Insecurity | Jikook √

By C_xhr7st

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WARNING : CONTAINS. GRAMMAR AND SPELLING ERRORS Where is all started because of one insecurity and one insen... More

III ( edited)
New JIKOOK Book!!


1K 33 4
By C_xhr7st

The next morning

"Baby... Wakie wakie" an annoying voice cooed

A voice I absolutely hate right now

"Shut up Jungkook.. I'm so sleeply thanks to you keeping me up till 4am! " I whine

"Well well...who was the one that started to get horny and decided to seduce me? " he 'tsked' me

" hurts..ugh.. My ass is ruined for life" I fake sob

"Ahaha.. Shut up drama queen, let's get you to bath" he chuckled

"Carry me... " I raised my arms like a little baby


"Annyeong Jiminie hyung!! You can't believe this... " Taehyung screamed as he jumped around the room like a little kiddo

"What is it? " I asked

"Blackpink are going to attend Weekly's Gag with us'll be hella fun!! " he giggled like a mad child

Blackpink... Meaning I'll see Lisa.. And then I'm sure Lizkook will be brought up... Like legit!!!!

"Kook!! " I yelled for the maknae immediately

"Yes hyung? " he asked quickly running over to me

"Hmmm~" I sighed as I back hugged him

"Kookie.. Don't leave my side at all today... And I love you.. Only you" I muttered into his back before pressing my nosy into his dress shirt , taking in more of his scent

"Jiminie? Are you alright? " Jungkook asked worriedly

"Yeah.. Just... Really like you"I smiled cheekily

Timeskip (No one POV)

"Annyeong BTS!" the blackpink members greeted as they stepped into the preparation room

"JUNGKOOKIEEEEEE!!!!" Lisa squealed as she jumped on him and tackled him in a hug

"Ahhh...Lisa! So heavy i think i could die." Jungkook joked earning a slap on the head by Lisa

"Aigooo Lizkook couple stop flirting will ya ...." Jisoo scowled in a joking manner

Aside from BTS themselves , no one knew Jikook was actually the real deal , including blackpink memebers

"Jimin-ssi ? Noona said it's your turn for the make up" Taehyung gently tapped the uncomfortable member's shoulder

"Ahh..i see , thanks!" he replied as cheerfully as possible before dragging his feet to the make up room , managing to steal a glance of how close Lisa and Jungkook were physically , thier lips nearly touching if only they had inched a little forward more

"This utterly speechless" Jimin sighed as he closed the door and swalowed the lump that had formed in his throat

Throughout the whole program , the mc was just targeting on Lizkook and a little on Sope and Namjin...but nothing about Jikook

Finally the show was going to end off with one last part , and that is to pick the 'do' or 'cry' card.

Basically you pick a card each , partner up with the people of the same card colour and do what's written on the card or you will have to have a bucket of water poured over you

Everyone went to picked their cards , Jin with Jisoo , Taehyung with Rose and Jimiin , J-Hope with Yoongi, RM with Jennie and Lisa with Jungkook

As they began reading the cards , 5 minutes were barely over when the first team started to do the dare.

"First we have the Jinsoo couple!!!!" the mc spoke over the microphone in his hand as Jin and Jisoo went forward and danced to the song 'Hoodie' by Hey Violet

Followed up is the Sope couple where they started to rap-confess to each other as cheesy as possible

Next is Namnie and they basically just flirt with each other in a more spanich/ french way then the TaeRosemin trio where Jimin likes Rose but Rose like Tae however Tae likes Jimin...a love triangle confessions basically

Last but not least...Lizkook

Lisa have to sit on Jungkook's lap and they have to sing 'Everytime' b y Chen and Punch together while starring at each other like love-sick puppies

(The following lyrics of 'Eveytime' will be English version) Jk-normal - Lisa-italic- Bold-tgt

Oh every time i see you
When i see your eyes
My heart keeps fluttering
Your my destiny
The only person i want to protect until the end of the world
Baby ohohohoh
Baby ohohohoh

Oh every time i see you
When i see your eyes
My heart keeps fluttering
Your my destiny
The only person i want to protect until the end of the world

When you look at me and smile
It feels like my heart will stop
How about you
It's really hard for me to handle
All day i think of you
We went in circles for a long time
But even now
I'm alright

Oh every time i see you
When i see your eyes
My heart keeps fluttering
Your my destiny
The only person i want to protect until the end of the world

Don't leave me
Even if we can't see our futures
Will you believe in me
and wait for me

Oh my one and only
Have i ever told you
That you are my everything
Your my destiny
I want to protect you
until the end of the world

Baby ohohohoh
I want to love you
Your eyes, your smile,Even your scent
Baby ohohohoh
We are always together
I love you


The song ended off with Lisa who is on Jungkook's lap facing him , the both of them singing i love you to each other as the crowd all burst into whistles and claps

"Thank you so much for having all of you , BTS and Blackpink here...we look forward to another time where we can meet again..thank you everyone whop's watching and the shows end here today , see you next time , by MC Song." the mc smiled at the camera as the director yelled a loud 'CUT'

The members all slowly left as Lisa and Jungkook were still phrasing each other for the good singing and acting skill , however , a certain member had slowly left the room to somehwere aside the preparation room where everyone is at currently , a certain member named Park Jimin

The whole time during the 'Everytime' Lizkook performance , Jimin was being a very good and attentive audience , making sure to have a silent remark for every lines that they sang along the the god-like deadly eyes

" kidding me?!?! The only person i want to protect untill the end of the world? You are my everything? Your my desitny ? WHAT KIND OF BULLSHIT IS THIS!!!!!" Jimin yelled with much frustration and irrtation

"Jimin? You doing good?" J-Hope magically appears behind Jimin

"Y-yeah...good i guess , i mean its not the worst..for now" he chuckled softly

" to Jungkook if you dont like what he is doing with Lisa." J-Hope suggested

" fine..really" Jimin assured as he sighed again , glancing down to the busy streets and couples holding hands everywhere

"Just know your sunshine is always here for you okay? And also your Eomma Jin! And your MinSuga lover.." J-hope comforted , immediately making Jimin feel ten folds better knowing he has love everywhere

"Ok..thanks Hobi-hyung..ill just use the toilet to refreshen myslef up!" Jimin smiled genuinely now as he rushed to the bathroom

After washing his face and fixing his own make up a little , the moment he steppped out of the restroom he was greeted by a rather unwelcomed presence

"Annyeong Jimin-ssi" she called in such a warm tone Jimin thought he might throw up

"Yes?" Jimin replied sweetly

"You know , gays are a disgrace..right? So while you bring Jungkook disgrace , if he's with me it wont happen , in fact i can give him so much more things that you cant.." She smirked

"What are you talking about Lisa?" Jimin glared as his expressions started to turn dark

"Im saying..i have a female body to wear all the things that can satisfy Jungkok's needs , but you can't. After all what you have im sure Jungkook does too, there wont be any thing new or interesting , however its different with me , Im a women , with less limitations"Lisa explained slowly as her smirk grew wider each second

"Oh? what if you can give him all those? His heart is with me , so you can only have his body , and probaly mind for a moment , but never his heart , as a lover you pretty much failed." Jimin counterattack

"Confident aren't we , lets bet then. Your birthday is next Tuesday , 5 days from now , by then i will get him to kiss me , just before your birthday ends. If i win, it just proves you cant keep your boyfriend heart and interest to be in you...but if you won , i will leave and learn my limits" Lisa proposed ."Sure...." Jimin eyed Lisa carefully




"Let this deadly battle began.."

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