Arshi FF Friendship to love

נכתב על ידי innocentdoll2017

79.7K 2.8K 134

ipkknd עוד

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16(last)

part 11

3.8K 177 7
נכתב על ידי innocentdoll2017

Arnav:answer my question truly

Khushi:ya sure arnav do say wt u wana ask?

Arnav:wen I was flying d kite…der was a person…..he paused who called me Specky!!!!!!!!!!!

Khushi(in thunder shock thinking)-omg!wt hav I dne??,I hav to settle dis b4 arnav get suspicious on dis thing…

Khushi:uffo arnav..den dat person must nt hav called u..she must hav called some one named specky..y r u bothering abt it leave it..

Arnav:a sec wen did I said she called me????..n hw come u knew dat only she is d person who must hav called me specky

Khushi (starts stammering):i..i mean she or he…must hav sentence was incomplete..or its must b ur hallucination


Khushi:ya bcz only u heard so no-one elz heard it?

Arnav(thinks):who must hav called me specky??its only khushi who called me by dis name has she came back?,m damn sure its nt my hallucination..all of sudden after 6yrs y wud I get n hallucination?,no something is fishy I need to find out..

Khushi:wel doc said u gna get discharged by tomorrow


Khushi(having a fear in her heart…wt hav dne..nw m sure he wil b suspicious abt dis…nw I hav to b very careful wit the things..)

Next morning


Arnav got discharged n his room..n arnav was nt taking medicines

Khushi brings juice for him,..

Khushi:here is ur juice mr.raizada..hav it firstly..i wil giv u,ur medicines..

Arnav:m alright khushi..i dn't need medicines now..

Khushi:I guess u hav gne u hav been hitted on ur head..spelling out rubbish talks..


Khushi:no wt n pot..hav dis medicines n juice right nw…otherwise I wil leave for lucknow right nw as u neva listen to me..

Arnav:wt ?nw from wer lucknow's departure came in betwn??k fine I wil hav it… N one more thing u wil nt go anywere

Khushi:ok…fine bt atleast hav d medicines nw

Arnav hav's his medicine

Anjali cums in d room..she sees arnav finally having medicines

Anjali:wow chhote ur having ur medicines dat's great,thanx krusha ji

Khushi:dn't say thanx to me di I knw him to tackle very well..after all he is my best friend

Arnav (smiles)

Anjali to krusha:krushaji u bought a life to my chhote..thank you very much for dat

Khushi:I hav nt dne anything di..he deserves to b happy n so he is…so plz dn't favour me for dis..

Anjali(thinks)-no krusha ji u hav dne a lot for him n dis family…I wish u always stay with him like dis..

Anjali leaves from d room

Arnav says krusha

Arnav:krusha can u give me d wallet left der..

Khushi:ya sure

While handling d wallet to arnav she drops d wallet….wen she picks up d wallet she is shock to see d girl's pic in d wallet..she was none other den…she herself..wit her specky..

She is jus staring at d pic..

Arnav:krusha wt hpn?

Khushi comes out of her senses she stammers:pic..picture..

Arnav:oh d girl wit me?,she is my best buddy my everything… khushi.

Tear drop from khushi's eyes….

Arnav:I m finding her from last six wit n unsuccessful note…she is my biggest strength..weneva m in a prlb..i always talk to one mistake..led me to her loss..i wil neva forgive myself for dat….,I wish she comes back in my life..wer wud b she?hw wud she b?…(evn arnav is crying describing abt khushi)

N krusha u know wt..u r same like u cannot totally replace her because my khushi was unique…

Khushi gives him d wallet…holding d pain in her heart she rushes to her room…

Khushi sits on d floor n starts crying..

Khushi-no no specky!!!!!!!!!!!i juz cn't believe dis.. I thought u must hav forgotten no u hav d same attachment holding wit me..i neva thought after dat day u must hav faith in me…,I always thought dat u hated me to d core of ur heart,bt no…ur d stil specky of mine,..(she wipes her tears),no specky I need to say u d truth dat m khushi nt krusha…she gets up n runs towards arnav's room bt as soon as she  enter..d room she she lavanya hugging arnav..

Lavanya to arnav-asr u must take care of urself(saying dis she kisses him on his cheeks)

Khushi turns back aftr seeing dis swallowing d pain…she recalls wt lavanya said her 6yrs back…dat shud nt interfere in dier life..

Khushi(thinks):if I wud say d truth to arnav..he wil b obviyo b happy..n dis tym he wud neva let me go! my presence in his life wud again b a heck for him…no I cn't say my truth…

(tears running from her eyes)..n she leaves from der..

D next day..

Arnav was very tensed..

Khushi comes wit d juice n medicines…

Khushi:arnav hav ur juice n medicines first..after wards u carry on wit ur work

Arnav:krusha keep it der I wil hav it later

Khushi-no ur having it now…I wil nt leave until u hav ur medicines..

Arnav(shouts):I said u keep aside I wil hav it later dn't u unstd in a word?

Khushi(was surprised wit arnav's behavior))(n evn arnav realizes dat he hav shouted on khushi)

Arnav:i..i..m really sorry krusha…I m sorry I mean I was so.. I din came to knew n screamed on u…i..i..

Khushi(stops him)-fine arnav..ur tensed right?

Arnav:kind of…

Khushi:wt's d prlb?,dn't u wna share wit me?

Arnav:r opposition industrial manager nk..hav stolen n important file from d office..wer r industries major layouts r been posted in v hav to get dat layouts in 24hrs…if dis layouts r out in market..den r industry wil..commit a major loss..i seriously dn't know hw to tackle out..

Khushi:first u sit down n v wil find out d solution…(dey bth sit on d bed)

Khushi gives him medicines n juice…

Arnav haves it..

Khushi:dn't worry v wil surely find out d way…v stil hav 24hrs with us right?

Arnav nods positively..

Khushi goes in her room..n thinks how to get arnav out of dis prlb..

Khushi den calls aman..

Khushi:hello aman,krusha here

Aman:ya krusha

Khushi:I wana know something important from u..

Aman:sure krusha say

Khushi:who is dis nk?

Aman:nk?bt y u wna know abt him?

Khushi:plz aman who is he?

Aman:wel,he is r industrial rivalry…he always uses wrong way to meet out d success..for him life is juz a cabre dance wit wine n alcohol jingles a casinova…he is a very irresponsible person…

Khushi:wer does he stay?

Aman gives her d address..

Khushi got a plan in her mind..

Khushi moves to his place in a sexy red gown having a (naqaab)on her face..wr only her eyes r visible...

Camera around a shoulder..

She enters his home..wer watchman does nt allows she says him dat nk has called him n if he does nt allow her to go in den he wil surely pay for it..watchman allows him to go inside..

Khushi(after looking nk):hi mr.nk!!!!!

Nk turns around..his eyeball peeps out looking at d sexy lass in front of him..dough her face was covered..den too she was lookin damn sexy…

Nk takes her to d room

Khushi serves him with alcohol…

Nk already had a lot(nw nt in his senses)…

Nk pulls her towards him..ur so sexy…he removes her naqaab..

Wooow u r so beautiful…was abt to khushi pushes him away..

Khushi-I wil favour u wit wat u want,bt firstly temme wt wil u giv me?

Nk:wateva u say jaan

Khushi:okay,say me sumthng dat no-one knews xpect u..

Nk(thinks):xcept me?..oh ya der is one thing…,I hav stolen out d layouts from raizada industry ..d best layouts of dier upcoming experiments..which wil b sold out In d market..wit a greater price n poor raizada wil b poured with a loss….(he laughs)

Khushi:woow!!!really???, hav u already sold d layouts?

Nk:no baby..r industry tag is to b haunted on dat layouts so after 24hrs it wil b dne..n after dne wit d tag v wil sell dem under r industry name..

Khushi:den u must hav kept dem reserved right?

Nk:ya I hav placed dem under d ice-box.der is a locker I hav placed no1 wil evn get a clue..dat some one cud hide d papers under d ice box..(he laughs again)

Nk:so baby comon..he comes forward..towards her

Bt khushi takes out a syringe in which unconscious liquid is filled..she injects him on his hand..(nk falls dwn after d injection)

Khushi(smiles):in ur dreams baby!

She soon hurry up..towards d ice box…sees d locker bt keys..

Khushi:wer must d keys be?..,den she recalls,if d papers r under d ice box in a locker den keys must b in ice-box..(khushi covers her mouth wit naqaab again)

She soon searches in d ice-box..n den she finds d keys..she soon opens d locker n take away all d layouts of R industries

Meanwhile wen she bends down…her hault backless back is visible between d two mirrors wer she is searching..

*der is a wound on her back which is visible in d mirror n captured in d camera…,d same wound she got six years back wen she was injured while saving arnav..

D next morning:

Arnav receives a parcel in his room

Having a note on d top..

Solution to ur on going problem

Arnav reads it-solution to d ongoing prlb?means?

He soon opens up d parcel…

After opening d parcel he is pleasantly surprised…he hav received all his layout file…he was so so happy after seeing dat..

And evn he founds a cd on which it is written

Truth Confession..after watching dis handover nk to d police as he hav accepted his crime in dis

He plays d cd…

 He finds all d truth..n nk accepting crime….he very happy dat everything is sorted out but surprised n tensed at a part..dat who must hav dne so much for him???..he decides to watch d cd again keenly…to find out d clue of d person..
n after watching it keenly..he founds d gal which hav helped him hav a wound on her no second he recalls d past six years incident…like same wound was der on khushi's back,,he gets restless his khushi back???is she helping she is d one who got him out of dis  big trouble????,y r u playing a hide n seek with me..he gets very restless..n finally stands up breathes strongly..

Nw it has become a  need to find out d truth…khushi it's a promise I wil find u out

המשך קריאה

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