To Love Marie

By sadloveletterssigned

154K 6.4K 1.6K

Marie knows she is beautiful and she just thought men couldn't handle her. She was too much for them. Until... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30: End

Chapter 16

4.1K 191 59
By sadloveletterssigned

Marie felt her phone go off in her pocket. It had to be Villa or her mother. Maybe even both. Marie was laying on her side but Tanner was between her legs still holding on to her. She removed her arm from rubbing his back and reached in her pocket to pick up her phone. Tanner was fast asleep on her chest. She felt tears on her chest still fresh from what could she feel.

She squinted her eyes at her phone and read. It was from Villa.

"Hey, I kn-"

"Why don't you have your location on? Have you made it home?"

"Naw! She ain't made it home, I've been worried sick!" Trudy yelled.

"Mama?! You have us on three-way?" Marie asked.

"I called her to see if you had made it but she had told me you didn't. Where are you?"

"Well,-" Marie suddenly had the phone snatched out of her hand.

"She's safe with me," Tanner spoke in the phone. Marie heard the phone go silent for a couple of seconds.

"I KNOW DAMN WELL...." She heard her mother over the phone start. Then she heard Villa join the yelling. "SOMEONE BETTER EXPLAIN... You know what?! Fuck that! I'm pulling up!" Trudy got out of her bed and started to put her shoes on.

"Give me my phone," Marie held out her hand and he gave it back to her. He immediately got back in the spot he was in. "I got hurt tonight at the store."

"Hurt? Who hurt you?! Was it him?" Villa yelled.

"I would never do that to her," Tanner said calmly but loudly to where they could hear him.

"No, he saved me," Marie said and they both went quiet. "A man assaulted me and he came just in time before my head could get busted open."

"You got a lot of shit to unravel," Villa said.

"Are you okay?" Trudy said.

"I'm okay Mama, I'm laying down," Marie said resting her head back on the pillow behind her. "I was just about to text both you to tell you that I was okay."

"How about you rest and heal up so we can have a discussion," Villa said. "AND TANNER! I know you are listening I'm watching you!"

"Understood Villa," Tanner said. "I'm sorry I caused a scare tonight ladies,"

"Mmhmm, you rest up Baby and I'll come by to see you tomorrow," Trudy said.

"I'm coming with Mama," Villa said

"Okay," Marie said. "You two have a good night."

"You too baby," Trudy said and left the call. There was silence.




"Goodnight." Yet, Villa didn't hang up the phone.

"Why haven't you hung up the phone yet?'

"Damn, can't I be noisy for once? I've been needing an update of this love story."

"That's for me to tell now hang up the phone!" Marie said. She heard Villa whine and then the line goes dead.

Tanner watched how her attention shifted from the phone back to him. He didn't know what to say to her.

"How have you been?" Marie said and started running her fingers through his hair.

"Suffering," Tanner said and guided his hand to her face to feel.

"How's Randall?" Marie asked.

He froze for a bit.

"Might as well be blunt with it, we have to talk. I know I let my anger take over but it seems that I can't get over you somehow." Marie said. "A man of your caliber could easily let someone go and yet you are laying up under me."

"I would never let go of you," Tanner said. "I felt like I died when you left me... like my heart had been temporarily torn out of my chest." Tanner pressed his body against hers more.

"How did you find me?" Marie said.

"I never lost you," Tanner said. "I...I...just couldn't stand it. After a month I just couldn't take it anymore. Until you brought us food it just sent me over the edge. I know you didn't want to see us but I had to Goddess." Marie just sighed and rubbed the back of his head.

"I see that you are still hard-headed in some areas," Marie said. "I guess it's something I should get used to." There was a moment of silence between them. There was so much to say but they didn't know how to say it.

"He wants to talk to talk to you," Tanner said. "Are you okay with that?"

"Well, I did ask how he was," Marie said. She felt her heart lurch when Tanner lifted his head and looked at her. She watched as his eyes transitioned into huge pupils. Then watched them roam her body and saw his face turned red. He especially felt the body get warmer when he realized where his hands her located. One held her thigh while her leg crossed over his and the other wrapped around her lower back. And right in the face, her breast greeted him. "Taking it all in?"

"I don't get to be in this position often," Randall said. "I've always felt the second-hand feeling but to experience this type of warmth first's easy to get addicted to."

"You are the one that calls me little one," Marie said.

"I was wrong. From my viewpoint, you seemed so far away like a speck. I could always see you through Tanner's eyes though." Randall said. "I can see why he lost his everlasting mind over you. I'm about to right now." Marie felt his body shake like a vibration. He was shuttering.

"Haha...Hot. I feel so hot." Randall started to breathe heavy. "I see why he was losing his mind over you for months and I tried to subdue him but this is what he was addicted to. You truly are our Goddess."

"So, you believe I'm a Goddess?"

"When we first saw you it's like your aura was visible. We both fell for you at the same time, that never happens. We knew you were the one when we saw you." Randall said. His eyes started to roam again.

"This is going to be the weirdest relationship that I am going to be in."

"Hopefully, we can keep you entertained," Randall said looking back at her in the eye. "You wanted to speak to me?"

"I wanted to meet you and have an actual conversation with you," Marie said. "Don't be afraid to come out anytime. If this is going to work."

"This IS going to work," Randall said. "I won't let Tanner's mouth ruin my chances again. The first time you left broke me and I didn't get to talk to you. The second time you told me you needed time. I don't plan or want it to be a third time you leave. I won't let you."

"You won't let me?" Marie looked down at him and he just stared back up at her.

"I agreed with you to let you walk away. You needed time to process the information you read. Still, don't know who told you. Probably, now you are still processing but now that you are back I can't stand to see you walk away."

"Mmmhmm." Marie said. "So, you are controlling in your own way too."

"I don't mean to be controlling," Randall said. "Please don't get the wrong— I-I-damnit. I fucked up didn't I?"

"You are alright," Marie said.

"How do I keep fucking up?" Randall said


"We've met more than once the first time was in the truck. Yet, it was dark. It was the first time I met you but I yelled at you...for leaving."

"There's a lot of moments where I believe I've met you." Marie said. "I have nothing but time."


Xavier was dreading every day towards his wedding day, now he was drinking and sitting on the couch. While Marcy laid her feet across him she was more calm than usual. Something was on her mind.

"Do you have Marie's number?" Marcy said all of a sudden.

"Why?" Xavier said.

"Because," Marcy started and took a breath. "I want her."

Xavier sat up quickly. "You... want... her?"

"Ever since I saw her in your Boss' office I've had nothing but fantasies about her," Marcy said. "I haven't wanted any other woman as much as I wanted her."

"You want her over me..."Xavier said.

"I want both of you," Marcy said. "I want this to be a family."

"You want Marie..." Xavier kept trailing off.

"She could carry our baby," Marcy said. "I don't care what you have to do. Gravel at her feet. convince her to be one with us Xavier." Marcy said crawling towards him. "We both did her wrong but we can show her that we are good people. Family. "

"I'll do it." Xavier grabbed her face with glee and kissed her.


Randall loved the position he was in right now but he wanted to see how could he make her feel.

"So, you were the one that yelled at me in the truck, was talking to me in the car on the way to the mall, you grabbed me at the restaurant when Tanner blanked, held me while Tanner had his anxiety attack and talked to me in my bedroom," Marie said.

"Yes," Randall whispered.

"That's why your presence is familiar," Marie said when she felt his tongue lick her neck. Damn, he had the same effects as Tanner. Randall felt her skin warm up more and he continued. He started to kiss her neck. It was something awakening in him. That made his hunger for her amplify. "I knew it was going to be a matter of time before you started."

"I know your head still hurts but you are starting to become undeniable. I can't resist the sensations that are flowing..." Randall said running his fingertips against her skin once more. His tongue left his mouth before his brain told it too. He was starting to create hickies on her neck.

Next thing he knew he was on his back and she was on top of him. She gave him a smug look almost like a challenge. He felt the veins in his neck protrude more as he lifted up to meet her gaze.

"Those eyes you show me," Randall started. "Are adding more heat." He flipped her on her back this time still watching as her eyes observed him. "I haven't gotten a taste of those lips."

'You feel it brother...' Tanner said

'Oh, I feel it.'

'The hunger she can only satisfy.' Tanner let him run freely at the moment.

'Her moans are going to be my favorite song'

'Wait till you taste her nectar...' Tanner said excitedly. 'You've only felt the sensations but to actually taste.'

'Her skin taste so good on our lips, her kiss is going to drive us mad'

"Just like Tanner in some ways," Truman busted in. "Marie I've brought you some clothing to get you out of those dirty ones." He held out his hand to help her up. Randall growled in frustration.

"Truman," Randall said.

"Calm down," Marie said and rubbed his face. "I smell like outside and metal." Marie got up and hugged Truman and pecked him on the cheek. "Thank you, Truman." Marie walked back over to the bed where Randall was. "Don't be such a hot head," Marie said. "I'll be back." He grabbed her and kissed it.

Truman and Randall watched as she left the room. Marie took a breath as she left the room. This was another part of the house she hadn't seen before. It looked from the opposite direction of her room. From the window she looked out of in the hallway she was on the opposite end of the mansion. All she had to do was find her way back to the middle.

"She isn't scared..." Randall started to cry. "She didn't flinch or protest. Still processing."

"Marie is strong," Truman said. "She is how she puts it 'down for the ride' sir. Tanner has experienced that feeling from her and since you've stayed longer than usual you've felt her immediate energy."

"I wonder what's she thinking right now," Randall said. "How much has she thought about when we apart for all those months. I can't wait to get to know her we've been waiting to but we always seem to fuck up before we could."

"I can tell in her spirit she has grown," Truman said. "I'm glad my daughter has returned."


"It seems you miss some conversations I and Tanner have. Her mother is an absolutely stunning woman and I plan on courting her." Truman said. "I already accepted her as my daughter prier before meeting her mother but when I saw her mother. I felt feelings that I haven't felt for quite a while."

"Oh Truman, that's amazing. We are excited to be courting your daughter then." Randall said.

"Don't you two mess up with her," Truman said.

"We will tread carefully," Randall said. "Tanner still has a belief within him that money makes everything better but it doesn't. That pain he felt when the one person we wanted to be with left us is something that he wouldn't want to experience again. We should shower and have a proper sit down with her. Talk things out and catch with. The dramatics put aside...I'm so overwhelmed with joy that I'm shaking."

"I'm glad she is back to," Truman said. "Now, if you don't mind sir. Please leave the room so it can be prepped again. I'll take care of Marie until you get done."

Randall nodded and let Tanner take control again without him snatching him back in the brain. Their spirits were happy and full. They feel that now their relationship with Marie could finally grow properly. She was back with them.


"My son, I have found her."

"You have!? My dear fiancée!? Marie..."

"Pack your things...we have a flight to catch." 

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