Spectacular Spiderman: The Sp...

By NeoTyson

91.2K 1.1K 294

What happens when Spiderman reconnects with Black Cat after the two departed on bad terms? Takes place after... More

Deep thoughts
An aunt/nephew talk
Moving Forward
Finishing up the date
Checking on girlfriend
Felicia's Penthouse of Fun
The Morning after
Shower Time
Late night talk
Back to the School
A Spider's aggression
New Gang Intro Part 1: The Apocalypse
New Gang Intro Part 2: Monkeys Tail
Spider-man vs. Hydro-man
Spidey Missing?
Night Nurse analysis
Kiss and make up
Reflect and Regret
Arsenic Candy round 2

New Gang Intro Finale: Arsenic Candy

1.4K 23 3
By NeoTyson

Disclaimer: I do not own anything Marvel, D.C or anything I borrowed from other media

New Gang Intro Finale: Arsenic Candy

Determine to deal with this new gang in time to catch up with her boyfriend, Black Cat races to the spot that they are currently heading thanks to what she heard on the police radio. Arriving at the store, Black Cat scopes the scene to find three women wearing gothic like attire robbing a clothing store. Inside the store another set of three had a man tied up, taunting him, as they attempt to steal clothing.

"Untie me! Let me go!" The innocent man pleads but to no avail as one of the girl's steps on top of his chest to keep him still.

"Now what's the fun in that?" She teases. At this point, Black Cat finishes analyzing the field and concludes that she should be able to take down all six of them with no problem.

"Hurry up; I want to get a pretty dress too!" One of the members' shouts impatiently.

"Better make my move now before those brats go too far and that guy gets hurt." Black Cat jumps down from her lookout spot to confront the ladies. "Aren't you all too young to be window shopping?" She quips, getting the girls attention.

"Let's get rid of her! I'm sure there's an animal shelter that will lock her up." One of the girls said, causing Black Cat to stare at her in disbelief.

"Surely you could come up with something better than that right?"

"You about to find out why you shouldn't have mess with the Arsenic Candy." The three Arsenic members charge directly towards Black Cat with umbrellas as their weapon.

Black Cat goes on the offense with her speed to take down one of the girls. This course of action causes the other three that were inside the building to come out to stack the odds, but Cat isn't scared by this. Taking her grappling claw out, Black Cat leaps up in the air to fire her weapon at another member to grab hold of her proceeding to bring the thug towards her and kicks her down to the ground. One of the girl's attempts to strike Cat from behind, but Cat turns just in time to grab her hand and does a rolling backward kick to send the thug flying face first to the building. Eventually, Black Cat manages to defeat the remaining Arsenic Candy in a hard-fought fight but knows that the real battle is far from over.

"It's official; you girls certainly didn't come from sugar, spice, nor everything nice." Black Cat quips before walking over to the store owner to check on him.

"Hey, are you okay?" She asks while helping him off the ground.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks, though some of them got away before you got here. Cleaning this mess is going to suck." The store owner groans at the damage the gang left for him to fix.

"Well here's hoping that I can I get to the bottom of this new fail girl scout gang and stop them once and for all. I would help like to stay and help but I have another destination to head off to." Black Cat runs out of the store and shoots a cable claw at the building and begins to swing towards where Hydro-man, and hopefully Peter, is at.

*Earlier with Mary Jane*

A little bit after telling Felicia about Liz having a conversation with Peter, Mary Jane left the school hoping that Felicia doesn't scratch the cheerleader's eyeballs out from her face. While she doesn't buy the whole change of attitude that Liz is showing towards Peter, M.J would prefer to not turn on the new to see Peters girlfriend arrest for assault. Suddenly her phone vibrates to reveal that Felicia just sent a text to her, the two exchange numbers after discussing the Liz and Peter situation.

Felicia: I talk to Liz, don't worry your name wasn't brought up in the discussion.

MJ: It wouldn't matter if you did or not, for more than likely she will know that it was me that you told about it, but I'm not scared of her. How did it go?

Felicia: Of course she gave me the bad girl gone good speech. Not believing it one bit, though I will play her game for now until she gives me a reason to show my claws.

MJ: Hopefully common sense will tell her otherwise not to do anything stupid. Did you ask her about where Peter went?

Felicia: Nope, she probably would have lied or would of mention that when we were talking. I'm going to head to his place; maybe he just went home early.

MJ: Sound like a plan, keep me posted?

Felicia: Sure thing Redhead.

"Well, there one less issue to worry about. Still, I am concern about Peter." Mary Jane takes a deep breath of relief after closing her phone. Now there still the matter of Peter's change in behavior that despite the confidence boost bothers her.

"I am too." said a familiar voice that shocks Mary Jane. She turns to see Gwen walking up to her in her usual shy stance.

"Gwen, what are you doing here?" Mary Jane questions the blonde and scans to see if her boyfriend is nearby.

"Harry's not with me, and I saw you heading home. So I was going to talk to you until you mention Peter. I know he is upset with Harry and me but didn't think his whole personality would change over it." Gwen said.

Mary Jane folds her arms and glares saying, "I don't see how he's any concern to you after you chose Harry over him."

"It wasn't an easy choice for me! Harry's dad had died, and I would have felt guilty for leaving him during his time of need. I thought you would understand that." Gwen explains.

Unfortunately, Mary Jane ended up finding out about Gwen decision through a depressed Peter at the time, and when she tried to talk to Gwen about it, Gwen had avoided her thus not hearing her side of the story.

"How was I supposed to when you cut me off right afterward? Honestly speaking if it weren't for the fact that Harry used his father's death to keep you as his then I would understand completely. You could have easily been there for Harry as a friend, but instead, you chose him and in the process shut not just me but Peter out during the summer, who you hurt deeply because of your actions." Mary Jane rebuttals before catching herself.

She thought of Gwen as like a sister at one point since she didn't have any real friends in her life, however when Gwen stop talking to her that somewhat hurt M.J for she had been there when Gwen was attempting to win Peter.

"I'm not saying you're an evil person or anything like that, but you made Peter believe that there was a chance for you two. Otherwise, he wouldn't have to break Liz's heart and eventually end up with Felicia. He needs time to heal, and when that happens, it will be his choice if he wants to make amends with you."

Gwen lowers her head in shame before asking in a low tone. "What about us?"

Mary Jane sighs and answers her truthfully, "I forgive you but I not there yet. Anyway, I need to go; maybe we will talk later." Mary Jane heads off to not only to leave before the talk gets awkward but also she wants to do her search for Peter and maybe talk to him about his change. Leaving Gwen alone, Mary Jane fails to see the angry expression that appears on a certain someone's face.

*at the bank*

At a local bank, a standoff is currently taking place as police officers were sending gunshots towards the new aqua villain Hydro-man. However, the bullets do not affect and Hydro-man brushes the cops off by attacking them with his water like abilities. With a smirk on his face, Hydro-man tears down the vault door to witness loads of money just waiting for him to steal for his own.

"With this much money and power, I can soon give Sadie the world if I wanted to." He tells his self proudly and starts to take the money until someone catches his attention.

"Unfortunately that plan is going to remain what it is, a dream that I will be more than happy to let you see through once I put you to sleep." Hydro-man turns to see none other than Spider-man standing where the vault door was at with an angrier posture compare to last time.

"Oh look it's the wash-up spider hero, and it seems you are missing your pet. What the cat couldn't handle water pressure that I lay on her?" Hydro-man tease not realizing how upset our hero is at him.

"Right now, Black Cat is the least of your concern. For you are dealing with a pissed off spider whose ready to kick you watery *ss." Spider-man states as he crunches his knuckles getting a laugh out of Hydro-man.

"Yeah is that bold statement supposed to frighten me? Last I check the last time we fought I knocked you and your cat friend off your pedestal with me claiming the throne."

Spider-man shakes his head at him. "Please, you only caught us off guard. Now I have some tricks up my sleeve that will guarantee my victory."

"Still waiting for the part that I am supposed to piss on myself in fear. However, since you so determine that you can stop me on your own, I don't mind beating some sense into you again." Hydro-man readies his self for round two. Though little did he and somewhat Spider-man realize as their battle begins, Peter's blood boils and the aggressive side of him slowly takes over which can only mean bad things for Hydro-man.


AN: Yes, after who knows how long this story has finally got updated. Between school and working two jobs, it has been a struggle to want to work on my content these days. I am graduating on May 10th, so maybe my schedule will lighten up to where I will feel motivated to write more. Also sorry the update is not super long but hey it's better than nothing at this point. No promise. Also seen Infinity war... still in shock about how things went down in this movie. It's a must-see for all Marvel fans who had either watch all the movies or a comic book fan.

Now on to the chapter, again another chapter for Black Cat to show that she can handle her own and give her something to do when she's not around Spider-man. I decided to push the fight between Spider-man and Hydro-man to the next chapter for you where we get a confrontation about Peter's change in attitude from Felicia as well as his choice to leave her behind will affect their relationship. The talk between Mary Jane and Gwen was written to explain why M.J friendship with Gwen had changed over the summer to try and fill in the blanks and give her some shine as she will grow as a supporting friend for both Peter and Felicia.

Lastly, I want to thank everyone who has shown love to this story despite the long wait it means a lot.

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