Time Traveler's Log

By OrdinaryHumanoid

20 4 0

Doctor Coshorn is tasked with investigating a metallic sphere that mysteriously appeared on the beach of a ho... More

Day 2: Experimentation
Day 3: Going Back
Day 4: Paradox

Day 1: The Discovery

8 1 0
By OrdinaryHumanoid

Log 1 

11:42 am 

July 23, 20XX             


A large, metallic sphere has been discovered along side a local beach. Each witness claims that the sphere came out of nowhere; That there was no sphere one second until it was there the next. The beach has been evacuated so that officials can dig it up for me to examine tonight.

Log 2 

8:42 pm 

July 23, 20XX                                                                                                                                                                                     

Upon having a closer view of the sphere, I can confirm that it is not made out of any known material. Further observation of the vessel also revealed an entrance on the side with no means of opening. All attempts to pry it open are futile.

Log 3 

9:23 pm 

July 23, 20XX                                                                                                                                                                                     

If only I could go back and tell myself to give up on the sphere. When I finally managed to open it, a horrid stench filled the room. I took a step in and tried to find the source of the odor. The inside was clammy and dark, making the search difficult. The only source of light inside the sphere was a dim screen attached to a wall that displayed the year 21XX. It was when I looked at the floor below the monitor I found the corpse of a half-decayed skeleton. I nearly threw up at the sight, let alone the smell. I immediately complained to my boss, telling him that I had no plans on continuing this repulsive assignment. He told me that he would have somebody 'clean out' the insides if I could continue tomorrow. Of course, I reluctantly agreed.

Log 4 

11:57 pm 

July 23, 20XX                                                                                                                                                                                  

After tossing and turning for hours, I still couldn't fall asleep. I hate to admit it, but all I could think about is the sphere. None of it adds up. The year displayed on the monitor, the futuristic material it's made out of, and the fact that witnesses claim it 'came out of nowhere.' None of this adds up unless... No. That's impossible. There's a valid explanation to all this and I will get to the bottom of it, whether I like it or not.

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