathroom and I stay in the room changing. When I'm done I go to the bathroom and tell him that I'm done. He sounded out of breath so I was worried if something happened. He starts yelling at me to leave. And yeah that's pretty much it." Once I'm down Adam starts laughing.

I look at him confused. "What's so funny?" He continues to laugh. "Adam! Stop laughing!" I pout when he doesn't.

"Oh this is gold" he laughs. I hear someone walk in beside me. "What's so funny Adam?" Adam looks up at Victor and laughs harder.

We both look at each other and then back at Adam confused and kind of pissed off. Soon enough though Adam calms down.

"The real question Vic is are you alright. This girl over here," he said pointing at me "said how out of breath you were. You okay Vickky." Adam added innocently.

I look up at Vic confused. His face was turning red but, not from anger this time it seems. "Yeah Victor, are you okay? I was worried I did something or something happened." He looked at me and turns even redder if possible, then quickly looks away.

'Is he embarrassed? Why would he be...'

"Something happened alright." Mumbled Adam under his breath but, I caught and I'm guessing so did Victor because he looked pissed now. Adam looks up at Victor with wide eyes when he realizes we both heard him.

Adam get up like the speed at light and runs towards the hallway Victor had a few minutes ago. Victor runs after him, leaving me here on the sofa confused.

'What the hell just happened'

『 𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚟𝚘𝚝𝚎 𝚋𝚢 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛 𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚘𝚖, 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚙𝚜 𝚖𝚎 𝚊 𝚕𝚘𝚝 』

~Follow Me For Updates And Talk To Me Whenever You Want~
Twitter: Wildfire_247
Instagram: Wildfire_247

Xoxo ~Wildfire~♥️

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