Motley Crue & The Dirt cast x...

By CookieMonster1098765

80.7K 1.2K 176

Just a bunch of Mötley Crüe x reader. Yes, cast of The Dirt are included. Yes I will take requests; THEY WILL... More

Help || Nikki Sixx
Clean the Mess you Made || Mick Mars
Time to Quit || Nikki Sixx
Swing Life Away || Colson Baker
Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater || Tommy Lee
Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater || Part 2 || Tommy Lee
Flirtatious || Colson Baker || Part 2
Parties are meant to be Social Gatherings, right? || Vince Neil
Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater || part 3 || Tommy Lee
Rub me the Wrong Way || Daniel Webber!Vince Niel
Up || Daniel Webber
A Life Like No Other || Daniel Webber
Nikki Sixx -> NSFW alphabet
Black and White || Mick Mars
Stalker on a High || Colson Baker
Roxie || Tommy Lee
Baby I Will Love You Forever || Colson Baker

Flirtatious || Colson Baker

4.6K 64 7
By CookieMonster1098765

Request from @keepcalm-and-beyou on tumblr.

Warnings: DRUG USE, ALCOHOL USE, mentions of sex, bad writing, EPIPEN USE & ALLERGIC REACTIONS, insecure Pete :((

A/N: OKAY READ THIS. THIS CONTAINS THE USE OF AN EPIPEN AND ALLERGIC REACTIONS, I searched up what I could for the use of an Epipen and I sincerely apologise if anything is wrong.

Also A/N: this really sucks I'm so sorry.


Colson flopped onto the bed and heaved a sigh, "fuck".

"You just did" (Y/n) said with a chuckle next to him.

"And it was fucking great" Colson answered with a grin.

It was currently Colson's birthday and the day was only just starting, (Y/n) had woken the rapper up with some nice breakfast, a few joints and of course; the best morning birthday sex either of them could wish for, and almost five orgasms between the pair, two from (Y/n) and three from Colson because it was his birthday, they had finally finished sweaty and heaving. Colson loved it though, doing what he wanted because it was has special day.

"I hope I wasn't too rough princess" Colson mumbled as he wrapped his arms around (Y/n) and held the girl close.

"No, it was great Kells, I loved it" (Y/n) said happily, she nuzzled into the rappers neck and looked up to kiss him on the cheek. Colson looked down at the girl and smiled fondly, "happy birthday baby" (Y/n) said softly.

"Thank you baby" Colson said softly, he kissed the girls nose, "just imagine what'll happen next year!" the rapper said excitedly, "maybe we'll have a kid" Colson said with a waggle of his eyebrows making (Y/n) giggle and hit his bare chest softly.

"Maybe later this year" the girl said with a wink, Colson only cocked an eyebrow and was about to ask what she meant but before Colson could the bedroom door opened with a slight slam and Cassie was there.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY" the girl yelled and ran into the room; climbing onto the bed and flopping onto Colson who chuckled and wrapped his arms around the girl.

"Awh thank you baby girl" the rapper mumbled into the girls neck, Cassie sat up on her dad's stomach (who was glad he put on some underwear before she came in) and grinned widely.

"WE HAVE PRESENTS!" Cassie yelled and shoved her hands in the air gleefully making both (Y/n) and Colson chuckle.

"We?" Colson asked with a grin, Cassie only giggled, nodded and then ran out of the room and down the flight of stairs to god knows where. (Y/n) turned on her side and looked at Colson, arm propped up under her head as she placed the other on Colsons chest.

"Close call there Kells" the girl said with a cheeky grin.

"Yeah, don't you be getting any thoughts missy" Colson said with a grin, he kissed the girls nose and started to get out of bed, "no doubt everyone is down stairs somewhere so I'm going to go and greet them" Colson said as he started putting on some grey sweatpants. (Y/n) sat up in the bed properly and let the blanket pool around her waist, making Colson look away quickly, "nuh uh! I know you! We can have another round later tonight" he said. Colsons hands were out in front of his face and he pointed to (Y/n) who only laughed.

"Okay fine!" the girl said, "let me put some clothes on and ill join in a minute" (Y/n) said with a smile as she started getting out of the bed and walked to the drawers to fetch new underwear. Colson came up behind the girl; wrapped his arms around her waist, kissed her cheek, muttered a small 'thank you baby' in her ear and walked off, making (Y/n) chuckle as she got dressed. (Y/n) threw on a normal bra and panties and one of Colsons big shirts before darting out of the room and down the stairs just as whoever was downstairs started singing 'happy birthday' to Colson, sort of.

"Happy Birthday to you, you live in a zoo!" This made (Y/n) chuckle as she came down and joined the group in singing, "you look like a monkey, aaaaaand you smell like one too!" everyone laughed at the end. The group was only small, consisting of Tommy, Douglas, Pete, Cassie and of course (Y/n) and Colson himself; the rapper had decided to be more docile and have a small get together BEFORE going out to a party with people he probably wouldn't even remember the next day. The group clapped and laughed as Colson blew out the candles from the cake Pete was holding as Tommy came up behind him and snapped a party hat on his head.

"Awh guys, you didn't have too!" Colson said as he wrapped an arm around Tommy's shoulders.

"Yeah, but I bet the cake is better than your ass" (Y/n) commented with a grin as everyone laughed behind her, (Y/n) took the cake from

Pete and walked to the kitchen, what she didn't know was that Pete's gaze was lingering on her exposed behind, "DO WE WANT CAKE NOW AND DRINKS OR CAKE LATER AND DRINKS?" the girl yelled from the kitchen, everyone shared a collective gaze.

"CAKE AND DRINKS PLEASE LOVE" Douglas shouted, Colson grinned and high-fived his friend before sitting on the couch as everyone followed his lead and taking a seat somewhere in the large lounge room; Colson on the love seat, Tommy on a comfortable chair, Douglas on the floor and Pete next to Colson.

"Hey baby, why don't you go help (Y/n) with cutting the cake yeah? You can choose how big your piece is and then when you come back we'll open presents okay?" Colson said to Cassie who quickly nodded and ran after (Y/n) as Colson started talking with the rest of the group in the room.


"Hey Cas! Whatcha doing in here?" (Y/n) asked, Cassie had just walked in as (Y/n) grabbed some chilled champagne from the fridge.

"Dad said to come and help you with the cake" Cassie said with a smile as she stood a little awkwardly in the kitchen. (Y/n) smiled softly as she walked to the kitchen counter and placed the drink down.

"Perfect! Could you grab the tall skinny wine glasses from that bottom cabinet? Then we can start on the cake" (Y/n) said with a kind smile, Cassie nodded and fetched what she was asked and came back with the glasses, six in total, "Cas, why is there a sixth glass? We only have five people here" (Y/n) asked the girl with a knowing grin.

"I wanted to try some..." Cassie said a little shyly, "just a little!" she quickly added making (Y/n) smiled and shake her head as she looked down at the 10 year old.

"A little!" (Y/n) said with a grin, Cassie nodded as (Y/n) turned back to the champagne bottle and tried to open it; with no luck.

"Hey hey!" a voice called into the kitchen, Pete walked in with a large grin, "want help with that?" he asked (Y/n).

"Yes please, I can never get these things off" (Y/n) said with a grin, "you can do that while me and Cassie cut the cake", Pete nodded and started on the champagne as (Y/n) grabbed a knife and Cassie grabbed a stepping stool to get up to the counter.

"Can I have the first piece?" Cassie asked with a smile, (Y/n) handed over the knife and guided Cassie on how to cut the cake. Soon enough five normal sized pieces of cake had been cut and on a plate and a little larger one for Cassie, Pete had already finished and poured the champagne.

"Hey Cas, how about you take a piece of cake and champagne to the lounge and give it out to every?" Pete asked the girl, Cassie nodded and took a plate in one hand and a glass in the other and walked out.

"Thank you for the help Pete" (Y/n) said with a smile as she grabbed the neck of the champagne bottle and took a small mouthful making Pete chuckle.

"No problem sweetheart," (Y/n) inwardly cringed at the nickname but still smiled either way, "you're really good with her" Pete said with a large grin, he took a glass of champagne for himself and started sipping at it as Cassie walked back into the kitchen, grabbed another plate and glass and walked back out.

"Thanks Pete" (Y/n) said with a smile, "you're great with her too you know" she said with a small shrug and smile.

"Awh shucks" Pete grinned, (Y/n) nodded awkwardly before clearing her throat and grabbing a plate.

"I think I'll head back out now" the girl said with a crooked smile, "see you out there?" she asked as she started walking to the door as Cassie came back, did what she had too and left again.

"Yeah yeah" Pete nodded and smiled, (Y/n) smiled and walked back out to the lounge room and sat down next to Colson who was already half way through his cake.

"Hey (Y/n)" Douglas asked as he put down his glass of champagne next to him, "did you give Cassie some champagne? I can see an extra glass from here" the man said with a sly grin, just as (Y/n) was about to answer Cassie walked up to (Y/n) and held out the glass she had in her hand with a grin. Colson cocked an eyebrow.

"Tryna get my little girl drunk?" Colson asked with a grin.

"I said she could have a little" (Y/n) said as she started pouring a quarter of the alcohol in Cassies glass, "that's all you're getting" (Y/n) said with a smile, Cassie thanked her and quickly walked to her seat, took a sip, hummed softy before eating her cake.

"If she becomes an alcoholic in the next few years I blame you" Colson said with a grin making everyone else chuckle as (Y/n) shrugged.

"She'll still be better than you" (Y/n) responded as she dug into her cake with a knowing smirk, everyone laughed as they got back into conversation with each other.

"(Y/n), shouldn't you be uh, getting dressed?" Pete asked as he put his cake to the side and licked his lips free of crumbs.

"Mm, yeah I think I will" (Y/n) said, the girl wiped her chin and mouth of crumbs and sat up, "I'll be back" she said, (Y/n) bent down, kissed Colson on the lips for a brief second before jogging off to the bedroom to get dressed.

Tommy chuckled as he watched (Y/n) jog away before looking at Colson, "she's got you wrapped dude" the drummer said with a large knowing grin, Colson chuckled as he looked away with a slight blush.

"Yeah I know, but she keeps me grounded and alive, it's more than I could ever ask for" Colson said with a small shy smile making every chuckle softly and coo at the rapper.

"Y-you thinking of proposing soon?" Pete asked from the side, a slight stutter in his voice. Colsons face stiffened slightly at Petes question, he knew Pete liked (Y/n) and flirted with her a lot but he tried not to show his jealously through that, he didn't like some of the jokes or innuendos Pete made to his girl; his girl was his girl.

"Yeah I am, soon hopefully" Colson said with a small smile, Tommy whooped and Douglas let out a little 'yeah!' with large grins.

"YOU GUYS OKAY?" (Y/n) yelled as she came rushing from the room, she was holding up the front of her dress as she looked to the group with a slightly scared expression, "I heard yelling" she said.

"Yeah we're alright, they just got excited for the party is all" Colson said quickly as he got up and walked over to (Y/n), "want some help?" he asked, (Y/n) bit her lip and grinned, the girl nodded before bouncing back to the room, Colson grinned to the group, threw up a gangster sign before walking after the girl; he still had to get dressed too.


The babysitter for Cassie had come to the house just as Colson and (Y/n) walked out of the bedroom; almost an hour later, with messy hair and goofy smiles, Colson told the sitter what Cas could and can't do, that the sitter could eat, drink and sleep wherever they wanted and that the group would be out for most likely the whole night and that he would pay the sitter everything up front in cash. Tommy, Douglas, Pete and (Y/n) all said goodbye to Cassie with large hugs and cheek kisses before Colson.

"I love you my baby girl, I'll bring you back something okay?" the rapper said as he knelt down to Cassie's height and hugged the girl tight.

"I know you know that you don't have too" Cassie said with a smile.

"I know, but I want too" the rapper said with a grin, the pair soon wrapped up before Colson left the house (blowing a kiss to Cassie in the meantime) and they all headed to the seated van waiting out front to drive them to where they had to go. Tommy and Douglas got in the back, then Pete and (Y/n) in the two middle seats and Colson in the passenger; Colson gave the driver the go-to and the group was off for a hard night of partying, Douglas started handing everyone drinks and snacks from the backseat as Colson lit a joint and started passing it around. The driver was cool with all of this, Colson even managed to get the man to take a quick drag of the joint.

"Hey (Y/n), that dress might be a little bit too short don't you think?" Pete said with a cocky smile, (Y/n) had already had enough to drink to be an okay tipsy but still can fly off the handle any moment.

"Oh? And why, may I ask, are you looking?" the girl said and then giggled, "you like what you see?" (Y/n) asked before biting her lip, stretching her leg and showing a little more skin.

"Yeah actually" Pete said with a cocky grin, Tommy kicked his seat (seeing as the drummer was right behind him) as a warning, the kick went by unnoticed by everyone else besides Pete and Tommy. The group soon got to the venue and started getting out the car, (Y/n) let everyone off before her and as she headed for the door Petes hand came out as a stabilizer for the girl to step off the car from.

"Awh, such a gentleman Petey" (Y/n) said with a small giggle, she took the man's hand to get down from the car before turning to look for Colson.

"He's gone inside already, same as Doug and Tommy" Pete said as he noticed (Y/n) looking around, "said something about wanting to get out of the air and get shit faced or whatever", the man held out his elbow for (Y/n) who graciously took it as the pair headed inside. Music could be heard booming from the venue for a mile around as blue and purple lighting skipped across the flooring, walls and roof. There was a good 5 or so tables littered with food, many coolers full of alcohol and sodas, a few joint rollers around the place and even more people to try and weasel around to get wherever it was you even wanted to go. (Y/n) grinned as Pete left to grab drinks and the girl started to dance already; time passed, alcohol and food were consumed, joints were smoked and everyone was feeling sky high as the presents were starting to be handed out to Colson.

"What the SHIT!" Colson yelled with a laugh, a few blinding lights came from where he was as a camera flashed and he held up (yet another) rubber suction dildo; with his face on it.

"HEY NOW (Y/N) CAN USE SOMETHING WHILE KELLS IS AWAY" someone said from the crowd that surrounded Colson, making the group laugh loudly. Colson looked to (Y/n) who was next to him with a grin and a small shrug.

"All yours my love" Colson said with a grin, the rapper handed the toy to (Y/n) who rolled her eyes and put it in a basket full of other gifts as Colson looked back to the crowd, "ANYONE ELSE GOT GIFTS?" he yelled, the crowd shook their head and looked to others.

"I DO" someone yelled, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU" the person started singing, everyone caught on and did the same as Colson stood with a goofy grin before being handed a microphone, he thanked the crowd for the song and everyone who came and gave gifts before heading into one of his own songs; the music piped up and everyone started bouncing and making a mosh pit together. Pete came up to (Y/n) nudged her and made a motion to the open balcony; (Y/n) nodded and followed the man out to the semi quieter area, this, however, did go unnoticed by Colson, but he still kept rapping.

"You didn't get Colson a gift?" Pete asked (Y/n) as he handed her a drink and lent on the balcony railing.

"Of course I did" the girl giggled through her drunkenness, "I jus' prefer tha' shit ta be more private ya know?" she said, the girl swayed slightly on her feet as she took a sip of the drink Pete gave her, (Y/n) grimaced at the taste of the drink, "Pete what's in this?" the girl asked, she had immediately sobered up when tasting.

"Uhh, I'm not sure, it's meant to be some nice fruity drink, I only saw the dude put in some honey and that's it" Pete said as he scratched the back of his neck, "why? Bad taste?" he asked with a chuckle.

"YOU DICK IM ALLERGIC TO HONEY" (Y/n) quickly yelled, the girl dropped the drink on the floor (making the glass break and the drink go everywhere) as she dashed inside holding her throat, she was fast acting but so was her throat as she could already feel her tongue swell and her throat close in on itself. She made a mad dash to Colson who had just gotten down from the place he was standing; no shirt and giving a microphone to someone beside him before he finally saw (Y/n) racing to him red faced.

"Woah babe" the rapper chuckled softly, "I think we need to cut you off from drinking tonight baby" Colson said with a grin, some people beside him chuckled softly before (Y/n) shook her head quickly and pointed to her throat before she started coughing and heaving, the girl doubled over and Colson quickly put hand on her back and hit it a little hardly, (Y/n) quickly shook her head and made Colson stop just as Pete came rushing through the crowd.

"I-I gave her a drink and she went rushing back in here! Said something about being allergic to honey!" Pete rushed out, he was still holding his drink and looked a little flushed.

"YOU DICK PETE" Colson yelled, the rapper quickly shoved past the crowd as someone guided (Y/n) to a chair, the girl was now turning purple as Colson got back with the girls Epipen, Colson ripped off the blue cap and shoved the orange side into (Y/n) exposed upper thigh. The girl soon started to calm down and slowly started breathing through her mouth, she slowly tilted her head back and took bigger intakes of breath every few seconds; (Y/n)'s hands started to tremble and she started sweating.

"K-Kells' I-I don't f-feel okay" (Y/n) said softly, tears started to form in her eyes and she sniffled.

"It's okay princess it's okay, I'm gonna take you to a quieter room alright?" the rapper asked, he already knew the answer as he picked up (Y/n) bridal style, wrapped her arms around his neck and started walking to more secluded rooms.

"I'm sorry" (Y/n) mumbled softly, she was started to feel nauseous as he head lolled on Colsons shoulder slightly, the rapper kicked a door softly to open it and took the girl into the bathroom, already knowing what she needed.

"It's okay babe, it's okay" the rapper cooed as (Y/n) started hurling up her alcohol and food into the toilet, Colson stood and turned the fan on before dousing a cloth in cold water and placing it on the back of (Y/n)'s neck.

"I-I've ruined your b-" (Y/n) cut herself off as she doubled over again and threw up in the toilet, "birthday" she mumbled.

"You didn't ruin it, I would rather you be safe and okay then continue partying and shit" Colson said as he rubbed (Y/n) back and held any hair away from her face. The girl sat against the bathtub when she knew she was done and wiped her mouth with the cloth from her neck.

"A-and don't throw out P-Pete, h-he didn't know" (Y/n) said, she was still pretty drunk but also hiccupping and trembling, her mouth chattering against her teeth.

"I won't baby but I'll talk to him, he's been flirting with you for way too long and I really don't like it" Colson said as he started helping (Y/n) up and walked her to the queen sized bed, the girl tumbled onto the soft sheets slowly before Colson started taking off her shoes and sliding down the zipper from her dress as (Y/n) giggled, "what?" Colson asked with a small grin.

"You're jelly~!" the girl said, she bopped Colsons nose on 'jelly' with a giddy grin making Colson roll his eyes.

"Yes, I am okay? I don't like him talking to you the way he was, it wasn't and isn't right" Colson said as he put (Y/n)'s dress and shoes on a chair on the other side of the room, "happy now? I admitted I am jealous" the rapper said softly, (Y/n) nodded softly before turning onto her back.

"Sorry again Kells..." the girl mumbled, sleep was already starting to devour her as Colson set down her phone on the bedside table and plugged it on charge. (There was an extra phone charger in each room; thought ahead of time by Colson).

"It's okay baby, I promise, you didn't ruin anything" Colson said softly, he bent down and kissed (Y/n)'s forehead softly and rubbed the hair from her face, "I'm gonna go back and speak to Pete, call me if anything happens or you just want me" he whispered softly electing a nod from the girl under him, "love you" the rapper mumbled.

"Love...too" (Y/n) mumbled softly, Colson chuckled before kissing her cheek and walking to the door, eh gave the girl one last once over to make sure she was okay before locking the door from the inside (so (Y/n) could get out whenever she woke up) and leaving to find Pete.


"OI PETE" Colson yelled over the music, Pete turned around from the girl that was grinding against him to see Colson, the rapper waved Pete over to him and Pete obliged and was quick to be by his side, "why in the FUCK would you give (Y/n) a drink with honey in it?" the rapper asked, his hands moved to his hips.

"I didn't know dude!" Pete answered, "I truly didn't know"

"And also, why have you been so..." Colson paused, "you've been so close with (Y/n), why are you flirting with her so much?" the rapper asked, Pete sighed.

"I-I dunno dude" Pete said with a slight nervous chuckle, "Just a flirtatious bloke by default I guess" Pete said with a grin.

"Pete you know I know that you know that isn't what it is, is it?" Colson asked, he always had a way with using words; even when he wasn't drunk.

"I HAVE A CRUSH ON HER ALRIGHT!" Pete yelled, the music boomed just as he did this making his words come off small, Colson gave a confused look, and "I like her! I like (Y/n) a lot and I just want her to be mine!" Pete sighed, as did Colson, "you''ve got everything dude, the drugs, the drinks, the money, the fucking girl. I don't have that, well, I do, but not the girl. And that's the one thing I really want, I really want to spend time with someone I really love. I didn't, and haven't, gotten that since fuckin' Grande and we know where that left us!" Pete said with a grin making Colson chuckle, "I just...yeah" Pete sighed and let his shoulders droop, "I'm sorry dude, I really am, I haven't noticed I got 'bad' with her I guess you could say, I haven't fucked her or anything! I wouldn't do that to you or her! But you get what I mean" Pete said, Colson sighed and rubbed at his face.

"I get you dude, it's okay I get it, but just...maybe take some time or something, I dunno" Colson rubbed his hair and messed it up a bit before placing his hands on Pete's shoulders, "you'll find someone I know, but please stop flirting with (Y/n), she's my girl and I love her a lot, I really don't like seeing you flirting with her, I SEETH with jealously only for the fact that she's flirting BACK" Colson said as Pete nodded along, "gah, I dunno dude, just...please stop flirting with her, find a girl and keep her" Pete nodded.

"I will I promise, I'll stop and I'll find someone" Pete said, Colson hit Pete's shoulder with a grin.

"C'mon, let's go party a little more before this night turns to shitty feelings and gushy shit" Colson said with a grin making Pete gag with a laugh.


(Y/n) later woke up to Colson cuddled into her side, still pissed from the night before, on the verge of fucked out drunk and high and also a large fucking hangover. Colson didn't go into details besides seeing a pizza riding llama on the other side of the road from the buildings window. Pete said sorry to (Y/n) for flirting as well as almost killing her, the pair ended on good terms and everything was okay.

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