Boss Lady (GxG) (COMPLETED)

By Nugnug019

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Enemies to friends to lovers? Is that even possible? I don't know probably. Celine all through her life no o... More

Chapter 1: Bodyguard
Chapter 2: The Death of Me
Chapter 3: Drunken Kiss
Chapter 4: Flushed
Chapter 6: Vineyard
Chapter 6: Signs
Chapter 7: Mission Impossible?
Chapter 8: Date?
Chapter 9: Family Approved
Chapter 10: I do
Chapter 11: Official
Chapter 12: Cheesy
Chapter 13: Ultimate Crush
Chapter 14: Modelling
Chapter 15: She's a Saint
Chapter 16: Rebound
Chapter 17: I fucked up
Chapter 18: I love you more
Chapter 19: Training
Chapter 20: Last Day (End)

Epilogue: Boss Ma'am

26K 765 312
By Nugnug019

"How do I look, grammy?" Morgan asked while looking at herself at the mirror.

"You look very beautiful as always" Aimee replied watching her granddaughter.

Morgan turned to her grandmother "be careful in France. I called Laura to look after you while I'm gone. Are you sure you don't want me to come with you? I can fly there as soon as the conference end" she told the older woman.

"What are you, my mother? And no. I'll be fine. You go do you." joke Aimee and fixed Morgan's shirt "good luck on this meeting thing. You'll do great"

"Thanks, grammy" Morgan replied

"Go. There might be traffic, I don't want you to be late" said Aimee handing Morgan her blazer.

"Ok" Morgan replied kissing her grandmother on the cheek "Have a safe flight"

At the conference hall, Morgan was chatting with potential investors when someone caught her eye. It's been years since she saw that person yet, she still has that effect on her, that feeling that makes your knee feel like jelly and heart pounding feeling.

In a distance a woman, wearing a red craw neck dress perfectly capturing her curves. Her long wavy brown hair tied up revealing her flawless neck and perfectly sculpted jaw. The sight of this woman seemed to blur out everything in the room and for Morgan, it felt like it was just the two of them.

After a few seconds, they finally made eye contact. At first they were both in shock but they both excused themselves from their groups and walked towards each other.

At first Morgan felt very anxious meeting this woman again and remembering the last time they saw each other, it was not the best of goodbyes. She shyly approached the woman "hey" she started

"Hey" the other woman replied

"Fancy seeing you here, Cel" said Morgan "Or Miss Michaelson?"

Celine laughed "Cel is fine" she replied, "How have you been?"

"Well, uhm. The wine business is booming that's why I was invited to attend this and yeah. I've been great. How about you? How's life?"

"Well, I was invited to be a speaker so, I—" Celine was about to reply but the speaker told them to take their seat as the programme was about to start.

They were assigned seat so, they couldn't seat together. During the intervention, Celine was asked to give a few words of advise to the guests. So, she did. She stood by the podium and without even realising it, her eye wondered and searched the crowd landing on a familiar face. She stuttered on her first few lines but eventually composed herself and finished her speech.

On the other note, Morgan who was seating not far from the stage felt her heart pound twice as fast when the woman she's been eyeing for the last hour made eye contact with her. After the conference she wanted to approach Celine but failed because there was crowd surrounding her.

Celine on the flip side, saw Morgan through the crowd and she too wanted to walk there but she didn't want to be rude at her guests. Then she saw Morgan pickup her phone and left the building making her feel a little bit down not having properly saying goodbye, again.

Days passed, and Morgan got bored at the villa with her grandmother out of the country. So, she decided to stay at her apartment in the city. After binge watching 2 seasons of Game of Thrones, she decided to go to the mall and watch that movie everyone knows about ;P *endgame*.

She parked her car and saw that the movie doesn't start in an hour so, she decided to walk around and maybe buy stuff. She was in a Disney store because why not? She was browsing through the shelves when she saw a kid having trouble reaching a toy. "Here" she said grabbing the night fury stuffed toy from the shelf and handing it to the kid

"T-thank you lady" the little girl replied hugging the toy. She's about four or five.

"Where are you p—?"

"Kiley! There you are" said a woman hugging the girl "I told you not to wonder off" Morgan couldn't move from where she was standing when she heard that familiar voice.

"I saw toothless" Kiley told the woman presenting the toy dragon "the lady helped me"

The woman turned Morgan and her eyes widened. Morgan cleared her throat "Hi" she greeted.

"Morgan" Celine replied

"Hey" Morgan responded

"I- uhm... hi. W-what are you doing here?" Celine stuttered.

"Just looking through stuff, you?" the other girl asked

"Well, uhm. Babysitting" Celine replied holding Kiley's hand

"Y-your daughter?" Morgan didn't want to hear the answer to that.

"Kiley? No" Celine replied "Yana and Wesley's" she added confusing Morgan "Yeah I know, right. They actually named this little rascal after their names. Ki from Kiana and Ley from Westley"

"I- I didn't expect that" Morgan replied feeling like the thing stuck on her throat finally cleared out.

"Yeah, they got together not so long after you left" Celine replied "But, yeah. Sorry, if she caused any trouble. Someone might be waiting for you"

"Oh no, no. It's fine. She was an angel" Morgan replied "And uhm, no. I was going to go watch a movie"

"Movie!" Kiley shouted excitedly

"Kiley, behave" said Celine "we don't wanna bother you"

"It's fine" Morgan replied then knelt in front on the little girl "what do you want to watch?"

"Dumbo!" Kiley said excitedly jumping on Morgan's arms.

"Kiley, get down this instant" said Celine when she saw Morgan now carrying the kid "I'm so sorry Morgan"

"It's fine, its no bother at all" Morgan replied then turned to the girl "Lets go watch dumbo?"

During the movie, Celine couldn't help but to smile on how Morgan interact with Kiley, she kept thinking this would've been what it feels like to have a family. At the same time, Morgan also felt the same way.

After the movie, it was getting late and Celine still has to bring back Kiley to her parents. So, they decided to meet up in another time "Bye, Mo!" said Kiley

"Be a good girl ok?" Morgan told the girl ruffling her hair. She turned to Celine "I'll see you then"

"Yeah" Celine replied "Be careful on the drive back"

"Will do" Morgan replied, and they went to their separate ways.

Westley, Yana and Kiley are currently at Celine's house. Kiley is playing with Thomas at the living room while her parents are in Celine's room "You don't look excited at all" said Yana sarcastically while seating on the bed beside her husband.

"I don't get why you're so tense" said Westley "I mean it's just a dinner with your ex. Your 'the one that got away' , your 'OTP'" Yana nudged him "What? I was stating facts"

"You look beautiful, babe" encouraged Yana

"Don't I look plain? Maybe I should just wear the other dress" Celine replied looking at herself in the mirror

"You look great, don't listen to this dickhead" said Yana

"You love me though" Westley teased his wife

"Can you stay away from me?" Yana replied and walked towards her best friend "Look, you look stunning. I bet when Morgan sees you, she'll fall in love with you all over again"

"How do you know that? What if she has a boyfriend or girlfriend already?" Celine asked

"Westley stalked her social media accounts and turns out that wife of yours is a chick magnet" said Yana "but she's single"

"Yeah, but you better hurry up, or that model from Mexico get to her first" said Westley on the bed. A pillow came flying towards his face.

"I love you too!" Westley replied

"Don't listen to him. Now, go. She might be waiting for you at the restaurant already" said Yana

Morgan wore a grey check print trouser with a white top and black laced heels. She's currently seating in a table at the restaurant she and Celine decided to meet up in. For the millionth time she checked her watch and there's still thirty minutes before the time they planned to meet up.

Trying to calm her nerves down, she looked out the glass window where she saw other skyscrapers towering above the San Francisco streets. She was so mesmerised with the view that, she didn't notice the woman seating before her.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" said the woman making Morgan turn to her. Her jaw dropped. She saw Celine wearing a navy off-shoulder dress

"I-it is" Morgan replied not referring to the view "S-sorry, I didn't notice you came in"

"It's fine" Celine replied

"Shall we order?" Morgan asked

During the dinner, they caught up with each other's lives "So, how's Grandma Aimee?" Celine asked

"Oh, she's gone" Morgan replied

"I-I'm so sorry"

"No, no. Sorry I worded that wrong" said Morgan "Not like gone, gone. She's in France right now having a vacation"

"Oh" said Celine feeling relieved "That's good then. With your winery gaining more clients, she needs break"

"Yeah, I just want her to relax now, it's been tough for her this couple of years" Morgan replied. Celine held the girls' hand. Morgan cleared her throat "H-how about you? How's the company? Do you still do modelling?"

"The company is stable. But, no. I- I stopped modelling because you know. Mom and dad are getting old and they wanted me to step up. But, I'm okay with it. It's about time I manage the company"

"I'm happy for you then" Morgan replied

"Madam" the waiter placed a paper on Celine's table. She took the paper and read through it 'Ask her already' the note wrote. She looked around the room and saw two familiar figure on a table not far form them.

When the two noticed, they quickly turned away "Is everything ok?" Morgan asked

"Ah, yeah" Celine replied crumpling the paper.

"So, any special someone yet?" said Morgan "I bet guys are lining up on your front door. Jasmine better be doing her job"

Celine laughed "No, not really. I don't have a boyfriend. I don't like entertaining them" she replied "How about you? I heard you're quite a chick magnet"

Morgan laughed "Where'd you hear that from?"

"Just a friend" Celine replied

"How about you and Zoren?" asked Morgan

"Uhm... he and I are just friends. It's always been that way and he has a boyfriend now and is planning on getting married soon"

"Oh wow" said a surprised Morgan "Who knew? Westley is married to Yana and Zoren has a boyfriend. A lot of thing really changed"

The waited passed another note to Celine saying, 'just say it. I LOVE YOU. It's easy!' Morgan noticed that Celine was getting kinda annoyed and so did she, because THE AUDACITY OF THAT WAITER TO FLIRT WITH HER DATE IN FRONT OF HER FACE.

"Do you wanna go somewhere else?" Morgan asked

So, they are currently walking at a park nearby quietly walking side by side with Celine wearing Morgan's jacket. And behind a tree, their friends stalked them. "You really do attract a lot of people" started Morgan. Celine looked at her questioningly "I saw that waiter giving you notes"

Celine laughed "Oh, that. No, no. That was nothing" she replied. Morgan nodded dissatisfied. Celine walked towards the centre of the park where there is a fountain with Morgan trailing behind her. She watched the cascading water.

"Marry me" said Morgan all of a sudden. In shock Celine turned to the person behind her "Marry me, Celine Michaelson"

For a moment, words were stuck on Celine's throat. She didn't know how to react and to say.

Morgan kneeled in front of her and held her hands "marry me and allow me to make up for the things that I did. I'll prove to you that I regret leaving you. I love you, Cel" she paused taking out a ring from her pocket "I love you and I wanna spend the rest of my life with you"

Celine, still in shock was covering her mouth with her hands. After all that sank in, she nodded and kissed Morgan. And right on cue, the fountain lit up and blasted water in the air "Course, I'll marry you" she replied and kissed the other girl again.

"Oh, so now the plan works" said Yana coming out of the bushes surprising Celine

"I know right. I think it only works with Morgan" Westley replied

"What is going on?" Celine asked 

"Morgan this time needed out help to get you guys back together" Yana replied 

"And mission accomplished" Westley added 

"Next time pick a better place" said Morgan remembering that waiter 

"Oh, that! yeah, we told that waiter to give the notes to you as prompts and not to Celine" said Westley  

"Well, it looked like he was flir--" 

"Hey, hey. It's fine. I told you that was nothing" Celine assured Morgan "And you dont have to be jealous now that we're getting married" 

Morgan smiled at that thought.

Months passed, and they got married at the vineyard and decided to live there, yada, yada, yada. After a year, they decided to adopt a chicken, I mean child named Maeveryn

"Don't go running off too far" Celine told the girl

"Yes, ma!" the girl replied gleefully

They watched her run around the park with their puppy named dusty. Celine sat next to her wife who was smiling at her "you're so bossy" said Morgan. Celine then pinched her at her side "aw! Babe! That hurts"

"You were saying something?" Celine asked

"Nothing, nothing" Morgan replied massaging her side

"That's what I thought" said Celine

"I love you boss ma'am" Morgan told her wife having finally recovered

Celine blushed but she hid it "I love you too" she replied and leaned in for a kiss

"Eww!" said Maeve

Her parents turned to her "Come here you!" said Morgan pulling her into a hug "You smell like sweat!" she added tickling the little child.

(A/N: Aight. See you in the next book)


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