Fun & Games[Clove Kentwell]

By libbyy_x

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"Oh, love. its only a little bit of fun and games." One winner, twenty three losers, who will come out on top... More



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By libbyy_x

III: Mission Accomplished


I find myself lay sprawled across another couch in another train, this time a book that im honestly not even paying attention to at this point in my hands over my face. A stylist greeted me on the train, fixing me up in a longer pink floral dress with white roses around the neckline and a pair of white slip on shoes. no heel. my hair was now gently curled in a half up half down style.

Im so incredibly bored, itll be another 3 days before im back home, and going back with district twelve is not looking fun.

District twelve tributes are always so moody and boring, finding ways to die before they get there. This year i doubted it would be any different. I hate my father for this.

But alas, Im finally at the age my twelve year old self claimed id be reaped at. How amazing is that, sarcasm intended. Honestly, i dont know what was going on in my little pea brained head to do this to myself but now im on a one way highway to death.

This ceremony is literally a once in a life time chance, as the capitol citizens do not participate in the games nor ever will so every capitol citizen will be roaring with excitement. How lovely.

I decided that I wanted to participate, and there was no stopping me, as my father put it. Although I believe he was too lazy to discipline mini me. I'm certain an adult could've stopped me. Im sure he just wanted to see that performance, he can have plently more babies.

My father kept it hidden, said it was to be kept in the dark and the ceremony was only to be revealed on the day it was held.

Oh and another thing was to be revealed on that day:

Which boys life id be ruining by participating in the hunger games and having him participate too.

"So, Callista, lets have a chat since we have some spare time." District twos escort, xena , almost demanded. She sounded very controlling and powerful.

I nodded and shrugged, there was no reason why not. I placed the random book down on the sofa beside me and stood up.

"What do you wish to talk about?" I put my posh-talk cover up on again as I sat opposite the woman on the couches and crossed my right leg over my left. I sat as professionally as I could in my lovely new outfit which wasnt very difficult.

"If you were to be in the hunger games, which is impossible of course, what would be your preferred weapon of choice?"

I smirked, I had chosen my weapon very precisely.

I wanted something I could use long range, and short range. That, was throwing knives.

I also had trained in archery and i had a nack with an axe, but i figured throwing knives would be a rare choice.

"My main weapon of speciality is throwing knives, I would choose it because of the fact I can use it long range and short range." I explained carefully, trying not to reveal the secret with a smirk.

"I would also use other things, but you wouldn't need to know."

Xena nodded, clearly not listening.

I was quite glad that she hadn't listened because I wouldn't want her spilling that to district two now, would I?

"How long do we have of this journey?" I quizzed, standing up and walking towards the modern kitchen.

"A couple hours."

I nodded, filling a glass with pure orange juice before leaving towards my temporary room,

"I'm taking a nap."

All I heard was a hum of approval before I slammed the door shut and began sipping on my juice. I wasnt actually going to nap, because then my hair would get messy.

I set the drink down on the shiny bedside table and lay on the bed, turning the tv on.

"Ah, the seventy fourth annual hunger games has arrived."

I sat comfortable and drank my orange juice while watching the television, it was amusing to see last years victor and the arena.

Eventually I set the empty glass down, but instead of sleeping I stood up and fixed my hair. I coiled a few looser curls around my fingers to help them tighten up again. I then neatened my dress up, the light fabric tickled my bare legs as i smoothened it. Once i had, i felt the motion of the train slow quickly to a gentle stop, i dont know how they did that.

"Come on! We've arrived." Xenas voice sounded through the train.

"Okay! Coming." I straightened out my dress a final time before walking out of the room, not bothering to clean away my juice or turn off the television.

I walked off of the train with Xena two paces ahead of me.

"Ok, so you'll do the women's and I'll do the men's. Got it?" I nodded at Xena as we walked onto the stage of district two.

District two looked quite smug, apart from a few odd faces here and there.

"Welcome, welcome!" I faded out from Xena's introduction, I'd heard it one million times plus one before.

I scanned my grey nails, avoiding making myself look like a nosy idiot staring at the crowd.

"Callista, if you please?" I nodded, circling my hand around the bowl.

"I volunteer as tribute!" I kinda figured that would happen.

Well, anyways, that was a waste of time, coulda said it earlier you know.

I'm joking, obviously.

The short girl walked out of the crowd and I found myself staring at her.

She was shorter than average, so I couldn't see how she would have any chance at killing someone.

She walked with pride, though, a smirk plastered on her face.

I'm guessing she caught me staring because as she walked up the stairs, she winked at me.

I looked away, a blush crawling onto my cheeks.

Why was this girl making me blush?

No, callista, you will not grow any other feelings but hatred towards any other tribute.

I looked back at the girl,

"Whats your name?" I held the microphone toward her.

"Clove Kentwell." She smirked slightly, so only I could spot it.

Now I think about it, it may be difficult to avoid feelings.

"Alright, now for the gentleman." Xena pulled the top paper out.

"Cato Hardwell."

Clove tensed significantly and edged away from that side of the stage, she didn't seem scared. But, annoyed almost.

As Cato made his way onto the stage, Clove edged even closer towards the other side of the stage, which was towards me.

The brunette stepped closer to me, nearly tripping over my shoes. I subtly placed my hand on her upper arm, balancing her.

I only did that so she didn't trip and fall, literally, into my arms.

Clove sort of shot me a glare. I crinkled my eyebrows, no need to be a bitch. i was just making sure you didnt look like a fool but okay.

I just shrugged and let go of her arm with an annoyed scowl.

"Shake hands." I spoke into the microphone, motioning toward the two.

They both glared at each other but shook hands.

Then the peacekeepers escorted them away and they were lead into the justice building,

"Ah, I'm going to say hello to their trainer. Just, uh, make your way...somewhere." Xena spoke, trailing off at the end.

"Alright, i will." i spoke cautiously, that was weird. I had around twenty minutes before the train to district three arrived, so i decided to visit the tributes. Why not, i shrugged.

I sighed and walked into the building, scanning the two doors to the rooms intently.

One room had dozens of people waiting outside, while the other had none. Except the one person that waltzed out of it, it was a trainer. The trainer walked out of the room but not towards the exit door, yet towards the other line.

I walked towards the empty door, wanting to talk to someone instead of boring myself by sitting on a chair.

The peace keeper looked at me, "Three-"

I shook my head and silenced him,

"I get as long as I please, you know who i am."

I smirked at his silence as he stepped out of the way and allowed me to walk into the room.

I opened the door, finding the girl sat bored on the other side of the room.

Her eyes met mine in a confused glare.

"What are you doing here?" She questioned aggressively.

"I was bored, what can i say." i smiled slyly at the girl. She eyed me before turning away.

"Not like i can do anything anyway, Capitol Princess." She muttered harshly.

"Exactly." i grinned, taking a seat on the other side of the room. I still sat exactly how i would any other person, my legs crossed elegently a light expression on my face. Clove turned to me, lifting her leg up onto the chair and slouching with her other leg on the floor.

"I dont like how happy you are." Cloves eyes ran across my dress in a judgmental way, "You really get on my nerves."

"I get on a lot of peoples nerves it just comes natural to me." I say with a smile, like i would in an interview at this point it is just to irritate her.

Cloves nostrils flared as her fist clenched, "Happy little princess with a happy little life. I bet you enjoy watching us rip each others throats out."

The only thing i did was force an amused scoff from my throat with a very amused smile on my face.

"May the odds be ever in your favour, Clove Kentwell." I spoke eerily and turned towards the door.

"If only they were in anyones favour except yours." Clove spat, meaning the Capitol.

"Oh, Clove. They are only a bit of fun and games, love." I smiled gently, leaning against the wooden door.

Clove laughed with a look in her eyes like she was going to kill me. How fun was this, how easily i can get to her. I wondered, how much i could throw her off the edge before the games.

I gave her a little wave, opening the door and shutting it behind me softly. i like her.



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