A Walk On Ice

By lesbianecrivain

84.3K 3.1K 1.1K

In an all-girls school, there studies Carroll Coleman and Melissa Madison, who are rivals ever since they sha... More

1: Nothing's wrong
2: Pride
3: Power
4: The meeting
5: Best Friends
6: A Change Of Heart?
7: Sleepover
8: Freed
9: A Phenomenon
10: Working Together
11: Warming Her Up
12: Result
13: Acquaintances
14: Jealousy..
15: Backing Out
16: Moving out
17: Whipped
18: Peruvian Lilly
19: Elections
20: The Out
21: Forgiven
22: The first girl I loved
23: Let Me Drown
24: Work of Art
25: Promise
26: Opening The Book
27: Solace
28: Confirmation
29: Confession
30: Picnic Date
32: Safe
33: Let It Go
Author's Note!

31: Damsel In Distress

1.8K 71 18
By lesbianecrivain


It had been a tiring day for both Melissa and Carroll after everything got revealed and what they did as soon as the confession has been told. They enjoyed themselves, having each other's company, doing what they wanted. Eat, talk, kiss, stare at each other, then eat again just with twist.. They made memories out of doing real simple things. All of what they did is, physically saying, exhausting to say the least; however, if Melissa is certain about one thing, it is that she wouldn't get tired of doing everything with Carroll –now her girlfriend– over and over again even if it may take forever to do everything with her. Melissa might be too young to say this, but she loves Carroll. For now, it is impossible to believe that it will last for a long time, but with love there's nothing impossible as long as its true. Who knows what the future holds for the both of them?

As soon as they finished watching the sun set that emitted rays of light falling upon them, making them looks like real-life goddesses, the girls went home. Carroll had dropped her girlfriend to her house, not without kissing her multiple times before letting her go, of course. Melissa's dad was already waiting by the door that time, demanding an explanation on why Skye came earlier with Melissa's bag telling him that his daughter had left her stuff when she went to ditch school. The naughty redhead thought that it may be a good idea to be vague about it and leave her uncle hanging and lost in his own conclusions.

Michael knows all too well that his daughter does excellently in her studies, but that doesn't mean that she could just ditch school whenever opportunity she got. So, both as a father and a teacher, he will discipline his exact girl copy.

However, whatever he already had in mind vanished when he saw a car halting in front of their gate. Michael was even more confused when both Carroll and Melissa was coming out of the car. When the girls were near to each other again, they giggled as they walked to the gate and rang the doorbell.

"What happened?"

The girls exchanged glances, clueless to whoever Michael was talking to. Melissa was about to explain everything that just happened, but Carroll got a better idea. She shut the blonde up by taking a peck on her lips again, seeming to be unsatisfied with how many kisses they shared just minutes ago before they left the car.

"See ya, uncle!" The brunette chirped before pulling the awestruck man into a hug. Carroll smirked to herself, seeing that Michael's unresponsive to the embrace, before she walked back to her car.

Both Madison's watched as the car revved and started running, its form fading when it already got far.

"We're not done yet, lady." Michael commented, his gaze focused on Melissa, when he composed himself. His daughter in return just chuckled and nodded before they went inside, arms slung around each other.

Dinner was on time, and Melissa took that chance to explain everything starting from the very start. Where she avoided Carroll for days up to the picnic date. Both Hector and Michael were shocked to say the least, but they were happy for her nonetheless. Seeing his daughter's eyes glinting with sheer bliss, Michael decided to not reprimand her about cutting classes, thinking that she can handle it as a piece of cake anyways that just contradicted what he thought earlier.

The blonde quickly dismissed herself as soon as their dinner was done, wanting nothing more than to collapse in her bed, with Carroll if possible but they just parted. She can't stop herself from thinking how soft Carroll is against her. Everything about Carroll is just so soft that she can't do anything but to melt and turn into a gay mess around her. Little did everybody know how soft the ice queen could be. Melissa was glad to have finally seen this side of Carroll, happy to have been the person the brunette trusted with her vulnerability. She knew how hard it is to trust a person, let alone your former nemesis, so she is not planning on this to go waste. Instead, she will cherish all of this and give Carroll every love she missed and deserves.

Melissa's eyes then flickered to her bag resting on her study table. She went to retrieve it, to check if there is homework. She did find a paper, but instead of the list of assignments, she saw a paper folded. Intrigued, she opened it.

The paper said, "Meet me in the parking lot."

It was vague. No names, signatures, or any sign of who wrote it. But after everything that happened today, all blissful, she thought that maybe this was Carroll's doing when she was looking for her. Smiling at the thought, Melissa then slept and set her alarm earlier than usual to surprise her girlfriend and tease her about her writing a paper was a cheesy move, but she appreciated it no matter what.
Melissa fell asleep, thinking how perfect everything has been. So perfect that she thinks she might wake up without everything as if it had only been an illusion all along.

At this very moment, everything that happened to Melissa in the past came running back to her like a strike of a lightning in the middle of a storm in the sea. Everything just felt perfect, and she was right, too perfect. Melissa found herself in a position that she is really familiar with but never even thought or wanted to be in again. Wrists tied hanging over her head, pulling her feet just enough for them to be floating on the ground. Her uniform was dirtied and ripped open, hanging onto her body loosely. Violet and red painted her skin, some part especially her back is now covered with lash wounds. Red liquid is continuously dripping from her forehead, that seemed to be hit with something, down to her neck.

Melissa thought she was safe. She thought that she wouldn't be where she is right now but look what happened. Patricia came like a wrecking ball, destroying all her dreams in a single blow. This is why Melissa is too afraid to drown herself in the happiness she just found in Carroll because she knows that sooner or later, bad things will come right after. And, she wasn't so wrong about that. Melissa groaned inwardly, telling herself that she shouldn't have let her guard down easily.

How stupid of me to believe that I will finally be happy.. This mother of mine is always just one step ahead of me, isn't she?

The wounded blonde does not have an idea on how long has she been in this place nor where on earth she is. One thing for sure is that Patricia brought her somewhere really isolated from the city, where she could be screaming so loud yet no one would be alarmed because there is no one around to hear her screams of help. Neither does she know how much longer she could take hits before she pass out, or worse comes to worst, die.

Melissa squinted her eyes, not having much energy left in her but still she tried her best to open them. After minutes of doing so, she finally got them open and got them surveyed the area. It was spacious, there were large steel exhaust fans, loads or shipment of some sort everywhere, and lights hanging on the ceiling. Seeing the rusty walls, she concluded that she's in a warehouse. But she couldn't see what she's mainly looking for, her mother.

"Well, looks like you're awake.." Something metal screeched against the floor as footsteps were heard behind her. The devil showed herself with a pipe in her grip and her infamous psychotic smile planted firmly on her lips, that caused shivers to run down Melissa's spine. What she saw is a complete psycho, no traces of her mother left, and that terrified her. Who the hell knows what this woman is capable of doing. Melissa tried to convince herself that Patricia couldn't kill, but then she remembered how she used to convince herself in the past that Patricia will eventually learn to love and accept her for who she is.

But did that time come? The answer is right in front of her. She became mad at herself for being so stupid and actually believing that there's still hope left in her mother.

With all her energy left, Melissa growled, "What do you want?"
An evil chuckle bubbled its way out of the woman standing across her with now even a wider grin on her face. Her face looked distorted and terrifying. It was so evil that Melissa got actually frightened of what might happen to her life if she spent more minutes with this woman, alone.

"Now, now, you're being so rude, aren't you Melissa?" She knew that tone all too well and what comes after it. Melissa wanted to squirm and run away, but she knows that it will just be a waste of her time and energy. She is completely helpless. Patricia had weapons with her and her body's in condition while her.. She's slowly becoming a vegetable.

Patricia clicked her tongue in disbelief. "That's not a nice way to greet your mother, is it?" The woman started approaching her daughter while scraping the floor with her pipe, creating a disturbing sound. When she was in feet away from her, she questioned with that sadistic tone, "Do you want to get punished again, Melissa?"

The blonde, who is panicking inside her head, decided to show defiance to hide all her fears. If she's going to die today or tonight or whatever the time is right now, she's going to do it right and face it with courage. She can't let this monster in front of her scare her to death and just win easily. If there's a person here that'd win, that'd be her.

Creasing her eyebrows with a sharp look from her eyes, Melissa spoke up with what she called authority at least she hoped. "I did nothing wrong to be punished. If anyone here has to be punished, it will never be me.. We both know that."

Patricia resisted herself from hitting her daughter with the pipe she's holding. Unexpectedly, what Melissa says actually unnerves her but she didn't want to show that. "Look Melissa," she sighed. "What I'm doing is to protect you! Everything that I've been trying to do is for your sake! You should listen to me if you don't want to go to hell! I'm doing you a favor, can't you see that?"

Melissa scoffed at her mother's poor attempt. Patricia is still stubborn and sticks to her silly beliefs and yet still pushes them onto her daughter. Melissa respected that, but she couldn't when her owns beliefs and rights are being violated by this, what she identifies herself is a woman of morality.

"Look Melissa, it's Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. You get me, dear?" The young blonde had learned that this monster only used that endearment to manipulate her to get what the hell she wants.

Melissa countered, "On the contrary, it is Homo sapien not Hetero sapien, right mother?" With just as much ferocity in her voice. She couldn't resist the smirk that planted itself on her lips when she silenced her mother successfully at that remark. Deciding to taunt her further, she added, "Oh no, you're a homo sapien too then, Patricia? Isn't that right? Or are you going to make another name for your specie?"

"What do you mean by that?"

Melissa's smirk grew wider at hearing her mother's response. "There is more than one species that can be homosexual.. But there is only one specie that is homophobic even after that fact.. Perhaps, that's your specie, Patricia? A jerk?" She received a slap. "How dare you.."

"Well, doesn't that sound better than Homo sapien?"

Patricia growled, unable to take any of her daughter's sarcasm. "We'll see what will happen to that smug grin on your face when I call this Carroll you were calling for.."


"Melissa's mother?"

All blood left Skye's face when she heard those words leave Carroll's lips. Her nightmare came to life. It seems like she is not the only one with the frightened look as the brunette too became speechless.

"Yes, dear. Why do you sound so surprised? Regretting that you've been so rude to me? Well, don't worry, I don't hold grudges.. You could just give me something.."

If Melissa is with her mother at this very moment..alone.. I have to get Melissa as soon as possible.

Carroll thought of all possible and most brilliant things she could do to save her girlfriend from possibly facing premature death. But thinking made itself impossible for Carroll at this time when it is needed the most. As much as Melissa needs helps, she thinks that she needs it too.

"What do you want?" The brunette growled lowly like a wolf protecting its mate from harm. If the psycho needed money, she could easily grant that, but if it's something else then she's not sure..

The woman on the other line released a chuckle. "Funny how the both of you said the same thing.."

"Simple," She can imagine the psycho smiling widely as the gears in her head turned. "You," Carroll was confused but she continued listening. "I want you to come here and watch as my daughter slowly face her death that I should've given her in the past when I got the opportunity.."

The bell rang, indicating that all students must go to their classroom now, but Carroll couldn't care less not when her girlfriend is in grave danger.

"Do you need money? What the hell do you want?" She shouted on her phone, making Emma flinch at the sudden volume of her voice. The psycho on the other line chuckled maniacally.

"I could use some financial assistance," Patricia responded as if in deep thought. "But you know, what I really want is to see Melissa's world crashing down.. So, I propose you come here.."

A low growl escaped Carroll. How did that person became a mother? When all she did was to hurt her daughter and be selfish? Now the brunette is even more amazed by her girlfriend, wondering how on earth was she able to love the psycho even after everything she did to her.

"Why the hell do you keep hurting Melissa? What has she done to you?"

Instead of answering, Patricia chuckled for some minutes. What Carroll heard made her take her phone away from her ears. It was deafening, the sound of something so wicked and vicious hurt her ears.

"Dear," She clicked her tongue in, what Carroll thought as disbelief. "You want answers? Well, you have to come here yourself!"

"Fine." Carroll stated with a firm authoritative tone, hoping that she could at least intimidate the woman. "Tell me your location."

The blonde psycho told her their location but kept emphasizing that she should go there by herself. No police, no assistance of someone, no one, she has to be alone. Of course, Carroll told her she would come by herself but she's not stupid enough to fall into a death trap. She had a plan. They will cut classes, go to the police and report. Skye told her that they wouldn't have a hard time reporting to the police because they are already looking for Patricia.

They all went to report to the authority after Carroll ended the call. The brunette told them everything she knows. To their surprise, Carroll was as calm as the sky as if nothing horrible is currently happening. It amazed the police. The brunette told her plan to them; surround the warehouse, no sirens, no lights, remain their stealth, snipers on top of the warehouse just in case needed. They all agreed to her plan because it is similar to what they have thought.

Carroll decided that she will face the psycho alone without involving any of her friends. At first, Skye was stubborn but Georgina convinced her not to come but instead go to Melissa's family. Carroll gave Georgina a look, which says how thankful she is for the save, before walking to her car.

She has to save her damsel in distress.

* * * *

Holy crap. My head hurts more than anything. It's not just that, forget it, my whole being hurts. I can feel the burning on my back and the bruises beginning to form on all parts of my body. This piece of hell just had to beat me again. Not just beat, torture me with that metal pipe and whip of hers. It's not helping that I haven't had any foods or drinks yet. I swear, if she hit my head one more time with that pipe, it will come off. I feel so drained, I need water badly. Maybe I could die of dehydration. How long has it been? Hours? Days? No, not days, I can still see the daylight.

I don't know what time is it right now, but I'm sure I wouldn't be able to withstand this for much longer. I need help, anything I could get. I kept screaming earlier when I still had energy left, but to my demise no one heard any of my screams. Knowing my loving mother, she probably brought me somewhere secluded from the city or what. So genius yet evil, so Patricia. If in the past I couldn't call her by her first name, now I would gladly do it. She hasn't been a mother to me ever since I came out and trusted her. She took advantage of her power and vented her irrational anger on me.

What's worse is that when her call with my girlfriend ended, she became even more aggressive and kept beating me with that devil metal which never failed to knock me out every damn time. I think, it is now my third time waking up from suddenly being knocked out. I swear to god, if she continues this I might not be able to witness another day again.

I shake that thought off my head. No, I have to live. For my family, friends, and my Carroll. They're waiting for me and they believe in me. I don't know if my dad already knows what's going on, but I hope that he doesn't blame himself on this if he finds out. As for Skye, she shouldn't blame herself nor her parents. If there's anyone here to blame, it is me. I'm so stupid for not recognizing her handwriting. I was distracted and I let my guard down.

"Well, that girlfriend of yours got some nerves, yeah?"

I couldn't help but to smirk at her observation, feeling pride rise in me. What can I say, I feel so proud of Carroll. If she wanted to intimidate this psycho, she succeeded just like how I believed she would.

"Indeed," I agreed, for the first time. "My girlfriend takes no crap and I doubt that a person like you would be able to change that." I told her almost spatting every word at her. Patricia didn't seem to be enraged like how I expect her to be, instead her lips curled down while her eyebrows rose as if impressed. "No wonder you fell for her," she again commented, which I again agreed with. It's a wonder how calm she is talking about this.

"Well, Carroll is wonderful.. That word alone is not enough to describe her.." I got so lost in talking about her that I hadn't noticed my mother standing in front of me. With curiosity in her grey eyes, she questioned, "You really like her, don't you?" I nodded firmly. "Like is an understatement; I love her more than she knows.."

I eyed Patricia carefully. It seems like she's studying me. Maybe..she would now listen to me? Maybe she changed her mind? Am I a fool for having hopes in her?

I got my answer when she spoke up.

"Disgusting." It was full of distaste as if to show how grossed out she is by the fact of me loving another girl. "I can't believe that you have my blood in you.."

I just let out an exasperated sigh at her remark. If she wouldn't give me a chance to explain everything and if she wouldn't bother listening, then there's nothing I can do. If she would just listen and open her mind, then maybe everything would be all right.

I murmured, "It's not different with heterosexuals.." Waiting for something to hit me somewhere, when there is none, I continued speaking. "It's just two people loving, the same as them.. How could you not accept not.. It..it hurts but I guess I can't do anything to change your mind, mother.." I mumbled the last word to myself, knowing that she hates me addressing her that way. I forced my head down as I felt tears flowing freely from my eyes. Not helping, crying would just dehydrate me more.

"I love you Melissa, I really do.." She says while stroking my cheeks. I wanted to let myself melt under her touch, but I couldn't. I know that something will come after that statement. Something horrible.

"But I just can't accept you being the same as the person who broke my heart."

Her hand left my face to land a slap on it. I winced but didn't beg her to stop hurting me. I don't want to give her the satisfaction of me begging. If she wanted to hurt me, then she could do as she pleases but she will not get any complaints from me. She circled around me. A few minutes later, I felt the metal piece of crap hit the back of my knee, making me stumble and tug on the rope above my head. Crap that hurt. I feel like my knee would give up, but no I have to live. Not satisfied enough, she lashed my back. My back burning at the touch of the whip. I can already feel the wounds turning to scars. It's painful, yes, but if I ever survive here they would be marks of my strength. Although, somewhere in me is still afraid of being reminded of how they were made.

Patricia stopped.

A chuckle left me. I closed my eyes, too tired to keep them open, before I said, "Already tired?" I am taunting her but I couldn't care. If I'm dying today, I need to at least have angered her so it would be worth my death. "Well, keep on going I'm still alive, can't you see? You want me dead right? Then you have to do better than that.. Perhaps use that metal on my head to end this suffering of mine.. If my death would make you happy, then do so.. Then I could finally rest and tell myself that I made you at least happy even for once in my life.."

No answers.

"Mom," I know she doesn't like it when I'm calling her that, but I'm surprised to not get any hit. "Mother, come on.. J-just.. Let's not w-waste time.. Don't waste your time on an abomination, come on! Hurry up! Do everything to end this quickly!" I kept on taunting her. I even suggested her ways to kill me. "You could shoot me in the head.. Or keep hitting my back with that pipe.. Or strangle me to death.. Wrap that whip around my neck and kill me.. You can just stab my chest.. Or cut my head off.. Do everything that suits you!" I told her with a maniac smile. "Come on, mother! You have done this in the past.. What keeps you from doing now?!"

Finally, after what felt like a millennium, she responded. No, chuckled, but it was enough to let me know that I'm not alone. "Dear, you just wait. We are still waiting for one company.. I like the sound of beheading you and giving your head to Carroll like some sort of reward.. You like that?"


Patricia chuckled. "Thought so.."

"Let her out–"

A loud thud interrupted me from continuing mid sentence. Someone must have come. "Oh well, well," I tried opening my eyes, but they were just too beaten that I couldn't even open them. "I see a young brunette with sharp emerald eyes.. Is this yours, Melissa?"

After few attempts of opening my eyes that are really heavy at the moment, I see a figure of a petite girl standing by the entrance of the warehouse. She wasn't far yet she wasn't close, but I can clearly tell that she's Carroll. Why did she come here!?

The person took steps towards our direction. Patricia then walked to meet her. "My, my, what a catch.." The psycho commented as she looked my girlfriend up and down. Her stare at Carroll didn't make me comfortable, it was bothering me. After a good minute of looking Carroll up and down, she said, "No wonder you have my daughter's heart.."

Carroll groaned. "After what you've done to her, how dare you call her daughter?"

My mother was of course taken aback by what Carroll said, I mean I am too but for different reasons. Carroll being authoritative is kinda hot, I know that I shouldn't be thinking about this kind of thing right now but I just can't help it, okay? Carroll is so damn hot.

"God, you are repulsive.. So feisty, I like it.." Patricia nodded to herself. "Now that I'm here, let Melissa go."

My loving mother cackled at Carroll's command. I don't know what's ridiculous in that though. I'm pretty sure Carroll has something under her sleeves. I know her, she wouldn't come here without anything planned. And knowing Carroll, her plans are brilliant. She can't just come here in the battlefield without weapons with her.

"Straight to the point?" Patricia turned her head to me. "I like this girl!" She said while pointing a thumb to Carroll, who never in my life had I seen her eyes hold so much fury. It is greater than when I was still pissing her off endlessly. I can't help but to wonder what Carroll has prepared for my mother. She came here without any weapons or anything at all, just by herself. Carroll couldn't have possibly fallen for the psycho's death trap, has she?

Patricia took a step toward Carroll, who took a step away. "Dear," the woman chuckled while shaking her head as if in disbelief. "I just want you to come closer, I'll be torturing.." She trailed off, something ticking in that pathetic head of hers. No, she looked like she's about to..

The woman grabbed Carroll by the wrist, twisting it behind her before grabbing her other hand. Smiling to herself, Patricia continued what was left off, "You." Her stare wasn't directed to me but to the girl she has held captive of. Instead of asking Patricia to let her go, Carroll did the contrary. "Cooperate and I will make sure you get out of here alive." The brunette's tone was so serious that I had felt shiver run down to my spine.

"You got a nerve to threaten me, yeah?"

Carroll smirked. "Well, I'm a powerful person, what can I say?"

"You can wipe off that smug grin on your face, lassie. You won't be able to move a muscle after I'm done with you." Patricia turned to me. "Melissa, which do you recommend me to use first huh?"

For some reasons, I suddenly felt alive and felt my energy coming back to me at the thought of Patricia beating the life out of Carroll. I started to pull on the rope above my head, moving and squirming in attempt to break free from these ropes. "No!" I shouted. "If you want to kill me, then just do it! Let Carroll out of here!"

"Oh dear, that only fueled my desire.. Come on, I'm giving you choices! Which one–"

"When I get out of here, you are going to regret it, Patricia." I menacingly growl. With a sharp and determined look in my eyes, I told her firmly, "I will completely forget that you brought me to this world, and I will hunt you down myself. Do you understand that, mother?"

Not taking my words seriously, as I've expected, Patricia just scoffed. "I told you, you're not getting out of here and that's a promise." I will really hunt her down when I break out of these stupid tight ropes.

I turned my gaze to my Carroll that is still captive. Her emerald orbs, that were once cold, stared back at my ocean pools with so much warmth in them as if silently telling me that everything will be alright. It's all I need to keep fighting the darkness that is slowly consuming me.

"Ms Phillips, I suggest you cooperate with me and let Melissa go."

"So persistent," Patricia commented. "And what can you do? Call the police? Like you would even be able–"

All of a sudden, Carroll switched their positions. She moved too fast that I couldn't comprehend what just happened, but their places have changed. Carroll is now holding Patricia's wrists behind her. The brunette then repeated, with her tone dead serious, "Cooperate and I will give you mercy."

"I never will."

Before I know what the hell is happening, I see Patricia falling out of Carroll's grip. She had escaped, and now they're fighting. I hate being so helpless here, Carroll doesn't even know how to fight. Well, as far as I know, she doesn't fight.. But seeing how well she has been blocking and attacking Patricia, I think she took lessons.

"Dammit," I grumbled. "Patricia, stop!" Both of them turned to me. Carroll seemed to have uttered something under her breath, taking advantage of Patricia's distraction. Before I know it, the psycho is falling face first on the ground. SWAT began to fill the area as soon as Patricia is losing her consciousness.

Carroll quickly came to my side, inspecting and examining my body. I can feel her gaze piercing me and I couldn't help but to feel ashamed of how ugly I must have looked. I started feeling insecure. What if she didn't want me after seeing all of me?

A woman, wearing the colors of the SWAT, came to us and helped me out of the ropes. Not so long after, I felt darkness finally achieve victory and take full control of me. I let myself fall into Carroll's inviting and warm arms, hearing her say, "Stay with me, Melissa, please.. Melissa.." I was sure she kept saying more and held onto my hand the whole time I'm being moved somewhere. But before I collapsed, I mumbled something under my breath which I wasn't sure if Carroll heard it exactly.

“I love you, Carroll.”

• • •

I know sorry for the drama and the violence, you haven't been warned but it has always been part of this story. Sorry if any of you are not comfortable with that!

Anyways, thanks for reading!

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